Would any other wrestler draw as much heat as HHH??


I've just been reading a different thread, and it started me thinking......

Imagine HHH and Stephanie had never got married, instead she married another Main Event level guy. Would they get as much heat for their achievements and success as HHH gets?

Say she married Undertaker, would people only believe that he has the streak because of her?

Or HBK? Would people say he won consecutive Royal Rumbles (and became the first person to win from number 1), or that the only reason that he became the first grand slam champion, if he was with her?

Would people say that someone like John Cena or Batista would never have made it to main event level if they had not had a relationship with Steph?

Would people remember someone like Eddie Guerrerro the way they do if he had married Steph and became successful, before he died?

Lots of people think that the only reason that HHH has had any success is down to his marriage. Would anyone get the same reaction?

Personally, I doubt it..... But what about you?
Just imagine if Orton married her, think of the constant heat he'd get just by being married to her, he gets lots of heat by just the the way he does things, before the Legacy split-up of course, remember when he hit the ddt on her then kissed her right in front of a helpless TripleH before hitting TripleH with his own sledgehammer, that drew huge amounts of heat for Orton
I have to admit I actually don't know if anybody would be able to draw the same heat that Triple H is getting.

It could most likely be drawing equal heat, but I'm not guaranteeing anything because the scenario is imaginary.

I have to admit although I find it ridiculous that the fans have to give Triple H so much hatred for being married to the bosses daughter, and potentially getting the things he has in this business only for that, while I still think Triple H is one of the greatest talents of WWE history (that's my opinion, shit on it if you want, I won't change it) and I think he would've achieved a lot, and I mean A LOT even without Stephanie McMahon, or any McMahon's.
not a chance. nobody in the history could draw as much heat as Triple H.

but think about it... that's part of what makes Triple H so great. this guy is such a good performer and superstar, he can draw heat like nobody else.

Taker and HBK can get good reactions, but IMO their best work is as a face. they get better cheers more than they ever got boos, though HBK's first heel run in the early 90's after the Barber Shop was epic, his cheers for his last several Mania appearances are much better.

no one can get heat like Triple H. Orton has gotten close, but even his best heat came from an angle that involved Triple H and his family.

and that's what makes Triple H one of the best in the history of the business. his longevity in the ring and the quality of his work speaks for itself.

to answer the question, the only person i could possibly think of that could draw near as much heat as Triple H would either be Orton or Foley. both are pretty incredible workers and can tell a great story, as a face or as a heel. those are the close second-place runners up, but still, nobody could get it like Triple H. he's in a league all his own on this one, which might be a good thing.
I have to admit I actually don't know if anybody would be able to draw the same heat that Triple H is getting.

It could most likely be drawing equal heat, but I'm not guaranteeing anything because the scenario is imaginary.

I have to admit although I find it ridiculous that the fans have to give Triple H so much hatred for being married to the bosses daughter, and potentially getting the things he has in this business only for that, while I still think Triple H is one of the greatest talents of WWE history (that's my opinion, shit on it if you want, I won't change it) and I think he would've achieved a lot, and I mean A LOT even without Stephanie McMahon, or any McMahon's.

I agree with this, wholeheartedly.

Triple H was side by side with HBK. Getting heat from the early days of DX, and that was just the start of his evoltuion, if you will.

During the face time of DX, He wasn't even with Stephanie yet, and he was extremely marketable and successful.

Then the heel turn came. And from what most don't state, he was with Chyna at this time. Including his first title run. And he got major heat during this time. Due to his promos, and his feuds with Mick Foley and the Rock, and even the lesser extent with Big Show.

To state that Triple H only got his success from his marriage would neglect everything he accomplished before the vows.

Im not going to understate the effects that this has had AFTER the wedding. It's obvious, that it may have sided for the betterment of his pushes, though with the power he was gaining before hand, and the respect he already had. I truly believe that he would have been over as a heel, and gained the heat he had by other means.

He's one of the greats, and his marriage shouldn't taint that.

The only thing that may be a legitimate reason for outside of the ring heat, is the de-pushing of wrestlers that he may have (and more than likely) had a part of. That in itself is a power play of a veteran, not just someone married to Stephanie.

