Would you want to see the Hardyz as a team again?


Getting Noticed By Management
The thread title says it. Do you want to see Matt and Jeff reunite as the Hardy Boyz similar to how HHH and Shawn Michaels reunited as DX? Do you think it would make sense seeing as they had a rather heated feud? And if they were to reunite what would the storyline be?

Personally I think their feud doesn't matter whatsoever when it comes to reuniting. Triple H and Shawn Michaels reunited and they tore each other apart for the better part of two years. Same with the Brothers of Destruction. Matt Hardy has moved to Smackdown, so we could possibly see it happening once he returns. They could feud over the unified tag titles for a few months, would probably be very good.

So what do YOU think...
Honestly, the only hope for Matt Hardy is to have a Hardy Boyz reunion. He can't get over as a heel, even when he fucks over most of the Raw mid-card. As a face at least he gets the "You're Jeff's brother!" pop. Hardy on his own just doesn't really fly nowadays. Jeff's simply too over.

As far as the storyline...hell, just have Matt apologize to Jeff. Jeff will forgive him in the interest of brotherly love, and then they can team up and fuck some shit up in the tag division.

I'm up for it. Would get Hardy away from the main-event for a few, and would help a dying tag division.
Putting the Hardys back together would be dumb. Neither of them have done enough to recover from being put back together as a tag team, but both have moved past the midcard status that all tag teams frequent.

No way should the Hardys be put back together. In wrestling, you should go forward, never backward.
Personally I think their feud doesn't matter whatsoever when it comes to reuniting. Triple H and Shawn Michaels reunited and they tore each other apart for the better part of two years.

This is where the problem lies. Yeah DX reunited, but how fucking long after the feud ended? At least a year or two. The Hardys just got finished with their program what, 2 months ago? Wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense. Maybe like a long way down the road, but I doubt it. Personally, I don't want them to. It would be demoting Jeff, who in my opinion has earned a ME spot, down to workin with his brother again. Maybe if Jeff fully disapearred into obscurity again, but not anytime soon. Matt would be lucky just to be included in the program again.
I think Matt really needs this in order to get over again, but Jeff doesn't. As somebody above already mentioned Jeff is way over, and I think his feud with CM Punk is going good. The Hardy Boyz did all they could do as a tag team. The only way Matt and Jeff could help the tag division is if they dominated it. Edge and Jericho look as if they're going to be split up due to Edge's injury, the Colons are seemingly over, the Hart Dynasty isn't quite their yet, and does anybody really think Rhodes and Dibase can carry the tag team division?
When I was younger, I used to love the Hardy Boyz. Now I just feel if they were to reunite, it would lower Jeff like Sly said. As cool as it would be to have them tagging up again, it shouldn't happen. It has been too soon after their feud, and if anything the timing would be wrong, as Jeff will probably be gone for a while after Summerslam. The only thing that I could see this happening is if Edge and Christian were to reunite when Edge gets back from his injury. Unless Jeff either re-signs with the company, or they offer him a contract after his resting period, I don't see it happening.
I agree, when I was a kid, the Hardy Boyz were the most popular tag team and mid carders.

Everyone liked their action figures as well as their wrestling style. If it was over for the kids then, it should be now. It wouldn't be bad if they were to reunite.

Though, Vince sees them better as singles wrestlers I guess.
I'm with Slyfox on this, reuniting the Hardyz as a team would be a major step backward for Jeff. The Hardy Boyz is something that's over and done with and, to be honest, that's a good thing. They've nothing left to show or accomplish and, if they did reunite, they certainly have no competition at this point.

It's true that Matt doesn't seem to be able to cut it as a heel and doesn't seem destined for main event territory anytime soon. No need to sabotage Jeff's career by making him carry around dead weight. That being said, if Jeff doesn't sign a new contract before too long anyhow, he's just gonna be buried until what remains of his current deal runs out.
As much as I would like to see The Hardys re-unite, it seems very unlikely and I would that WWE would be making a big mistake doing that. Their fued just ended and they were pretty much doing their own thing on seperate shows.

With Jeff likely leaving next month and with Matt out with injury, there would be no time for it. I'm thinking that since Smackdown will be losing Jeff, they wanted a Hardy on their brand, so they got Matt back.

