Would anyone want to see a WWF: One Night Stand?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The WWE threw only two ECW (not WWE) One Night Stands in 2005 & 2006 featuring the ECW originals which was a huge sucess! And now it looks like TNA wrestling is looking to copy the same idea from what the WWE did five years ago for some reason? That had me thinking. We most likey will never see a WCW One Night Stand in the future. So why not the WWE have a WWF One Night Stand featuring the WWE legends from the 1980's?

Excluding Hulk Hogan since he's with TNA and on bad terms with WWE boss Vince McMahon....

-"Macho Man" Randy Savage
-The Ultimate Warrior
-"Rowdy" Roddy Pipper
-"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
-Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake
-Jake "The Snake" Roberts
-Sgt. Slaugther
-Tito Santana
-The Honky Tonk Man

It wouldn't be hard to sign the wrestling legends to a short-term deal from the event. And most of these guys aren't really in bad shape reguardless of their ages (the same thing could be said about the ECW originals?). And they could have a venue from back in the day where a WWF live event was rememberable, like Madison Sqaure Garden or somewhere like that?

We could see old rivals go at it one more time! Like...

The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Sgt. Slaugther in a old grudge match.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. The Honky Tonk Man in a rematch from Wrestlemania 3.

Or "The Macho Man" Randy Savage & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake Vs. (Money INC.) Ted Dibiase & I.R.S.

It could work! But that would all be a go depending on Vince McMahon.
The majority of those guys are retired, or way way out of their prime. They shouldn't be appearing to make a WWF One Night Stand as you call it.

The idea is ridiculous, because WWF is basically the same damn thing that WWE produces, just older, different stars. One Night Stand for ECW made sense because it was a different product, it was a different set of stars all in all in a different promotion. It wasn't just the same guys we had seen working the way they always worked. This was guys that were working for WWE, or brought in to work briefly, for the sake of producing a product that weren't weekly produced anymore, or some of the WWF fans back in the 90's might not have gotten the time to experience. To put it simply, it brought memories back to something we hadn't seen for a long time.

WWE produces pretty much the same thing that they did back in the days that these guys were active. So it wouldn't make sense to produce it, with older stars where 90% of them most likely wouldn't be able to go anymore, especially not in the manner of which they managed to wrestle back in the 80's.
No thanks. For the most part these guys are just shells of their old selves and I think it would just disappoint. I think the ECW thing is different because their matches are more defined by how "hardcore" everything is, not the actual wrestling.
The majority of those guys are retired, or way way out of their prime. They shouldn't be appearing to make a WWF One Night Stand as you call it.

The idea is ridiculous, because WWF is basically the same damn thing that WWE produces, just older, different stars. One Night Stand for ECW made sense because it was a different product, it was a different set of stars all in all in a different promotion. It wasn't just the same guys we had seen working the way they always worked. This was guys that were working for WWE, or brought in to work briefly, for the sake of producing a product that weren't weekly produced anymore, or some of the WWF fans back in the 90's might not have gotten the time to experience. To put it simply, it brought memories back to something we hadn't seen for a long time.

WWE produces pretty much the same thing that they did back in the days that these guys were active. So it wouldn't make sense to produce it, with older stars where 90% of them most likely wouldn't be able to go anymore, especially not in the manner of which they managed to wrestle back in the 80's.
Now hold on there! That isn't right to compare the WWF originals to the ECW originals like that. And as far as the WWF stars goes as being to old or whatever. Didn't we see at Wrestlemania 25 in Houston, TX three wrestling legends team-up in a full-length handicap match giving it there all?

The same thing can be said about the old WWF superstars who wrestled at Wrestlemania 17 (in Houston, TX ironiclly) in a battle royal. Give this guys some credit man! These are professionals who are the best at what they do. And they have been in this position in their career's many times before. So let them and Vince McMahon decided what is best for the idea and the legends health conditions.
The only way this would work is if they knew that it was a gag (like one of the gimmick battle royals they had at one of the Wrestlemania's not too long ago)...and they gave all of the proceeds to charities.

I am a HUGE old school 80's and 90's wrestling fan...as I think the product sucks beyond belief today and it's really disappointing. But I'm also realistic and most of these guys have been long retired and/or out of the game for quite a while. It would be pretty unbearable to watch.

If you could some how get all of these guys in their primes? There would be no WWF: One Night Stand. They would be in...and all your boring drone wrestlers you have today would be thrown out the window with the garbage.
Now hold on there! That isn't right to compare the WWF originals to the ECW originals like that. And as far as the WWF stars goes as being to old or whatever. Didn't we see at Wrestlemania 25 in Houston, TX three wrestling legends team-up in a full-length handicap match giving it there all?

