World's Greatest Tag Team to ROH for Glory By Honor

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop

Huge news for ROH right here. I've always found Charlie Haas entertaining in the ring and even though I find Shelton Benjamin to be overrated, he is solid in the ring and should do well in Ring of Honor. The Kings of Wrestling are on an incredible roll right now, defeating Generation Me/Young Bucks in an amazing match that I saw live. The WGTT has always been more entertaining together than they have as singles competitors and they should both thrive in an ROH environment with their amateur backgrounds. If I had the money, I would definitely consider buying this iPPV based off this match. What do you guys this about this dream match?
Glad you started this thread Thriller and glad I could post in it before the wave of WWE-loyalist negativity comes washing into this thread about how Shelton and Haas suck and can't draw and blah blah blah-dy fucking blah, whatever, don't care. This is a dream match for me and most others, and I am AMPED the fuck up to see this match right here, I'm anticipating this one greatly, WGTT were always awesome and their style will fit perfectly in an ROH ring. Those two I bet are going to come out hungry as hell too to prove they really are as good as they were hyped to be in the ring, and Hero and Claudio always bring their A-Game, I just don't see how this match isn't going to be awesome.

Can't wait for this shit, SO glad to see Shelton being brought into ROH, I feared he would go to TNA where he would be completely wasted and buried like Nigel has been. These two guys together really are a big addition to the ROH roster, even if some Shelton haters will try to come in here and shit on us for thinking so.
Glad you started this thread Thriller and glad I could post in it before the wave of WWE-loyalist negativity comes washing into this thread about how Shelton and Haas suck and can't draw and blah blah blah-dy fucking blah, whatever, don't care. This is a dream match for me and most others, and I am AMPED the fuck up to see this match right here, I'm anticipating this one greatly, WGTT were always awesome and their style will fit perfectly in an ROH ring. Those two I bet are going to come out hungry as hell too to prove they really are as good as they were hyped to be in the ring, and Hero and Claudio always bring their A-Game, I just don't see how this match isn't going to be awesome.

Can't wait for this shit, SO glad to see Shelton being brought into ROH, I feared he would go to TNA where he would be completely wasted and buried like Nigel has been. These two guys together really are a big addition to the ROH roster, even if some Shelton haters will try to come in here and shit on us for thinking so.

This will be an awesome match. I'm pretty sure that Claudio and Hero could have a 3+ star match with you and me at this point with this roll they are on. I must agree with Shelton and TNA. Shelton lacks personality, that's what killed him in WWE. In ROH, he doesn't need a gimmick or a character, he can just be himself and wrestle, and that will get him very far in ROH.
Damn, I wish I could get the iPPV but money is kind of tight right now so I can only afford Summerslam. Although, I will watch the show as soon as it's uploaded on the internet. I think this has a potential MOTY candidate written all over it. The WGTT and the Kings of Wrestlings are both some of the best tag teams this decade in terms of wrestling abilities so if given the time; I believe they can put on a remembrable match which is why the match is being advertised as it is. I think Haas/Benjamin fit the perfect mold of a ROH wrestler so I can see them having a bright future in the promotion.
Well you guys know I am pumped for this match as well. I been waiting for this match to happen ever since the kings of wrestling even formed. This match is also intriging as well because for the simple fact Shelton really doesn't have any indy wrestling experince. From what I read he was signed to a wwe deal when he was still in college. So really we dont really know what he is capable of outside of the wwe.

I hope this match lives up to its expection because it has a lot of hype going into this match and if the match flops then there might be a huge backlash from the roh fanbase. Also there better not be no Briscoes interfering in this match you don't know how pissed I was. When the Briscoes interfered in the MotorCity vs King of wrestling match at Super Card of honor 5. It was awesome match until that dq finshed and sorta ruin the match a little.
Glad you started this thread Thriller and glad I could post in it before the wave of WWE-loyalist negativity comes washing into this thread about how Shelton and Haas suck and can't draw and blah blah blah-dy fucking blah, whatever, don't care.

AMEN to that one.

The minute I saw that Haas and Benjamin were coming to GBH at the end of the HDNet show,I jumped of my couch and marked out HUGE.This has all the makings of an awesome confrontation.You've got arguably the best tag team in ROH(besides The American Wolves at least),The Kings of Wrestling,who have been on an absolute roll lately.Going up against The (self-proclaimed)World's Greatest Tag Team of Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.Two guys who definitely have something to prove.And it's gonna be on IPPV for 15 bucks?!:worship:

Ahh,isn't it refreshing to discuss something positive happening in Pro Wrestling for once?:)
Fucking a.

