World Wrestling Entertainment

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WRESTLEMANIA 27: Key Results
WWE TITLE:The Miz(c) def. John Cena
WORLD TITLE:Edge(c) def. Alberto Del Rio
MITB:Christian Won Money In The Bank

Monday Night RAW Preview
Coming off the back of a historic Wrestlemania 27 last night Monday Night RAW will open with the return of The Chairman, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. The Boss promises a revelation that will shake the WWE to its Core.

An Awesome Extension
WWE Champion, The Miz, hot on the heel of a successful Mania title defence has issued an open challenge to any former WWE Champion to face the Awesome One in the ring, starting tomorrow night on RAW. Who, if anyone, will accept the challenge.

Backstory... I am starting from the Night after Wrestlemania 27.

PPV's will generally occur every 4 weeks (4 shows)

Christian Cage
The Miz w/Alex Riley
CM Punk
Drew McIntyre
Cody Rhodes
Wade Barrett
Skip Sheffield
Tyler Reks
William Regal
Chris Masters
Chavo Guerrero

Slater and Gabriel
Ted and Brett DiBiase
Hawkins and Ryder

Triple H

John Morrison
Daniel Bryan
Mark Henry
D’Lo Brown
Trent Baretta
Yoshi Tatsu
Val Venis

The Hart Dynasty
Santino Marella + Vladimir Kozlov

Awesome Kong
Alicia Fox

Mickie James
Gail Kim
Eve Torres

The Miz


John Morrison

Santino Marella + Vladimir Kozlov


Christian Cage​
Michael Cole:
Welcome to Monday Night RAW ladies ad Gentlemen. What a night we have in store. We are kicking things off with the Chairman of the board.

No Chance! Vince McMahon’s music hits. He makes his way to the ring and is followed by SmackDown General Manager, Theodore Long.

Vince McMahon:
Last night at Wrestlemania WWE made history. SmackDown made its final contribution to the WWE universe. As of this moment SmackDown is history. Its over, its finished.

The announcers, fans and even Teddy Long are in utter shock.

Vince McMahon:
That now means that a select few of the SmackDown roster will join RAW whilst the overs will be let go, that also means we are going to need a General Manager to oversee this transitional period here in the WWE. With that being said, Teddy Long… YOU”RE FIRED!!!

Teddy Looks stunned as he slowly leaves the ring with Vince laughing in the background.

Vince McMahon:
Please welcome the new general manager of Monday Night RAW, my billion dollar princess… Daddy's Little Girl... Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley!

Stephanie makes her way to the ring, reveling in the hate pouring from the crowd. Soaking every minute of it she hugs her father before taking a microphone.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Thank you Daddy. Firstly let me just sat that his is a new era for RAW, WWE and the Fans. I am going to revolutionize Sports Entertainment. I am going to revolutionise the WWE and im going to do it my way

Vince McMahon:
A number of Superstars from the SmackDown brand have been handed RAW contracts and have until Backlash in a months time to sign them or be released.
The most notable of people to have been given a contact which is yet to be signed is the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge. Edge if your watching, don’t make me wait.
On a more positive note Let me please introduce the first acquisition from SmackDown… Drew McIntyre.

Drew McIntyre slowly walks to the ring, he shakes hands with Vince and then Stephanie.

Vince McMahon:
This man is the future of this company and Stephanie as the new head and future heiress of the WWE its up to you to make sure that happens. Whatever this man wants I want you to give it too him.
He is hand picked and i want a return on my investment.

RAW goes to commercial with Drew and Stephanie shaking hands with Vince stood looking at both.

Michael Cole:
Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, before the break Vince McMahon announced SmackDown had shut its doors and only a select few superstars would be headed to RAW, the first being Drew McIntyre, a future star here in the WWE.
The Boss also told us that World Champion Edge was still yet to sign his contract, more on that when we get it.


Wade Barrett vs. D’Lo Brown

Barrett starts the match strong, dominating for the most part. He takes his time decimating D’Lo, slow, hard punches to the face each one sending Brown to the floor. Barrett takes the time to showboat, basking in the hatred from the crowd.