I'm not comparing them. I'm saying that One Night Stand made sense because of the fact that ECW actually produced something different. To what WWE was producing back then, or at the time One Night Stand was being made.

WWF, back when these stars you mention worked there, was no different in any manner to what we're seeing today, not in the manner that it's the exact same thing. But there's no specific change in the overall production, we're not seeing any specific matches back then, that we're not seeing today. So in that manner it wouldn't make sense to create One Night Stand for WWF.

Also Roddy Piper was in that match at Wrestlemania 25 yes, but he wasn't anywhere near the most active in the match. Roddy was older, he's sure as hell not in the shape he was back in the days. Steamboat was the only one who could even remotely perform like he did back in the 80's and the 90's. And that's why they also brought him back after that, and didn't bring back Superfly or Piper.

Savage is older, most likely hasn't properly wrestled for years, Warrior is just, no no and absolutely no. Ted DiBiase is nowhere near in-ring worthy anymore. The same could go on for the majority of those guys, with perhaps a little exception in some of the etc. included people.

I do not want to see it happening let's just say that much.

The same thing can be said about the old WWF superstars who wrestled at Wrestlemania 17 (in Houston, TX ironiclly) in a battle royal. Give this guys some credit man! These are professionals who are the best at what they do. And they have been in this position in their career's many times before. So let them and Vince McMahon decided what is best for the idea and the legends health conditions.

It's a battle royal dude. A BATTLE ROYAL. It takes zero wrestling talent to perform in a battle royal, all it takes is to remember that you're able to pound at someone with a hand or two, and pull them over the top rope. The majority of them are old and out of shape. Plus the people performing at Wrestlemania 17 was a gimmick match, it was all those people with whackey gimmicks that got brought back, not anybody that ever made any sense. We weren't seeing Hogan, Savage, DiBiase or Piper, the 4 main guys during that era (Mind you I didn't watch back then, these are the primary talent that I know of, with exception of Iron Sheik, who's a crazed madman more than ever, and Sgt. Slaugther who is too old to perform, and never truly was anything but a heel with a worthy gimmick.)

I give them perfect credit, but it doesn't mean that I have to sit and watch these old men perform, the majority of them are in their 40's - 60's. Do you really wanna see a Pay Per view filled with people in that age trying to perform at a level they couldn't possibly perform at 10 years ago even?
im not into old guys wrestling mediocre matches too be honest. they will probably boring and i wouldnt want to see that. now f they had a wwf reunion with the rock and austin and the american badass and the hurrican and masked kane and more i would love to see that.
The idea of having these guys remembered and honored is good, but having a full PPV and card with these guys is not needed.

It simply would not be entertaining to watch a WWF: One Night Stand. The matches would be boring, as I highly doubt anyone could work even an ok match. Even if they were to do something like it, it wouldnt need to be a PPV. Something like this would be a RAW special or something. No need to use up a PPV for this.

I would come up with another way to have a night to remember these guys. A One Night Stand sort of deal wouldnt work.
These guys are all very old, and can't really perform in the ring anymore. Warrior is on bad terms with the WWE, and I don't really think that this would draw any fans. Hey, we're gonna have a bunch of 50 - 60 year old men try to wrestle... it's a must see. Maybe 5 - 7 years ago this would have been a good idea, not anymore.
bad idea none of those guys can go anymore. have u seen the way these guys wrestle these days. honky tonk man vs santino ay cyber sunday 2008 was terrible i cant imagine htm vs jake the snake. the only one of the legends that can still go is ricky the dragon steamboat everyone else just cant go anymore. a battle royal is the only thing they can do cause its slow and does not involve them taking any bumbs
Yeah most of those guys have no business being in the ring anymore. Not that some of them aren't still working on a regular basis but it really is more sad than anything. We remember what these guys were like in their primes 20 or so yrs ago and that's how I would think they would prefer to be remembered. Not when they came out all fat and out of shape and had a hard time making it to the ring, much less performing. With all that being said though, I think it would draw though I would build it as a Raw or something rather than a PPV.
ok, yea i see what u mean! it would be great, u could call it one night stand: old& slow! it could be sponsored by hoveround & depends adult diapers. better have the ambulances parked nearby cuz i guarantee someones gonna break a hip or have a heart attack.

