Would anyone else like to see the Friends movie?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Friends is arguably one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. That has to do with the fact that it lasted for 10 seasons, but it could have easily been continued for a few more years if they wanted to.

On May 6, 2004, Friends finally said goodbye after nearly 10 years. Since the series finale, there has been many rumors that a Friends movie would later be in the works. It has been 5 years and we still haven't seen it.

I hear that the cast wass up for it. Although now, I don't know. Courteney Cox is starring in a new series later this month, "Cougar Town", I believe. Lisa Kudrow was recently in the movie, "Bandslam". Matthew Perry was in the movie "17 Again", as a main role. And I'm not exactly sure what Jennifer Aniston, Matt Le Blanc, and David Schwimmer are doing now, but I'm sure they're occupied with something. Matt Le Blanc did have is spin-off titled "Joey", but that was three years ago. And David Schwimmer did do voice-overs on the animated films, "Madagascar" and "Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa".

So, assuming some day, the cast of Friends decide to come together one more time and have a Friends movie. Would you be opposed to seeing it? I know it is not very likely, especially at this point in time, but let's just hope. Any thoughts on it if it ever happened?

You could even say what it would be about. If it would include recurring characters like Gunther or Janice or Mike (I'd hope so, since he is Mr. Phoebe Buffay), or whoever. What do you think?
Ugh. I don't know man. Doesn't sound all that appealing to me. I think the show is pretty good. But what would a movie be about? Feels like it would be that kind of drama/comedy type of movie.
I'd always be up for a Friends movie. They wouldn't have to try too hard. If they got the same writers and producers then it could be great. Just make it a really long episode rather than trying to do this big epic Friends rivival movie.

I was/am a big fan of the show and would always be keen to see these characters again wether the movie is good or not it would still be great to see them return to the roles that made them.

Friends is a classic and it would be fuckin popular if it was ever made. Just look at the Sex and the City movie, it was huge. Imagine if Friends did one, it would be even bigger.

I'm up for the movie for sure. Friends FTMFW.
I guess it could work if they all went on a vaction together and base the movie around the vaction, there would definitely have to at least be a scene or 2 at the apt. building or coffee house since they were huge parts of the show, but like you said its been 5 years, who knows if the cast would all agree to do it now.
I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it but I do think that they should just leave it alone.

The problem I see occurring is that they tarnish what is already an exceptional show by trying to recapture the humour that was funny in the late 90's and early 00's. Personally, I would go and see the movie because I would love to carry on the relationship I had with the show, which was brilliant. There was a point in time that I would stay in on a Friday night to watch the show and I would never miss the latest one. Now though, I kind of wish that they would just leave it alone and just let the show be a reminder of what was one of the most successful TV shows, ever!
Friends is the kind of thing that's OK to watch on free TV, entertaining, inconsequential fluff but to go into a cinema and pay to see it? No thanks
Friends is the kind of thing that's OK to watch on free TV, entertaining, inconsequential fluff but to go into a cinema and pay to see it? No thanks

Really. Frankly I don't understand how people even enjoyed watching it on free television. It isn't funny, the characters aren't likable, the writing is terrible...just all around possibly the most overrated show in television history. I find more entertainment watching C-SPAN then I do from an episode of Friends.
Well, unlike my boy Xfear, I happen to love Friends, and would definitely like to see a movie eventually. My only worry is that it'll hurt it without the audience laughter, you know. But still, I would love to see where all the characters are today, nearly five years after we last saw them. If it takes a movie for us to find out, then I'm all for it.

However, if I could choose anything, it would just be another season; give us 22 more episodes and let it end there. Well, at least until 5 or 10 years after that. ;)
As a huge Friends fan, I've been re-watching it on DVD and 5 years since it ended, I still miss it. Whether a movie would be a good idea, I dont know. I always think what the movie would be about, they pretty much ended the show in a good way although I still believe Phoebe & Joey should have ended up together. But who knows? If the producers and writers of the show can come up with a good idea, I'll be one of the many to watch the movie.
I think a Friends film could be ok, but the problem is that the programme really deteriorated when they stopped being young. A sitcom centred around middle aged people is pretty much destined to fail unless they have teenage children, which the Friends wouldn't have really. The only way it'd work is if they left it a few years for Emma etc. to grow up or they had a complete rethink of the setting. There's not enough comedy in the lives of 40 year olds to make a comedy film, even if it did stem from a series as popular as this one.
Nah. I don't think that's a show that would do well as a movie. I never cared much for the show, just didn't find it that funny. If they had to bring back Friends in any aspect, do another season. I'm sure the Friends cast would be up to it. The diehard Friends fans that are out there would love it. It would bring back a bit of nostalgia to TV as well. Most of them have had successful careers outside of the show, so maybe they wouldn't be so up to it. I can see there being a dispute over monetary issues.
I cannot think of anything more painful to watch, than 2 hrs of stupidly immature, whining, self obssessed, neurotic Americans.

I used to tolerate the show because a girlfriend of the time used to like it, but a movie? NO way.

Could it even be done now? What with David Schwimmer's directing success (Run Fat Boy, Run) and Jennifer Aniston's somewhat patchy but undeniabley successful movie career, likewise Courtney Cox (of whom I always felt could and should have been Lois Lane in SUPERMAN RETURNS).

Perry, Kudrow and LeBlanc would probably all be desperate for it, but the others?

Also, one of the things that killed the show was the ridiculous wage demands made by the cast during the final 3 years, now if they want them ALL back together, do you think that will be less...or more of a factor?

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