Would you like to see women compete in a Hell in a Cell match?

Would you like to see women compete in a Hell in a Cell match?

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • Yes - I want to see a diva fall off the top of the cell.

  • No - I don't want to see a diva fall off the top of the cell.

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I know it would cheapen HIAC, but they cheapened it by making it a gimmick PPV and they've cheapened everything else that was prestigious anyway. This at least will offer something new.

They're always billing the divas as "smart, sexy and strong" or something to that effect. Lots of people laugh at that, so why not give some of them a chance to live up to it? Put the best divas in there and let HIAC be a touchstone for a curve in the quality of the women's division.

Oftentimes it's viewed that men are far more dedicated to the sport. Maybe even let one of the divas fall off the top of the cell to prove her fortitude?

And oops - I messed up the polls. Pick the closest option, please and thanks.
No...Just no.

Putting Divas in Hell In A Cell matches would not help the Divas gain more respect. There was the I Quit match between Beth Phoenix and Melina a couple of years ago at One Night Stand, and I think that's the limit as far as Divas getting "extreme" goes. We don't see any blood now a days when it comes to Cell matches, and the brutality level has gone down a lot, but still this wouldn't be a good idea at all. When you think of Hell In A Cell, you think of Mick Foley being thrown off of the top by The Undertaker, you think of Edge spearing the Deadman through the cell, you think of Shawn Michaels falling through the announce table, and unfortunately, there was the time where Vince McMahon had his head shoved up Big Show's ass. Do you really want to see Natalya taking bumps on steel steps? Would you want to see Layla or Michelle McCool get thrown into the Cell? The Divas can put on decent matches. Once in a while they MIGHT give us a good match, so I don't think throwing them in Hell In A Cell is really necessary.
HIAC may have been cheapened because it was turned into a gimmick PPV and because they dont throw anyone off the cells or go hardcore anymore but they still put powerful main event matches in the Cell. Putting divas in it even if it's Melina or Beth Phoenix would just be an insult to the match completely. The match is too major for the diva division. I think a regular Cage match is fine enough for them though since Lita - Victoria had a cage match.
Do you really want to see Natalya taking bumps on steel steps?


Actually -- "Yeeeawhhhhh, baby." She sounds so husky. I think she would be the perfect candidate to have steps thrown at her.

Would you want to see Layla or Michelle McCool get thrown into the Cell?


The Divas can put on decent matches. Once in a while they MIGHT give us a good match, so I don't think throwing them in Hell In A Cell is really necessary.

On the grand scale of things, nothing's necessary. Variety is arguably the spice of life, especially in entertainment. I just don't see what's wrong with stretching the threshold. I think it might make others think, "Some of them are willing to put it all on the (figurative) line like their counterparts when asked not to stand there and look pretty -- good for them!"
to be honest i don't care either way. Right now the hell in the cell is total bullshit. It is a match that i am actually less excited by than a regular match. It has turned from a great match to end fueds to a gimmicky match. Its not going to be a brutal match so it might as well be regular. I would rather see a good womens match.

Maybe if the hell in a cell became what it used to be.
Well than it would still need the right divas. Maybe a final match between mccool and neidhart. Or two divas that can take few descent bumps.
I don't want to see the Divas perform in a hell in a cell match. I am a fan of the Divas even thought the division is lacking right now but this is definitely not the match type for them. Hell in a cell is all about ending an intense, emotional and physical rivalry that has been going on for a long time. Matches like Undertaker vs. Mankind and DX vs. The McMahons/Big Show had a long rivalry leading to the match. They had emotion in the storyline heading to the ultimate showdown. So no I don't want to see the Divas perform in the cell strictly because they are not that intense.

Back when Lita and Trish Stratus were wrestling it would have been fine because they could include emotional value and intensity into the match. Anyone remember the hardcore match with I think Trish Stratus and Victoria? Tore the house down. The Divas today would be lackluster at best and the PG environment doesn't help them, and I'm a fan of the PG era!
I voted Yes.

I think that if you got a few good divas like Natayla or Melina and threw them in the cell, they could put on a decent match. If you find someone (boy or girl) that's willing to go into the Cell and risk it all then they should.

Just because the Divas are girls, doesn't mean they shouldn't have hardcore matches. Their gender shouldn't have to do with the type of matches they are limited too.