As Barrett taunts the crowd D’Lo Brown slowly gets back to his feet. Barrett turns around and is met with a swift slap to the face which knocks Barrett for six, he stumbles before walking into another slap. Barrett tries to connect with a clothesline but misses, Brown rolls Barrett up and the referee count the three.

Winner Via Pinfall… D’Lo Brown

Wade Barrett cannot believe his shoulders were down for 3. He solemnly leaves the ring and heads backstage.

Backstage and Josh Matthews tries to catch up with Wade Barrett.

Josh Matthews:
Wade, what happened out there? You seemed to take your foot off the gas for a single second and you were made to pay by the veteran D'Lo Brown.

Barrett doesn’t make eye contact with Matthews. William Regal walks into the shot and smiles at Josh Matthews and walks in the same direction as Barrett did.

Back From Commercial, Triple H is walking down a corridor and reaches a door which he knocks on, the camera follows him into the room and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley is sat on a sofa with Drew McIntyre, Triple H looks a bit taken aback.

Triple H:
Hey Steph, look i need to talk to you about The Miz. I want another match for the WWE title and i want it tonight.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Listen Hunter, you just cant come in here demanding title shots, you lost last night so to give you another shot would look like im giving you special treatment.
Look i cant really talk right now anyway so if you wouldnt mind.

Triple H stares right at Drew McIntyre before leaving the office.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Now, where were we?


WWE Womens Champion Natalya vs. Melina

The match starts with a lock-up in the centre of the ring. Melina kicks Natalya in the stomach sending her tumbling towards the ropes, Melina charges at Natalya but Nattie pulls down the ropes sending Melina flying to the floor.

Back in the ring Natalya has control, Melina goes for a dropkick Natalya catches Melinas left leg and turns it into a Sharpshooter making Melina tap out.

Winner via Submission… WWE Womens Champion, Natalya


On the titantron a clock counts down
The lights in the arena go out and smoke erupts from the stage
Music hits and Christian Cage makes his way out to the ring proudly carrying his newly won Money In The Bank Briefcase. He slaps the hands of fans at ringside before entering the ring

Christian Cage:
As you may have heard Mr. McMahon say earlier in the night, SmackDown guys have bee given RAW contracts and the good news is that Christian Cage has signed his and is here to make an impact on Monday Nights.

The crowd go wild for Cage.

Christian Cage:
All I need to do now is convince my best friend, the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge, to come join me here on RAW.

Cage is interrupted by Ted DiBiase. He stands on the stage.

Ted DiBiase:
Last night I was inchs away from walking out of Wrestlemania with that briefcase but you ruined that Christian. You ruined it! I want a match right now with that case on the line!

Christian Cage:
Who the hell do you think you are! There is no way im going to risk losing this case to you! DiBiase you will never get your hands on this cas….

Christian is attacked from behind by a hooded man. The hooded man grabs the briefcase, runs up the ramp and hands the case to DiBiase.

Ted DiBiase:
You were saying Cage? Looks as though I have the case in my possession, oh and by the way, let me introduce you to Brett… my younger brother.

Ted and Brett DiBiase leave the arena.



Cody Rhodes vs. Intercontinental Champion John Morrison

Cody Rhodes acts very confident as the bell rings for this contest. Rhodes tries to keep Morrison grounded but Morrison keeps the action in the air. As JoMo keeps momentum Cody Rhodes becomes frustrated. Rhodes pushes the referee into the turnbuckle, he falls for a moment and Rhodes capitalizes by connecting with a low-blow. He picks the referee up and covers Morrison. Morrison manages to kick out at 2.

Rhodes complains to a dizzy referee, Morrison gets back to his feet and as Rhodes turns around JoMo jumps on the rope and connects with a kick to the face. Morrison covers Rhodes and picks up the win.

Winner via Pinfall… Intercontinental Champion, John Morrison


Backstage and Sheamus is walking through the corridors of the building and ‘accidentally’ bumps into Finlay. Finlay laughs as Sheamus walks past. Sheamus hears this and slowly turns around approaching Finlay.

