Would The Age of the Fall Work in TNA?



ok so as you see from the picture and the title this is abou the ROH stable (and full impact pro, and pro wrestling guerralia) The age of the fall which at one thime or another consisted of :
Jimmy Jacobs
Tyler Black
Brodie Lee
Rain (mrs. banks from TNA)
Mr. Milo Beasley
Allison Wonderland
Joey Matthews ( joey mercury)
Leva Bates Necro Butcher
Zach Gowen ( yes the one-legged guy from wwe)

hell during their debut tyler black,jimmy jacobs, and necro buthcher atacked the briscoe brothers and Jay Briscoe was hung upside from the rigging that was used to hoist the titles from the ladder match and, as Jay's blood dripped onto Jacobs, he announced the beginning of The Age of the Fall...brutal...so my question is would you like to see jimmy jacobs,tyler black and any combination of the members listed above in tna as the age of the fall
so i ask you:
1.would you like to see the age of the fall in TNA
2.which combination of members would you put in TNA
3. would you like to see jimmy jacobs in TNA in another gimmick?
No one who doesn't watch ROH (which is most, by the way) knows how those people are. And the ones they might recognize, no one cares about.
What I'd LIKE to see in TNA is the already stellar wrestlers they have on their roster, being glorified instead of held back. At the same time, I'd like to see this useless people on the roster like Dreamer, Rhino, Hogan, Jarrett, etc. who are being glorified, to be taken off television.
So no...NO MORE stables. Why? Because even if this was the best stable ever, which it most certainly isn't, TNA would still find a way to make it suck. Why? Because they can't do stables. Look at the two stables they have currently. Fourtune: A team that has the word "four" in it, yet for the longest time had about 7 in it. Then there's immortal. A team consisting of old has beens who lost it YEARS ago or, in the case of Jarrett, never had it.
So that's it. TNA doesn't know how to use any stables. I'm certainly not interested in seeing another one added to the roster.
You got EV 2.0 an ECW stable group but TNA keeps screwing up the stables and you are right realdealasshole WWE has no stables at all which sux even more !
I dont think there is any need for AOTF in TNA right now. The roster is too big as it is and we already have Immortal, Fortune and EV2.0 has the stables. There is not enough time to showcase the talent that TNA currently has, and everything is rushed so another big stable would be pointless.

Also, the blood dripping down onto Jacobs is something that would never happen in TNA, it just is too gruesome. The faction would need to be toned down, and that probably would mean no Necro Butcher lol

Really, I do not see TAOTF being something that TNA would ever really be interested in, they seem to be focused on showcasing older ex-WCW wrestlers and until that changes I cannot see any new teams being pushed as the next big thing
If you're asking if the idea and concept of the Age of the Fall could work in TNA, then yes, it could definitely work. If you're asking if the actual stable and the former participants of that stable would work in TNA, then no. None of those wrestlers are even names people know of, aside from the IWC, and almost all of them wouldn't have a chance of getting hired by TNA and making it on their roster. So, no, not a chance.
I agree with MisterRob; the stable concept is good but the actual ROH wrestlers wouldn't work. I think this would actually be a good facet to add to Immortal. I'd like to see Hardy's new dark side go more sadistic and violent. You've already got Abyss with all his craziness. It really wouldn't be much of a stretch to see them start really messing people up and taking the beatdowns to another level. Hardy could almost borrow a page from the depiction of The Joker in "The Dark Knight" and make it part of his whole "twisted philosopher" gimmick.

I know it probably would never happen because it would clash too much with the "regime" image of Bischoff and Hogan, plus Fortune, but it'd be a risk worth taking.
Normally I crap all over ideas like this- "hey, this promotion did this, should this other promotion do it?" But this one actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

TNA very consciously tries to appeal to the alienated WWEPG audience. The language is saltier, the matches are more bloody, but the problem is that the language and blood are never within context. Take the Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley match for instance. Yes, I know they had a storyline feud and didn't like each other in kayfaybe. Buckets of blood were spilled, but there was nothing intense about the rivalry. After the match was over, people were remarking "wow, that was bloody", but no one thought it was particularly brutal or over the top. There was nothing to shock the audience; it was another match, this one with blood.

There is surprise, which is when someone encounters something at the outside of their expectations, and then there is shock, which is when someone encounters something actually outside of their expectations. Televised wrestling hasn't shocked anyone over the age of 14 for years. The "brutality" is almost comic in nature now; we've all seen the heels beat up the good guys badly. This is the kind of angle which would serve to excite more than the fans that TNA already has; this is the kind of angle which gets buzz amongst fans that aren't watching your product.

Compare it to the Raven/Sandman "crucifixion" angle from ECW years ago. Was it in good taste? Hell no. I would have gone off my nut in that writer's meeting against the idea, but I would have been wrong too. For all the shit that angle stirred up, it got ECW a lot of attention, and in television, the only kind of bad attention is no attention. People's major issue with that angle wasn't Sandman's torture, but the use of the religious iconography. What was so brilliant about the launch of AotF was that it defied people's expectations without spitting on their sincere values.

We've all seen the "Hogan and Bischoff as conniving bad guys" angle before; the only thing surprising about the "They" angle was that TNA's writers actually went through with the most predictable option. This would be something that the mainstream audience would respond to. It could be ripped off in almost verbatim fashion as well, which is right up TNA Creative's alley; unlike the Four Horseman, ECW, or the nWo, almost no one watches RoH. The idea would be entirely unfamiliar (and hence shocking) to a mainstream audience.

There is absolutely no reason to bring in another organization's wrestlers in order to perform this angle, to answer the other questions. While good performers, TNA has more than enough wrestlers on their roster with which they could form a new stable. The only thing that could ruin the idea would be having an already formed TNA stable do this; again, that's brutality out of context. Jeff Hardy beats someone up more than normal- yawn. AJ Styles stringing Ric Flair from the rafters and declaring his intent to take back TNA (hell, throw in some TNA vets with him) while soaked in Ric's blood- THAT will sell.
There's just no reason for it, especially because of the casual viewers not knowing anything about ROH. It'll look like just another stable that's being randomly thrown together without any kind of rhyme or reason.

And let's just be honest... there are too many stables right now as it is, all involved in the same storyline nonetheless. It really doesn't make sense for a wrestling company to have every wrestler they have in one stable or another.

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