The Divas need something new to spark up their division and I think if you put some in the Cell, they could gain some credibility.
No, not really. At it's basis, the Hell In A Cell match is to end bitter, out of control feuds. Bitter rivalries. The WWE's Women division doesn't have that. Nothing that will be taken seriously.

LayCool is the best/biggest thing going in the Diva's division. Them in the Cage would be laughable at best, due to their roles.

Honestly, I can't take a Woman's hardcore match seriously.
idk about a hiac match but definitely a cage match, tables match, ladder match, pinfalls count anywhere...

i mean katie lea and beth put on a great ladder match in ovw once and i'm sure beth could work with someone in any of those type of matches..
Can women do hardcore wrestling? They can and they have in TNA and other promotions.

Does it depend which divas are in the match? Of course. Someone as ackward as Kelly Kelly in a regular match does not need to be in a match that might increase the chance that they hurt themselves.

Can the divas put on a good Hell in a Cell Match (or Elimination Chamber Match)? Of course. Some of the divas are excellent. Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Layla all have talent. They can show off their talent in a different environment.

Would I want to see it? Hell yes. I want to see good wrestling and if I had a preference it would be for a good women's match. There is nothing that says that women can't take the same bumps as as the guys.
People actually voted yes to this? Are you kidding me, lol? Womens matches are like 5 minutes, why drag one out and put it in a cell when the quality will be just as boring? No thank you. Never.

Actually -- "Yeeeawhhhhh, baby." She sounds so husky. I think she would be the perfect candidate to have steps thrown at her.

:disappointed::disappointed:And how do you think people sitting in a arena would react to something like that? Sure you would probably get a few people who would cheer, but I'm sure the majority of the audience would be disgusted by something like this.

On the grand scale of things, nothing's necessary. Variety is arguably the spice of life, especially in entertainment. I just don't see what's wrong with stretching the threshold. I think it might make others think, "Some of them are willing to put it all on the (figurative) line like their counterparts when asked not to stand there and look pretty -- good for them!"

I just can't look at this in a positive way at all. A Divas Cell match might discourage a lot of people when it comes to buying a pay per view. Female brutality will not become popular in the WWE. The Divas are mainly sold on sex appeal, and like or not, that's not going to change.
Well, it depends on your competitors. But we may need to get interpromotional here. Girls like Awesome Kong, Hamada, Lita and Trish Stratus never showed fear in the ring. We've seen them do some pretty hardcore stuff. Smashed through table's, broken noses, high risk dives and other stuff normal women do. Add to that WWE's Beth Phoenix and Natalya, who seem to have a much better sense of wrestling than other Divas, and Gail Kim, who has experience in Cage matches and I'd say it is possible. We've seen women's Cage matches in both promotions. And with WWE's current format for Hell In A Cell, we really shouldn't expect as much. So yeah, it's an interesting idea for me.

Then again, I never said I was expecting a good match. It depends on your competitors, really.
I would love to see it now that Lita's back! haha. I'd love to see Lita kick the shit out of Laycool in a cell. To be honest, I would actually enjoy that match... and that would be the first time I have said that about a "divas" match in... years.
Christ no. HIAC used to be, and I say used to be a great match to look forward too. Now they've cheapened the whole blasted thing by turning it into a gimmick. There is no way that any Diva should be allowed near the HIAC.

Women' wrestling at best is crap and letting them fart around in a HIAC match is just plain ridiculous. Jesus this is the division who's biggest match of the year is a Halloween costume contest or a bra and panties match.

If any Diva is going to be thrown off the top of the cage, I want to be the one to do it.
I don't think a hell in the cell diva's match would cheapen the gimmick at all. I just don't think anybody would care enough and that's what would cheapen it. There's barely enough interest in a normal diva's match and there's only been a few diva's over the past years over enough to get the crowd involved. Unfortunately most of them have gone now so I can't see anyone on the roster getting into a fued that would need a HIAC match to resolve it.

They've done similiar things before with hardcore womens matches and they were good. Again the problem though was that no one really cared about the matches because they get about five minutes build up. Maybe if they really put effort into building a good fued between two over diva's it would work but definately not until then.
They've done similiar things before with hardcore womens matches and they were good. Again the problem though was that no one really cared about the matches because they get about five minutes build up. Maybe if they really put effort into building a good fued between two over diva's it would work but definately not until then.

That because not a lot of fans really care about women' wrestling. I'm a woman and I fucking hate it. Everytime the Diva's are on that's an excuse for me to go have a cigarette or get a cup of coffee.