What did you say fella!?

Finlay squares up to Sheamus

Get out of my face, Fella!

Sheamus smirks before backing up and walking away.

Cody Rhodes is walking around backstage, Goldust approaches him.

Hey Cody, shame about your match earlier...

Cody cuts Goldust off

Cody Rhodes:
What the hell did you say. At least i am good enough to get on the show you freak.

Cody thinks about what he has said, and looks as though he regrets it.

Cody Rhodes:
Listen Im Sorry, i shouldnt have said that.

Cody extends his hand out to his brother, as Goldust's hand approaches, Cody withdraws his and slaps Goldust around the face. Cody walks away down the corridor as Goldust tries to make sense out of what just happened.

Daniel Bryan vs. William Regal

The two men shake hands out of a respect for the business as the bell rings.
The more experienced Regal controls the opening few minutes of the contest connecting with suplexes and upper-cuts.

Daniel Bryan starts to make a comeback after dropkicking Regal after jumping from the top rope. Bryan covers Regal but only gets a two count.

Regal irish whips Bryan against the ropes and ducks to flip him over his back but Bryan as he jumps over regal grabs hold of Regal’s arm and attempts to connect with the Labell Lock. Regal manages to squirm his way out of it and rolls Bryan into the regal stretch. Bryan taps out.

Winner via Submission… William Regal

As William Regal heads back up the ramp CM Punk rushes down past him and slides into the ring, he picks up a dazed Daniel Bryan and delivers a GTS.
Punk stands over the fallen Bryan as referees rush to the ring to usher Punk back up the ramp.




“AWESOME!” The Miz, along with Alex Riley, heads towards the ring, he holds the WWE Championship aloft for what seems like hours.

The Miz:
…and I’m AWESOME! I said I was going to do it and I did, The Miz is still YOUR WWE Champion. I beat the Game, the cerebral assassin, the King of Kings, the 13 time World Champion at Wrestlemania. I am the greatest WWE Champion of all time.

Alex Riley:
Your damn right you are.

The Miz:
That’s why I have issued this open challenge to any former WWE Champion, I am going to prove to everyone that I am The Miz and I'm AWESOME!

The Miz waits for a potential challenger. Everyone looks towards the stage waiting for a former WWE champion to walk through.

Music hits and Hall of Famer… Sgt. Slaughter makes his way to the ring to the adulation of the crowd in attendance. Miz looks a little shocked but still has a smirk on his face.

Miz and Slaughter lock up in the middle of the ring. Slaughters power allows him to toss Miz into the turnbuckle. As Miz holds the back of his in shock he charges towards Slaughter he sends him flying again with a big boot.

Miz exits the ring and regroups with Alex Riley. Slaughter exits the ring and starts to chase Miz around the ring, Miz rolls back in and as Slaughter does the same Miz capitalizes and throws his elbows into Slaughters back.

Miz irish whips Slaughter into the corner of the ring and charges at him connecting with his clothesline. Miz picks Slaughter up and connects with some vicious looking left hands as Slaughter starts to fade.

Miz gets too cocky with his punches allowing Slaughter to get a tiny amount of offence connecting with a head-but but Miz manages to overcome the small onslaught. Miz shouts he is AWESOME towards the crowd who react with a chorus of Boooo’s.

Miz grabs Slaughter by the head and connects with the skull crushing finale. Miz covers Slaughter and gets the 1…2…3.

Winner Via Pinfall... WWE Champion, The Miz

Miz’s hand is raised in victory and Alex Riley hands him his WWE Championship. The two celebrate for a second before leaving the ring.

As The Miz celebrates his win on the ramp, Sgt. Slaughter starts to come around in the ring and gets back to his feet, Miz sees this on the titantron and heads back towards the ring.

He delivers a thunderous Face Crushing Finale to the Hall of Famer, he and Alex Riley then start to beat down Slaughter. The crowd rain down boos on the pair.

