Would Jim Ross help TNA?

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Though yes, this is stemmed from a dirt sheet report about the WWE's seeming unwillingness to utilize the legendary Jim Ross on television anymore (or at least in the near future), as well as the WWE's locker room reaction to the news, I do think this offers a unique perspective/opportunity for a debate over how much value Ross really has in the industry, and whether or not a transition to TNA could conceivably be in his future.

No one can question the man's history, obviously, as he's truly cut his teeth from his days with Mid-South in the late 80's all the way through to today, but it's become quite obvious that the WWE has either moved on, or is moving on without him, and that's a tragedy if there ever was one seeing as JR has become an absolute vocal staple in the wrestling world for the last decade plus. He can lay claim to numerous "oh my god" moments over the last fifteen years including the infamous Mankind/Undertaker mega-bump from King of the Ring '98, to any number of the Austin infamies from the 90's on and more.

The question really becomes, would Ross' history in the business be an asset for TNA, or would it be conceived as yet another "WWE Reject" moment and ultimately shine a dull light on Ross' infamous career in a way perhaps it did for Booker T?

Is Ross better off remaining off screen working for the WWE in a backstage role, or is he better suited doing what he can to continue his career in TNA, perhaps working the announcing table with Tenay & Taz?

Is the option for TNA a viable one, and if it is, do you consider Ross a valuable asset, or would the mark of the WWE be too strong in his history to allow the transition to matter?
I honestly love Jim Ross. I do however think that he has served his purpose as an on air talent. While I agree that he is still the best commentator they have, he is MUCH better used behind the scenes where he can develop talent. Also, I wouldn't be suprised if HE becomes the one that works with the commentators through the headsets, like Vince and John Laurenitis do currently. I think if he were to leave WWE, I honestly would see him just retiring to focus on living comfortablly with his restuarant while his Bells Palsy is under semi control.
If he were to go to TNA, however, I think he would be recieved as much more than a WWE reject. He would INSTANTLY replace Mike Tenay on commentary if he said he wanted to do that. They would probably use him more in the production process, kind of like a filter for Vince Russo to put his ideas through. I don't see it happening for sure, but it definately would be a huge pickup for TNA.
Jim Ross over Mike Tenay would be like upgrading from a Big Wheel to a Ferrari. Yes, JR would be a huge asseet for TNA as a commentator, he's possibly the GOAT in that role. He's able to match the emotional intensity of a moment, and even take it up a notch, something that Mike Tenay can NOT do. It might be easier on JR as well, since he would only be flying like twice a month, and that's about it.
Being a TNA fan im loyal to Tenay. I think hes so underrated and unappreciated but im all in for Ross to come in if it helps the company. Ross has been everywhere so being in TNA shouldnt hurt his legacy... i hate when people refer to going to TNA and ruining your legacy... and the things he can bring to the table can be a huge asset to TNA and its superstars.
i just cant see this happening, first of all jr's health is not all that great anymore as that is y he had to take time off in wwe in the first place if i remember corectly. second i see jim ross as a wwe man and dont see him ever crossing the line
Jim Ross is the best wrestling announcer alive right now. Period. He was the immediate follow up to the great Gorilla Monsoon and would make TNA INSTANTLY more fun to watch because he's simply the best.

I hope JR gets fed up by not being used by Vince and decides to take a biweekly trip to Orlando to announce Impact! As big of a deal that was getting Taz, this would be an outright coup d'etat for TNA. Because no one even comes close (now that Joey Styles is directing WWE's digital media) to Jim Ross in big moments.
Yes, Jim Ross would help TNA. He would help any promotion on the planet and we all know that. However, I just don't see him doing anything else in wrestling outside of WWE anymore. I'd love to see him call some of the TNA wrestlers as he can add something that is missing from the nooth at the moment, nut sadly it just wont happen. Also, I don't care what you think, I would personally love to see him added to the commentating group as a third announcer versus seeing Tenay let go of.
I would love to see Ross in TNA...

Whether they do 3 men announcement (Tenay+Tazz+Ross).

Whether they take turns (Tenay+Tazz) or (Tenay+Ross) or(Tazz+Ross).

