Woulda had a clear shot...

Again, I'm not seeing the difference between shooting a deer and drowning a dog. They're both torture, aren't they? Either way at the end of the day they're killing animals.

Killing a deer is instant death. They don't capture it, torture it, and then give it a terrible death such as drowning, choking, fighting, etc. They also don't get baby deer to feed to big deer.

Do you have any idea the torture that food companies commit on animals like chickens and cows? They torture THOUSANDS of animals on a DAILY BASIS. Why aren't they in prison?

Yes, I do, and any company who tortures animals should be prosecuted as well. It is against the law, as far as I know.

I don't mind that they kill chickens and cows who have had full lives a cow and chicken would've had anyway, because, at the end of the day... there's a point to it. A dead cow and a dead chicken ends up serving a purpose in feeding people.

Now please answer me this... what the fuck does killing dogs to do for society? What?

I'm not condoning the torture of dogs. I just think that if instead of cute little puppies they were snakes or something than 99.9% of America would have absolutely no problem with this, and would probably chuckle about it.

Who gives a fuck about a snake though, man? They're reptiles who serve no purpose in this World, other than scaring and hurting people.

Dogs, on the other hands, impact millions and millions of lives every single day in a very positive way. That's why there's a different standard.

It's just an unbelievable hypocrisy in my eyes. It's okay to torture and maim some animals, but not others? Hypocritical.

Anyone who tortures an animal is sick to a certain degree, but yes... at the end of the day, if you torture a snake and a dog, I'm going to feel much worse for the dog. Why? Not because they're cute and cuddly. For the fact I've had a dog for nearly my entire lifetime and I know first hand just what incredible animals they are. And my dog Sadie is as ugly as they come, but you know what? She's the sweetest fucking dog in the World and the type of dog those sickos capture to feed their pitbulls.

Sorry, but 2 years for a hundred dead dogs doesn't seem right to me. Not when people torture and maim hundreds of other species on a daily basis with no problem whatsoever from the government. You know damn well if dogs were ugly as hell, had 5 eyes and fucking tentacles coming out of their backs then no one would give two shits about how many of them were tortured.

Like I said, Sadie is butt ass ugly, and my other dog Sissy is as beautiful as they come, but I love them both the same. Looks don't mean anything. Dogs have personality, just like monkeys do. Monkeys aren't used as pets for most ordinary people, but if someone reports that Tom Brady has tortured and killed hundreds of monkeys... people would downright hate him. Monkeys aren't fucking attractive animals, are they? No. It's just animals like dogs and monkeys come across more human than most other species, so yes... they're held to a different standard.
You've just proven my point about hypocrisy JMT. You said it yourself, it's okay to torture and maim some animals, but not others. Which is bullshit. Who the fuck decides that a dog's life is worth more than a snake's? I'm sure someone who grew up with snakes as pets would feel just as strongly about them as you do about your dogs.

You've never been hunting have you JMT? Because it's hardly ever an "instant kill". Many times the animal is sitting there bleeding to death, convulsing in it's own guts. If that doesn't qualify for "torture", I'm not really sure what does.
You've just proven my point about hypocrisy JMT. You said it yourself, it's okay to torture and maim some animals, but not others. Which is bullshit. Who the fuck decides that a dog's life is worth more than a snake's? I'm sure someone who grew up with snakes as pets would feel just as strongly about them as you do about your dogs.

Please don't put words in my mouth, X. I never said it was okay for people to torture certain animals. Please show me where I said that? I said I would feel worse for a tortured dog than a tortured snake; however, that still doesn't make it okay to torture a snake. Also, you must've of missed when I said before that, that anyone is sick to torture ANY animal.

Moreover, please point me in direction where someone captures and tortures snakes on a daily basis? It doesn't happen. However, it does happen to dogs.

Have you ever even owned a dog, X? How would you feel if you had a dog for years, one of your best friends, only for it to get stolen and then fed to a pitbull? Wouldn't you want justice to the person who did that to your dog?

You've never been hunting have you JMT? Because it's hardly ever an "instant kill". Many times the animal is sitting there bleeding to death, convulsing in it's own guts. If that doesn't qualify for "torture", I'm not really sure what does.

No, I haven't and I never will. But I'm pretty sure if the deer is lying there in pain, the hunter will quickly end it for him/her. I know it's fucked up, and I hate thinking about it, but it's still nowhere near as bad as what happens to dogs who partake in dog fights.
The thing is though... what if it were humans? What if he was torturing children in his home, drowning them and all of that? It would be on a whole other level from dogs and, of course, he would recieve the worst punishment possible. I'm sure nobody could disagree to that, but it's still hypocritical. We're animals too. Animals are held at different standards, whether we like it or not. It's same on the other side as well. Someone who refused to eat meat and protests the harm of animals could step on an ant like nothing. That's an innocent life being taken away. I don't really have a side, I guess. Just something I thought I'd put out there.
I wanted to see Michael Vick pay dearly for his crimes, and he did. What he did was unbelievably fucked up, but, as everyone has said, he's paid his dues, and he should be allowed back in the NFL.

I'll have to agree with jmt225 here and say that this is quite the heinous crime though. In the Western world, dogs are domesticated animals that pretty much trust and love their owners unconditionally; they are just like really young kids, in that they'll come up to you without any hesitations because they don't know any better. Unfortunately, kids grow up and become more discerning, while dogs do not.

