Would Bill Goldberg be a draw in 2015?

Eddie Menuek

Pre-Show Stalwart
Within the past few days there's been various rumours and reports that Bill Goldberg is interested in working a match at Wrestlemania 31, but that it would need to be for the right paycheck. Jim Ross has tweeted a follow up to this story, confirming what has been rumoured in the past - that Goldberg wants his son to see him wrestle.

I suppose there's a few questions that come with this story:

- Would WWE have any interest in bringing Goldberg in for a Wrestlemania match?
- Would you, as a wrestling fan, have any interest?

But the main question that is on my mind is really, would it be worth it, from a financial point of view? It's been over a decade since the absolute piece of shit that was Brock Lesnar versus Goldberg at Wrestlemania XX, and since that match Goldberg has done very little in terms of staying in the limelight, as opposed to the two obvious examples of The Rock and Brock Lesnar who only boosted their popularity between leaving the WWE and making their high profile returns. Whether you're a fan of the terms of their contracts or not, their involvement in the company is very obviously 'best for business'. I'm finding it difficult to gauge where Bill Goldberg sits on this totem pole. It's been such a long time that he was a huge deal in WCW - how much of a deal is he now? Does he have any right to hold out for unrealistic amounts of money, and is there any value in it from the company's point of view?

Would Bill Goldberg be a worthwhile draw come Wrestlemania 31?
To be honest, I can only see Goldberg being qualified for the mid card based on drawing power, and I have read before that his list demands includes winning the match clean with his finishers...so basically he would make 7 figures to come in and squash a current time mid card talent? No thanks.
1. Most likely, he is one of the biggest names in wrestling history and I'm sure they would love to cash in on his name 1 last time.

2. Me personally? Not really other than seeing how he would do after being gone for so long. Like you said his last match sucked and that was a decade ago, it's hard to imagine him putting on a better one 11 years later.

3. Depends on his asking price I guess, but I have a gut feeling that one of the reasons he wasn't at WM30 was that price was too high. They do have close to a year to iron out the details so it wouldn't surprise me at all if he really does compete at WM31.

Here's hoping he's not next years RR winner though. ;)
First, Lesnar isnt much of a draw. His post WWE career included an embarrasingly brief NFL stint that never saw him in a regular season game and a failed attempt at UFC that included multiple high profile losses.

Goldberg was in 98-99 a hotter name in wrestling than anyone not named Austin. He was comparable to The Rock during that time. Look at the most popular wrestlers in that time... Triple H, Foley, Taker, Flair, Hogan, Sting, DDP, Nash... Goldberg was a hotter property than any of them at that time.

Can he draw like he did years ago, having been away so long ? Probably not. Even The Rock though couldnt carry Survivor Series to big numbers with his 1st match in how long a few years ago. He did OK in two W-Mania bouts vs Cena though. If Goldberg is booked correctly, with a nod to his past dominance, as well as his WWE Highlights which included a World Title win and W-Mainia win over Lesnar when he was a big time star, allowing him to be the kind of "monster bad a@#" he plays best, ostensibly against a similar heel like bad a@#, then yes, he would be a draw and definately could help draw for a W-Mainia, especially with no CM Punk in sight, an almost retired HHH, a possibly gone for good Taker (a once a year attraction the last 3yrs anyway), HBK retired w/ chronic back troubles, Austin never coming back with his busted neck, and Flair & Hogan (who failed a WWE physical this year) finally too old even for a token tag team match, that's a lot of main event talent the last few years lost and not coming back. Goldberg certainly wouldnt hurt.
First, Lesnar isnt much of a draw. His post WWE career included an embarrasingly brief NFL stint that never saw him in a regular season game and a failed attempt at UFC that included multiple high profile losses.