this is fucking stupid. vince has a problem w\ warrior & savage. the others have made several appearances already & only for a second is it cool or even makes sense. roberts is probly in a hotel somewhere smocking crack with a dirty hooker. so why a whole ppv? id rather watch my grandpa & his golf buddies challenge the local retirement home to a 'laxative on a pole' ladder match. who wants to see a whole ppv of matches that couldnt last more than 5minutes b4 someone passes out or gets carried out in a stretcher.

dumb idea, dumb idea....
It could work but with the guys from the 90's not the 80's. Most guys from the 80's are past their primes and are retired. You could bring back a few guys depending on what you used them for. Such as Rowdy Roddy Piper for Piper's Pit in which I wouldn't mind watching this. You need guys from the 90's like Austin, Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show. These guys were there too and could make the pay per view worth it. I realize most of the main event guys are still around but have a pay per view centered around them. None of the younger guys. You also have plenty of mid carders to have come back. Guys like Goldust(I know he is still around), Val Venis, D'lo Brown, Ken Shamrock, and Shawn Michaels. Bret Hart could be involved to but more as a special guest referee type of way. This would be a great way to bring Sid Vicious back since he wants too return. Bring back old tag teams too such as the New Age Outlaws, the APA, and Edge and Christian. I think if it were done with the guys from the 90's than it would be more entertaining since most of them can still wrestle. I know a lot are still around but it would be better than guys past their prime.
Sgt. Slaugther who is too old to perform, and never truly was anything but a heel with a worthy gimmick.)

Hey now! Slaughter at one point was a top face. Some argue that if Hogan wasn't around, Slaughter would have been THE guy.

Onto this clusterfuck idea of 60 year old guys having a PPV dedicated to old school 80s wrestling. Not going to happen. Shouldn't happen. Better not happen. If I want to see a roster full of old farts wrestling, I will go to an old folk's home and watch them wrestle with their pudding cups. It's that simple.
I'd say that this PPV would probably bomb. like most have said, few to none of these guys can go anymore, and the matches would be slow and awkward. Sure, nostalgia would be cool, but that lasts only so long.

A better idea would be like an Attitude Era one night stand, or something to that effect. Get guys like Austin, Rock, the APA, the New Age Outlaws, and couple it with the rest of the remaining Attitude era Stars like Taker, Kane HHH, Jericho, and have some historical rematches. Although i'm not sure how sound of an idea that is, since alot of current stars were big during the attitude era.
Before everyone dismisses this idea completely, let's look at it from a different perspective. I am a Yankee fan, and one of the most fun days of the year for us is old timer's day. Legends from every era of Yankee baseball who can attend get recognized by the crowd and it is wonderful every single year. The team even acknowledges the spouses of deceased players who attend like Mrs. Munson, Mrs. Mercer, and Mrs. Howard among others. After being fondly introduced, these men, regardless of how much their skills have diminished, take the field for a fun, 3 inning game to entertain the crowd. It's a fun day for the fans in attendance, and this event is even shown on TV to pretty good ratings. So why can't this work for wrestling?

Think about it. We have a Hall of Fame ceremony the night before Wrestlemania. Big stars show up to see their peers honored and it is warm and wonderful for the WWE fans and performers. This event is shown in part on NBC. Why not add an "old timer's event" to the Wrestlemania festivities. Just an event each year for whoever wants to show up and have some fun. No storylines, no feuds, just a few fun matches to "relive the good times". It could be shown on TV and if it gets good ratings, could become an annual event. You don't have to glorify it as a "one night stand", but an old timer's day run by WWE could actually be fun. Imagine if today's kids could watch this show with their parents who could reminisce about the good old days when those men performed. It could provide a sense of history to the young audience and really expand their horizons as far as wrestling knowledge. I think in this format, this could be a great event, and depending on who is on good terms with the WWE, could be unique every year.

The format is simple. Acknowledge all the former wrestlers in attendance for "old timer's day". Put on a few matches, ideally with people from the same generation so that workrate would be similar, and send the fans home happy. I think even the former wrestlers would have a good time with it, knowing they aren't expected to put on 5 star matches and don't have to play roles. It'll be purely for fun, and I think people would realy enjoy it.
This is an AWFUL idea. All those guys would be completely unwatchable in a match. Look at Bret Hart. He's younger than most of those guys and when he has wrestled recently, it's made me want to throw up.

When I clicked on this thread I thought, "he can't possibly be talking about the OLD WWF. He must be talking abbout the attitude era guys or something. No one in their right mind would ever suggest that they'd want to see Warrior, macho man, sgt. slaughter, etc. wrestle today" But I was wrong.

