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Worst angles of the Attitude Era?

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Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

Dog The Bounty Hunter
So I was just on Youtube watching some classic wrestling videos and promos and I came across the Boss Man/Al Snow feud. This was horrendous. If you aren't familiar with the story or forgot about it, here's a quick recap-
Al Snow had a Chihuahua named Pepper, he loved the dog to death/heard voices from the dog, Boss Man steals Pepper and then feeds her to Al Snow. This lead up to the infamous Kennel from Hell match at Unforgiven 1999.

A (not so)honorable mention for me is when Boss Man was doing all sorts of messed up things to Big Show, such as mocking his dead father and dragging his coffin off during the "funeral"

Those are mine. What are the worst Attitude Era angles in your mind?
Mae Young and Mark Henry storyline.

Apparently(kafaybe) back in 1999 Mark Henry Fucked Mae Young and she ended up giving birth to a hand on RAW or something like that. I cant really remember most of it but it was really, really stupid.
2 words - corporate ministry.

"It was me Austin" - may have been an interesting build-up but the reveal of vince as the higher power was pretty lame.

it probably falls just before the attitude era, but the whole jeff jarrett/jesse james "With my Baby Tonight" thing was pretty lame too.

wcw had some pretty bad things too - booker t losing the rights to the name "t" so he has to become gi bro, anything involving hogan and the taskmaster was pretty bad (did sullivan actually think he looked good with that hair and facepaint?). lots at the end but lots well before then too.
The Puke killed hawk story line vince used Hawk's drug and alcohol addiction showing him constantly drunk on screen classy they then added a 3rd member named puke this led to the conclusion of the storyline, in which a suicidal Hawk climbed to the top of the TitanTron Puke, supposedly attempting to rescue Hawk, climbed after him, only to apparently throw Hawk over the side Puke then revealed that he had been enabling Hawk's drug addiction in order to kill him and take his place in the Legion of Doom. To me one of the most disgusting and terrible story lines in the attitude era
all of you have some valid points (aside from the katie vick guy, which as pointed out wasn't truly the "attitude era"

however the kaientai storyline with val venis ending with "I CHOPPY CHOPPY YOUR PEE PEE" was just horrifiterrible...
The only thing I love about attitude era is Austin/McMahon and Rock. Lots of storylines were disasters. My choice would be Mark Henry and Mae Young. Awful, Awful thing to do. It's not even funny.

I'm just happy that the stuff like that doesn't happen anymore. If Vince is smart, PG can lead to many more great stories who has depth and class in them, and not cheap , poor stuff like this.
Clearly everyone was scarred for life by the Mae Young/Sexual Chocolate angle, and I have to say that was probably the worst angle I've ever witnessed, although WCW pulled some absolute stinkers around the same time, two examples of extremely ******ed writing in their main event have to be:

1 - The time Ric Flair had a "heart attack" mid-promo and ended up in the cheapest looking fake medical facility ever, going completely insane. This shit just hurt my teenage brain soooooooo much.

2 - One Warrior Nation. Need I say more?
Despite what you say about One Warrior Nation, I watched Halloween Havoc '98 the other day and the whole thing was over.

It's a shame the match was botch after botch actually, as I believe the original Hogan/Warrior WM match was one of the best WM matches of all time. (ducks for cover)

Mae Young giving birth to a hand
Al Snow repeatedly having to prove to Jerry Lawler that he was worthy of a contract.
Al Snow was great but the matches and overall storyline were terrible

and the one's OP mentioned. There was alot of really bad stuff and going "way over the limit" moments

During the era i remember thinking constantly, they've gone too far this time, and where's all my 80's stars that were entertaining, but looking back now i know what i'd rather be watching then what has been showing for the past 10years

Good thing about the Attitude Era and the 80's something that died after it. Group mentality, they all worked as a group to put on a total show. from opening to main event, everyone had a storyline and everyone put on decent attempts at matches

oh and if we look at the WCW side of things, pretty much everything in the main event slot was rediculous. WCW was IMO built around big names but people came to watch the cruiserweights and the 2nd tier guys. that's where the great matches and storylines were.
I don't think any of the angles were bad.. just cheesy lowbrow entertainment but the Mae Young giving birth to a hand would be the one angle I would pick.

I really liked the Bossman/Al Snow feud.. I liked all the hardcore matches around that time.
It wasn't really an angle as such but the Beaver Cleavage character was absolutely atrocious!

For those that don't remember, this was the guy that was formerly Headbanger Mosh doing some weird character where it is implied he sucks on his mama's boobies or sopmething like that - just look at the name!

It didn't last very long and he switched to a generic gimmick under his actual name not long after.