I'm not sure about that. The NFL stint is a non-factor but Brock Lesnar was huge for UFC, and UFC was huge for Brock Lesnar. He main evented the two highest drawing PPVs in UFC history, and four of the top ten. Not to mention that what he actually achieved in the Octagon was remarkable in such a short space of time. It's harsh to call the run a failure in any sense, and at this point, if you place him in a main event he's arguably the biggest deal not named Dwayne Johnson. The numbers that he did in UFC made the money that he's making in WWE make sense. I'm not sure that you can look at what Goldberg did from 1997 to 2001 in WCW and argue that he deserves to earn as much as the biggest stars in the industry in 2014.
Goldberg wasn't a major draw. He arrived in late 1997 and rode the downward wave of WCW. He certainly wasn't as big in 1998 as Sting was in 1997. His legacy is getting a monstrous push that nobody else was ever afforded (going over 100+ people clean), ending a legend's career, and being his own #1 fan.

And a money-grubbing ***.
Would WWE have any interest in bringing Goldberg in for a Wrestlemania match?

I'd say that WWE would have interest because, allegedly, there've been several times in which WWE reps & Goldberg's reps have sat down to negotiate a possible return. At least, that's what various reports have stated in the past several years.

Would you, as a wrestling fan, have any interest?

Not really. I was never a big Goldberg fan, just never found the guy all that interesting. Goldberg's undefeated streak, while admittedly a great angle back in the day, is something that's gotten heavily overblown over the years via nostalgia in the same way a lot of stuff from the late 90s has. When you look back over the matches, a significant majority of them were 2 to 3 minute squash matches against nobodies while the ones that weren't usually weren't all that good. Goldberg had a great look, a genuine intimidation factor, but I was never all that impressed with him inside the ring. His shortcomings became painfully obvious if his matches went past the 5 to 7 minute mark which, personally, I think is one reason why most of his bouts were kept so short. Allegedly, one big reason why he and WWE haven't come to an agreement is that Goldberg, reportedly, wants a huge sum of money and to go over whomever he wound up facing. Personally, I don't think he's worth it. According to celebritynetworth.com, Goldberg has a net worth of $12 million so, if accurate, he's not exactly hurting for money right now.

Would Bill Goldberg be a worthwhile draw come Wrestlemania 31?

I think that Goldberg would generate some interest, but I ultimately think the reality of his presence at WrestleMania XXXI would be far outstripped by the hype. Goldberg hasn't wrestled a match in more than 10 years, he'll be 48 years old by the time WrestleMania XXXI comes about and those two things may very well be factors no matter that he's kept himself in shape. When it comes to his actual ability to draw, I don't think he'd bring a whole helluva lot to WrestleMania XXXI. While I could very easily be wrong, it's just a gut feeling I've got. A lot of hardcore fans know about Goldberg, especially smarks. Ryback is often called a clone of Goldberg, fans still chant "Goldberg" during his matches, but I don't think it's meant as a compliment.
The answer is no.

I've said this before, but a lot of people put too much stock in the "Goldberg" chants. It's just a bunch of smarks doing their best to get under Ryback's skin. That's it. On top of that, unless I'm missing something, you don't hear the chants anymore. You heard them on a weekly basis during the height of Ryback's push in 2012, but now it's just crickets. Also, think about something. When's the last time you heard any Goldberg chants without Ryback in the ring?

Physical conditioning and cardio? That's another big problem. Bill Goldberg is 47 now. I read a report on the main page about Goldberg keeping himself in shape for the possibility of a return one day. Well, The Rock is chiseled from head to toe, and he had some noticeable problems with poor ring shape, and you could see the problems in his matches with Punk and the WM 29 rematch (although, you could give Rock a pass on that one, because he suffered a serious injury) with Cena.

And you could look at Batista as another example for an aging wrestler with poor ring shape. On the surface, Batista looks pretty good, but Batista could barely catch his breath and keep up during the Rumble and his match with Del Rio at Elimination Chamber. Father Time is undefeated, and you can't just flip on a light switch to jump back in the ring and go full speed again after a lengthy hiatus from a consistent schedule.

