Would you have liked season 2 better as Nexus?


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So what if the cast of season 2 we're actually picked for season 1 and became The Nexus, would you have liked them better? Do you think they would have been more believeable heel stable? Personally i'm 50/50 on this. Wade Barret plays the perfect leader but Alex Riley would also be a good leader. Kaval and Joe Hennig would be awesome but Skip Shefield, Micheal Tarver and the heel Justin Gaberil have grown on me so I don't know. Also, Percy Watson would be hard to pull off as a believeable heel. What are your're opinions?
Could have worked. But I wouldn't want to see it though. I like the Season 1 group much more. There's a decent group of the season 2 rookies that I have zero care for yet. I grew to form a caring opinion on all of the season 1 rookies rather quickly.

Wade Barrett is to me the best of all of the rookies in both seasons together. So to see him as the leader makes the whole faction much greater. As well as the fact that a lot of them actually makes more sense to be there than the season 2 rookies. After all I wouldn't watch Eli Cottonwood in The Nexus for any amount of money in the world.

It's simple - It could've worked. But I would've probably cared less for them.
No, Season 1 are much better as Nexus. Season 2 don't have that leader, they don't have a Wade Barrett in the group. Could you see a guy like Showtime pulling off brutal attacks? No. This group isn't suitable for a Nexus type thing.
Season One's group of guys just outshine the majority of guys in Season Two minus Alex Riley who I think is the clear cut and rightful winner of Season Two. And if they ever wanted to incorporate any Season Two wrestlers into Nexus than Riley would be my one and only choice. Could you imagine seeing Percy Watson in the Nexus a guy who seems to be more fit for a Santino like role, be a member of an aggressive heel faction? Or a big oaf like Eli Cottonwood bumbling around with Nexus? I wouldn't it would be absolutely ridiculous.

Therefore the only people who we should see after NXT are Alex Riley and perhaps Kaval or Joe Hennig. And I don't even want to see them join Nexus, they should go on their separate ways and build on their singles careers. While the rest of those clowns go back down to developmental or something. Nexus is fine, and the Season Two rookies do not need to be copy-cat bandwagon jumpers. Let's have them do their own thing, is that too much to ask?
Wow that's funny, I was just watching an old episode of NXT where the Season 2 rookies surrounded MVP and I thought "Damn these guys should've been Nexus!" I just care more for (well) more of the NXT2 rookies. With the absence of Daniel Bryan Danielson, Nexus just seemed weak to me. I can't take Slater or Young seriously at all. The only problem is that NXT2 doesn't have that strong of a leader figure among them. So imagine this; a 50/50 best of the bunch Nexus composed of:

Wade Barrett
Alex Riley
Daniel Bryan Danielson
Justin Gabriel
Michael McStupidAssFuckingName
Michael Tarver
Percy Watson (I know I know, but he has been winning me over with his over the top promos. Maybe he could be replaced with Skip Sheffield since that spear looked absolutely sick!)

Now how awesome would that line-up have been for Nexus?
Your absolutely right Spood. The First season guys outshine these guys hands down. Nexus would be smart to get Riley because in him they have a guy who is just as good on the mic as Barrett and also if Barrett pursues a singles career then they have Riley to take his spot. Having a guy like Eli bumbling around would make know one take the Nexus seriously and we all know that Nexus is meant to be taken seriously. And i can never see Percy Watson ever portraying a heel role so yes in that means it is absolutely ridiculous.

The only competitor on NXT season two who should join the Nexus is Riley because of how good he can be at his heel character and because he is the person who i would take most seriously as a part of Nexus from season two. As for Kaval and Hennig they should stay as singles competitors because i think they can really well. In my opinion season two shouldn't join the Nexus because they don't need to be copy cats. Yes lets have them do their own thing to show what they got in the ring
I think overall Season 1 is a better choice, but you never know. I never really imagined Gabriel or Skip being good heels when we first saw them on NXT so some of the guys you least expect could shine in a Nexus role. What I'd like to see is Nexus try and recruit some of the Season 2 guys, with some of them joining Nexus and others fighting against them.

I'm gonna do what "Best At What I Do" did and make my Nexus dream team :p

Wade Barrett (Leader)
Bryan Danielson (Second in command)
Justin Gabriel
Michael Tarver
Skip Sheffield
Michael McGillicutty
Alex Riley
Husky Harris
i don't think that that would be a good idea, some of the completely unrecognizable people from season 1 you can still name, who's that red hed with long hair? That's Heath Slater, whos that black man with glasses? Umm, steve Urkel :lol:
Could have worked, but season 1 rookies are great in their nexus roles. sure they had some goofy characters like skip and heath, but nobody as goofy as percy watson. season 1 rookies are just more believable than season 2 ones and plus they have wade barret,, the best of both bunches.
I personally LOVE Percy Watson and I think he's very entertaining. But as a part of Nexus..... I just don't see it. I'm going to make a sort of "dream team" as well :)

Wade Barret (Leader)
Daniel Bryan
Alex Riley
Titus O' Niel
Justin Gabriel
Skip Sheffield
David Otunga

If I had to pick on of the seasons though, it would DEFINATELY be Season 1. You have the perfect mix of arrogance, high flyers, pure power/strength, amazing mic skills, and great in ring talent. I don't like Season Two nearly as much and the only guys that impress me our Kaval, Percy Watson, and Alex Riley. Nothing is better than the original though :)
It could have worked but it wouldnt have been as good sure Hennig,Kaval and Riley are good and Eli and Husky both could have been good as part of a heel stable Watson and Cannon wouldnt have made believable heels and Oniel just plain Sucked. I would have prefered some NXT 1 and some NXT 2 guys as part of the Nexus, heres how I would have had it

Wade Barret (leader)
Alex Riley (2nd in command)
Eli Cottonwood (The Enforcer)
I think (like some people posting in here) that it would have been better if they mixed up the two seasons. Season 1 looks so strong, so dominant and almost everyone has turned out to be good in their roles. Even Slater and Young, to a degree. Not to mention Tarver and Sheffield, who were jokes during the show.

