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Toby Keith Wanted to Buy TNA; Bring in Jim Ross, Fully Re-Brand

To a point that JH touched on. Toby Keith invested in restaurant/bars. It was something his fame was with, they were brash and had "expert" management behind the scenes. A whopping majority crashed and burned. Most within a year or so of opening. I actually remember a dozen of friends reporting for work at the Cincinnati location just to find a note on the door that explained they were no longer in business. I realize "no notice" is regular in the restaurant business as it is wrestling. Would sucked to had seen his name let down two industries I love.
People seem to be overstating the whole Toby Keith/Jim Ross -------> Profit thing.

No one (I think) is saying that had Dixie Carter decided to sell to the Keith group, TNA would be a thriving, successful company. That's in the land of maybes. What some people are saying is that TNA certainly isn't a thriving company under Dixie Carter, and that she was receiving offers to buy the company at a time when TNA had a much higher brand value. What other people are saying is that they sure as hell would have liked to see a professional wrestling promotion with Jim Ross running the show.

If you look at the track record of people who invest in professional wrestling, it's not good. It's very, very, very bad. Professional wrestling has a proud tradition of getting people to turn their big fortunes into little fortunes, and there's nothing that says Toby Keith's group would be any different. That being said, it's been no secret for a while now that TNA wasn't going to rebound under the same management that's seen 75% of their audience leave.
I refuse to watch TNA because Ditzy Carter is still associated with the company. Once she's gone, and she will be in good time with the way ratings are going, then I will tune in.
Dixie does not deserve to be bought out. I'm sure she's pumped more money into that company than she ever made back in profits.
That may be true, but that's a recipe to be sent rocketing into the poorhouse, and for the company to be gobbled up by someone else when bankruptcy court bangs a gavel. If TNA had been profitable, this thread wouldn't exist.
Looks like in the end WWE will buy TNA by July or August. If nothing changes by the end of the week it's TNA last Impact Wrestling tapings and last "PPV" Slammiversary in june will be more like a Farewell show.
TNA's problem is not the onscreen product. I really enjoy their shows. They have to get a better and more stable front office. I don't think TK is the answer though. HonestlyI don't know who is
Looks like in the end WWE will buy TNA by July or August. If nothing changes by the end of the week it's TNA last Impact Wrestling tapings and last "PPV" Slammiversary in june will be more like a Farewell show.
And then Dixie will find out that Vince has creative control, and she can't do a damned thing about it. Vince will have another tape library, keep a few personalities in which he's interested, and "future endeavour" the rest of them on live TV to have a big laugh about it.

Yes, by the end of summer, it's quite possible that she'll wish Toby Keith had bought the promotion and gotten creative control.
Well with the reports flying that TNA is about to default on their payments to their production company Dixie may not have a pot to piss in much longer as far being in control goes. If the rumors are true that Aroluxe gets majority stake in the company if TNA fails to reimburse them then Dixie deserves to lose her majority control. Who puts controlling stake of their company up for collateral knowing there's a chance they might default? That's just got moronic written all over it.

WWE might be interested in it for the tape library due to having having guys like Sting, Christian, AJ, Joe and other talents that spent time in TNA involved in the company now but besides the tape library, and maybe a handful of the talent that would all most likely be NXT bound its of no value to them. We wouldn't see a TNA invasion or anything like that it. Probably get a DVD about the company at some point but other than that it would be a quiet acquisition.
Somehow TNA outlasted WCW(Turner era), ECW, GWF and SMW and even those companies had more upside than TNA.
And what's not stopping aroluxe from selling TNA to WWE to recoup the money spent by lending it to TNA?
Well with the reports flying that TNA is about to default on their payments to their production company Dixie may not have a pot to piss in much longer as far being in control goes. If the rumors are true that Aroluxe gets majority stake in the company if TNA fails to reimburse them then Dixie deserves to lose her majority control. Who puts controlling stake of their company up for collateral knowing there's a chance they might default?

People who
A) have run out of money
B) run a company that consistently loses money
C) that has a track record of not paying on time
have a hard time finding companies willing to lend them cash or extend credit.

If this is true, it means that Dixie didn't have a choice. Either take Aroluxe's money and the deal, or shut down the company. And try to come up with the cash or an investor with cash before the next set of tapings.

That's just got moronic written all over it.
More like *desperate*.

WWE might be interested in it for the tape library due to having having guys like Sting, Christian, AJ, Joe and other talents that spent time in TNA involved in the company now but besides the tape library,

I'm not sure they're drooling over TNA's tape library. I'm sure they've considered the maximum offer they'd make because if you're a company you make plans. But
1. I'm pretty sure DVD sales are way down from say 10 years ago. So I don't think buying footage to use in Angle/Sting/Dudleys/Hardys/Hogan DVDs is worth a ton of money.
2. WWE Network is up and running. Is TNA footage really going to add any subscribers?

TNA was never the strategic threat that WCW was. So I don't think Vince would get much of an emotional boost out of controlling their legacy and putting his spin on the "Rise and Fall of TNA" DVD.

and maybe a handful of the talent that would all most likely be NXT bound its of no value to them.