Goldberg will receive a positive reaction during his first appearance, if he returns. After that? The nostalgia will wear off (the same thing happened to Batista), and there's a good chance of Goldberg receiving the Boo-Tista treatment from the fans. I wouldn't care about a Wrestlemania match one way or the other, but Goldberg setting the world of pro wrestling on fire as a draw in 2015? It's not happening.
Goldberg wasn't a WWE draw in 2003. Though time is a great thing and it makes fans appreciate some of the older competitors.

Goldbery would be very valuable to WWE for a short run and for future appearances.

Not sure if I buy Goldberg coming back to wrestler, but him coming back to enforce a Lesnar match makes perfect sense to me. Lesnar vs. The Rock with Goldberg playing guard, here WWE, take my money!
Bill Goldberg returning for a match at WM 31 would be a curiosity and nothing more. The fact that the man's ego hits the upper atmosphere doesn't help matters; the WWE just doesn't have time for his shit. He's a nearly 50 year old man who hasn't wrestled in 10 years and is a legend in his own mind with Monday Night Wars salary demands.

Goldberg's stock was high due to the streak. That was it. As soon as the streak was over, he started to fade. He was just another big dude with two or three moves. Had he some success past his streak, I could understand the argument for him, but the reality is Goldberg's career after that was a slow downward spiral that had to be revived by going to the WWE. He lasted a year.

So no...he wouldn't be a draw. He'd be a sideshow.
Looking at it from a different point of view, rather than salary demands and previous career achievements, the answer is still no. The sad state of affairs is the younger audience these days would have no idea who he is or why they should care about him.

Look at this year's build up to WM. When the "bong" rang out and the lights went down, there was not a standing ovation or huge pop for Taker. Why? The guy is one of THE legends of wrestling, a hell of a lot more so than Goldberg, but because we only see him wrestle once a year and he's no longer kicking ass on a weekly basis, the current younger audience don't appreciate who he is. This would be intensely magnified for someone like Goldberg. While he is a very well known name in wrestling circles, the guy can't hold a candle to The Undertaker, so aside from a few smarks and WCW nostalgia fans, there's not going to be any sort of roaring approval, or buzz, for the return of Goldberg.

The only match I want to see Goldberg ever wrestle again is against William Regal so he can once again be taught a lesson in the fine art of technical wrestling.
To me, Goldberg would probably only be a draw to the wrestling fans. I get the feeling some people see him as another box office hit, such as The Rock, but realistically, Goldberg hasn't done anything in the mainstream to garner such attention that his return would be of any significance. I think you need to look at the way Batista returned and realise that, even though he was a top guy in the company, his return hardly had an effect on viewership and pay per view buy rates. Goldberg may help with some increase, but very little. And with the WWE Network now, pay per view buys don't mean much anymore.

As a wrestling fan, I think it would be fun to see Goldberg back. We seem to be in the era of part timers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, however, I feel that the WWE currently has too many younger guys on the break (Bray Wyatt, Cesaro and The Shield), as well as top guys like Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and John Cena, that, therefore, Goldberg's presence at WrestleMania 31 may be nothing but a hinderance. Add in the fact Brock Lesnar will be there, The Rock might be there, you'd think Batista would be there, and Triple H is almost guaranteed to be there, Goldberg's appearance would mean nothing.

To me, while it'd be great to see him back, I doubt it would be worthwhile for 2015. What would he do? Where would he go? Add in his age, so his likely health, and remember that when he came to the WWE in 2003 he hardly pushed the boat out then. Those factors tell me he won't be necessary next year, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him.
First, Lesnar isnt much of a draw. His post WWE career included an embarrasingly brief NFL stint that never saw him in a regular season game and a failed attempt at UFC that included multiple high profile losses.

Goldberg was in 98-99 a hotter name in wrestling than anyone not named Austin. He was comparable to The Rock during that time. Look at the most popular wrestlers in that time... Triple H, Foley, Taker, Flair, Hogan, Sting, DDP, Nash... Goldberg was a hotter property than any of them at that time.

