Worst Multiplayer?

Hardcore Heathen

Future Legend
Now im not talking the whole game, it can be a amazing game with a Crappy multiplayer. Heres my pick.

Grand Theft Auto IV
Now the Single Player is as Immersive as any game i have Played But my God the Multiplayer is So Shit! The Lobby System can barely get Only 5 People in the Game which In my Opinion is not Enough. And Also There is no Teamwork Possible! You Spawn in Completely Different Locations. My Suggestion is get Some Friends and play Together, if your Lucky one Person may join the Lobby in about 10 Minutes. Although the Competitive Multiplayer is Piss Poor i cant Praise the Free Play Enough. Im Not a Hater on Rock* because RDR Is amazing on MP And im Planning on Getting L.A. Noire.

Whats your Choice for worst Multiplayer?
Call of duty black ops, offline. You are unable to choose rules, time limits, score limits anything! And on top of that only 1 player is able to have a profile. Its my candidate for worst ever. That game was a total letdown for anyone that is offline, waitin on mw3 and hopin for the same greatness as mw2
One of the worst multiplayer modes I ever played was in Red Steel. The single player was tolerable but good grief the multiplayer was awful. The controls were horrible and the character selection was nothing to write home about. It was nothing more than an attempt at something new that ended up failing. It might not be THE worst, but it's certainly bottom tier for me because of the bad controls and overall unimpressive experience it provided.
Nascar 2011 The Game. Its online play which is a blast to play when it works is buggier than Virginia in july. There is a 16 player cap but when u have that many people in a race it almost NEVER! starts and when it does the cars stick in place not moving before the start finish line and the custom cars make things ten times buggier. If u have 6 cars then usually u can have a good race but any more than 8 is pushing it. So my choice because of all the online bugs is the lastest nascar game even though it is soo fun to play when it works properly but thats rare.

And to the original poster im sorry to break it to you but there is no online play in L.A. Noire but the main game makes up for it, rockstar didnt worry about online play in it because they spent all thier time making the main story perfect.
Lylat Wars. Ugh. Just Ugh.

An amazing game marred by an intensely unintuitive multiplayer combat mode.

Actually that's probably not the worst I've played by a long shot.

Phantasy Star Online. Yes, I tried it once or twice on the Dreamcast and everyone was just stood around in lobbies having private conversations and ignoring my attempts at saying hello. I don't think that's the fault of the game. I blame my shit friends for not having it too. I really would have loved to quest on that game with some friends, I'm willing to bet it was actually pretty decent.

Damn, another swing and a miss. I'm gonna bail...


@TNA cross the line. Yeah i know but it would have definitely been unique and better than GTA 4s

Surely it can't be worse than WCW Nitro? That turkey was pretty much unplayable!
So far for me, it has to be Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days' multiplayer mode. The game itself is mostly shit and the multiplayer doesn't even help it. I never got it or understood the whole concept of it's online gaming. The whole game in general, is just crap and nothing in the game saves it..
Message to the OP;

You're complaining about GTA IV having bad Multiplayer, bear in mind you're playing a game that is about 4 Years old. If you played it online from Day 1/2, like myself, the Lobby's were overflowing. You could have the BEST Races/Deathmatches etc online, no doubt about it. Then again, I still get about 6/7 people at some times these days. But you could have a full match with every place taken up, nobody quit or anything, it was brilliant.

For me, worst multiplayer, has to be ANY Fifa game online. The amount of lag you can get is pathetic. I used to play a guy who lived a few houses down from me and it would lag like a bitch. Then again, play a guy from China, it worked fine -.-
Those games just need to learn how to deal with it though. There's so much happening on the screen at once, it's difficult for it's connection to keep up with.
Admittedly i Brought GTA 4 pretty late and find it Annoying that Nobodies online but The Lobby System ruins the fact nobody plays it. A few Dicks even start with only 3 People and have no Patience what so ever. And the maps are just meh.
Yes FIFA 11 Is painfully bad online. I play clubs with quite a few mates and i have a Friend that without fail freezes in the lobby. And playing with 8 people is frustrating to say the least. And the delay! Your like 5 seconds behind everyone else! But when none of this happens and they dont leave it is a great game to go online.
BTW I never played WCW Nitro unless you got a Spare Ps1 or Xbox lol
I remember loving Unreal Tournament for the PC a few years back, with huge multiplayer battles, it was awesome

When I got a PS2 I bought Unreal Tournament for that too, and the single player mode was decent, but nothing special. However, when you went to play 2 player it was absolutely awful. There ended up with about 6 characters (the 2 players and 4 computer characters) on a massive level, talk about boring. That was all you could have. You could be walking round for 5 mins without seeing anyone.

It absolutely sucked.
When you say Multiplayer, do you mean Online, or Offline Co-op? I assume you mean online, so in that case I have to say Smackdown vs Raw 2011. I haven't tried online more than once on the previous versions of SVR, but when I did I've seen that same problems. The connections are slow, people are being unfair and obnoxious, and there are many glitches.

Normal one on one matches aren't as bad. I tried that first, and the connection didn't give me a problem, is was up to speed and is was like playing offline. Unfortunately I couldn't have a good match, because the guy whipped me into the turnbuckle, and then proceeded to whip the ref into the turnbuckle, over and over..and over...and over again. Thankfully for me, DQ's were on and the ref ended the match.

The next thing I tried was a battle royal. The connection here was slow, and I found it a little bit frustrating to play, with a constant lag. I tried to just stay in the corner, but when everyone but me and the other girl was eliminated, she eventually got me. Oh yeah..that's right. It's a divas match. For some reason the only matches I can ever find are the ones with divas. Do people not realize these are animations? If you are attracted to a pixelated character, you need help.

The final nail in the coffin was the Royal Rumble. I decided to try and go for the trophy, you know, win the Royal Rumble online. I don't know if it was someones connection, I don't know if everyone had this problem, but there was a three second delay on my screen. If did a grapple, my guy would grapple three seconds later. If I moved to the right, he would move three seconds later. How the hell am I suppose to win a Royal Rumble when there is a delay on all my moves. The entire process of elimination is supposed to be pushing the buttons at the right time. If there's a delay, how am I supposed to go about doing that?

The one thing that isn't bad about online mode, is Community Creations. This was one good thing THQ decided to implement into the SVR series. I always go here when I want to find a character that isn't in the game. Such as Daniel Bryan or Jeff Hardy. Not only that, but I also use it to find a variety of logos, moves, and even some entertainment with Story Designer. This aspect is extremely useful, and I have a feeling it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Don't get me wrong, as much as the online version of Smackdown vs Raw 2011 sucks, offline multiplayer is exhilarating and intense. I am always having good matches on SVR with my cousin. I once had a last man standing, Hell in a Cell, best 2 out of 3 falls match with my cousin. The match lasted over 4 hours. Eventually we were forced to call it a draw and both decided to stay down for the 10 count. Little did he know Kane hit the ground last and was declared the winner.

Smackdown vs Raw is a great game in itself, without Multiplayer. With all the game modes, and creation aspects, it will still force me to go out to the store each November, and buy the next version of Smackdown vs Raw. But maybe next year they'll be able to prove themselves in Online mode, and becoming one of the best fighting games out there on the shelves.

Dear God did Blizzard ever f**k that up. Stop making the PvP gear, and normalize it for BGs & Arenas. Make the game skill against skill and THEN see how it goes. And that doesn't even touch class imbalances where some flavor of the month build completely dominates everyone, I could live with that though, but the PvP gear Blizzard implemented was the dumbest idea I've ever seen.

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