A reunion might work some time down the road, but not now. Jeff will likely remain in the World Heavyweight Title hunt until he leaves WWE. Then, Matt will then return, hopefully making a huge impact. He can try to build up more momentum, then maybe in a few more years, Jeff can return and the rest...
I'm going with the majority on this thread and say The Hardys will probably never happen and shouldn't happen. Jeff may be leaving in 3 weeks, if not he's a main eventer and just had a long feud with Matt Hardy. More like an on again off again feud but since they are being pushed as singles stars there's no way of seing them tag together anytime soon.
The only way I reuinte these two men again would be if they were a "heel" tag team. Matt always said he had to bail his brother out. Why doesn't he put his differences behind himself, and help his brother beat CM Punk for the world title. At this point it would be hard to do because they have already forgone the process of turning Punk heel. However at the last PPV had Matt Hardy come out, and helped his brother win in "heel" fashion I think it would be one of the more enjoyable reunions of all time.

Imagine during the whole match Hardy becomming frustrated by not being able to pin Punk. During the match Jeff tries at times not to lose his cool, but does anyhow. Possibly even at one point Jeff yells out of frustration. Then, the ref gets knocked down. Out comes Matt with a steel chair. Everyone thinks the obvious, and that he is going to spoil yet another chance for his younger brother Jeff. Jeff motions toward his brother in self defense, but stops after Matt tells him to move.

Jeff tries to argue with Matt over the chair, but then stops smiles and embraces Matt. He then steps aside, and tells Matt to have his way. Matt nails Punk in the head with the chair multiple times while Jeff arrogantly applauds him. Matt tells Jeff to go to the top and hit the Swanton. Jeff gives him the thumbs up, and Hardy leaps off of the top with a deadly swanton bomb. Matt wakes the ref up, and he makes the 3 count. Jeff is the champion, and at the end of the match they continue to take shots at a beaten CM Punk. A heel Hardy Boys would be interesting.
No i don't think i would want to see them reunite. They were my favorite tag team growing up and they were so exciting. the reason why i say that is because it will contradict everything about their feud they did. Unless they find out some way to fix that problem.
I agree with truk24. A heel Hardy Boyz would be fresh and exciting although i don't really see it happening
No. No. And more no.

Matt weighs like 462 lbs. now and can barely show up to be "Matt Hardy: Very Average Midcard Guy." So how could he ever be "Matt Hardy: Half of the high-flying Hardyz" again? He couldn't. The only way Matt could be in a team like that was if the team's goal is to bore people every night and watch Matt eat pie and cookies. He's already so lost in the shuffle of the WWE that if his name wasn't Matt Hardy, he'd be looooong looooong gone. Matt is a borefest. Jeff is a boring spotfest unless a ladder is involved. Together... they're just predictably boring. I'd rather see Cade and Murdoch reunite in the WWE to take the tag team world by storm than see the flippin Hardyz again. I'd rather see Techno Team 2000 again (anyone?). I'd rather see Hornswaggle team with a golden retriever than the Hardyz. Notice a trend here?

I won't dump on the idea if anybody else likes it... but to see them together again... I don't want it, and if it happened... I wouldn't be able to care less.
I've stated before that I don't like Jeff Hardy, but he has earned his spot in the main event picture. I think a heel hardy team would be interesting to see but I don't think it could happen for a long time. With Jeff possibly on the way out, and Matt with his injury, plus the fact that they just finished feuding, a Hardy boyz reunion just doesn't seem likely in the foreseeable future. I think that the only way for Matt to actually keep his job is if Jeff plans to come back after a short hiatus. If Jeff plans to be gone for a significant amount of time, I expect Matt to follow him to the unemployment line, where he has belong for a long time.
Like the majority of people in here I couldn't see the Hardyz reuniting any time soon. Perhaps later on down the track we could see it happening but things are pretty uncertain at the moment with Jeff possibly leaving soon. I really liked the Hardyz as a team, as I believe they were one of the most entertaining tag teams in the WWE so I wouldn't be opposed to it happening. I found it interesting someone mentioning the hardyz going heel together. That would actually be pretty interesting, would love to see it happening. Definately would be one of those out of the blue no-one saw it coming moments and I think it would really draw a big reaction from the crowd and lets face it we haven't had one of those sorta moments for quiet some time. The tag division in the WWE is just awful at the moment but neway, I couldn't see the Hardyz teaming up together anytime soon.
I'd rather see Cade and Murdoch reunite in the WWE to take the tag team world by storm than see the flippin Hardyz again. I'd rather see Techno Team 2000 again (anyone?). I'd rather see Hornswaggle team with a golden retriever than the Hardyz. Notice a trend here?

I won't dump on the idea if anybody else likes it... but to see them together again... I don't want it, and if it happened... I wouldn't be able to care less.[/QUOTE]

possibly the greatest post ever period.

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