Can he draw like he did years ago, having been away so long ? Probably not. Even The Rock though couldnt carry Survivor Series to big numbers with his 1st match in how long a few years ago. He did OK in two W-Mania bouts vs Cena though. If Goldberg is booked correctly, with a nod to his past dominance, as well as his WWE Highlights which included a World Title win and W-Mainia win over Lesnar when he was a big time star, allowing him to be the kind of "monster bad a@#" he plays best, ostensibly against a similar heel like bad a@#, then yes, he would be a draw and definately could help draw for a W-Mainia, especially with no CM Punk in sight, an almost retired HHH, a possibly gone for good Taker (a once a year attraction the last 3yrs anyway), HBK retired w/ chronic back troubles, Austin never coming back with his busted neck, and Flair & Hogan (who failed a WWE physical this year) finally too old even for a token tag team match, that's a lot of main event talent the last few years lost and not coming back. Goldberg certainly wouldnt hurt.

I don't agree with your assessment of Lesnar's UFC Career. He became the UFC heavyweight Champion, which is a feat in itself, considering the man really had no real training as a professional fighter. He also gave the UFC some of the highest selling PPV's that i'm not sure if they have topped since he's been out.

I don't think Goldberg will be relevant in 2015 because as others have said, he wrestled shitty matches over 10 years ago, but it would be interesting to just see how he could wrestle in 2015. I don't agree with him going over top talent, and it doesn't appear that he would come in to WWE to job to someone, based on his demands in the past....
First, Lesnar isnt much of a draw. His post WWE career included an embarrasingly brief NFL stint that never saw him in a regular season game and a failed attempt at UFC that included multiple high profile losses.

Winning the UFC Championship, twice successfully defending his championship, being the Champion at the top of the card of the biggest UFC PPV they ever had, yeah that was "a failed attempt at UFC". Absolutely RIDICULOUS statement on your part.

Even MMA enthusiasts who hate wrestling, and hated Lesnar coming into"their world", eventually admitted that what he did was pretty incredible. Going in there w/ basically NO MMA experience and making the impact he did is unheard of.

Sure, the "doesn't like to get hit" stuff is valid, but this isn't a discussion about whether or not he is a perfect fighter. This is about calling what he did a "failed attempt". If that was a failed attempt, what would you call it if he went in there and lost to Herring in his second fight, lost in his third fight, and then just quit?

NOW, as for Goldberg. I think he would generate a decent level of interest, but it will be a novelty type thing. One match at Wrestlemania. When you are wrestling one match on the WM card, and have no plan to wrestle multiple matches a year like Lesnar, I don't think the word "draw" can be used.

I don't think anyone who hasn't gotten the WWE Network yet is going to sign up just because Goldberg is going to perform at WM. But I think enough people remember him, and absence makes the heart grow fonder (The Batista situation was an anomaly).

His involvement will be garnishment, he won't be in the main event obviously so I don't think there is any "risk" with bringing him in.
First, Lesnar isnt much of a draw. His post WWE career included an embarrasingly brief NFL stint that never saw him in a regular season game and a failed attempt at UFC that included multiple high profile losses.

Goldberg was in 98-99 a hotter name in wrestling than anyone not named Austin. He was comparable to The Rock during that time. Look at the most popular wrestlers in that time... Triple H, Foley, Taker, Flair, Hogan, Sting, DDP, Nash... Goldberg was a hotter property than any of them at that time.