“You Think You Know Me” smoke erupts from the stage and World Champion Edge races to the ring and sends Miz and Riley scarpering from the ring.

Edge helps Slaughter back to his feet and the two shake hands.

RAW ends with Edge holding his unsigned RAW contract and the World Heavyweight Championship.

D’Lo Brown def. Wade Barrett
WWE Womens Champion - Natalya def. Melina
Intercontinental Champion - John Morrison def. Cody Rhodes
William Regal def. Daniel Bryan
WWE Champion - The Miz def. Sgt. Slaughter

Hawkins + Ryder def. Santino + Kozlov
Val Venis def. Chris Masters
Tyler Reks def. Yoshi Tatsu​

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Chavo Guerrero

A good battle between two cruiserweights. Chavo delivers 2 straight suplexes but Yoshi manages to escape before a third can be delivered. As Yoshi runs towards the ropes, Chavo ducks an attempted clothesline and connects with a dropkick. Chavo climbs to the top tope, points to the heavens and leaps in the air, Yoshi moves before the 5-star frogsplash can hit.

Yoshi rolls Chavo up and the referee counts 1…2…3.

Winner via Pinfall… Yoshi Tatsu


WWE Tag Team Champions Santino + Kozlov vs. Ted and Brett DiBiase

As the DiBiase’s enter the ring Ted is given a microphone.

Ted DiBiase:
I have been informed by sources close to our general manager that should me and my brother win our match tonight we get a tag title shot live on Monday Night RAW next week
. (looking towards Brett) so don’t let me down.

Kozlov starts with Ted. Kozlov dominates for the opening minute before a Santino blind tag annoys him. Santino charges towards Ted but Ted moves and Santino’s head meets the boot of Brett DiBiase as it lays over the top rope.

Brett is tagged in, after a number of blows to the face Brett tags Ted back in and Ted connects with the dream street. Brett knocks Kozlov from the apron as Ted covers Santino 1…2…3

Winners via pinfall… Ted and Brett DiBiase.


Mark Henry vs. Tyler Reks

Tyler Reks looks intense as the bell rings for this contest. The two lock up in the centre. Henry pushes Reks over into the corner. Reks gets back to his feet, looks around before charging at Henry and sending Henry onto his back with a massive boot to the face.

As Henry slowly gets back to his feet Reks once again charges at Henry and sends him down with a second boot to the face. Reks covers Henry 1…2…3

Winner via pinfall… Tyler Reks

Reks slaps away the referee’s hand and takes a microphone.

Tyler Reks:
Two straight wins for Tyler Reks here on the B show and still nobody take notice, well let me tell you guys that think your position on RAW is safe, It AINT! Because Tyler Reks is here to put you on notice!


Michael Cole:
Welcome to Monday Night RAW. Last week the Awesome One, the WWE Champion, The Miz defeated former WWE Champion, the Sarge, Sgt. Slaugher in the first of his open challenges, tonight the Miz will….

“AWESOME!” Cole is interrupted by The WWE Champion. Miz strolls to the ring with his sidekick Alex Riley.

The Miz:
Last week I came a step closer to proving I am the greatest WWE Champion of all time when I pinned Sgt. Slaughters shoulders in this ring.
This week I'm again going to get a step closer when another loser accepts the challenge. Because I'm The Miz… and I'm…

Who do these old timers think they are, first Triple H now Sgt. Slaughter. What they dont realise is that i am the future of this company and i am the most talented individual in the WWE. Last week Edge attacked me after the show, you wanna know why? becasue he is scared of me, i am the face of this company, i am a shark in goldfish bowl.

Edge comes over here from SmackDown and he is a goldfish in an ocean but Edge i will deal with you at a later date becasue now i got to face another old time, and i will win because I'm the Miz... and I'm...

The sounds of a car crash circulate around the arena, Mankind walks through the curtain to a huge ovation, he strides towards the ring with Mr. Socko on his right hand.

When I heard you were challenging former WWE Champions I knew this was an opportunity for Mick Foley… I mean Mankind to make a comeback here in Chicago, Illinois.