I could see if people didn't see the fuss about this in some Asian countries where they eat dogs, but, dogs are pets to us.
I wanted to see Michael Vick pay dearly for his crimes, and he did. What he did was unbelievably fucked up, but, as everyone has said, he's paid his dues, and he should be allowed back in the NFL.

I'll have to agree with jmt225 here and say that this is quite the heinous crime though. In the Western world, dogs are domesticated animals that pretty much trust and love their owners unconditionally; they are just like really young kids, in that they'll come up to you without any hesitations because they don't know any better. Unfortunately, kids grow up and become more discerning, while dogs do not.

I could see if people didn't see the fuss about this in some Asian countries where they eat dogs, but, dogs are pets to us.

just as the cows we eat are sacred to them?
What's more sad is that Leonard Little and Donte Stallworth actually killed people and received less jail time than Vick?

So are we saying that killing dogs is actually worse than killing people?
I think the difference was the element of intent.

I can see that. I don't really think what Vick did is horrible compared to what others have done. I believe the main reason why Goddell is adding on the suspension is that he doesn't want Vick to be the main story going into the NFL season.
In India, yeah. Culture undoubtedly plays a big part in this, I can't deny that. But, my point still stands about how dogs are/should be treated in the US.

I dont think it does though. Are and should are two totally different things. Animals are animals. Cows are innocent and trusting to. I would be willing to bet the number of cow attacks in the US are quite a bit lower than dog attacks. Jus sayin. When was the last time you heard of a pack of wild cows attacking and ripping apart a small child was?

you dont. Why? Because cows are good people damn it.
I dont think it does though. Are and should are two totally different things. Animals are animals. Cows are innocent and trusting to. I would be willing to bet the number of cow attacks in the US are quite a bit lower than dog attacks. Jus sayin. When was the last time you heard of a pack of wild cows attacking and ripping apart a small child was?

you dont. Why? Because cows are good people damn it.

All right...I think you should apply for a position at The Onion.
TSnugs I was really hoping you would catch onto that reference. For shame. Someone will get it.

Really though, its the same thing. Americans are just narrow minded morons who think the entire unverse should operate on the boundries of their local culture a lot of the time
TSnugs I was really hoping you would catch onto that reference. For shame. Someone will get it.

Really though, its the same thing. Americans are just narrow minded morons who think the entire unverse should operate on the boundries of their local culture a lot of the time

What does this have to do with ethnocentrism? It's perfectly fine if, to me at least, dogs are eaten or massacred in countries that have cultural reasons for such actions. Please tell me what the reference is, though...I don't know where it's from.
TSnugs I was really hoping you would catch onto that reference. For shame. Someone will get it.

Really though, its the same thing. Americans are just narrow minded morons who think the entire unverse should operate on the boundries of their local culture a lot of the time

I'ma add to that, NorCal.then when a point like this comes and the arguing is done, peopel will say stuff like Alf said about if he ever saw someone have a dogfighting ring he would shoot them on sight. To which I replied with a question about if he saw me holdign a cockfighting ring(different animal, same method of having it, and i told him it's perfectly legal) would he shoot me on sight?

I mean, I get tdigs's position, but some people go way too far with this.

here's alf's post if you want to read it over.

Well. That sounds quite interesting. I'm proud of your wife, I'd tottally shoot a man if I saw them fighting dogs myself. Stupid barbarians is what they are.

X was right, we need to reread the definition of "barbarism."

Vick paid for his crimes, because dogfighting is illegal. that's why! he served 2 years for it, he's out and he wants to get his life straightened out. Good for him to do so!
This. Ever seen a cockfight. lol


In the case there's confusion lol.
I've seen roosters fighting each other in the farm I used to live on. That shit was brutal enough. Add in all the shit cockfighters do to their roosters to get them fighting ready, and you've got yourself one fucked up sport.
Please don't put words in my mouth, X. I never said it was okay for people to torture certain animals. Please show me where I said that? I said I would feel worse for a tortured dog than a tortured snake; however, that still doesn't make it okay to torture a snake. Also, you must've of missed when I said before that, that anyone is sick to torture ANY animal.

I wasn't trying to put any words in your mouth JMT, I'm sorry if you got that from my post. I wasn't talking about you being some kind of hypocrite, I was simply talking about the majority of Americans who are out there calling for Vick's death over this, while at the same time supporting the cattle industry with no problem. Not talkin' about you man, you know me better than to think I'd try to put words in your mouth.

You kind of missed my whole point. I said pretty clearly that torturing dogs, snakes, or fucking cockatoo's is wrong and sick in every way. I'm not here trying to defend Vick, he's a piece of shit and I could care less if he was skullfucked to death in a Brooklyn alley way.
:lmao: My thoughts exactly. He paid his debt off by spending far more time in jail then normal people that have gotten the same charges have. The man has the right to get back to trying to get his life back on track, and getting back into the NFL. I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but the man paid his debt, let him be now.

As a Quarterback in the NFL, no he has not. He paid his debt off as a citizen of the US for crimes that only a truly fucked up person would commit and he repeatedly lied about. He deserves a suspension, and a long one at that.

Donte Stallworth should also be kicked out of the fucking league. Sick of these NFL clowns. Get rid of them.

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