Even for a men' HIAC match you need the proper build to make it work properly not to mention the best suited opponents.

Shit, with the Diva's there isn't enough time left on this planet for mankind to build the match to the point where I personally would watch it.
I voted Yes.

I voted yes because I think that it will make it so that the divas will be taken seriously again and I want to see Michelle's mouth get shut when she gets put threw a cell.

Also I think that divas should be able to compete in cell matches. Also I want to be a wwe diva and I would love to be in Cell matches because when I become a diva I'll actually be able to wrestle unlike some of the current divas.
No. Only because it would expose the HUGE difference in work rate between the men and women. While I do think the women's division has improved in so many ways in the last year or so I just don't see that match helping them any. Shit, look at that sad piece of shit at the last Mania. I wanted my 50 bucks back. Seriously.
If it did happen I'd expect McCool to be one for sure. Melina would be a decent choice, and I think Tiffany could pull it off. But thinking about this I'd like to see Beth Phoenix vs McCool.
It's improbable, but it can be done.

Let's talk hypothetical for a moment... there is a PPV that features HIAC matches where the most important title matches are pitted inside the steel structure. With the Diva's having a title, it's possible for that match to be contested... but you'd need to have a long-lasting feud that captures the attention of the audience. Diva's like Lay-Cool are doing quite well for themselves right now and their personalities can culminate a feud of that proportions (as the LC/James feud caused quite the controversy). There are also tough as nails girls like Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim and Natalya who have been trained to withstand the punishment that comes with getting thrown into cage walls and selling those awkward spots. With other matches on the HIAC PPV card being booked, you don't need the girls to be thrown off the top or anything like that... just a simple "you can't escape" method would be great to end a feud (that's where the heel's Lay-Cool would be good against the tough faces... provides drama).

If we go back to reality... you need the Diva's division to become relevant again for people to care why they are inside a Cell, let alone trying to forge a feud between two girls that's not done just to feature them inside the cell for a first time ever. Also, there are a plethora of matches that the Diva's haven't competed in that are way less intense than a Cell yet... why not dabble with those matches first? So really... it won't happen unless the perfect circumstances arise and the Diva's become relevant again.
Hell Yeah!And I will love to see a Diva falling of the Cell through the announce table.But not in the PG era,in the Attitude Era.Divas given the right storylines,will rip the house apart with HIAC.As for the insult to the match,WWE has already insulte HIAC soooooooo much that adding the Divas in it may spicen things up.
in short, NO absolutely not. maybe when actual female wrestlers like Trish stratus were in there prime, they could pull off hardcore matches but a hell in a cell is not for women. The amount of females with talent enough for a full on physical match like that is very few. (atleast in WWE or TNA)

i would have no issue with a cage match, elimination match but a hell in a cell can be boring as it is without throwing females in there

as to the other part, there would be no fear of one falling off the top, they pretty much banned that now, hence why the cell's have no doors now. Keep the people in, not let them out.
Look I will go so far as to say women can compete in a cage match and get away with it. But HIAC is another breed of animal. You have to utilise not just all parts of the ring, which women already have trouble with, but all parts of the cage and outside the ring. That is why it would be a waste. Like the previous HIAC PPV you8 would have ordinary matches taking place in a cell just for the gimmick of it and the cell itself was completely underused and wasted as a concept. Why do you need a cell if the match is only going on in the ring.

The only match I could currently consider HIAC not being a total waste of time in WWE at all would be beth phoenix vs natalya because both are big girls who can assumedly take a bit of a bump. If michelle mccool or kelly kelly was in that type of match and it went down properly, they would just snap in half.

P.S. HitBatista sounds a little bloodlusting, he wants what happened to mick foley, a guy renowd for being able to withstand bumps and still walk to happen to a WWE Diva!!!..............What a psycho?!
A hell in a cell is not just any match. Historically it has been used as the deciding match for extremely intense feuds. I don't think there can be a divas feud that can be intense enough to warrant a HIAC match. Hence my answer is no, I don't think divas will ever compete in a HIAC match
Are u out of ur mind? lol wwe divas cant even put on a regular match let alone a steel cage one. Off the top of my head there are only 2 womens wrestlers i can think of that would really tear it up in a cage and thats gail kim and awesome kong. Those to main evented an Impact once and had some truely great wrestling matches.

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