The crowd love the Foley cheap pop.

Ive already spoken to Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley so this match is gonna happen, right now… HARDCORE rules.

Miz backs out of the ring shaking his head, he rushes towards Michael Cole.

The Miz:
Tell them this match isn’t happening, I'm the WWE Champion, I'm not facing this lunatic.

Alex Riley slides into the ring and is met with Mr. Socko stuck right down his throat.

Miz sneaks into the ring and hits Mankind over the back of the head with a steel chair then tells the referee to ring the bell. The bell is rung.

The Miz’s Open Challenge
WWE Champion The Miz vs. Mankind
Hardcore Match

Miz jumps on top of Mankind and the referee counts 1…2… Mankind kicks out at 2 and ½ much to the annoyance of The Miz. As Miz calls for Alex Riley, who is starting to come around on the outside of the ring, Mankind is getting back to his feet inside the ring.

Mankind connects with a number of clotheslines, with the Miz getting back to his feet and taking another every time. Mankind Irish whips Miz into the corner of the ring with such force that Miz slumps down on his ass. Mankind charges towards Miz looking to connect with a knee to the face but Alex Riley pulls Miz out of the way.

With Miz out of the ring Alex Riley takes over, he charge towards Mankind in the corner of the ring but is sent flying over and out smashing his face on the steel ring steps. The crowd start to buzz as Miz climbs back into the ring.

Mankind picks Miz up by the hair and signals for Mr. Socko to do his dirty work as the sock nears Miz’ mouth the Awesome One ducks and connects with ‘The Skull Crushing Finale.’ Miz covers Mankind. 1…2…3 the bell rings

Winner Via Pinfall… WWE Champion, The Miz.

Miz snatches a microphone and finishes his earlier sentence.

The Miz:

As the Miz heads up the ramp the lights go out and the mysterious countdown which started last week speeds up from 20 Days to Next Week.


Michael Cole:
Looks as though someone has put forward their impending arrival here on RAW forward and looks set to challenge The Miz, that must mean he is a former WWE Champion. Who could it be?


Backstage and Triple H is inside the General Managers office. On the television behind him a limo can be seen pulling up in the parking lot. Drew McIntyre is the first to exit the limo, which has a WWE logo on the side. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley follows closely behind and the two walk out of shot.

Back in the office Triple H picks the television off the wall and throws it onto the ground before leaving the office.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Drew McIntyre walk into Steph’s office to find the television in pieces on the floor, she orders someone in the corridor to clean it up before turning her attention back to Drew McIntyre.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
So are we sorted then? That’s the match you want for Backlash?

Drew McIntyre:
Oh yes, that’ll do nicely thank you.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Well ill leave you to tell John Morrison that his Intercontinental Championship is on the line at Backlash.

Drew smirks as he leaves the office, he bumps straight into Triple H who is almost knocked off his feet.

Drew McIntyre:
Watch where you’re going!

Triple H’s face turns red in anger, he refrains from a physical confrontation instead walking straight past Drew and into his wife’s office.



Laycool vs. WWE Womens Champion Natalya + Mickie James

Michelle McCool starts the match with Mickie James, Mickie dominates with some stern kicks to McCool’s stomach sending her stumbling back into her own corner, Layla taps the back off McCool and charges towards Mickie who ducks and kicks Layla in the face. Mickie tags in Natalya

Natalya puts Layla onto the top rope and climbs up herself, she positions for a super-plex, Layla hits Natalya in the stomach and manages to loosen Natalya’s grip. Layla pushes Natalya from the top rope and connects with a flying elbow, the two stay down.

As the two start to get back to their feet a large woman casually walks down from the stage and climbs into the ring… Its Awesome Kong. The referee calls for the bell as Kong grabs hold of Layla and tosses her out of the ring. Michelle runs in and kicks Kong in the back of the knee, stopping her momentarily. Natalya comes in and Michelle and Natalya double DDT Kong.

As the foes look at each other Kong gets back to her feet seemingly un-affected and decimates Natalya and Michelle as Mickie James drops from the ring apron and heads back up the ramp.

