World Wrestling Entertainment

I and my friend are going to be taking over the WWE. He'll write Smackdown, I'll write RAW. Here's a short preview of my first show. I'll edit in more details and finish the show later. Enjoy.

- 48.7

Jan. 19

Vinnie Mac is Back​

RAW opens without a video package or any music. We cut to our commentaters, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Cole welcomes us to the show.

Welcome, everyone, to a very special edition of Monday Night RAW! I'm Michael Cole along with Jerry "The King" Lawler at ringside. Tonight, we'll all witness the return of Mr. McMahon. I received a phone call from him this morning and he said that nothing is garunteed tonight. I tried to ask what that meant, but he hung up!

That is strange.. I wonder what he means by that.. This should be one interesting night!

Well, I don't know King.. All I know is that our opening match is for the Intercontinental Championship! In just a moment, CM Punk will take on Champion William Regal in a No Disqualification Match!

I can't wait, Cole! These two should put on a heck of a show!

That's something that we can agree on. Here comes the challenger!

"The Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage plays and a fired up CM Punk hits the stage. His hometown crowd is hot for him tonight. The former World Heavyweight Champion gives high fives and makes his way into the ring. He stands on the turn buckle and points to a woman in the front row. He yells out, "This one's for you, Mom!" as loud as he can. Then, the music of Intercontinental Champion William Regal hits. Punk slides out of the ring and Regal heads towards it, looking as if he's enjoying all the hate he's receiving. Regal is followed by the lovely Layla. Cole and Lawler talk about her as an x-factor. Due to the nature of the match, she could do a variety of things to help Regal win. Punk and Regal stare at each other in the ring.


We're back from the break and the match has already started.

Match One: CM Punk vs (c) William Regal
No Disqualification for the Intercontinental Championship

Punk dominated the first part of the match. He used his feet and knees to quickly drain Regal's energy. The Staight-Edge superstar went for the pin several times, but Regal always kicked out, no matter what Punk hit him with. The momentum swung in Regal's favor after he was able to counter the Go 2 Sleep into a devasting DDT. For the next few minutes, the champion had full control. He worked mostly with submissions, trying to wear Punk down and regain his own energy.

The finish came after Regal dumped CM Punk over the top rope. The champion turned away and taunted the crowd. Layla, who hadn't yet done anything in the match, slid over to Punk and slid something into his knee pad. Layla then slid into the ring herself. She walked around the front of Regal and kissed him in the ring. Regal's eyes widened and the crowd hooted and hollered. This went on for a few moments until CM Punk pulled hard on William Regal's shoulder. He spun him around, lifted him up, and dropped him into a flawless GTS. Punk covered Regal, who was now busted wide open, and got the pinfall.

Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: CM Punk

Punk celebrated as Layla wipes her mouth in the corner, smirking and looking at the new champion. She whispered something in Punk's ear, then left the ring.


After the break, Todd Grisham is standing next to the new Intercontinental Champion, CM Punk, outside of Punk's locker room.

Ladies and Gentleman, I have with me the new Intercontinental champion and fastest Triple Crown winner in history.. CM Punk!

Thanks, Todd.

As I just said, your big win tonight makes you a Triple Crown winner.. What do you think of that?

CM Punk... The Triple Crown Champion... I like it.

That certainly has a nice ring to it. What do you make of Layla's interference in your match tonight? (Punk smiles slightly.)

It was certainly unexpected. I can't complain, though. The match was anything goes and she helped me win. I owe her a thank you.

Ladies and Gentleman, CM Punk!

CM Punk steps past Todd and into his locker room. Steam is coming from the bathroom. He heads in that direction and hears that the shower is on. Punk makes his way into the bathroom as the shower stops. The door opens a moment later and Layla steps out, wrapped in a towel. Punk is taken aback.

Layla.. What are you doing in here?

I wanted to give you another reason to accept my offer..