Can he draw like he did years ago, having been away so long ? Probably not. Even The Rock though couldnt carry Survivor Series to big numbers with his 1st match in how long a few years ago. He did OK in two W-Mania bouts vs Cena though. If Goldberg is booked correctly, with a nod to his past dominance, as well as his WWE Highlights which included a World Title win and W-Mainia win over Lesnar when he was a big time star, allowing him to be the kind of "monster bad a@#" he plays best, ostensibly against a similar heel like bad a@#, then yes, he would be a draw and definately could help draw for a W-Mainia, especially with no CM Punk in sight, an almost retired HHH, a possibly gone for good Taker (a once a year attraction the last 3yrs anyway), HBK retired w/ chronic back troubles, Austin never coming back with his busted neck, and Flair & Hogan (who failed a WWE physical this year) finally too old even for a token tag team match, that's a lot of main event talent the last few years lost and not coming back. Goldberg certainly wouldnt hurt.

It's easy to point out Brock Lesnar haters as they always talk about his failed NFL career and mock his UFC career. Brock Lesnar was the biggest draw in UFC history, he also helped shaped the Heavyweight division into what it is today, prior to him it was a joke. Brock Lesnar lost three times, twice after his disease and once was a rookie mistake. Take that into consideration. As for his NFL stint, he was one of the last cuts made, and he was offered to play in NFL Europe. He had little experience in football, so that is an amazing achievement, same with MMA, he only had about a year's worth of training before he made it into the UFC. Brock Lesnar is a draw, like him or not.

As for the questions asked by the original poster, yes I would love to see Goldberg have a match at WrestleMania 31 if he is capable of having one. Goldberg was never a good wrestler so fans won't expect a technical masterpiece from him but having him put over a talent in a high profile match, maybe Roman Reign, would be nice to see. I think that answers the first question as well, WWE would most definitely have interest in having him put a younger talent over. Goldberg will be a worthwhile draw, the fans haven't forgotten him, his named ruined Ryback's push after all. All in all, I would say yes to all three questions.
Goldberg isn't worth that much. He was not that big of a draw when he left. 11 years later, being away from wrestling, I don't think he has improved inside the ring.

He will generate some interest, but as many have already said, that would be just nostalgia. Once that wears off, people will realize that there's not much in the Goldberg tank. If the reports are true about his demands, then he's of even lesser value.

I personally have never found him that interesting. He cannot really put on a match. And I am not sure why WWE would want to waste a talent jobbing to him. Plus if reports are true, he won't be working any kind of schedule. One match is just not worth it.
I would have been interested a few years ago but not now. The whole part of him saying he wants his son to see him wrestle but would only do it for the right money kinda rubs me the wrong way. Does he care more about money or about having a special moment with his son?
I definitely believe WWE is interested in getting Goldberg back, over the past few years I've heard of them attempting to work something with him multiple times. Considering that and the potential buzz a Goldberg return could bring I'd say it's pretty obvious they would like to make a deal.

Personally I would love it, I was enamored by this guy as a kid and to this day remains a larger than life figure to me. I will never forget or get over how scary good he looked and performed in the second ever Elimination Chamber match at Summerslam(don't recall the exact year). I love Goldberg and the idea of getting to actually see him in ring when I go to Mania live this coming year, I've already got goosebumps.

I believe he'd a good draw, he still does have a good following of hardcore fans and I think it would be recieved well so long as he does it right. Come back a month or so before Mania, build toward it with some promos and have your match. It's no too much and it's not too little like the build for Lesnar-Taker felt. I would hope he didn't try to wrestling on a erratic schedule after that, an appearance here and there would be all is want to see after his one mania match. Hopefully he does do his match though because I would mark the hell out seeing Bill freaking Goldberg at WRESTLEMANIA 31.
I wouldn't be all that interested if he came back. I am sure the WWE would love to have him back, but I doubt they will considering Goldberg's thoughts of himself are much higher than the WWE's in terms of money. I can't see them coming to an agreement.

Not to mention a lot of fans have no clue who Goldberg is. I ask myself if he would have been as big in the WWF like he was in WCW at the same time and my answer is always no.

The Rock had star power behind him in his return. Lesnar had the UFC to help him come back. Batista's return was a major flop. Goldberg's would be that much worse.

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