Anyone WWE wants from TNA, they sign after TNA folds. No need to buy the company for that.

We wouldn't see a TNA invasion or anything like that it.
Styles, Joe, Storm, Roode--WWE could do a TNA invasion storyline tommorrow if they thought it would be worth diddly squat. Heck, they could run STyles, Joe, Roode and Storm vs Sting and the Dudleys as TNA Originals vs Has-Been Mercenaries. Brush up on the old NWA/WWF "we can't say their name for legal reasons" stuff.

Probably get a DVD about the company at some point but other than that it would be a quiet acquisition.

And for a very small price.
I call bs to this entire story. Toby Keith wish he had the money to pull this off. The story should have been Toby Keith and a group of investors wanted to buy TNA. I don't blame Dixie for not giving up her majority status. I'd rather see TNA run into the ground or go bankrupt first. I'd rather see Toby Keith and his group of investors buy out Dixie completely and go in a different direction. Jim Ross is a piece of garbage and would bring nothing to the company. He probably would have another stroke and die because he's so old and stupid.
If Toby Keith wanted to buy TNA Impact Wrestling, rebrand it and rename it, wouldn’t it be easier to just start up a new company altogether?? He could have done exactly what Jeff Jarrett is doing with GFW.

I, for one, would love to see WWE buy out TNA. I have been watching all of the WWE, WCW, and ECW Pay Per Views in chronological order, from 1983 onward. It would be nice to have TNA’s Pay Per Views on the WWE Network as well. For those keeping score at home, I’m on Judgement Day 2009 now. It was cool seeing Legends go from one promotion to another from 1983 to 2001. One month I see Lionheart in WCW, the next month I see Y2J in WWE. I would have loved to have seen Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle go from WWE to TNA. I would have loved to have seen members of the Main Event Mafia go from TNA to WWE.

Say what you will, but from 2002, till the day they close their doors for good, TNA is the number 2 company in the World today.
Somehow TNA outlasted WCW(Turner era), ECW, GWF and SMW and even those companies had more upside than TNA.

Panda Energy kept them going for the first few years they were involved, to please Dixie's family. After Panda dropped out of paying for stars, Dixie got the Spike network to pay the big money contracts. That deal was carried over to Destination America, but when they came to Pop TV they no longer had a network paying for big name stars. This is why Matt Hardy got a heavyweight title run, he works cheap. Really, the TV deals keep TNA afloat because they have no other revenue coming in. Dixie produces an international wrestling TV show paid for by networks interested in the product. The problem is that the show's audience has shrunk consistently for 4-5 years. The Pop TV deal is really the bottom of the barrel, if DestAm wasn't already. When you see how low the ad revenue is coming in for Pop, it's honestly a mystery why they even wanted the show. If I were hired by Pop TV and saw those numbers, I'd probably just rerun Mrs. Doubtfire in the TNA slot and make more money.
If Toby Keith wanted to buy TNA Impact Wrestling, rebrand it and rename it, wouldn’t it be easier to just start up a new company altogether?? He could have done exactly what Jeff Jarrett is doing with GFW.

TNA does have one thing that GFW doesn't have--a TV timeslot.


Oh. My. God.

This is upsetting on so many levels. Not only would this have completely saved the company, but it'd have seen it rebranded top-to-bottom (whatever built-in equity it used to have is gone), and probably would have meant the return to broadcasting in the U.S. for Ross.

I'm not happy.

Saying that it would have completely saved the company is a bit over the top. Simply having a lot of money does not necessarily save the company. If that were the case, TNA with the backing of Panda Energy would never have been in trouble in the first place. What does Toby Keith know about running a wrestling promotion? Sure he may be a huge fan, but so is everyone on this site. And with some of the stupid things people say on here, they obviously wouldn't do a very good job running a wrestling promotion.
Saying that it would have completely saved the company is a bit over the top. Simply having a lot of money does not necessarily save the company. If that were the case, TNA with the backing of Panda Energy would never have been in trouble in the first place. What does Toby Keith know about running a wrestling promotion? Sure he may be a huge fan, but so is everyone on this site. And with some of the stupid things people say on here, they obviously wouldn't do a very good job running a wrestling promotion.
Toby Keith might not know much about running a professional wrestling company...... but Jim Ross does, hence his inclusion in this story. Jim Ross isn't exactly charging fans for autographs these days to pay the bills, but he also doesn't have the kind of money to go in seriously on purchasing a professional wrestling organization. It's a very common pattern in the entertainment business- ownership groups will have the Celebrity Owner, the Whiz Kid they're bringing on board to run it, and the real money of the operation hiding behind other people.

Which again belabors the point- no one is saying that the Toby Keith group buying TNA would have totally/definitely/absolutely saved them from their current position. What people are actually saying is that they wish they were living in the parallel universe where this deal went down, because they've seen what happened to TNA in our universe and it kind of sucked- and at the time this deal was being discussed, it was fairly obvious that its current ownership group wouldn't be the ones to turn it around.

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