Whether they only use him for PPVs.

Whether they team him with Don West...OMG that would be epic... those 2 get a little too exited sometimes....Shit, now I want to see it.
It would be entertaining to see Don West and Jim Ross, all the shouting, West is a full heel, Ross is a full face. It would be fun too hear them arguing and shouting at eachother, that is something I would enjoy. Tenay could join them and Taz could either be released or could manage a bad ass Samoa Joe, that would be cool
Jim Ross would obviously be a huge improvement over Mike Tenay...but it simply isn't going to happen. JR isn't going to go to TNA, so why even bother asking? He is a WWE lifer, and from the sounds of it, the WWE is keeping him employed, just not as an announcer. He isn't available to TNA, even if they wanted him. Plus, when the time comes for the WWE to let Ross go, he has his BBQ restaurants that can keep him busy. He doesn't need to stay in the business, so I have a feeling that when he is done with the WWE, he is done, period.
Look, I love JR commentary as much as the next guy, but Ross would not help TNA in the long run. First off, announcers, as good or bad as they are, do not draw ratings and buy rates. TNA has seen no bump in ratings since replacing Don West with Taz, just as Raw or Smackdown has not seen a dip because of the departure of JR. I think a capable announcer is important to the overall feel of your show, but there would be no difference in ratings by putting JR in the Mike Tenay role. The only major difference is you would be paying JR a hell of a lot more money.

Secondly, nobody is really thinking about why JR is no longer being utilized. Remember that he recently had his third Bells Palsy attack. Bells Palsy can leave major effects on one's facial muscles, and you could see the effects of the prior two attacks etched on JR's face. For all we know, the third attack may have further contoured his face to a point where he can not provide clear and concise commentary. JR himself mentioned that he was having trouble eating soup in one of his blogs, which leads me to believe that he can not close his mouth properly. If that is the case, he may no longer be able to speak clearly, a prerequisite to an announcing position. This to me seems like the most likely reason WWE is not utilizing JR, and the fact that he has shown no push back as to wanting to return, I think that validates it. So on that basis, TNA would be hiring a guy based on his name alone, even though he can no longer perform... Wait, why do I feel like TNA has done this before.... :suspic:.

Lastly, even if he wasn't dehabilitated, I think it would take a hell of a lot of money to bring Ross into the fold. JR has always been a company guy through and through, despite the poor treatment he receives sometimes. JR strikes me as a guy that does care about his legacy and I think he may see a move to a smaller company as taking away from that.
Ross and TNA are a bad fit unless he's working behind the scenes in talent relations again.
Look at the people he's signed for the WWE, the list speaks for itself. Damn near all of them will be in the hall of fame one day.

If he had the power to hire and fire in TNA you'd see a real change in the quality of the product. I'd really really like to see him have a run with the book, I think he'd put on a hell of a show.
According to a report on the WZ main page, a "high level source within TNA" has confirmed that Jim Ross has had a meeting with Dixie Carter (President of TNA) & Dean Broadhead (Cheif Financial Officer of TNA) about potentially signing with the company.

The report indicates that TNA has interest in bringing JR into the fold as they are still in the process of trying to "shake things up" on their programming.

A note was also made that Ross' contract with the WWE expires on April 30th (ten days from now), and he's yet to sign an extension.

The report notes that this is in no way an indication of his imminent signing (with either company), but it does beg the question as to how far you think TNA is willing to go to bring him into the fold and within what capacity?

Bischoff has been very public about his desire to want to bring Ross into the fold for some time now, so I don't doubt the validity of the rumor, but to what extent can this really go, do you think?

Ross would certainly work well backstage as he's been working with talents in WWE there for years now, but I'd imagine TNA would want to give him some aspect of a television on-air role, no?

Thoughts on JR in TNA?
I would caution everyone from jumping the gun. While TNA would love to have Ross, I'm not so sure Ross took a meeting because he is truly interested. He has been pretty outspoken on his blog about what he thinks about TNA, and I don't think he sees them as being anywhere close to the top of the business. They'd really have to blow him away financially to make it happen and I can't imagine they have the money given who they are paying already.

