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Worst Gimmick Match Ever?


Team Finnley Baylor
Simple question here...

A gimmick match, IMO, is a match that's not a regular one fall match. It involves stipulations or high stakes involved.

There are many contenders I can list here. I'll list a few to get the ball rolling...

  1. Blindfold match. I mean... the concept of this match is to go around the ring and find your opponent while blindfolded. The only match that stands out in this regard is the match involving Jake 'the Snake' Roberts vs Rick 'The Model' Martel. They both had hoods over there heads and chased each other's shadows for what seemed like forever. Eventually, Snake hits the DDT and wins the match. The execution of that match sucked though.
  2. (insert random item or person) On a Pole Match. I haven't seen a good one of these yet. Maybe it's because none of them exist? The worst example I can come up with is the Judy Bagwell on a Pole match where Judy Bagwell's on a forklift and lifted in the air. The winner has to be the one to lower Judy Bagwell down. Wonder why no one wanted WCW? This is one of the reasons why.
  3. Death matches. Look... there's a niche audience for these types of matches, but as far as traditional wrestling's concerned, those kinds of matches didn't belong. A death match typically invoved dangerous spots, lots of blood, and dangerous items that can potentially severely injure or kill someone if used incorrectly. Too many cons outweigh the pros in this type of match.

So what is the worst gimmick match ever?
All the Gimmick matches,blind fold matches,whatever on a pole usually have some sort of good wrestling in it.. The Blind fold match between jake the snake and The Model Ricky Martel at WM7 was entertaining.. But death matches are just that.. IMO the worse kind of match you can have..

Its just a clusterfuck of mayhem and absolutely no wrestling in it what so ever IMO.. Its just a fight with any weapons available to be used.. SO many things can go wrong in this type of match more Cons than Pros for sure.. Not a fan of these at all
I love Battle Royals but WCW's World War 3 was one huge clusterfuck. It was hard to keep up with any of the action that went on in the 3 rings until the last 10 or 15 wrestlers were left and they all got in the central ring to continue the match.

Another stupid version of a Battle Royal was the Reverse Battle Royal in TNA. All 30 participants started the match on the outside, fighting to get in the ring. The 15 guys that made it into the ring, would then have to eliminate each other over the top rope until one man was left standing in the ring.

I can think of a lot more, but the one takes the cake for me was The Dupp Cup in TNA. The match was the brainchild of Bo Dupp and Stan Dupp (Trevor Murdoch). They were a southern tag team that chewed tobacco and teased a incestuous relationship with their sister and manager, Fluff Duff. The Dupp Cup was their version of the Hardcore Title, anyone could enter themselves into the match, and the only way to win the match was to score 10 points. The winner won the Dupp Cup and a date with Fluff Duff. Here are the rules of the match.

-If you put someone through a table, it is 2 ½ points
-If it's a burning table, you get 5 points
-If you put your opponent's head in the toilet, it is 2 ½ points
-If it has shit in it, it is 3 ½ points
-If you goose a woman (grab her ass), it is 2 ½ points
-If you goose a man (grab his ass), it is 3 ½ points
-If you hit Jeremy Borash, you get 2 ½ points.
-If you hit the ticket lady, you get 2 ½ points.
-If you have sex with a farm animal during the match, you get 2 ½ points
-If you spank your opponent with the stick horse, you get 2 ½ points
-But if the person likes it, you lose 2 ½ points
-If you introduce an opponent to Jay (whatever/whomever that is), you get 2 ½ points
-If you cry like a big old pussy, you lose 5 points
-If you stick your opponent's head in the cotton candy machine for one full rotation, you get 10 points.
-If you take a weapon from a fan and use it, it's 1 point.

It was a complete disaster. Referees, commentators, announcers, wrestlers all got involved in the match. TNA was just horrible when it started out in 2002. With all the stupid gimmicks and matches, it was like watching WCW 2000 all over again. The X-Division was the only thing entertaining about the product.
Kennel From Hell Match: Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow at Unforgiven '99. That match was literally dog shatz, or at least it featured actual loaves of dog shatz prominently. What a dud. Look up "Kennel From Hell Mick Foley commentary" if viewing this match disturbed and revolted you and you need to turn that trauma into a laugh.

Worst gimmick match of the past year was the dreadful Rhodes Brothers/New Age Outlaws cage match on RAW. It was absolutely atrocious and Road Dogg put on the Worst Performance In a Match This Year (Except For Great Khali, Who Is Just The Worst All The Time)
The Doomsday Cage Match

Uncensored 1996 - The Mega Powers vs The Alliance to End Hulkamania:this match sums up that some gimmicks are better not done. I often think when you have too many wrestlers in anywhere at one time its awful anyway as it tends to be a lot of punches and not enough wrestling moves. But when you're in cages on too of cages then you definitely don't get any sort of flow to the match. This one was a 25 minute bore fest.