“All Grown Up.” Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley makes her way onto the stage.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
I'm not having my show descend into chaos. Ring the bell referee, Natalya is defending her Womens Championship against Awesome Kong, right now.


Michael Cole:
We are back live here on Monday Night RAW and as per the orders of General Manager Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley we have a Womens Title Match right now.

WWE Womens Champion Natalya vs. Awesome Kong.

The bell rings and Kong picks up a dazed Natalya, she connects with an Awesome Bomb and covers her. 1…2…3 the bell rings and Kong is handed the Womens Championship.

Winner via Pinfall and new WWE Womens Champion… Awesome Kong.
Matt Striker is backstage.

Matt Striker:
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time... Goldust.

Goldust walks into shot.

Matt Striker:
Now Goldust, i wanted to get your thoughts on the actions of your brother, Cody Rhodes, last week when he slapped you across the face?

I just cant make sense of it all.

Matt Striker:
Some are speculating that he is trying to make a name for himself by targeting you?

Well if he thinks he can make a name for himself at my expense he has another thing coming, brother or not!

Goldust walks away as Tyler Reks walks into shot. Matt Striker starts to walk away but Reks grabs him by the shirt and pulls him back.

Tyler Reks:
Whats the matter Matt? got nothing to say to me?

Reks grabs the microphone from Strikers hand and pushes him away.

Tyler Reks:
Well ive got something to say. I am sick of waiting for an opportunity to find me, so im here to find an opportunity.


As Finlay does some final stretches before his match William Regal approaches him. They talk for a small period of time before Finlay pushes Regal backwards before heading away down the corridor.

"This Fire Burns" CM Punk makes his way too the ring, on the titantron is a reply from last week when he attacked Daniel Bryan after he ha lost his match.

CM Punk:
You're probably asking yourselves, why did CM Punk attack Daniel Bryan, what could Daniel Bryan possibly have done to annoy CM Punk so much. Well, im going to tell you.

Before CM Punk can say anything else he spots Daniel Bryan racing down te ramp, as Bryan hits the ring CM Punk slides out at the other side and heads through the crowd. Boo's echo around the arena.


Skip Sheffield vs. Finlay

Sheffield and Finlay lock up in the centre of the ring. Sheffield tosses Finlay towards the corner and runs towards him, Finlay gets his foot up and Sheffield staggers back…

Sheffield regains control and puts Finlay on the top turnbuckle, Sheffielf climbs up himself and super-plexes Finlay from the ropes. Sheffield starts to smirk at the crowd as Finlay slowly gets back to his feet.

Sheffield extends his right arm and races towards Finlay and connects with a devastating clothesline. Sheffield covers Finlay. 1…2…3

Winner via pinfall… Skip Sheffield.

As Sheffields arm is raised high by the referee William Regal, Wade Barrett and Sheamus all enter the ring, straight past Sheffield and towards Finlay.

Sheffield leaves the ring as Barrett and Sheamus restrain Finlay and William Regal takes out some brass Knuckles from his trunks.

Reagl smashes Finlay in the jaw, Finlay’s head flops forward as the crowd display their anger towards the British trio. Regal looks at the mess Finlay has become before instructing Barrett and Sheamus to drop him.

Regal, Barrett and Sheamus stand over a fallen Finlay with their hands rasied aloft in the air. As they exit the ring D’Lo Brown races to Finlay’s side.


Triple H is with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley in her office.

Triple H:
What is the deal with you and McIntyre?

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
I got to keep him happy, you heard my father, he is the future of this company.

Triple H:
He may be the future but I am the present and I want the Miz, if you don’t give him to me I will go get him myself.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
You will do no such thing. Miz is busy with his open challenge to former WWE Champions, he doesn’t have time to face you.

Triple H:
I'm a former WWE Champion, 13 time former Champion, next week ill accept his challenge.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
When I signed off on that open challenge it was specifically people not on the current roster so no you wont.

