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Would You Buy A WWE Blooper DVD?


Occasional Pre-Show
I think a WWE blooper dvd would be a huge hit. It's something they couldn't have done 15 or 20 years ago but could work today since everybody knows wrestling is a work. They could show botched interviews and botched moves in the ring. They could even have a segment on owen falling if it was done in a tasteful but comical manner. I think WWE should have more special dvds like this and the most shocking moment dvds. We've seen just about seen every single match put on dvd already.
Why would we need this DVD with Botchamania around? 200+ episodes of botches from all of wrestling in a comical style. For free.

Also, Owen's death will never be comical. No one's death is comical. That fact that you think it can be funny is sickening and disturbing.
Botched interviews and announcer mistakes would be a possibility but Vince would never sanction a WWE made DVD featuring botched moves, well apart from when he has no choice or control when people mess up on live television. He was fuming when Swagger and Riley botched Swaggers gut wrench powerbomb live on Raw. Riley hasn't really been involved much since then! He was also fuming when Sin Cara and someone had a match full of mistakes on an episode of Smackdown. He made them go back out later on and re-do the match. As for the Owen Hart thing, you're insane!
They could even have a segment on owen falling if it was done in a tasteful but comical manner..

What in the BLUE HELL is wrong with you? Are you joking right now? Call this spam, i dont care but to say that you can at all put THE most tragic time in the history of pro wrestling on a bloopers DVD is absurd. I cant beleive you really put that. You want a joke to be made to a moment that shook the WWE buisness. Go to Hell
When WWE was still called the WWF, they did have a home video called Bloopers, Bleeps and Bodyslams...that was an excellent showing of some stuff you are referring to in your post, perhaps there will be a modern version of this concept soon, see below:


They could even have a segment on owen falling if it was done in a tasteful but comical manner.

Anyway, let's discuss this attempt at trolling, this isn't your first trolling rodeo around these parts, and none of us are doing the memory of Owen Hart any favors by acknowledging you but so be it...


Prepare for a steady stream of red rep and major flaming on the parts of other users on these forums.
Depends on what it was. If it was full of things like booker t calling hulk hogan ***** and the shockmaster tripping over his own feet I would. If it's new jack tossing some guy off scaffolding or sid breaking his leg probably not. Definitely not the shoots or worked shoots or shoots that are works but become shoots only to hide the fact that they're works in disguise as shoots.
Why buy a DVD when it is on YouTube. For this reason, I'm out.
(Just watched Shark Tank, felt like a good time to put that.)

Grandma Says
"You shall go to hell for this. Or would it be heel? Darn you internet kids."
I'd love a Botchamania cropped for just WWE/WCW, in tv+ quality.

I wouldn't want it if WWE's censors had touched it though, the fact botchamania has no corporate filter on it is why it's stayed interesting over 200 episodes.

The things that I like seeing on Botchamania are generally the things WWE wouldn't let go on a DVD purposely.
Oh hell I'll comment on the first part of the thread because when I first read it, I thought "Botchamania". That's actually a good idea except well... Botchamania. It's hard enough watching normal DVD's but then WWE releasing a DVD about bloopers I just don't think would remotely be as good as I would imagine. I just imagine Santino doing his normal comedy youtube video series but expanded and WWE selling it as bloopers.

As for the Owen Hart thing, can't happen, no footage at all because anyone and everyone has checked and we all know it doesn't exist plus the fact that there isn't remotely anything 'comical' about it.
Yes! A DVD filled with botches and interviews with the offending superstars would be fantastic. Owen Hart falling to his death, eh, I could probably do without. The Chris Benoit video on youtube from a few years ago was hilarious enough, but definitely tasteless. To each his own?
Ah, thestud... he complained about the handicapped in 1 thread. He bragged about tasteless pranks in another. And then said most blacks think wrestling is real. Now this Owen thing. He also said before that there should be an Owen action figure.

Hats off to WZ's best heel. He knows how to generate that heel heat. Look at all of you falling for it. Every time. There truly is a sucker born every minute. That's why Cena has any fans.

I think he personally enjoys having threads deleted and posted in the trash section or whatever its called. Maybe he gets a thrill out of Admins deleting/locking his threads. You can tell just from some of his threads and the Owen statement he isn't right.

As far as his idea goes. At least it is a decent idea if you remove the comical death of Owen part. With WWE having the Youtube show Are you Serious i could see them making a dvd release of it if it turns successful. They pretty much go back and make fun of bad gimmicks and mistakes on it already. If its successful i could see em doing more with it.
Owen Hart dude? Really? I'm not even gonna get into that. Your a sick f**k, I hope life gives you everything you deserve. And a horrific STD to go with it.

