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Would you watch a one hour WWE Network women's wrestling show?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Here's the problem I have with the Divas Revolution on the main roster. Vince will not give the currently loaded women's roster enough time to really progress storylines. I know this is probably a bad week for it, coming off Paige and Charlotte ending Raw (though I'd argue the middle hour of Raw is actually the main hour), but we know it will go back to five minute matches pretty readily once Wrestlemania season kicks off.

With the allotted time on weekly WWE broadcasting there simply isn't enough time to tell stories that don't revolve around the women's title. When they try to cram more people in they get a mess like the faction wars feud we just came out of. So now we have a situation where the likes of Becky, Sascha, Brie and the rest are kicking their heels whilst Paige and Charlotte do their thing, waiting to be the next one picked to go in to a one or two month feud with the champ. That's without even talking about the talent in NXT waiting to be called up. So what's the answer?

Well the Network has proven to be a great stomping ground for NXT so why not try out a one hour women's wrestling show in a similar manner? Try and grab the Full Sail vibe by having the show taped from a similar sized venue and see what happens. What's to lose? The Network gets additional programming, the WWE gets a fresh show that could draw in new fans (girls, Total Divas fans), the NXT fanbase would probably switch over and you could still showcase the female athletes on Raw and Smackdown segments. What's to lose? You'd have to take the women off the house show circuit for two to three days one week of a month, but they still sell regardless.

I'm just thinking a roster of Sascha, Bayley, Paige, the Bellas, Emma, Becky, Charlotte, Dana, Asuka etc. deserve more than what they're currently being given. I'd argue they deserve their own show.
It really depends for me.

If it involved the women who can actually wrestle, than yes. And I actually suggested such a thing a few months ago in another thread on here.

But if you try filling the wrestling show with matches consistently involving Brie Bella, Summer Rae, Tamina, Cameron, Eva and other divas then there is simply no way it can succeed.

Now, the other thing you could do to try to make it appealing since it would be internet only and no TV rating would be to sneak in some different "Attitude Era" style gimmicks. Let the women capable of being great in the wring actually wrestle and let the women who are simply eye candy do other things...

For instance, I don't want to watch Brie Bella wrestle weekly on TV or a network show... but put her and Nikki in a tag-team bra & panties match as one of the 4 matches of the show and there's a huge draw.
Honestly....no. Listen, I would love to see the divas succeed just as much as anyone else...but they simply just aren't good enough. They wouldn't be able to fill an hour long weekly show by themselves. Only 1 or 2 divas are actually "okay" on the mic/ring skills. The rest are sub par. Despite them being in the company for years, I am not seeing much improvement from most of them.

I will give props for the bellas over the past year. They improved and I wish Nikki was still champ. She is a great heel.

I like the divas in small doses. What they have now is good enough.
We already have a one hour show it's called Total Diva's. Watched one episode and went ugh. Maybe they could instead of getting into the fact that Nikki Bella wants her eggs frozen, show them actually training for their matches, instead of stupid other shit.

No I'm not picking on Nikki Bella, it's just the episode I watched, that was all it was about. Is there really enough Diva's around to put on an hour show each week. I'm afraid it would be just a rehash of what we see on RAW.
Dear topic starter, you don't really understand what's going on in WWE.
WWE choose the ones who will get the majority of programming no matter what (males of females), everyone else is just there.
Example: primary male programming have around 5 hours of TV time (without NXT, Main Event and Superstars), how many wrestlers there does really have anything non pointless to do? 10? 15? From around 50!
Divas segments is all about Bellas, Charlote (because she is Flair's daughter) and Paige, this will not change if they get their own 1 hour show sadly, only will get worse.
Remember when Raw got 3 hours everybody on the internet thought "well, now midcarders will have their own storylines and names like Zack Ryder will get more TV time, because these guys are talented and deserve it"? Look, how this one turned out - same 10 guys got more time (i not even want to start to calculate all the time Authority promos about nothing eat each week), midcarders got nothing.
WWE is all about existing big names or guys choosen by them, nobody else, no matter the talent, get anything important.
What's to lose? The Network gets additional programming, the WWE gets a fresh show that could draw in new fans (girls, Total Divas fans)....

Ever hear of two prime time drama shows in the past two seasons called 'Black Box' and 'The Firm?'

You haven't?

That's the point. I thought they were terrific shows; brilliantly written, produced and acted. Problem was, not nearly enough people watched them to justify renewal for a second season.

This is how I think an all-diva sports entertainment program would end up. There's too much prejudice against women's wrestling to make it viable. Look at this forum, where we like pro wrestling.....if we won't watch it, how does WWE get non-fans to tune in?

If a viewer looks in and sees some of the gals who can really wrestle, perhaps they hook on and become fans......but even though I'd love to see my gender make strides in this area, WWE would lose too much advertising revenue by not having enough people become constant viewers.

Would I watch? I'd give it a try, for sure. No guarantees after that.
It can be good but the better choice would be to give credibility to the time they are already receiving.... 2 ppv matches can be good one for title another as non-title.... But the main point is to make the division more credible and as interesting as men division..
To give a one hour show to the females does that mean the other shows would be males only? I prefer keeping it mixed, Watching 7 or 8 male matches in a row its a nice change having a divas match or two in between, I would like to see them main event more shows but I think splitting the male and female roster is a horrible idea.
What is their to lose? Lots and lots of money.

Do you know how expensive it is to produce a wrestling show the likes of WWE's programming? To invest in something that there is clearly no demand for would be a terrible business decision. Yeah there are a few girls who should be spotlighted that aren't right now, but I don't think there's nearly enough depth to carry a full hour show all by themselves.