However, if you were suggesting a night where we saw people from say, the 90s, i'd be down with that. Cuz while they may not put on icredible matches, they're still at least capable of wrestling a match where you don't want to throw up.
I like the idea behind it, though the execution would be hard to do. We're talking about bringing in talent that, lets be honest, isn't in the best physical condition. I'm a huge Jake Roberts fan but even I was ashamed at how he looked in his appearance on I think it was the Highlight Reel when he was RKOd. You'd have to get these guys to do what Slaughter did and go on a crash diet, lose a couple hundred pounds and at least start working with a Bowflex for a few months.

I'd like to see even some guys appear in a context different from: 1)Hall of Fame is coming up, let's trot out some veterans, 2)Superstar _______ _____ is now a "Legend Killer", let's trot out some veterans, 3)We need someone to do a backstage segment and get a pop from the crowd, let's call and see if any veterans are from this area.

I mean I've become jaded toward the product and I long for the 'old days' like I'm sure every fan does but I see Randy Orton being the new Roberts, Cena becoming the new Hogan if just given a little time and Santino being the new Doink. Everything is full circle especially in professional wrestling.

That being said, and I know I'm getting off topic so I'll wrap things up, I'd've love to have seen instead of Khali and Edge and Jericho and Morrison teaming up with Cena, let's do a Survivor Series match in a couple of months after more build up and pit Nexus vs. Cena, Savage, Warrior, the Rock, Austin, Hitman and hell Psycho Sid (substitute Steamboat if he's healthier, or DiBiase or IRS with anyone) and say the legends are tired of Nexus acting cowardly or getting an undeserved push or disrespecting the current roster or whatever. Just bring the guys out for what would add up to a gimmicky, feel-good match. What I'm getting at here is while I'd love to see Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man or Savage vs. Warrior the older legends need younger guys to help move the match along and not let it turn into a Divas match---err I mean botch fest.
I'm not comparing them. I'm saying that One Night Stand made sense because of the fact that ECW actually produced something different. To what WWE was producing back then, or at the time One Night Stand was being made.

WWF, back when these stars you mention worked there, was no different in any manner to what we're seeing today, not in the manner that it's the exact same thing. But there's no specific change in the overall production, we're not seeing any specific matches back then, that we're not seeing today. So in that manner it wouldn't make sense to create One Night Stand for WWF.

Also Roddy Piper was in that match at Wrestlemania 25 yes, but he wasn't anywhere near the most active in the match. Roddy was older, he's sure as hell not in the shape he was back in the days. Steamboat was the only one who could even remotely perform like he did back in the 80's and the 90's. And that's why they also brought him back after that, and didn't bring back Superfly or Piper.

Savage is older, most likely hasn't properly wrestled for years, Warrior is just, no no and absolutely no. Ted DiBiase is nowhere near in-ring worthy anymore. The same could go on for the majority of those guys, with perhaps a little exception in some of the etc. included people.

I do not want to see it happening let's just say that much.

It's a battle royal dude. A BATTLE ROYAL. It takes zero wrestling talent to perform in a battle royal, all it takes is to remember that you're able to pound at someone with a hand or two, and pull them over the top rope. The majority of them are old and out of shape. Plus the people performing at Wrestlemania 17 was a gimmick match, it was all those people with whackey gimmicks that got brought back, not anybody that ever made any sense. We weren't seeing Hogan, Savage, DiBiase or Piper, the 4 main guys during that era (Mind you I didn't watch back then, these are the primary talent that I know of, with exception of Iron Sheik, who's a crazed madman more than ever, and Sgt. Slaugther who is too old to perform, and never truly was anything but a heel with a worthy gimmick.)

I give them perfect credit, but it doesn't mean that I have to sit and watch these old men perform, the majority of them are in their 40's - 60's. Do you really wanna see a Pay Per view filled with people in that age trying to perform at a level they couldn't possibly perform at 10 years ago even?

Ferb, you are a god. Simply put. Not just in this post, but in general. Just thought I'd share that.

Anyway, to the point. Most of the guys from ONS were still active, just not in WWE. And those that were in WWE returned to their original gimmicks (Storm as part of the Impact Players, Dudleys back to their tie-die look, Simon Dean as motherfuckin' Nova!!!). Like Ferb pointed out, the majority of these guys haven't wrestled for years, and are out of shape, and just plain not watchable. Piper is a prime example. So is Snuka. Hell, one of the only trump cards you could of had for this was Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, but thats not happening anytime soon.

