Would WWE continue the Kane character after he retires?


The Goodwill Ambassador
Now I know this may seem strange but they have already had a Kane vs Kane match, so what if a new wrestler was to step into the mask so to speak. I loved the masked Kane and was disappointed when they removed the mask and that pretty much killed his career. But a Kane vs Kane match at a PPV with Glen Jacobs losing and ultimetely retiring may work.

What are your thoughts?
If Kane were still masked at this time, I could actually see this happening, but as things stand now...no. Kane has, like it or not, changed over time and it would seem that he's been bumped down to the midcard as a stepping stone for new wrestlers. Whether that's just where he ended up or whether that's where he wants to be is a matter of debate, but he's just not as scary anymore, so I don't think that the WWE will even want to continue the gimmick after Glen Jacobs is gone.

Besides that, the fact we've already been exposed to an impostor Kane is probably reason enough for them not to make another one. What I could see is a different monster heel going after Kane to retire him and eventually succeeding, but a second Kane...probably not.
I dont see how this idea would ever work, since Kane is already unmasked, and to put his character back in the mask ONLY for the purpose of being able to have someone else portray him after Glenn Jacobs retires would be stupid.

The concept of a second Kane would not work either...it would feel like Dejavu.
Nope. Keep in mind that Kane shares a gimmick..2 undertakers is enough, and we've actually had at least 5 if you count mordecai who was supposed to be the anti taker. Then there was UnderFaker and even an alternate reality Kane who didn't sleep with katie vick from earth 2. Kane has become his own man over the years but the gimmick has been overdone.
No I think when Kane retires that would be it. I think it would be a huge slap in the face to use someone else in his place...
I don't think Kane would have an issue with someone earning a living using his gimmick. He doesn't strike me as a douche bag.
I also don't see this happening. Maybe a big guy in the same type of roll as Kane. Or a masked monster heel, but not just another guy playing Kane. I agree that were he always masked it could be possible....but he ain't.
Absolutely not.

Maybe if he was still a masked character and had never been unmasked. But now Kane is a "person" and not a "character." Yes he's still a character but he's one with a normal shelf life. WWE tried the whole "look we still have Diesel and Razor Ramon" thing and it was probably one of the worst ideas in wrestling history. I don't think you could just put a mask back on Kane and have different guys wrestle as him for years.

Like others said, we've also seen the "fake Kane" so it's really been done before.

Also, add in the fact that Kane is just plain boring and I don't see why it would even make sense.
I really can't see the Kane gimmick working without Glenn Jacobs. Because its the person behind the character that makes it. Remember the impostor Diesel? Oddly enough, it was Glenn Jacobs that played the 'Diesel part 2' and that didn't go over quite well with the fans with Nash left. That would be like trying to have someone step into the role of Stone Cold, or the Rock now that they are gone. I mean, if people want to market on popular gimmicks, we may as well start lining up people for the Undertaker since all you need is dark hair, and a long dark jacket and big rimmed hat. :banghead: Its not about just having someone replace the person who started it. Its the persona of the person who created it. That person, Glen Jacobs, Dwayne Johnson, Steve Williams, Kevin Nash, Mark Calaway are the people who helped breathe life into those characters everyone grew to love/hate. :twocents: That is why more and more people start to realize there won't be another like certain personas in WWF/E.
The impostor Kane was actually Luke Gallows (Drew Hankinson, Festus, Freakin' Deacon) And I would not like to see them make him give up this gimmick to continue the kane character which in my mind has been stale since his feud with Shane McMahon in 03'

I feel Kane really doesn't have much to do with angles right now and i don't see it changing when they add a different guy. I say let the character rest and he'll most likely be a HOF inductee in 5-10 yrs.
I agree. To continue characters with new persons seems like a slap in the face. Would they do that with Million Dollar Man? Ricky Steamboat? Just because those persons are no longer of wrestling with them? Its about the respect WWE has for the people who depart their institution. I have a feeling that should Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs leave soon, they would not just replace him with someone in a mask under the name Kane. He's been a hard worker for the company and devoted much of his life to the many causes WWF/E has been known for. I cannot see them just replacing him with a clone.:suspic:
I don't think WWE will continue the Kane character after he retires. If Kane was still wearing the mask, then I think this would be a possibility. WWE could find another 7 foot monster, and give him the Kane character, but I don't think it would last for too long. Kane is one of WWE's veterans, and he has been a loyal and dedicated employee during his tenure in WWF/WWE. To replace him with another wrestler wouldn't be right.
I agree. To continue characters with new persons seems like a slap in the face. Would they do that with Million Dollar Man? Ricky Steamboat? Just because those persons are no longer of wrestling with them? Its about the respect WWE has for the people who depart their institution. I have a feeling that should Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs leave soon, they would not just replace him with someone in a mask under the name Kane. He's been a hard worker for the company and devoted much of his life to the many causes WWF/E has been known for. I cannot see them just replacing him with a clone.:suspic:

JBL's gimmick was similar to the Million Dollar Man.

I don't think that this idea would work. Kane was a good character in the late 90's and after they took his mask off but the novelty worn off soon thereafter.
After Kane retires, I don't see anybody taking his character or imitating it because Kane is an Attitude Era product and we're not in the Attitude Era anymore.
I believe that to continue with the whole Kane gimmick after Glen Jacobs retires would be a tad disrespectful, not to mention it wouldnt be quiet the same as like many fellow poster have pointed out it is the man behind the character who makes it what it is. I believe that Kane should be sent away for a while, get back in shape, then come back with the mask goin along with his whole "bored monster" gimmick and basically just go nuts, we need the old Kane back...not some imposter wearing a mask, just cause Jacobs is gone.

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