Woulda had a clear shot...


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
On Michael Vick's meeting with Roger Gooddell, leading to his reinstatement:

espn.com said:
He (Michael Vick) met with DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Players Association, last Tuesday and, on Wednesday, he sat down with Goodell at a security firm in Allendale, N.J.

I am the next town over from Allendale. If Becky had known this, she'd have bought a sniper rifle and tried to become a Humane Society martyr.
Well. That sounds quite interesting. I'm proud of your wife, I'd tottally shoot a man if I saw them fighting dogs myself. Stupid barbarians is what they are.
but!! but they are so cuddly and cute!! Animals have rights too!!!

*bites into a cheese burger*

:lmao: My thoughts exactly. He paid his debt off by spending far more time in jail then normal people that have gotten the same charges have. The man has the right to get back to trying to get his life back on track, and getting back into the NFL. I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but the man paid his debt, let him be now.
Well. That sounds quite interesting. I'm proud of your wife, I'd tottally shoot a man if I saw them fighting dogs myself. Stupid barbarians is what they are.

...So it's barbaric to train dogs to fight, but it's not to murder a human being? Right. Perhaps we should take a look at the word "barbarism" again.
Wow, some OVERT ignorance in this thread. Anyone who has ever eaten a steak, or a bic mac is justas guilty as Mike Vick. He just did it to animals with more charisma than cows
He was fighting dogs? Guessing there's more to it than that, what did he do?

He killed a few dogs, trained them to fight and whatnot. Never heard of dogfighting Becca?

Guy's paid his dues, he should be reinstated.
The man held a fucking dog ring in his own home, and tortured and killed hundreds of dogs for no reason other than his own sick pleasure. Not mention the drugs and whatnot that took place there. Also, the fact that Vick constantly lied to the prosecutors and police, and also failed drug tests while awaiting sentencing.

He got what he deserved, end of story. He's lucky he didn't get worse.
Wow, some OVERT ignorance in this thread. Anyone who has ever eaten a steak, or a bic mac is justas guilty as Mike Vick. He just did it to animals with more charisma than cows

:lmao: :lmao:

That's how it works Norcal. It's only okay to kill animals that aren't cute and cuddly. If cows looked like fresh born kittens the meat business would be out of business overnight.

I'm all for protecting animals and preventing their abuse, but some of these people who think people should DIE over something like this is just fucking stupid.
:lmao: :lmao:

That's how it works Norcal. It's only okay to kill animals that aren't cute and cuddly. If cows looked like fresh born kittens the meat business would be out of business overnight.

:lmao:. Lambs are incredibly cute. They're nicer on my plate though. Lamb FTW.
The man held a fucking dog ring in his own home, and tortured and killed hundreds of dogs for no reason other than his own sick pleasure.

And how is that different from hunting, a perfectly legal and acceptable "sport"? It's okay to torture and kill some animals, but not others?

Not mention the drugs and whatnot that took place there. Also, the fact that Vick constantly lied to the prosecutors and police, and also failed drug tests while awaiting sentencing.

He got what he deserved, end of story. He's lucky he didn't get worse.

I disagree man. Guy got nearly 2 years for some dead dogs. Sad, but hardly worthy of 2 fucking years in prison.
Well. That sounds quite interesting. I'm proud of your wife, I'd tottally shoot a man if I saw them fighting dogs myself. Stupid barbarians is what they are.

Let me get on that line.
Hypothetically: If I hold a cockfight in my backyard, and you saw me, would you shoot me? Same deal with cockfighting. I can drug up the roosters and give em vitamins to get em up to the weight class i want, and off i go to make myself some money. And keep in mind that where im from it's legal, and it's called a "gentleman's sport"

Again, would you shoot me?

You're threatening to stop a dogfight with fucking murder. get your shit straight, man.
And how is that different from hunting, a perfectly legal and acceptable "sport"? It's okay to torture and kill some animals, but not others?

Let it be known, that I don't believe in hunting either. But there is still a HUGE fucking difference between shooting a deer, and torturing a dog. They actually do TORTURE, X. They drown dogs, they choke them, they fight them to the death. Do you not see the difference?

Also, how about the fact they don't just fight dogs? What they also do is buy puppies and feed them to their pitbulls. How is that not sickening to you? Moreover, in a lot of cases, they go as far as to steal dogs from people's homes to use as training for their pitbulls.

The people who partake in that kind of shit are sick and deserve harsher punishment than they receive.

I disagree man. Guy got nearly 2 years for some dead dogs. Sad, but hardly worthy of 2 fucking years in prison.

It wasn't just for some dead dogs. It was for killing and torturing HUNDREDS of dogs, lying to the authorities, and failing drug tests.
Let it be known, that I don't believe in hunting either. But there is still a HUGE fucking difference between shooting a deer, and torturing a dog. They actually do TORTURE, X. They drown dogs, they choke them, they fight them to the death. Do you not see the difference?

Also, how about the fact they don't just fight dogs? What they also do is buy puppies and feed them to their pitbulls. How is that not sickening to you? Moreover, in a lot of cases, they go as far as to steal dogs from people's homes to use as training for their pitbulls.

The people who partake in that kind of shit are sick and deserve harsher punishment than they receive.

It wasn't just for some dead dogs. It was for killing and torturing HUNDREDS of dogs, lying to the authorities, and failing drug tests.

you DO understand how they kill cows for burgers right? Gunshot to the head, eltrocution, or drowing. Same shit man.
Let it be known, that I don't believe in hunting either. But there is still a HUGE fucking difference between shooting a deer, and torturing a dog. They actually do TORTURE, X. They drown dogs, they choke them, they fight them to the death. Do you not see the difference?

Again, I'm not seeing the difference between shooting a deer and drowning a dog. They're both torture, aren't they? Either way at the end of the day they're killing animals.

Do you have any idea the torture that food companies commit on animals like chickens and cows? They torture THOUSANDS of animals on a DAILY BASIS. Why aren't they in prison?

I'm not condoning the torture of dogs. I just think that if instead of cute little puppies they were snakes or something than 99.9% of America would have absolutely no problem with this, and would probably chuckle about it.

It's just an unbelievable hypocrisy in my eyes. It's okay to torture and maim some animals, but not others? Hypocritical.

Sorry, but 2 years for a hundred dead dogs doesn't seem right to me. Not when people torture and maim hundreds of other species on a daily basis with no problem whatsoever from the government. You know damn well if dogs were ugly as hell, had 5 eyes and fucking tentacles coming out of their backs then no one would give two shits about how many of them were tortured.

Maybe we should start a thread on this...
Again, I'm not seeing the difference between shooting a deer and drowning a dog. They're both torture, aren't they? Either way at the end of the day they're killing animals.

Do you have any idea the torture that food companies commit on animals like chickens and cows? They torture THOUSANDS of animals on a DAILY BASIS. Why aren't they in prison?

I'm not condoning the torture of dogs. I just think that if instead of cute little puppies they were snakes or something than 99.9% of America would have absolutely no problem with this, and would probably chuckle about it.

It's just an unbelievable hypocrisy in my eyes. It's okay to torture and maim some animals, but not others? Hypocritical.

Sorry, but 2 years for a hundred dead dogs doesn't seem right to me. Not when people torture and maim hundreds of other species on a daily basis with no problem whatsoever from the government. You know damn well if dogs were ugly as hell, had 5 eyes and fucking tentacles coming out of their backs then no one would give two shits about how many of them were tortured.

Maybe we should start a thread on this...

Take this to the Cigar Lounge?

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