Triple H:
Well he has nothing for Backlash so give him to me then.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Look Hunter youre not going to have a match at Backlash, the McIntyre/Morrison match means the card is filling up pretty quick so I'm sorry your not going to be on it.

Triple H:
Youre kidding right, tell me your kidding

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
No, I'm not kidding.

Triple H gets up and heads towards the door.

Triple H:
By the way it was me that smashed your television.

Triple H slams the door shut behind him.

Intercontinental Champion Joh Morrison vs Daniel Bryan.

The bell rings and the two men shake hands, they cirlce the ring looking for an opportunity, they lock up and Daniel Bryan gets Morrison into a headlock. Morrison struggles before becoming free and tossing Bryan against the ropes. Bryan shoulder blocks Morrison to the matt and runs towards the ropes. Morrison springs back to his feet and jumps over Bryan, as Bryan hits the other side of the ring Morrison connects with a hip toss.

Bryan gets back to his feet and the two men lock eyes as the crowd whip up a frenzy for both men.

Bryan has Morrison in the corner of the ring and connects with some hard chops to the chest, after a few Morrison grabs Bryan by the neck and throws him into the corner and delivers a stiff elbow shot to the face of Bryan. Bryan slumps down and Morrison jumps onto the top rope and goes for the shining wizard, but Bryan moves out of the way. As Morrison roles in pain Bryan locks in the labelle lock but Morrison is too close to the ropes and the move is broken.

Morrison whips Bryan into the corner of the ring and Bryan hits with force which makes his inch out, Morrison jumps onto the second rope and hits bryan with a kick square in the face. Both men lay out on the matt.

The two men start to get back to their feet as Drew McIntyre walks down the ramp. He stands on the apron and both Morrison and the referee get into McIntyres face. As this is going on CM Punk rushes through the crowd and into the ring to deliver a GTS.

As Punk raises Bryan over his head Bryan manages to squirm his way out and locks in the labelle lock, Punk taps out frantically but Bryan refuses to let go. The referee notices the altercation and calls for the bell.

McIntyre gets into the ring and hits Morrison in the back of the head. He turns him round and connects with the FutureShock DDT. He races towards Bryan and kicks him off Punk, who rolls out of the ring clutching his arm.

McIntyre picks up Bryan and connects with another FutureShock DDT. As McIntyre plays to the crowd with his arm aloft in the air CM Punk rolls back into the ring. The two men shake hands.

Match Ends... No Contest

The ring crew set up for the Peep Show. A recap video plays showing Christian’s victory at Wrestlemania. Last weeks RAW is then shown when Christian’s briefcase was stolen by Ted DiBiase and his brother Brett.

Christian Cage’s music plays loud throughout the arena, the crowd goes wild as Mr. Money In The Bank enters the ring and into his show. His briefcase is not with him.

Christian Cage:
Ted DiBiase if your watching and you probably are, I want that briefcase back and I want it back now.

“I Come From Money” DiBiase enters the arena with his brother Brett and the two charge the ring, Christian tries to battle both but is overpowered.
Edge runs down the ramp, dropping his World Title as he enters the ring, The DiBiase’s flee leaving the briefcase behind.

As the Peep Show set is straightened out Edge picks up his world title and Christian is holding his Briefcase, there is a moment of silence where both men look at each other and also at what the other is holding.

Edge and Christian both sit down.

I wouldn’t normally endorse another guy’s show considering I have my own but its pretty cool to be here on the Peep Show

The crowd pop

Christian Cage:
Listen, Edge, why haven’t you signed your RAW contract yet? Whats going on?

Christian lifts up some paper, the contract Edge has yet to sign

I wanted to check the place out first, its been a few years since I was last here and RAW has its problems, look at Miz. If I come to RAW I want to be the top guy, I don’t want to share the spotlight with some delusional ego-maniac thinking he is awesome.

Christian Cage:
You are the World Heavyweight CHampion, you wont have to share the spotlight with anybody man. You could kick Miz' ass any day of the week and he knows it.
Sign the contract, come to RAW.

Look Christian I'm not sure man, you gotta let me think about it.