Not the only one like this of course Scaffold matches are one if the worst ideas ever too for the sane reasons hardly any wrestling and a lot of nervy looking punches.
I think one match-type that should be on here is the scaffold match. The scaffold match is one of the most dangerous match-types for a wrestler that there is, and there's really not much entertainment for the fans either. It's mostly wrestlers climbing up the scaffold and reluctantly hitting each other, because they're afraid they're gonna fall off, beings there's not much room on the scaffold to do anything. To the best of my recollection there has never been a good scaffold match, and almost every scaffold match has resulted in someone getting seriously hurt (Jim Cornette, maybe the worst).

Other matches like the TLC, Hell in a Cell, or your standard ladder matches can be dangerous too, but at least they can be dramatic and/or exciting to watch. Scaffold matches are usually boring, because the wrestlers are always limited in what they can do once they're on the scaffold, and they always result in someone getting seriously injured. I'm glad they don't do those matches anymore.
Two years in a row WCW gave us awful gimmick matches at their Halloween Havoc ppv, first the shambolic 'Chamber of Horrors' match which opened the 1991 show, and then a year later the 'Coal miner's glove' match

What made them worse is that both matches wasted good talent - Sting, the Steiners, Vader, Cactus Jack, Scott Hall, Jake Roberts. What a waste
Dance contest.

There's so many of them, it might as well be considered a match type. Hell, WWE 2K15 should have a Dance Contest match that's just a pale imitation of DDR.
I wouldn't classify it as the worst gimmick match ever, but the Punjabi Prison match. The match was just very confusing to understand the rules were outragous. I can't even remember most of it, but supposedly you have to call for a door to open and you have one minute to make it out or it closes. That happens with all four doors. I guess when they are all closed you cant do anything but climb out one and then the other? It's no wonder there were only two of them ever.
I wouldn't classify it as the worst gimmick match ever, but the Punjabi Prison match. The match was just very confusing to understand the rules were outragous. I can't even remember most of it, but supposedly you have to call for a door to open and you have one minute to make it out or it closes. That happens with all four doors. I guess when they are all closed you cant do anything but climb out one and then the other? It's no wonder there were only two of them ever.

That match could have worked, honestly. The concept was okay if you were to have a couple of young agile guys to do some crazy spots. The problem was that they put guys like Batista, Khali, and Big Show in them. Then you're just watching big guys climb for 20 minutes.
The 49'ers Match which took place in WCW!

Four boxes above each corner & the man who found the Championship was the winner; this match was such an awful gimmick & it just added to the death of the credibility of the WCW World Championship.

Also in close second would have to be the Punjabi Prison match; I mean what in the hell was the point of it?!
Well since no one has riased it yet I have to

Dustin Rhodes vs the Blacktop Bully in THE KING OF THE ROAD. First off a match on the back of a moving big rig...sounds so compelling...Plus this is the only match I am aware of from a PPV that resulted in both participants getting fired despite doing what they were told to do ..Then just watch the match ...or dont and save yourself a few minutes.....

As Honorable mention I will mention
Any Boxer vs wrestler match as they are jokes (coincidentally their was one on the same Uncensored PPV) (For further example see every Brawl for it all Match)
Also just to recap that PPV they had a Martial arts match featuring Jim Duggan...and NO Dq match ending in a NO DQ
WCW Chamber of Horrors where they had a bunch of guys in a cage and then at some point an electric chair is lowered into the cage and the purpose was to strap your opponent into the chair and pull the lever and electrocute him.

Dumb concept and the lever was already in the "on" position to start with.
The worst that I can think of in my mind would have to be the good housekeeping match between Jeff Jarrett and Chyna. If was designed to put the IC belt on Chyna, and while I'm not a fan of Jarrett, there should've been a better way for him to exit the company. The match itself was god-awful. Seriously, a kitchen sink as a weapon? Ugh.
Does anyone else remember Elevation X? I guess there's a reason why it was only done once. What about Brawl for All? Now that was a fail.

Brawl for All could have been better, had (a) WWE not just assumed it would be a vehicle to get Dr Death Steve Williams over and (b) not buried the winner

Had they just gone with a shoot format with no expectations, they COULD have presented whoever the winner was with at least a mini-push. If they wanted Dr Death to win they should have made it a work, if they wanted a shoot MMA tournament they shouldn't have risked him - it would have been better to let the tournament be a shoot then have Dr Death beat the winner in a work at the next ppv, but WWE were so blinded by Williams' reputation they never imagined a jobber or low carder could beat him, especially not by knock out.

Then largely ignoring Bart Gunn until Wrestlemania and his battering by Butterbean, which completely killed his career, was stupid. A legit tough guy with a legit knock out left hook, he could have at least challenged Ken Shamrock for the IC title. Instead, Gunn barely made tv and didn't even get a spot in the 1999 Royal Rumble match!

