Would Alex Riley be a main event player now?


Championship Contender
So the rumor was Riley was buried when he got in Cena's face after a backstage rib. Let's say that never happened and he was furthering his career. Right now, our champion is on the side line with an injury, and there's not too many 'ready for prime time' players right now. Would Alex Riley be thrown into the main event pool right now?

I would give a resounding yes. He was getting some huge pops when he feuded with the Miz. He's strong on the mic, solid in the ring (solid enough, at least) and had a hell of a lot of charisma. Not saying that he would be the 'face' of the WWE, but without a doubt, I could see him both feuding with guys like HHH/Orton, or even being a member of Evolution.

In summary, Riley would be a main event player right now. I'm not a huge Riley mark, and know that he could easily be in Kofi/Ziggler's position right now, putting others over. Either way, what do you think? Yay or nay on Riley as main event material?
You okay? No really, are you? I never saw anything in him other than The Miz's sidekick. He wasn't given opportunity while riding Miz's tails to slowly branch out on his own. After he split with Miz and they has their feud what else was there left for him?
I think Riley would still have been someone but he wouldn't be the guy to have been thrown into a WWE/WHC championship run or anything close to that. I think the way WWE would have taken this is that post Miz, Riley moves on to the US Championship which he wins and holds for a good 4-6 months while still looking somewhat good (We all know no US champ matters really anymore, except Sheamus right?). During his reign Riley could face guys like John Morrision, Kofi etc.

When he loses the US title he would probably have floated around doing random matches after winning random mid card matches. This leads him to go to win the IC championship or something and just stays at that level.

I never saw him being a "A+ plus player" but he is a solid C.
eh, not unless Riley somehow got more over because his character needed working on. he came off hot, but then just fizzled. i liked his potential in the ring and thought he had good mic work, but he just didnt work in the end. maybe if the crowd got into him (heel or face) he would be a main event player now, but my guess is he would be a midcarder.
It wasn't just that Riley allegedly got in Cena's face. If I'm not mistaken, he was also arrested for DUI a few years back either during his alliance or feud with The Miz.

As far as Riley being a main eventer, I just never really saw it. He was decent on the mic and in the ring, had a pretty good look; but I can't say that I ever saw anything overly special about the guy. Nothing really made him stand out apart from his association with Miz when he was playing his lackey. When compared to some of the guys on the roster who're roughly around his own age or younger but who have years of greater experience like Wyatt, Harper, Rowan, Ziggler, Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins, Zayn, Neville, Barrett; I just don't think WWE missed the boat with Riley.
Personally I quite liked him, however I don't think he'd be in the main event picture. I always thought he's be a upper mid card guy who might get the odd WWE title shot. Never a world champion but a uS or IC champion in my books.
Wrestler36, I disagree that there aren't many "ready for prime time players" on the roster right now because there are. As an entry level talent Alex Riley should have taken the rib with a grain of salt and not gotten in Cena's face. While some rib's are mean spirited, most are just an acceptance into the brotherhood of pro wrestlers. If Riley couldn't take a rib, then clearly he would've been a bigger problem as a top guy. There's too many talented hungry performers, both in the WWE and outside of it to put up with a primadonna who hasn't proven himself.
Great look, decent ring skills, can talk, but honestly he wasn't ever going to go anywhere, I would've put the belt on Zack Ryder before I put Riley in the main event spot for one simple reason, character. Varsity Villian was his gimmick starting off, lame as hell, he became a face off of Miz and Miz gave him a huge rub, but yet he couldn't do anything with before he messed with Cena, Riley is like Matt Striker, belongs in wrestling, but doesn't belong in the ring
I don't think Riley would be a main event superstar now, maybe he would be in the position of someone like wade Barrett having own multiple IC championships but I don't think he ever had what wwe were looking for in a main eventer
You okay? No really, are you? I never saw anything in him other than The Miz's sidekick. He wasn't given opportunity while riding Miz's tails to slowly branch out on his own. After he split with Miz and they has their feud what else was there left for him?

Maybe you should go back and watch the episode of Raw just after he breaks from The Miz. He had probably the loudest pop for months to come. He even stayed hot all the way until he was dropped down to Superstars and then the commentator table. He was getting over, it's as simple as that. If you couldn't see that then I must ask if YOU are okay.

As to if Riley would've been main eventing, I'd say he would've definitely been World Heavyweight champion by now. I also think that he would've surpassed Ziggler in terms of being over. His TKO also helped with that.
Nah I wouldnt see him being bigger regardless of whether or not he had a DUI and got in Cena's face. I'm actually a fan of his and was really behind him when he split with the Miz, I thought he was good on the mic but not overwhelmingly so, and and he was pretty good in the ring.
Frankly though I that his destiny even from that point was a solid mid carder and I dont mean it as an insult. He's good everywhere but not great anywhere, he's got a good look but I would have him feuding for the US title more so than getting in the mix for a world title or even having many competitive matches with top talent.
Sorry to say but no I do not think Riley would be a main event player ever. I will say that I think he is doing awesome job on the panel for the pre and post shows. He seems to be a good talker, analyst may be far fetched, but commentator? Sure!
Right now? No. If they had given him more to do after feuding with Miz 3 years ago, he might have been able to make it to the World Heavyweight Championship. Emphasis on MIGHT. At the very least he could have become Intercontinental or US Champion. Riley was good on the mic and decent in the ring. He could have remained a face following beating up Miz (which would have turned dang near anyone on the roster face) or he could have brought his varsity villain persona from NXT to the main roster on a more long term basis and turned heel. Riley could get gotten good heel heat with that. In today's WWE with only one world title though? Not a chance. He'd be about where Swagger is, maybe he could have tag teamed with Swagger and Zeb could still have been the manager. Riley could have been a bigger deal than he was, but not to the extreme of being a main event player today. What a waste of such a great entrance theme. I wish they had done more with him, it is what it is though.
Rumor this, rumor that. When a guy doesn't get pushed, 99 times out of 100 it's because he isn't getting over. Riley didn't get over. If you get over, Vince is pretty forgiving because Vince likes money. I think Chris Masters had more potential than Riley.

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