Would Christian Have Become WWE Champion?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I put this in here insted of the WWE section because this section doesn't have as much activity.

I think he would have. I think it would have been him who beat Rey Mysterio for the title. I doubt he would have had as long a run as Booker. But he still would have been given the oppertunity. He left because he was unhappy with how his push was going on Smackdown. But two moths or so later Batista was out injured. And the ECW brand was being launched. There would have been an opening for him. I read he was promised a main event run. And I think he would have recieved it.
I dont think he'd have got a title run to be honest. While he's proving himself in TNA now, i don't think WWE would have gave him that chance because of his size. You might say well Rey Mysterio is a smaller, but Rey is arguably more believable as the 'underdog' champion. With three majors belts now, could you really believe that Christian is better than the HHH, Batista, John Cena, Edge, Bobby Lashley, Ken Kennedy, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, King Booker, Randy Orton? If Christian was to pin most of these guys, i don't think it would wash with me. While Christian is a great wrestler and a great heel, he's not Main event material for WWE.
I agree. He was always fun to watch, just when he's arround the top guys in WWE, he don't look to good. Would you put the TNA title on Eric Young? I didn't think so. Maybe not the best example, but thats all I got. I just couldn't see Christian holding the title over Anyone else, even after Batista got injured. If you remember that night, they had guys like Rey, Henry, and JBL in the battle royal for the title, and instead of putting the title on Him, they gave it to a former champ, Angle. Same as when Taker got hurt, they put the title on a former champ. But my point is, Christian would have never made Main Event. Maybe if he signs up with WWE again in the future, they "might" put him in the main event, but I still can't see a title run.
i think christian would of won the championship several times like 2-3 mayb he proberly would of won one of the money in the banks or something like that
Christian would have definitely won a world championship on either Smackdown or Raw. The time that he left, everyone was healthy but just a few months after, Batista got injured and ECW opened. He could have moved over to ECW and feuded with RVD and Lashley for the title, maybe even winning it a few times.
Okay Christian maybe wasn't ready when he left WWE in October. But when he got to TNA he was awesome. I think if WWE would have gave him a chance he could have been a great face and would have won the WHC. I mean really Christian is probably one of there is in TNA.
Without question, Christian would have won the WHC from Rey Misterio instead of Booker, no doubt in my mind. Christian's Charisma and just over all character stood out in the WWE as a midcard. Hell, when Cena made the jump to Raw, Christian was out popping him.

There was a movement amongst the fan base to get Christian over, and his value was growing exponentially. Now with all of the injuries, Christian probably is a 2 or 3 time World Champion in the WWE.

I mark this down, and I'm sure some in WWE wouldn't admit it publicly, Christian Cage has been the biggest mistake the WWE has made in the last 5 years. The WWE fucked up, and didn't push him right, and despite all of that, Christian still managed to get himself over, jump ship to another company, and carry the ball for them.
Funny thing I was think about this the other day. As you have Christian and Edge two guys that started out as Tag team wrestlers and were so dominated and to leave the world of Tag Team wrestling and become multiple World champions each is unbelievable. I can not think of a team in awhile that had as much success they did as a team and win world gold as individuals. But back to Christian, he left at a time where he was stuck jobbing in the US championship matches. plus they tired to keep heel when the people opps i mean peeps wanted him as a face. So he leaves.

He leaves and becomes a 2-time NWA/TNA Champion and is the face of a company. As once Cage became the champ he was the face of TNA. But if he ad stayed he would won the US championship and been that champ for a while and ultimately lose it but to move to the main event scene. As it would have been Christan who won the 2006 KOTR not Booker. Thus he would have beat Rey and been the WHC. Though Christian would have lost at No mercy to Batista he still been champ. With take going out they would have put the strap on Christian instead of moving Edge over. As we would talking about Christian deserves this long regin that Edge is to get.

WWE will never admit the fucked up with letting Christain go, though you know they did as if they market him right he would a top player in the business.
I think Christian would have won the title, but I think he would've dropped the ball really quickly, a la Randy Orton a couple of years ago. Being world champion in the circus that is TNA is a completely different thing than being World Champion in WWE. If the higher-ups have a lack of faith in you, you're going to lose that title faster than a Mike Tyson 3-count. They had a lack of faith in Orton because he had a shitty attitude but great skills and possibly the best look in WWE in over a decade.

