Would you have Undertaker retire at Survivor Series?

na it has to be WrestleMania, they could tease it a Survivor Series only to have him return for 1 final dance at Mania. But i don't think he'll ever officially retire until he gets HOF inducted.

Survivor Series is not where he started anyway, that was just his first televised WWF match.
Technically he was still a nobody til he faced Snuka at WrestleMania 7 that made him standout to everyone. and besides Survivor Series is not even remotely close to the same it was back in the 80's-90's a Team PPV it should return to that but it wont.

i wonder too if by some chance they could get Bruce Prichard to come back for one last stint and return as Brother Love his original manager, he could pull it off since he hasn't changed much and obviously Paul Bearer rest his soul can't be used in any form.

My overall guess would be the urn has to play a part in his final demise if there is one. The awesome urn that had the spotlight in it goes out or he ascends to the heavens like in the 94 Royal Rumble and a casket match which was his match.
It makes almost absolutely NO SENSE AT ALL to have him retire at Survivor Series. First off that PPV is crap now and I dont even consider it a big 4 ppv anymore. Second off, the majority of the WWE fan base wasn't even born when Undertaker debuted at Survivor Series..Hell im 22 and I was like 3 months old when that happened. Only hardcore fans would understand the reasoning behind this. This is just another stupid idea by the IWC to try to feel special or better than the average fan because you remember something from a long time ago. Sometimes I just dont understand the IWC logic. So the WWE should lose out on a huge Wrestlemania main event match and put it on Survivor Series? Do you people think before you type this kind of stuff? and Im sure that Taker wouldnt have a problem with this...u know cuz Flair, Austin, Michaels, and Foley all retired at a random PPV and not Mania. This Idea is disrespectful to his legacy and Taker should slap the shit out of anyone that ever even pitches this idea to him.
I would keep the Undertaker Healthy as can be so his streak can reach 25-0 at WM and then put him in a storyline against a major heel like the Big Show. Put them in a match where The Undertaker wins, comes to Raw and end his wrestling days. saying something along the lines that he will never be gone and have him return in points of the year but let him end on a high note like Edge was allowed to do.

To let him retire at SS honestly to me would me the proper point, Where it all began it should end.
This is just another stupid idea by the IWC to try to feel special or better than the average fan because you remember something from a long time ago. Sometimes I just dont understand the IWC logic. So the WWE should lose out on a huge Wrestlemania main event match and put it on Survivor Series? Do you people think before you type this kind of stuff?

Pfft, chill out. It wasn't an attempt to try and look smart by remembering something from the past. It was a mere suggestion to have him pass the torch to somebody while keeping the streak intact pleasing people who don't want to see the streak end and pleasing people who think he should go out on his back, like so many of the other greats have done when they retire. Foley (kinda), Flair (kinda), Michaels and Austin retired at Mania but they all went out losing. Undertaker doing so would mean the Streak ending and I'd be more up in arms about that than him bowing out at Survivor Series.

And, yes, it'd miss out on a Wrestlemania match but like somebody else said, Wrestlemania sells itself. There SHOULD be more big matches put on other PPVs. If the build is big, it makes the event big. And The Undertaker does have a strong link to Survivor Series even if the event isn't as prestigious as it once was.

To be honest, in terms of Foley, that's a situation where retiring in the awesome Hell in a Cell at No Way Out would have been better than 'retiring' in a Fatal 4 Way at 'Mania.
No, even though it's a "Big Four" PPV it isn't prestigious enough for him to retire at. Wrestlemania is his best bet but Summerslam would be okay too if the card isn't top heavy
WrestleMania - IF they end the streak it he should retire at Mania and I can see it now.

Undertaker beats Cena for the championship but takes one heck of a beating, CM Punk who won the other championship earlier in the night cashes in his money in the bank and give Taker the GTS.. Ref counts 1 - 2 - Lights go out and when they come back on Punk is laying on the belt and Taker is gone.

His last match should be at Mania and he should be in the HOF the night before.

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