Punk stops talking as Layla drops her towel. Unfortunately for everyone else, only her shoulders and up show. Punk is speechless.

We cut to Randy Orton with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase.

You lose tonight, this is over.


Back from commercial, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are still discussing CM Punk and Layla.

Well, already strange things are taking place on Monday Night RAW. Layla turned on William Regal to help Punk win the belt, and now she has some sort of offer for him? What could that mean?

All I know Cole, is that if it involves pie, puppies, or both, CM Punk is the luckiest guy in the world

Michael Cole mumbles his agreement. Cryme Tyme is in the ring. "Priceless!" rings out. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr. make their way to the ring. They both look very confident.

Match Two: Team Priceless vs Cryme Tyme

Priceless dominates for a large part of the match. They make frequent tags and isolate JTG. When Shad finally gets into the match, he cleans house. After a couple minutes, when Cryme Tyme is in firm control, Manu and Sim Snuka hit the ring. They quickly take out Shad, then JTG. The referee throws the match.

Winners by Disqualification: Cryme Tyme

The Legacy Rejects set their sights on Priceless. Manu just pounds relentlessly on Cody Rhodes. Ted Jr. tries to fight Sim off, but is hit with a low blow. Suddenly, 'Voices' blares and Randy Orton comes out onto the ramp. The beatdown continues and Randy Orton watches, his expression unreadable. Finally, Manu and Sim leave the ring. They exit through the crowd, not wanting to get into anything with Orton.

Orton has a microphone in hand. Cody and Ted pull themselvs up using the ropes.

You two are going to have to do a lot better than that in the future. I'll no longer be around to babysit you. I just talked with Mr. McMahon and he notified me that as of now, I am officially a Smackdown superstar.

Orton drops the mic and exits to his music. Priceless looks on, confused.

What an interesting development, King. Randy Orton on Smackdown?

Mr. McMahon meant what he said.. There are no garuntees tonight.

Here's another surprise. I've just been notified that a returning Maryse is set to take on Beth Pheonix tonight! It's for both the Diva's and Women's championships!

Oooohhhh! I wonder if I can get a french kiss from Maryse! (Cole is stone-faced.)

That match is next.


Beth Pheonix makes her way to the ring alone. Maryse is out just after her.

Match Three: (c) Beth Pheonix vs (c) Maryse
Both titles on the line

Beth, to no one's surprise, physically dominates Maryse. Her power is working heavily in her advantage. Within two minutes, she's able to hit her finisher. Beth covers lazily, expecting the match to be over. Maryse kicked out after a long two. Maryse is able to gain the upper hand a while later. She works the Women's champion over with kicks and submissions. The finish came when Santino ran out and tried to help Beth. He accidentally trips her up, though, allowing Maryse to surprise Beth Pheonix by hitting her finisher, then getting the pinfall.

Winner and new Women's Champion and still Diva's Champion: Maryse

Maryse celebrates in the ring for a while. The fans are cheering for her and she's having a hard time playing a heel. Beth is frustrated. She slams her fists into the mat repeatedly. Santino tries to comfort her. When he does, Beth tackles him. Santino screams like a girl, cowers, and tries to talk his way out of trouble. Beth let's up after a while and Santino rolls to the outside. When Beth isn't looking, he steals her Slammy and runs to the back as quick as he can.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I've just been informed that the contract signing between JBL and John Cena will not be happening tonight. John Bradshaw Layfield is now going to be a part of Friday nights.

Another lost talent? I wonder what Stephanie McMahon has to say about this.

Last I heard, she isn't even here yet! On a lighter note, it's time for our main event. Get this, McMahon scheduled a number one contendership match tonight! Five new RAW talents will compete in an elimination style match, right now!

Oh boy! I can't wait to see who RAW got!

John Cena makes his way to ringside. The Chicago crowd is mostly behind him. He sits at ringside.

(Again, just another update.. I'm posting more as I write. It'll be finished soon.)

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