Think of how many people Austin didn't put over? Or Taker, or even Shawn. None of the three of them got this kind of heat for not putting someone over, Yet Triple H has.

I feel that the difference is, is there is a clear cut situation that can have the fans point the finger at, as to why things have happened in his career, and gives them a reason to Boo him, and give him heat. Though misguided, it's just an excuse.
Well, it's a complicated issue. Triple H gets heat because it is believed by the vast majority of the IWC that due to his position as Stephanie's wife, he mostly books himself. That's what gets him; It's not because of the fact that he married Steph or because he has the power. It's because most people think he used the power to keep the title on him during 2003-2005 and now he uses the power to stop himself from putting young guys. Even when he does put young guys over, he makes them look as weak as possible and himself look as strongly as possible.

That's the general concensus of the IWC. Now, if Steph had married any other main event guy, it would depend entirely on the guy. It depends if he would use his power to book himself like Triple H supposedly does. Guys like Cena and Undertaker probably wouldn't book themselves like that, but (old) HBK and Batista and such certainly would.

So yeah, that's what I think. But if it is Triple H booking himself like that, then he certainly does deserve the heat.
Yes, any other successful wrestler had they married Stephanie would have got just as much heat as HHH because it would still be the same situation.

But, without doubt, Triple H would be where he is now with or without marrying Stephanie. He became a huge star because he is one of the best. When he was getting a push during his feud with Vince, where he became an onscreen couple with Stephanie, he wasn't actually dating her, it was through that angle that they started dating.

In all I agree with Ferbian, Triple H is one of the most talented individuals in the wrestling business and has been for the past 10 - 12 years, THAT is why he is where he is now.
I always wondered what would have happened if Test had married her, what more what if she had taken a liking to someone with the wrestling ability of the Great Khali and he racked up 13 title reigns? It would have been appalling, the thing with Triple H is that he is quality wrestler and good on the mic, he had the look and everything to be a great heel/face.

Yeah he got real heat, but any wrestler married to the bosses daughter or not gets heat for having the title that much... look at Cena! Do you think Cena would get the heat he does had he not held the belt that much? no
There is a very select group of wrestlers who could draw that much heat and Triple H (obviously) is one. JBL could be another as the IWC dislikes him for the most part anyway. He was a bully and having EVEN MORE backstage power would only add to his hatred. The fact is Triple H doesn't deserve as much flak as he gets. he hasn't been champion for over a year now and it's not like he holds it for long anyway.

Getting back on track though, Shawn Michaels would possibly belong in this group as well as he already had some backstage power and gets on pretty well with Vince. Of course we can't comment on whether Triple H is a nice guy in real life but i'll wager it's actually tough on him being the son-in-law of Vince and that he expects more out of him because he's part of the McMahon family.
Honestly it is impossible to answer your question. It would depend on who the person was before/after the marriage. If it was someone that had backstage politics going on before(Shawn Michaels for example) then I would say yes. If it was someone like say, Test then I would say no. People really only hate on HHH because they think that his marriage has something to do with his title reigns. I honestly think that he would be as close to breaking Flair's record as he is with or without Steph and Vince in his family. The guy draws:period. He is the reason that DX is STILL popular. Granted they had to tone it down alot, but he is the reason they took off. He has been involved in creative for a while now, mainly with his character and the direction it would go. I can't really recall him burying anyone more than any other big name star(does the IWC forget about Stone Cold refusing to put over Brock Lesnar, and leaving the company because of it) or Shawn Michaels having to be threatened by Undertaker to do the job on a certain PPV or there would be problems?
HHH is one of the best talents that the wrestling business has seen come up in the last 15 years, and I have a feeling that his legacy will be tainted by the belief that he only got where he was because he married into the family that pays him.
triple h was always gonna be a main event star..from the time he won his first world title in 99, people saw it, he started as a heel and drew a lot of heat back then...no one can draw heat more than this man, orton, edge, batista (never), no one...

him marrying steph has definately got people talking, even now, i mean this is a thread about it...some above said, taker, shawn never put people over...taker has put a lot of people over, not so sure about hbk, but triple h, over the last 10 years has helped wrestlers become stars...putting many people over, and he doesn't mind, never has moaned...a great wrestler triple h...

he'll remembered for many things other than marrying the bosses daughter...

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