Would This Character Work in TNA?

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Occasional Pre-Show
First and foremost, this person would have to be a WWE cast-off, but one that didn't ever make it too high, but still believable that they could have (i.e. Mr. Anderson when he came in). They are signed to TNA, but seem to have a chip on their shoulder. They almost lose their matches, but end up winning. After each match, they "put down" their opponents and "beg" Vince and/or HHH to take them back. Actually using names. This gets them heat from the crowd. After awhile, they get into a good feud (one based on something other than the expected "love it or leave it" storyline), and that's where their face turn happens. They all of a sudden appreciate TNA, and see it more "worthy". They then take up the mantle of TNA. At this point, we would care less about the gimmick they came in with, and they'd have a more normal/everyday gimmick centered around their present and not their past. It would also give TNA the appearance that they can tap into potential and bring out "the best". It also gives them someone with an already created fanbase so to speak.

Do you guys think something like this would work?
Yeah. Lets mention WWE on TNA TV. That sounds about right. On top of all the economic issues, lets bring copyright infringement on it too for some cheap heat.
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