Would you like to see women compete in a Hell in a Cell match?

Would you like to see women compete in a Hell in a Cell match?

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • Yes - I want to see a diva fall off the top of the cell.

  • No - I don't want to see a diva fall off the top of the cell.

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Yeah that's a great big no on this one. The Divas aren't exactly the greatest example of wrestling talent going today and I've little desire to watch a 2 minute HIAC match. I could sit here and probably name all the reasons why it shouldn't happen, but I'd probably be sitting here half the night. To summarize, the Divas don't have the depth, the Divas aren't taken or treated seriously as wrestlers by the WWE and anything that would make a HIAC watchable, even in the PG Era, would not be seen in the Cell.

Several months back, I was open to giving the Divas a season of NXT. When it happened, of course there were lots of people that prejudged it but I was willing to give it a shot. Well, I saw it and it's been awful, just really really awful. A Diva HIAC match would get almost universal criticism and rightly so.

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