Would I watch it? Probably, but a lot of others probably wouldn't. Which would just make the Diva's look like shit even more in the end.
There never has been nor will there ever be "enough time" concerning all the various programs, storylines and angles concerning any aspect of any pro wrestling company. It's nothing new, never has been anything new and this ultimately strikes me as, ultimately, a dressed up "everyone should get some kind of push" scenario.

If WWE wanted to make a one hour women's wrestling program, it [B[MIGHT[/B] be something worthwhile, but that'd depend on the direction of the show, who's making the final creative calls, how the women are portrayed, etc. If it'd be an actual wrestling show and not a "reality show" in the vein of Total Divas, that'd be another plus. The Total Divas reality show on E! does offer more of a look at the women but, at the same time, it's a "reality show" in a market that's insanely oversaturated with "reality shows" and I'm not ultimately interested in knowing who the women are away from the ring.

As has been mentioned, however, there's quite a bit to lose and it's namely money. I don't know where this notion of WWE having limitless financial resources comes from or that producing a wrestling program or even a wrestling promotion within the already existing promotion is as easy as picking your nose and bears no impact on the financial bottom line. You also have to consider the historical fact that women's wrestling all on its own has never been a draw in the United States; if there's any company that has a shot of changing that, it's WWE but WWE isn't going to just toss money at something that they don't have enough confidence in and just hope for the best. Simply tossing more money into the mix was what Ted Turner did, or at least one of the things he did, for WCW and we all know how that ultimately turned out.
Depends on wwe and how they handle it. One of the big problems with the divas division is that wwe doesn't allow those who can work to actually work. We get short matches because people like The Bellas can't work longer matches. If they treat the show like the treat the divas matches right now, there is no use in having the show. However if they were going to treat it more like NXT where the women can work longer matches and you will see people like Nattie who can actually wrestle, then I would be all for it as I think there is some great talent on their roster who we don't get to see that often. My concern would be that the show becomes the dumping ground for talent - The Bellas continue doing their 5 minute matches on Raw but Nattie works 20 minute matches on the Divas show that doesn't get the attention. I get that you don't have to be the best wrestler to be the most entertaining but you do have to be entertaining and it seems a lot of the women they like to push can't wrestle that great and are not really entertaining.
I wouldn't even watch 1 woman's match, there's no way i would sit through an hour of that garbage.. I haven't been invested in a diva since Eve Torres, not sure why but none of the divas have my interest anymore. They're all boring, and i'm talking about their personalities.. The divas roster now is better than it's ever been when it comes to ring skills, but their personalities and characters are terrible.
Depends on the content. Would it be the same matches over and over again with no major purpose other than the occasional Divas Championship match? Would it be more like NXT in quality but with only divas? No thanks. Even if it were up to the same quality of wrestling as NXT, I'd still rather everyone of both genders be on the main two brands. There's only about a dozen divas who could be on it unless you include the NXT divas. With a small roster it might be tough to fill one full hour weekly without having the same matches over and over again just to fill the hour slot. I'll pass. They get featured more on Raw and Smackdown now than they did before the revolution and the quality of the division has improved, so it's better to let it keep improving the way it already has been. Not a fan of the divas having their own wrestling show. I'll say this though, it'd be better than Total Divas at least.
I abso!lutly WOULD the Divas division would probably be combined with nxt and abso?utle!!!! Give them their own world, televion,USA, and tag belts

Would have a whole hour to showcase the great ones with filler, so that would help thwpeir revolution more than anything.
The only way this would work is if they separate the Divas from the Main Roster into their own subsidiary. NOBODY is going to watch spliced matches from RAW/SD/ME/SStars/NXT. I would love to see WWE recreate the World's Women's Wrestling Association (WWWA), and bring back the World Openweight Championship. They can have the women have their matches at Full Sail on Thursday nights, and have them go on the road 2 days out of the week. You have your jobbers, mid-carders, and ME's already their to start this off. If it is going in the right direction, bring in upper-level women to compete under the brand under the stable umbrella of WWE. However, if you do it like you do SStars and Main Event? Where the Divas wrestle the first match and nothing else and call it the Women's show? It will be gone before it hits the air.
It would end up stale real quick, as the Roster doesn't actually have much depth, and sadly, the girls share a lot of "personality" and moves that would begin melding together.

The top ~5 girls can put on quality matches, but the bottom half of the roster, well they're the models we always facepalm over.

Oh, and the women politics are insane, We saw in the past couple years, AJ Dating CM Punk, Nikki dating Cena, Bre dating DB, and Ashley Flair being Ric's Daughter, ALL influence and corrupt the "main event" of WWE woman's wrestling. This is something that's really kept me from being able to enjoy any of the Lady wrestlers' storylines, as I'm more worried about nepotism than anything. It happens in the men's division plenty, but it doesn't dictate the entire division as much as it has with Woman's wrestling.

NXT having a high concentration of Woman's wrestling has been great, but not overdone to make it stale. I'd stick to that, as it can also be a valve that keeps a trickle of women who can actually wrestle, or at least get over coming into the big leagues, while still giving us entertaining female matches.

One thing that needs to happen before I can actually take any of them seriously, is Total Divas needs to be cancelled. Even the ladies not involved with it, get cheapened by that crap.
Yup. I feel like that would have bigtime potential. I think it's more difficult for the women to shine when they are clearly the 2nd class citizens in the WWE.

Since most of them rarely even interact with the male wrestlers anymore, it would make sense to just give them their own show. Then more than 1 or 2 could actually get a push at a time. There's enough talent to hold down a 1 hour weekly show, easily. Sasha, Bailey, Becky, Nikki, Paige, Charlotte, Emma.....just different combinations of them wrestling is enough to put on a good 1 hour show.

It's time. Women's sports have grown consistently over the years.

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