Ah Vinny Ru....
Anything the Boss Man did in the attitude was so ridiculous and so over the top thats its just classic moments now..You can it was in bad taste, but it was all fake lol, it was funny..in a fucked up way sure..but it made the Boss man character a ruthless son of a B! long live Big B!
Owen Hart as The Blue Blazer

A complete waste of Owen's talents. The gimmick was only given to him to embarrass the Hart name and as a punishment for Owen not agreeing to do a storyline involving him sleeping with Jeff Jarrett's valet, Debra.

And if that wasn't enough, the gimmick resulted in Owen being forced to perform dangerous stunts a wrestler had no business performing. Which unfortunately led to Owens untimely, unnecessary, and completely avoidable death.

You stay classy, Vince.
When Boss Man got hung by a noose from the Hell in a cell, I thought this was pretty messed up, I was actually a kid at the time and I was freaking out thinking that they just killed this guy on PPV tv, It was a little over the top...
OMG OMG OMG, how dare any of you say that any part of the attitude era was bad. Don't you guys read the interweb, the Attitude era was the greatest period of wrestling EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But seriously, I would have to say where Vince is brought out as the Greatest Power (or whatever he called himself) during the Ministry of Darkness storyline. It was a very good storyline right up until that point.

Honorable mentions go to PMS and Meat
Big Boss man making Al snow eat his dog Pepper
May young given birth to a hand
Kane winning the World title only to lose it the very next night
Austin having ownership in the WWF
Chyna vs Jeff Jarrett good housekeeping match
The who ran over Stone cold storyline and once again terrible ending to it

But I must stop as the Attitude era was the greatest ever and nothing was ever wrong with it
Owen Hart as The Blue Blazer

A complete waste of Owen's talents. The gimmick was only given to him to embarrass the Hart name and as a punishment for Owen not agreeing to do a storyline involving him sleeping with Jeff Jarrett's valet, Debra.

And if that wasn't enough, the gimmick resulted in Owen being forced to perform dangerous stunts a wrestler had no business performing. Which unfortunately led to Owens untimely, unnecessary, and completely avoidable death.

You stay classy, Vince.

you do realize that Owen had done the Blue Blazer gimmick many times in the past don't you? he did the gimmick in Japan and was the Blue Blazer in one of his early runs with the WWF.
you do realize that Owen had done the Blue Blazer gimmick many times in the past don't you? he did the gimmick in Japan and was the Blue Blazer in one of his early runs with the WWF.

Just to add to that - he was booked to win the IC title that night and was getting a push in a comedy role as the Blazer.

Saying he was "forced" to do the stunt is far fetched as well, in my opinion.
Mae Young giving birth to a hand, thats genius:rolleyes:. Vince was probably insane when he approved that storyline, because who in their right mind would fuck Mae young.:disappointed:

Katie Vick another stroke of genius:rolleyes:. What was Vince taking when he approved that storyline? In what world is it ok to fuck with a "dead" person?:suspic:
Despite what you say about One Warrior Nation, I watched Halloween Havoc '98 the other day and the whole thing was over.

It's a shame the match was botch after botch actually, as I believe the original Hogan/Warrior WM match was one of the best WM matches of all time. (ducks for cover)


Still haven't seen the pay-off on that one. Might have to give it a watch someday. As for the angle itself, I was enjoying it up until the point Warrior appeared in Hogan's mirror, that really screwed my suspension of disbelief. Also, I remember the moment I realised I couldn't take Warrior seriously, he did a run-in on Nitro and the way he ran down the ramp was flat-out hilarious. Seriously, it was an insane geriatric wobble run, like his muffler was falling out or something. As for their original Mania match, it was pretty cool, but whenever I think of matches I'd like to see again, none of 'em feature Hogan. Sad fact. I used to mark out big-time for Hollywood back in '98, too.
Mark Henry and Mae Young in a relationship. Mae Young gave birth to a hand. The scene was fucking disgusting.

And the whole Sexual Chocolate idea was ewww. Just like the Katie Vick thing, but she isn't attitude. But I like Attitude Era, just like llamas. Nuff said.
Owen Hart as The Blue Blazer

A complete waste of Owen's talents. The gimmick was only given to him to embarrass the Hart name and as a punishment for Owen not agreeing to do a storyline involving him sleeping with Jeff Jarrett's valet, Debra.

And if that wasn't enough, the gimmick resulted in Owen being forced to perform dangerous stunts a wrestler had no business performing. Which unfortunately led to Owens untimely, unnecessary, and completely avoidable death.

You stay classy, Vince.

you also do know that owen wanted to be the blue blazer and asked to change into it... (from bret harts book..)

He didn't quite like the risque storylines going on, and figured he'd be the blue blazer to distinguish himself from it and stay clear of it all..
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