I remember reading an interview with Charlie Haas while Shelton Benjamin was still with the WWE, where he basically pleaded Shelton not to sign a contract extension and said they could tear up whichever place they'd choose to go together. At that time, I found that to be pretty sad, but now that it really happened I couldn't be more ecstatic. I am also very interested to see the WGT's real potential. This match is hyped up a lot already, so they better not let us down.

Also there better not be no Briscoes interfering in this match you don't know how pissed I was. When the Briscoes interfered in the MotorCity vs King of wrestling match at Super Card of honor 5. It was awesome match until that dq finshed and sorta ruin the match a little.

I hear you, dude. When that happened, I was so livid.
Then again, from what I understood it was more of a politics thing, with TNA ************ a real finish. That means that it isn't very likely to happen at Glory By Honor. Or so I hope.
I don't see why anybody could be hating on this decision really. I think it's a good thing that they're getting back in to the ring, and at a place where they can really display their abilities. They are both talented guys and they worked well together in the WWE, so I can only imagine that this will be yet another good showing by two great athletes.

I'm excited to see where this is gonna end up. I hope it's not gonna be just a one time pairing for the sake of having another tag team in the whole deal, just because they're available. I hope this will bring for perhaps another tag team reign within ROH. I admit I don't know whether it's a good choice or not, I'm not a follower of ROH really, but with Shelton and Charlie as tag team champions, if that happens at least, I cannot see a downside to that.
I don't see why anybody could be hating on this decision really. I think it's a good thing that they're getting back in to the ring, and at a place where they can really display their abilities. They are both talented guys and they worked well together in the WWE, so I can only imagine that this will be yet another good showing by two great athletes.

I'm excited to see where this is gonna end up. I hope it's not gonna be just a one time pairing for the sake of having another tag team in the whole deal, just because they're available. I hope this will bring for perhaps another tag team reign within ROH. I admit I don't know whether it's a good choice or not, I'm not a follower of ROH really, but with Shelton and Charlie as tag team champions, if that happens at least, I cannot see a downside to that.

Whoa now Ferbs, that is not going to happen. It will either be a non-title match, or ROH will give away the ending by making it a title match. Ring of Honor brings in outside competitors, mostly from TNA, quite often. It is obvious that these guys won't win any title matches they are in, so these matches are often billed as "dream matches" or something to that extent. I really don't know for sure if the WGTT has signed actual contracts or if this is a one-off situation, but I can pretty much guarantee that Haas and Benjamin will not walk out with the Tag Titles.
Whoa now Ferbs, that is not going to happen. It will either be a non-title match, or ROH will give away the ending by making it a title match. Ring of Honor brings in outside competitors, mostly from TNA, quite often. It is obvious that these guys won't win any title matches they are in, so these matches are often billed as "dream matches" or something to that extent. I really don't know for sure if the WGTT has signed actual contracts or if this is a one-off situation, but I can pretty much guarantee that Haas and Benjamin will not walk out with the Tag Titles.

Sure it's most likely gonna be a non-title match. But I'm saying in the long run I don't see the downside if Haas and Benjamin eventually takes home the ROH tag team championships.

But yeah I guess it depends of whether they have actually signed with ROH, I guess time will have to show. But if they do, then I'm definitely counting on them to have the crowd take notice to their presence. They will eventually become some kind of threat in the company if they're set to be a regular act among the ROH roster.
I posted a vid about this huge news on my YouTube channel (UnlimitedStyle1989) and like I said, I'm definitely looking forward to this match. I don't think the ROH Tag Team titles are gonna be on the line or if Shelton & Charlie are gonna have a long-term career in ROH but either way, it should be something special. I plan to be at GBHIX to see this match and it can end up being a match of the year. Who knows?...:)
I can't fucking wait. I don't get to watch ROH as much as I would like but this is a match I am going to find for sure. I love me some World's Greatest Tag Team and I have learned that ROH has some awesome teams to feud with. Now, I do not know anything about their opponents but it should be a good match. I would love to see the TWGTT face off against The Briscoe's or The American Wolves. Either would be a real treat to see. But yeah, I can't wait to see TWGTT team up once again.
I am soo happy that the Worlds Greatest Tag Team are on the Indy scene. The great thing about Indy is (like someone else stated) the fact that you don't need a gimmick, and you will most likely be used well. Unlike in the WWE, where both these stars were buried. Heres to a successful Indy run to The Worlds Greatest Tag Team!
I have gotten away from ROH for awhile, but WGTT coming to ROH with definitely getting me to buy the dvd. ROH really fits their style, aside from being Team Angle again, TNA would no nothing to do with them.

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