One idea would be to have an 'Attitude Era' WWE ONS but, seriously, WWE doesn't need to look to the past. It looked to ECW because it was different and unique. It doesn't need to look back on itself, people are still comparing now to the Attitude era, so looking back will not help that. WWE will keep looking to the future, and that is fine by me.
The WWE threw only two ECW (not WWE) One Night Stands in 2005 & 2006 featuring the ECW originals which was a huge sucess! And now it looks like TNA wrestling is looking to copy the same idea from what the WWE did five years ago for some reason? That had me thinking. We most likey will never see a WCW One Night Stand in the future. So why not the WWE have a WWF One Night Stand featuring the WWE legends from the 1980's?

Excluding Hulk Hogan since he's with TNA and on bad terms with WWE boss Vince McMahon....

-"Macho Man" Randy Savage
-The Ultimate Warrior
-"Rowdy" Roddy Pipper
-"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase
-Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake
-Jake "The Snake" Roberts
-Sgt. Slaugther
-Tito Santana
-The Honky Tonk Man

It wouldn't be hard to sign the wrestling legends to a short-term deal from the event. And most of these guys aren't really in bad shape reguardless of their ages (the same thing could be said about the ECW originals?). And they could have a venue from back in the day where a WWF live event was rememberable, like Madison Sqaure Garden or somewhere like that?

We could see old rivals go at it one more time! Like...

The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Sgt. Slaugther in a old grudge match.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. The Honky Tonk Man in a rematch from Wrestlemania 3.

Or "The Macho Man" Randy Savage & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake Vs. (Money INC.) Ted Dibiase & I.R.S.

It could work! But that would all be a go depending on Vince McMahon.

this wouldnt make sense on many reasons...

1. savage is prob the best name on this list and hes still blackballed by mcmahon...vince wants nothing to do with him

2. as someone else said....ecw ons did very well because of the following ecw had.. it was a different market who catered to different type of wrestling fans...there was an interest still in ecw. wwf ons wouldnt work as its basically the same formula as wwe today and no one is gonna shell out 45 dollars to see guys in their 50-60s wrestle. vince isnt dumb , as much as he denies it he knows he's getting his butt kicked in ppv( ufc made him look like a fool in 09 and now in 2010).. he would never risk doing a bomb ppv like that. the idea would work for COUPLE of matchs on raw, but how many of the guys r still active and compete ..steamboat COULD but he just had a severe health risk, who knows how it will effect him in a competeting way...malenko...maybe?.... i dont think theres many others who could work a full match and look good.
it would stupid PG like everything else.. No blood no chair shots..
I watched TNA last night.. Robert Roode got busted open, NO ONE came in to stop and repair his head.. He went the whole match bleeding.. NO THATS a good match. I'm glad TNA isn't stupid PG rated...so anyway.. Yeah Why make a One Night Stand for WWE. Everyone from WWWE old School is to OLD to do anything good..
Erm...NO...they are all old...retired or even passed away..

This keeps going through my mind and I think we won't even see another ECW reunion after this one..the wrestlers are just going old and can't perform like they used to...who knows there will be another reunion in 10 years and the wrestlers will come out with a walking stick and fight hardcore style..

As wrestlers get old..they need to start slowing down..as for the WWF...I already have great memories...don't need a reunion to ruin everything for me!!
10 years ago this might have been doable...but not now. WAIT!!!!!! I know we can put them on NXT and the next rookie challange is to push one of these geezers around the arena in a wheelchair...winner gets hogan's hof ring...after he digs it outta Abyss ass.
No way, all of those guys that you mentioned are way too old to be wrestling, Roddy Piper showed us that at WM 25 and Bret Hart showed us that at WM 26. I wouldnt be totally opposed to the idea though but why not do it with attitude era guys. Think about it for one week WWE programing goes back to TV-14 then on the sunday WWF One Night Stand (although they couldnt use the WWF name). Get in people like The Rock and Stone Cold who could still wrestle one more match if they wanted too and dont hold them back in what they say or do.
The only way this would work would be maybe, in some capacity, with their kids that are now in the business. Joe Hennig coming out to Mr. Perfect's music and attire doing a tribute to his dad, Rotundo and Husky Harris tagging maybe, etc. Other than that, it would just be a lot of over-the-hill wrestlers that haven't been able to go for a long time trying to squeak by in a match where the intros are longer than the actual match itself.

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