Worst Sports TV Show: Spinoff of KB's Thread

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
If you've read KB's thread about your favorite sports TV show then this really shouldn't be too hard. Hell, even if you haven't read that thread this shouldn't be that hard. So what's the worst/least informative/least entertaining sports TV show out there?

For me it has to be SportsNation, Colin and whatever that chick's name is have got some of the most skewed, horrible opinions on all matters involing the sporting world. The complete and total bias they have against certain players and teams is just too much for me to enjoy.

My next show that I can barely watch is not just one show, but ESPN's entire College football coverage outside of games. The worst offender is Lou Holtz. If anyone can explain to me why he has a job there I'll be ever so grateful, because I just can't stand him and him putting over everything Notre Dame every chance he gets.

These are my shows, what are yours?
I agree with Sportsnation. I think the show is absolutely awful. Colin Cowherd is the biggest idiot/douchebag on ESPN and that is saying a lot considering the fact that Skip Bayless still works there. I just don't find the show entertaining at all. The only thing that saves it somewhat is the fact that Michelle Beadle is attractive.
WOOHOO I thought I was alone in my hatred of Colin Cowherd...Not only is he annoying as hell, but 85% of the time, his takes are flat out wrong, bordering on nonsensical. Sports Nation get my vote, easily!
Doctor LOU, Doctor LOU, Doctor LOU... He has a job there because was a great college football coach. He earned the job and College Football Final he owns, I'm sorry but there is no other way to put it. Mark May can't win the debates because they are rigged. When the host shows up he just gives Lou Holtz all the power.

I do think Holtz makes great opinions, though. The way he talks it may seem like he just ate a jar of peanut butter, but he always seems spot on. He is way better than Mark May and I'm glad he gets trumped every Saturday Night. May was just a player and Holtz was a god damn coach. He sees more and he understands more. I'm not biased this is just how it turns out when you watch them together. Every once in a while May does get the upperhand. It's just not very often.

The best way to tolerate Holtz, though is to never take anything he says about Notre Dame seriously. He will always put them over because when he coached them they were so damn great. Anything else he talks about it's pretty sound.
I have to go with Sportsnation or ESPN's college football, both are boring, hard to watch, and nowhere close to entertaining. Colin Cowherd is a gigantic douchebag, and College Football is incredibly boring. I've tried to watch both and I just can't. But if it came down to the two, I go with College Football, because I hate it and it's extremely boring.
sports nation by far....its like there trying to be tosh.0 with sports and they fail miserably..i also have to put around the horn up there as well.

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