Would A Mix Tag Team Title Be Good?


Simmer down and pucker up...
Okay I've just been thinking about this and I think a mixed tag team division would be pretty good.
Here Are Some Teams:

Ted Dibiase and Maryse: Maryse has been Dibiase's manager for a few weeks now so they could make a team.

Matt Hardy and Kelly Kelly: Something for Matt and Kelly to do without being jobbers.

Evan Bourne and Gail Kim: these could be the high flying team they would be pretty fun to watch.

Vladimir Kozlov and Santina Marrela: these could be the comedy team with Santino being his "sister" again, these would be pretty funny I think.

Primo and Jillian: neither are really doing much give these something to do.

I think they should either have more mixed tag matches or have a mixed tag division.

So, what do you think?
Do you think a mixed tag team division would be good?
What teams would you have?
Okay, I respect you for asking the question and making a thread about it. But this may be the stupidest idea I've seen on these threads (no offence), The males Tag-Team division is bad enough, The WWE sure as hell doesn't need another "I'll go take a piss, grab a bite to eat and a drink" division , They already have 2 (Tag-Team/Divas). Mixed Team matches are okay sometimes, But seeing an actual division and Titles made and based around Mixed-Tag action would be HORRENDOUS! there would be what 1 or 2 teams? DiBiase and Maryse and Tamina and Santino maybe after what's been happening on RAW?

So bottom line; FUCK NO! (excuse the language), Mixed-Tag matches are SLIGHTLY TOLERABLE at best!, Seeing a whole division about Mixed-Tag Teams would lose more money than it would make!
Okay I think it might be a stupid question now. I just thought of it for a few minutes so I decided to make the thread but looking back I even think it's stupid.
At least your thinking of diferent things to try but there is no way in hell that this would work. Like it was said before the tag team division sucks already so why make another shitty division like the one vince already has. I usually don't come on here and promote companies. If I wanna watch tag team wrestling I watch TNA. They seem to have some great matches going in there division.
well.. tag team matches are so boring now
and to put a mixed tag title wont be such a bad idea. wwe has so little titles, only 2 each brand. and now theres no hope that the unified tag titles will bcome 2 seperate titles (that really sucked btw). and d divas only have 2 titles (not that there is a lot of divas :( ) i think that the divas need a tag title. but not a mixed tag title. not a bad idea though.
ps a matt hardy and kelly x2 team would be awesome cos kelly is currently dating jeff (in real life) they could be ic and womens champions and we would see them hang out 2 gether and then have a feud with laycool and cody rhodes it would be awesome.

p.s how do uu create a thread? pls tell me
I actually thought about this at SummerSlam 2008 when Kofi and Mickie defended their respective Titles (Intercontinental and Women’s Championships) against GlaMarella. I thought it could have been a good idea to defend these two Titles as a make shift Mix Tag Team Championship. With the United States and Divas Title active, it couldn’t have hurt anything.

However, bringing in a new set of Straps for a Mix Tag Team Championship would not be such a good idea, only because we have quite a few right now. If the WWE were to unify the Mid-Card Titles together and unify the Female Titles together, then maybe…
I have no problem with it. But WWE has too many titles and they'd need more experienced women instead.

I'll just stick with the AAA ones instead.
Барбоса;2363070 said:
Expect TNA to introduce their version any day now

I would expect Angelina Love to take a Black Hole Slam because of it.

I have no problem with it. But WWE has too many titles and they'd need more experienced women instead.

I'll just stick with the AAA ones instead.

Umm...what is the point of Mixed Tag Team Titles if the women can't go up against the men. It's essentially a singles feud with a man and woman, just tagging together. Plus WWE hasn't had an intergender rules tag match in quite a while. No point to it.
i like the idea...but in tna not in wwe. wwe dont have time for the their tag titles so why add more. tna has stories for all there titles most of the time. and i think that would be better than a knockouts tag titles. if it could work tna should do it. then again they dont really mix knockouts and male wrestlers anymore except for valet but that usually dont last long
Umm...what is the point of Mixed Tag Team Titles if the women can't go up against the men. It's essentially a singles feud with a man and woman, just tagging together. Plus WWE hasn't had an intergender rules tag match in quite a while. No point to it.

Women wrestlers go up against men wrestlers in other promotions. I should probably add that I wouldn't like it in WWE since they'll keep their eye-candy out of harm's way.
Барбоса;2363255 said:
Any yet still be booked to win by pinning Abyss

Is there any other way to book that?

Women wrestlers go up against men wrestlers in other promotions. I should probably add that I wouldn't like it in WWE since they'll keep their eye-candy out of harm's way.

Well considering the wrestlers listed were in the WWE, I think it's safe to say the OP meant WWE.

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