What Ross is thinking by taking a meeting with TNA is LEVERAGE. He has yet to sign with WWE and wants to, but WWE has been in no rush it seems to get the deal done. If they fear the competition is after him, it might get them to the offering table a lot quicker. I'm pretty confident Ross will resign with the WWE, as they know he is as valuable a wrestling mind as any out there. I actually wouldn't be surprised to now see a deal done by the end of the week with WWE, as the thought of losing him might be too much and they may cater to his every need.
If Ross does come to TNA it sounds like he is more interested in a backstage role. I wouldn't mind seeing Ross as TNA's Mean Gene. They can still have Christy and JB, but Ross would add a lot of credibility to the backstage announcers. I think the simple solution would be to replace Mike Tenay, but I don't think that is going to happen.

Either way, it is a huge gain for TNA if Ross does sign a deal. There is no non compete clause or anything so Ross could show up on Impact any week after the 30th.
Although I feel like I'm overestimating it a bit.. I feel like it would legitimize TNA to casual fans.

Announcing is one of the most important factors in wrestling and I don't know how well Mike Tenay sells spots, he practically narrates it like a book .. he'd be much better as a secondary color commentary but I don't know about three man teams.
Anything that gets Mike "The Robot" Tenay off TNA television has got to be considered a plus for their show in my opinion.
Jim Ross is THE voice of wrestling in the last twenty years so joining TNA would be an enormous jump forward because his voice alone would make any match much more 'big time' than it is with Tenay on the call.
Yes, JR can help TNA. It is the only logical move for him if you ask me. The buzz word here will be “fucking”.

He was the head scout in the WWE and found some fucking gems…they demoted him.

He was the head commentator on RAW, then got demoted to Smackdown as the color analyst to Todd fucking Grisham. No disrespect to Grisham because he is doing a pretty good job, but this is Jim fucking Ross we are talking about here.

He is a shadow of his former self, but he is still leaps and bounds above any announcer on television right now. Taz is fucking shit and how he has made a career out of being a commentator baffles my fucking mind. He makes fun of Michael Cole, but then says “Vintage” every fucking week on TNA television…but I digress.

JR in TNA will enhance the on-air product so much, with his superb play by play calling, analysis, and the amount of emotion he puts into the show, it is something that TNA is missing.

Now I don’t know specifics, but it seems to me that the WWE doesn’t want JR and would love to move on without him. Truthfully speaking, they don’t need him. He cannot offer them anything anymore. They want corny cookie cutter guys, and JR is just cut from a different cloth. JR needs to commentate over mayhem. TNA provides that atmosphere. It is a perfect fit. JR has called some of the greatest matches in wrestling history. John Madden is old, but he is still good. Same goes with JR. If he can talk and scream, he can work, and I would love to have him on TNA television. Pairing him up with Don West? I drool just over the thought of that. They’d make Cody Deaner vs. Jessie Neal exciting.
J.R. could be a huge asset to TNA; he brings along with him 24 years of experience, not to mention he's widely regarded as the best wrestling commentator in decades. Then you add his experience with talent relations, hell he scouted WWE's current World Heavyweight Champion (granted Ross was probably biased by Swagger's going to the University of Oklahoma). J.R. = Credibility.

TNA is looking to steal away viewers from RAW, to do so they are going to have to try to give something to the fans that they won't get on WWE programming. With WWE now trying to revamp and appeal more to children they alienate the adult viewership, the same adult viewership that would remember and appreciate THE (former) voice of RAW, Good Ol' J.R. WWE seems intent with this out with the old, in with the new mentality and TNA needs to try to use that to their advantage.

Now people bring up J.R.'s saying he wouldn't work for any other wrestling company than WWE, and that he isn't really interested in moving to TNA. Let's not forget that this was said before...by Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair, etc.
It's a big IF on JR going to TNA but if it did happen i know i would be happy! JR tweaking out about the Stinger again!? Or how about him screaming Pele!!! Pele!! By God! As God is my witness he's broken in half!! If we get Austin to TNA JR would have a stroke! Austin! Austin! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!! AJ Styles!! By God!!!

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