Season 2 has some good guys, but most of them look gimmicky and simply not as good as the Nexus guys. If they switched out a couple of them with season 1 guys, things would look a lot more even. Like if Harris, Titus and maybe Percy were on season 1, and maybe Slater, Tarver and Otunga or something were on season 2, things would be a lot better, more even.
I think it could've worked either way, with either Season. I actually do like the potential of the Season 2 NXT rookies better then the current Nexus, to be honest. Wade Barrett is great as the leader of Nexus, and I also enjoy Skip Sheffield and Tarver in Nexus. But aside from that the others are either forgettable or like Gabriel could've fit better elsewhere besides being a heel in Nexus. Season 2 though you have Alex Riley (who certainly could've been a leader like Barrett), Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, Kaval, and Eli Cottonwood who would've all been interesting in Nexus as heels and actually could've brought some better individual personalities that could've broken out on their own afterwards to the group then the current Nexus has.

But Nexus is working right now, so what's it really matter?
I don't believe the two seasons of NXT would be better with each other, I believe they will better against each other. It would be a great push for all 14 guys! And on top of that, any 2 of the 7 guys could form their own tag team within a faction, and take the Unified Titles. Just think about it, Nexus vs. NXT V2!

Minus Eli, of coarse.
I think (like some people posting in here) that it would have been better if they mixed up the two seasons. Season 1 looks so strong, so dominant and almost everyone has turned out to be good in their roles. Even Slater and Young, to a degree. Not to mention Tarver and Sheffield, who were jokes during the show.

I agree Prax. For season 1 they seemed to take almost all of their top tallents from FCW. Obviously they didn't take all of them, because that's leave FCW tallentless, and there'd be nobody for a second season. There are still a few good guys left for a third season if they scrape the bottom of the barrell for filler guys.

Season 2 has some good guys, but most of them look gimmicky and simply not as good as the Nexus guys. If they switched out a couple of them with season 1 guys, things would look a lot more even. Like if Harris, Titus and maybe Percy were on season 1, and maybe Slater, Tarver and Otunga or something were on season 2, things would be a lot better, more even.

The problem with that is that (Otunga excluded) the season 1 guys would cpmpletely upstage the season 2 guys. Tarver would destroy the others on the mic, and probably in the ring too. And Slater would look a hell of a lot better in the ring in comparason when the top 3 workers aren't miles ahead of him. And as for the three S2 guys transferred, I pity the fools who have to share the limelight with Barrett, Gabriel and Danielson.

You said it the first time, the Season 1 guys were better, and mixing them a little wouldn't change that.
This is an interesting question. To me, in season 1, the spotlight actually seemed to be more on the the pros than the rookies (although I will admit I didn't watch episodes where they were running obstacle courses and selling programs and all that nonsense). So in season 1, I didn't feel like I really knew who most of these rookies were, the only ones who really stood out to me in any way was skip (because he was turned into a joke), and bryan because of his feud with the miz and cole. No one seemed to really shine in the ring, and even by the finale, I still didn't really know who barrett was or why he was still around.

Now that nexus is running around, you still don't really know much about these guys, they are just mindless interchangeable drones, outside of their barrett mouthpiece.

On the other hand, I feel like season 2 of nxt has really taken the spotlight away from the pros (in fact, the presence of the pros around the rookies seems pretty inconsequential) and we have a better idea of who these guys are, individually. So for that reason I think it's easier to think that season 2 would make a better nexus because they seem more like a group of unique individuals than a mob full of unknowns and unimportant folks.

Also, and this may just be based on what I've seen of each, it seems that in general, the folks from season 2 are better in the ring than season 1.
We can't really say as we haven't seen season 2 be the nexus. However I think the current nexus play their role very well in the WWE and I love them :p
Without Barrett-(including the firing of Danielson) the Nexus pretty much blows IMO!! None of the other 6 have a good combo of in-ring skills & mic work. On the other hand- I'd say there are at least 3 or 4 guys in season 2, that have that combo. McGillicutty, Riley & Harris for sure- and maybe even Cannon all have both. I cant say much bad about Kaval- but WOW...he struggles big time on the mic! Good thing for him- he kills it inside the ring! I love me some Percy Watson- but he'd be impossible to have as a heel. Way, way, WAY more impossible then Slater or Gabriel or Cannon.

If IM Wade Barrett: I start recruiting season 2 guys to join the Nexus, either after the season is over. Or even after individuals are eliminated. Then after i've added Harris, Riley, McGillicutty, Kaval & Cannon...then I convince Brian Danielson to come back & join in the fun that is Nexus. Then I start kicking season 1 guys to the curb. Starting with Heath Ginger, and not ending until they are all gone except myself & I guess I'd keep Sheffield. Just cuz hes beast looking.


Those 8 guys bring the Nexus back to thier original number (before the bullshit firing of Danielson) & all 8 of these guys (IMO) have very nice futures in the business. I dont believe in the Nexus being so bad-ass rightnow, when they technically only have 2 legit 'bad-asses' in the group. Slater, Young, Gabriel, Otunga & Tarver: Im sorry- but I dont see "IT" in any one of them. Especially as much as I see it in the guys I mentioned above

If I want to see a group of youngsters reaking havoc on RAW- I want them to be believable! This current Nexus group, just does NOT do it for me at all!!


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