Christian, on the other hand, has loads of charisma, and I could be wrong on this, but I never really remember him getting that big of a reaction amongst the WWE fans, other than he was with Edge and Jericho as a tag team.

To me, he had proven nothing in WWE as a top card singles wrestler, but he would've gotten the shot because of his charisma and wrestling skills. I don't think he really has that great of a look either. He would've won the title off Rey at Summerslam and dropped it to someone with experience a month or two later.
He would have eventually gotten the title. But only under the injury problem right now. Obviously he wasn't thinking he was going to get to the main event. He had no way of seeing the injury problem now and that he would have gotten the championship beacause if there wasn't an injury problem he'd probably still be a midcarder. And once the injury problem leaves he would have been knocked back down because I honestly think WWE didn't have any faith in him.

WWE definatly fucked up with him as you guys have already said. It was obvious people liked him and they could've easily pushed him and made a great star that people would love to watch. Instead they treat him like shit and he decides to go over to TNA and become a star. I really don't remember any type of sign of a push as I remember him getting jobbed to by the Mexicools a few weeks before he left. It just didn't look like WWE had any place for him.

So he would have eventually gotten the title but only under the circumstance that WWE got this injury plague. If WWE still had all of their main eventers healthy and Christian was still there he'd still be a midcarder with no apparent direction.
No, In WWE Christian was more of a Matt Hardey type of superstar. He was a veteran but not one who was used for the big things. So my answer would be no.
Christian would have never held the strap. Instead, hes now being pushed really hard in a promotion that is desperate to get some kind of fan base.
I m gonna say no based on what i know from reading ;i wasn't watching wrestling when christian went to tna. when edge and christian were split as a tag team it seemed edge was being groomed for a solo career that he has arguably achieved now whereas christian was just left in undercardland.It didnt matter how over and how much charisma Cage has/had ,in regards to a wwe main event run,bookers just didnt think he was main event material,similiar to rvd's predicament he was in for forever until ecw relaunched.
In closing "Genital warts rule!" lol
To be honest, I don't think that Christian would have been given a world title run. For one, Vince likes big guys as champs. Meaning that he likes guys with some size to them an the ability to get over. Sure you could push the whole creepy and whiny champion, as was done with Edge, but that would not have flied with Christian int he land of giants. At best, he would have been another Bob Backlund type where he would have been like champ for a day, only to drop the title to some massive monster being pushed strongly in hopes that he will be the next big thing. Christian was never given a fair chance and probably will never again be given one in the WWE. And they would be fools to push him to such an extent IF he came back. He hit his peak and is at the highest level that he willl ever be. Pushing him long after would only be a lost cause. Especially against the monsters the WWE loves to push.
Would Christian be World Champion if he still was around in the WWE? No! I read a blog of JR and a fan asked the same question. JR said no and I also say no. Although I liked Christian big time while he was in the WWE. He is a great wrester and even a better entertainer. But I don't believe he would be World Heavyweight Champion. He would be used for the IC title or US title. Or yeah maybe ECW WHC, but I don't consider that as a world championship. He was becoming popular when he left the WWE, but then again Christian probably knew he wouldn't be WHC very soon in the WWE and TNA promised to make him WHC soon. So I can respect his decision for leaving WWE. I think maybe when couple of big guys would "retire", Christian would be pushed for WHC, but with guys like HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Benoit and Booker still around, Christian would have no chance. Did he deserved to be WHC? Oh hell yeah! More than Batista and Bobby Lashley for sure. I'm also not very fond of Cena, but what the heck. He is a good entertainer and he sells. I don't watch TNA oftenly, but as I see, Christian Cage is doing great. Keep up Captain Charisma!
Christian would have never been a WWE World Champion, however i think if he stayed he could have been ECW World Champion. Great gimmick match competitor and would been nice to see him in that show, Christian vs CM Punk anyone?
probably not. vince likes big muscular guys. plus i don't understand how everyone is saying wwe fucked up. christian wanted to leave.
I think christian would have!!!
He has GREAT GREAT mic skills and imo is 10x better than the edge/cena shit!
I bet with all the injuries wwe has had, christian would have been champ...
besides didnt he leave while he was getting pushed/???
i would like to have thought he would cause he is fantastic on mike in ring similar to jericho but wwe champs it seems to be mor important on mike than having the in ring style

But wwe is too into there big bodied champs in general
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