Now, on to the point. I would buy this DVD. There's a series someone does on Youtube now, titled "Off The Air - What They Don't Want You To See" (it's either don't, or didn't...I can't remember). There's several installments, and they are hysterical! It's alot of pre-show banter between Raw announcers, but there's some funny in-ring and promo footage as well.
What the fuck is wrong with the two people that would want to put Owen's death and The Benoit double murder suicide on a blooper DVD, How can you even remotely think like that you two are sick in the head and you two need some fucking help, Jesus Christ.
Even though it's already been thoroughly covered in this thread, this bears repeating: the idea of putting Owen Hart's death on a "WWE Blooper DVD" is fucking ridiculous. IMHO, it's never okay to poke fun at anyone's death like that, especially in such a public manner (such as speaking about it "comically" on a "blooper" DVD). That sort of thing would only anger just about anyone & everyone, and it's just morally wrong (at least to me, and I'd have to bet the majority of human beings in general). Owen's death was far too tragic to be included on a DVD intended to make the audience laugh. Same thing with Benoit's situation, etc. Obviously events like that were just flat-out heartbreaking, and it would be deplorable of the WWE to call something like that a "blooper" for Christ's sake.

Obviously the OP just wants some negative attention, he must know that mentioning Owen Hart's death and the word "blooper" in the same breath is pretty much unforgivable (in the eyes of most people). He's just like a little kid who just wants attention...he doesn't care if that attention is positive or negative, as long as others are paying attention. Obviously he got his intended result, because it pissed a lot of people off. Bravo, way to make light of a horrible tragic event.

Having said all of that, I'll take the question of a tasteful WWE blooper DVD seriously:

The first thought that crossed my mind when I read the title of this thread was "Why would the WWE want to expose their past mistakes to their audience?". You would think that the WWE would want to ignore their errors from the past, and hope that the fans would forget about them too. You'd think that Vince's ego would be too big to release such a DVD, and he'd rather try to "cover up" the WWE's past blunders.

With WWE having the Youtube show Are you Serious i could see them making a dvd release of it if it turns successful. They pretty much go back and make fun of bad gimmicks and mistakes on it already. If its successful i could see em doing more with it.

Just like itbewilly already mentioned here, the WWE is already producing something pretty similar to the OP's original idea (minus the horrible comment about Owen Hart's death, of course). The WWE is already doing their youtube show "Are You Serious?"...which is pretty much the same thing as what the OP is/was talking about (at least it's the only part worth speaking about). I'm actually surprised that itbewilly was the first to mention the youtube show, and that "Are You Serious?" wasn't even mentioned until post number 20.

Obviously, the content of that show ("Are You Serious?" on youtube) is entirely comprised of WWE's past bloopers, mistakes and other miscellaneous "bad ideas" (eg: bad gimmicks, segments, promos, etc). I would have to imagine that the original idea was to put this show on the WWE's TV network (or OnDemand channel or whatever), but since the release date of the WWE Network got pushed back they put it on youtube instead. Maybe not, maybe a short youtube show (5 mins or so per "episode") was the plan all along; possibly to see if there was an audience for this kind of stuff. Simple internet research would have told them that there definitely is an audience that would watch this stuff, since the wrestling bloopers that are already on youtube (that others have already mentioned and/or linked in this thread) have earned a healthy amount of views over the years.

Even though it might seem like a crazy idea for the WWE to release a DVD like this (exposing their past mistakes and/or bad ideas), I could TOTALLY see the WWE doing it. If there's money to be made from it, you know they'd be willing to do it. It wouldn't surprise me if we saw a DVD release titled "The Very WORST of: Are You Serious? (as seen on youtube)" in the future. Obviously there would have to be a LOT more episodes of the youtube show before we'd see a DVD release (the DVD would have to have a running time of at least 45 mins or so...two hours or more would be better).

Hell, I could also easily see the WWE releasing one DVD every year or so in the future anyway ("Are You Serious?" Season One, Season Two, etc). If the WWE knows that the fans are watching "Are You Serious?" on youtube for free anyway, they would probably figure out that they could make a nice little profit on DVD sales too. If you think the WWE wouldn't release at least some (if not all) of their new youtube shows on DVD eventually, you're crazy. Like I already said: if the WWE thinks that there's money to be made from releasing a light-hearted, tasteful DVD of "bloopers", they'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm actually surprised they hadn't done something like this before now (with "Are You Serious?" on youtube). I know there were other DVDs already released with the same kind of content (wrestling bloopers), but not one actually released by WWE. You'd think since the WWE owns the rights to all of WCW's & ECW's past footage, they would have done something like this already. It seems like a no-brainer, and they should have done that years ago. A WWE "Wrestling Bloopers" DVD would sell for sure.
What the fuck is wrong with the two people that would want to put Owen's death and The Benoit double murder suicide on a blooper DVD, How can you even remotely think like that you two are sick in the head and you two need some fucking help, Jesus Christ.

the benoit comment was directed at the owen comment as a manner of drawing attention of the absurdity of the thought of making Owen's death fall "comical"
im pretty sure they release five minute clips every week on youtube about the worst things wwe has ever done.. road dogg is the host..

but dude.. seriously.. how the HELL could you even think in any way shape or form that owens death could be looked at in a humorous way?

you really need to take a look at yourself if you were serious about that

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