World X Cup 2010.


Dark Match Winner
Here is my idea of how to book the 2010 World X Cup.

-Abandon the four-team concept, and instead, just have a six-on-six Team USA vs Team International. This would play off the real-world mentality that it's America vs virtually every other country in the world. It's divided into four rounds. The teams consist of the following:

Team USA:
Daniels (captain)
Amazing Red
Jay Lethal
Consequences Creed
Chris Sabin
Alex Shelley

Team International:
Eric Young (captain)
Sheik Abdul Bashir
Sonjay Dutt*
Jimmy Yang*

*These are appearing soley for the tournament, and nothing more.

Here's the match structure:

Round 1: Daniels beats Eric Young to take first blood and one point in the tournament.

Round 2: Motor City Machine Guns defeat Kyoshi and Bashir to take a 3-0 lead for Team USA.

Round 3: Sonjay, Supercrazy, and Yang beat Amazing Red & Lethal Consequences to tie up the tournament at 3-3.

Round 4: A twelve-man tie-breaking gauntlet, where the winner not only wins the tournament for his team, but also receives an X-Division title shot. Amazing Red takes this one after pinning some member of Team International (take you pick whoever) after a Code Red and Infrared. He then goes on next month to win the X-Division championship in his first-ever Ultimate X match!

Whaddaya think? Thoughts? Questions? Comments?
I'd pretty much prefer to keep the various countries fightin' for the cup cause it adds more drama & excitment if there were various countries fightin' for the cup, but this is a good concept except for the fact that the various countries have been taken out of this thing.
So, if it were just a regular angle, like the American Folk (stable name I made up) vs World Elite, then it would be a good idea?

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