Would it have been better if Eddie won the belt at 'Mania?


The hardcore casual fan
I'm watching Top 50 Superstars of all time right now on the WWE Netpak (for just $11.99, by the way) and Eddie Guerrero's segment just came up. Of course, they showed him winning the WWE title at No Way Out 2004. Still gives me goosebumps. But I think it would have been 10x better if he had lost to Lesnar at No Way Out, leading us to believe it was going to be Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania again. Eddie manages to beat either Angle or Lesnar on the way to WrestleMania, thereby inserting himself into the match, making it 2 Triple Threat matches for the World titles (and this way we wouldn't have had to sit through that Goldberg-Lesnar snoozefest). Eddie then pins Lesnar or Angle again to win the WWE title at WrestleMania instead. I think the moment of Eddie and Mr. Benoyt hugging each other and celebrating would have been a lot better and much more emotional if they both won their first WWE World titles that night. Would it have been better that way or would one have overshadowed the other? Let me know what you guys think.
I'm watching Top 50 Superstars of all time right now on the WWE Netpak (for just $11.99, by the way) and Eddie Guerrero's segment just came up. Of course, they showed him winning the WWE title at No Way Out 2004. Still gives me goosebumps. But I think it would have been 10x better if he had lost to Lesnar at No Way Out, leading us to believe it was going to be Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania again. Eddie manages to beat either Angle or Lesnar on the way to WrestleMania, thereby inserting himself into the match, making it 2 Triple Threat matches for the World titles (and this way we wouldn't have had to sit through that Goldberg-Lesnar snoozefest). Eddie then pins Lesnar or Angle again to win the WWE title at WrestleMania instead. I think the moment of Eddie and Mr. Benoyt hugging each other and celebrating would have been a lot better and much more emotional if they both won their first WWE World titles that night. Would it have been better that way or would one have overshadowed the other? Let me know what you guys think.

I think the reasoning behind Eddie winning the title so soon was due to Lesnar wanting out of the WWE and to pursue football. If Vince could have trusted Lesnar enough to not bolt with the belt, then that would have been ideal, but it worked out fine, anyway... and I'm convinced that McMahon wanted a clear main event for Wrestlemania, and I'd say that HBK and HHH had a lot to do with how that match was layed out, too... so that way nothing could 'steal the show' from them.

Your idea's good in hindsight, but there's rhyme and reason for everything that takes place, and Lesnar was done pretty soon and Eddie was on fire back then and needed the belt.
At the time Eddie got the belt, I think that the idea for him was to be champion till the PPV after Mania. The only reason Brock lost the belt was to prepare him for the feud with Goldberg which Lesnar was supposed to win and get back into the main event scene. Brock/ Goldberg was the dominant story on Smackdown leading up to the title match at No Way Out and was supposed to be bigger than Eddie's match at WM 20. Therefore the match at No Way Out, was mainly done to set up Brock/ Goldberg.

We know what happened thereafter. Lesnar left. And I'm pretty happy with what happened. Eddie vs Kurt was an awesome match and was certainly better than what Eddie vs a demotivated Lesnar would have been. And Eddie fooling Angle with the shoe was a pretty great moment in itself. Furthermore, I believe that it's the wrestler that makes the moment more than the event. Eddie's title win was certainly one of the most emotional ones ever and to me it does not matter if it was not at WrestleMania.
The build for Lesnar v Goldberg began at the Royal Rumble, with a backstage confrontation when Goldberg 'drew his number', followed by Lesnar's interference causing Goldberg's elimination from the match. It was clear then that the plan was for the two to face each other at Wrestlemania, the only thing was, since they were on opposite brands, either Goldberg would have to transfer or Lesnar lose the title - which is where Eddie came in.

Make no mistake, had Lesnar not quit WWE in the weeks before WM, the match with Goldberg would likely have been a LOT better, and bereft of the negative chants from the crowds. I firmly believe the two intended to have a good match but responded to the crowd with a 'can't be ârsed' attitude.

Also I feel that having two first-time champions win at 'Mania may have diminished the achievements some what, and I also hate when the main events are replicated (just a personal thing) so I'm glad they weren't both triple threats.
Lesnar didnt drop the title because he was leaving, he didnt make that decision until a week out from Wrestlemania 20.
Guerrero was gven the belt at No Way Out twofold, one Benoit was main event ing and the focus was on his journey to the brass ring so to speak, his match against HBK/HHH was always the focus of the ppv and secondly, as already mentioned, Lesnar vs Goldberg was teased for months and was never going to be for the belt. Lesnar was booked to win the match, until he shat on WWE and Vince in the weeks leading to Mania thus Goldberg got the win

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