Poor all round, but COULD so easily have been better
well, the Judy Bagwell on a Pole match should be retired as the all-time champ. Hands down. (and Judy UP!)

for more recent gimmicks, I find the TNA King of the Mountain match to be pretty bad. It tried WAY too hard to be innovative, and just came off as really confusing and convoluted instead. A penalty box? Really?
If I remember correctly, there was this match in TNA featuring the Knockouts where if one lady pinned another for the count, she herself got eliminated as well :wtf: It was totally a fuck logic kind of idea.
Apart from that, I hate all Dance-offs and Singing contests because they are always a waste of time, in my opinion, since they don't do anything good for anyone.
Arm Wrestling matches featuring divas are also lousy because it always has the face winning after seeming vulnerable at first.
Let's take a throwback to the good ol' Mid-South Wrestling days.

In a huge blow off following the break up of The Rat Pack (Ted DiBiase, Jim Duggan and Matt Borne) "Cowboy" Bill Watts launched Duggan as the main babyface to feud with "The Big Cheese" Ted DiBiase, the final blow off for the huge feud was....*drum roll*

Coal Miner's Glove, Steel Cage, Tuxedo, Loser Leaves Town match.

Worst. Idea. Ever.
Blindfold Match: Simply put, how do two guys fight when they cant see each other ?? The fact that multiple federations have staged this match (all of them badly) really makes me wonder

Scaffold Match: On paper its a great concept, maybe the greatest ever. Of course, there isn't much room to move on a scaffold, especially if you weigh 250 plus lbs, so the actual action was very short, very weak, the match basically sucked. The ending fall was always a high point but you can duplicate the same dynamic with a ladder match and have a much better actual match.
The 49'ers Match which took place in WCW!

Four boxes above each corner & the man who found the Championship was the winner; this match was such an awful gimmick & it just added to the death of the credibility of the WCW World Championship.

That's a good pick. Wasn't it Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T, and just to make the match even more stupid there were ridiculous items inside the other boxes? If I remember rightly, there was a photograph of Scott Hall inside one of them?
It's the sort of match that may have been entertaining as a throwaway mid-show match on a Raw, or a comedy match low on the card for a PPV, but having the WCW Title on the line in a match such as this was stupid and really made the title look a joke.

"Judy Bagwell on a Forklift Truck"- those words still haunt me to this day. Utterly stupid, and i can't believe that that gimmick match ever got the green light to go ahead.

Also, "Tuxedo Matches" are pointless. Wrestling in a dinner suit...wow, the extra items of clothing really sell it to me as a match I want to pay my money to see...I just never saw the point of them!
Some good choices have been mentioned, all of which are just abysmal.

For me, I'm gonna have to go with the reverse battle royal that TNA did. If I'm not mistaken, this was Jim Cornette's idea and it was such an abysmal clusterfuck that I think they only did it twice as part of the Fight for the Right Tournament back in 2006 and 2007. The general premise is that the match starts with all 18 competitors outside the ring and they're fighting to see who can get inside the ring first. Once 7 men got into the ring, it became a traditional battle royal until it gets down to 2 men where it then becomes a singles match where the winner would move to the finals of the tournament.
Tower of Doom / Doomsday match from Bash 88 and Uncensored 96 - The thing that gets me about this match is that the first one was so horrid, I marveled at the logic that gave us a second go-round with it. This kind of goes hand in hand with the scaffold match...any time you are putting wrestlers in a position of unsure and uneven footing 15 to 30 feet IN THE AIR with no room to move, chances are you are not going to have a great result.
In terms of how stupid they are -scaffold matches are bad. They injure people and are dangerous.

Another one, whilst innovative; was Savage v Crush in a falls count anywhere and then 10 seconds to make it to the ring. Different but ultimately a awful gimmick match!
Another one, whilst innovative; was Savage v Crush in a falls count anywhere and then 10 seconds to make it to the ring. Different but ultimately a awful gimmick match!

I believe that's called a Mexican Death Match.
Scaffold matches were awful. The wrestlers just spent most of their time trying to keep their balance and all they could really do was just punch each other.

Bunkhouse Stampede. Basically a Hardcore Battle Royal inside a Steel Cage. It didn't help that Dusty Rhodes won the fucking thing 4 times in a row.

The Last Rites match at TNA Destination X 2007 was an abomination. It was a Casket match but the Casket was lowered into the ring instead of at ringside and a bunch of tombstones were laying around in the ring. This was what started the infamous "FIRE RUSSO" chants in 07. Next month at Lockdown, we were treated to the Blindfold match between Storm & Harris.

The Electrified Cage match at Lockdown 2008. Homicide's acting in that one was just bad whenever he grabbed the cage and pretended to be electrocuted. The electricity sounds were poorly timed aswell. They were off by about 2 or 3 seconds whenever the cage was touched and the lights were flickering in the arena for the effects of the electricity.

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