Ted and Brett make a re-appearance, charging to the ring, they trash the set and attack Edge and Christian. Edge + Christian manage to gain the upper hand tossing Brett DiBiase out of the ring and then doing the same to Ted.

Edge looks really pissed, he looks at Christian then looks at the DiBiase’s before picking up a RAW contract that was placed on the table and signs it.

The fans erupt as Christian raises Edge’s arm. The camera spots a smirk appear on Christian’s face as Monday Night RAW ends.
Great show dude. Like the thing between McIntyre/Steph/Hunter. Really pulls me into the show. The Miz open challenge is another thing to watch-out for. But, I couldn't see Cena and Alberto anywhere on both shows. What's up with them? Are they gone for good or just taking a break? But that doesn't matter really. Just put up a Backlash updated card so its not hard to find out what matches are on.

Good luck. I'm looking forward to your next show.
Ah yes of course totally forgot to have a PPV card.
Cena isnt a part of my promotion (becasue i just plain don like him haha)
Alberto is resting and will make his return sometime around or after Backlash with a full explanaiton

Thanks for taking the time to look at my show, i really appreciate it.

Drew McIntyre vs John Morrison is officially set for Backlash in two weeks time.
Will the two men have anything to say to each other come next week on RAW?

Word from Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley's office is that Triple H will not be present next week on RAW. He has been given the night off.

What will William Regal have to say when he explains his actions towards Finlay last week?

Brother vs Brother? Rumours are circulating that Cody Rhodes will challenge his brother Goldust to a match at Backlash, will Goldust accept?

and finally the war of not so many words has escalated between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan the last two weeks, when will these two men meet in ring, or will they at all?​

Michael Cole:
Welcome to Monday Night RAW ladies and gents, we are kicking things off tonight with the WWE Tag Team Championships.

WWE Tag Team Champion Santino Marella + Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ted and Brett DiBiase.

Justin Roberts:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championship, introducing first, at a combined weight of 523lbs… they are the WWE Tag Team Champions… Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella.

The tag champs receive a great pop from the crowd as a video package shows Ted and Brett DiBiase on the Peep Show attacking Christian last week. At the end of the video it announces that they will face Edge and Christian at Backlash.

Justin Roberts:
And their opponents, from West Palm Beach, Florida, at a combined weight of 456lbs… Brett and Ted DiBiase.

The DiBiase’s enter the ring and the referee holds up the championship belts.

Brett starts off with Santino, The crowd are right behind the tag team champions as Santino takes control. Santino connects with some stiff left hand punches before flooring DiBiase with a vicious right hand. Santino drags Brett over to his corner and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov picks Brett up from the floor, grabs hold of him and head-butts Brett numerous times in the chest, Kozlov lets go and Brett flops to the matt, he starts to crawl over to his brother Ted, who is leaning over trying to get the tag.

Kozlov tags Santino into the ring and he rushes towards Brett who has nearly reached his brother Ted. Ted DiBiase shouts abuse at Kozlov at the other end of the ring and Kozlov tries to get in but the referee stops him.

At the other end of the ring whilst the refs back is turned Ted enters the ring and connects with dream street on Santino, he rolls his brother Brett on top of Santino and rushes towards Kozlov and knocks him from the apron. The referee notices the cover, rushes over and counts 1…2…3

Justin Roberts:
Here and your Winners and the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions… Ted and Brett DiBiase

As Ted and Brett celebrate with their gold “You Think You Know Me” plays as smoke bellows from the stage. Edge races though the curtain and heads towards the ring. The DiBiase run through the crowd before Edge can get to them.

Edge is handed a microphone and Justin Roberts hands him a contract.

Here in my hands I have the RAW contract I signed last week. I wanted to officially announce my arrival here on the RAW brand.

After last week both myself and Christian have some un-finished business with The DiBiase’s which is why I scared them off just now. Boys if your listening your defending them newly won tag team titles against the former 7 time champs Edge and Christian at Backlash.

The crowd go wild.

“AWESOME” Edge is interrupted by the WWE Champion, Miz and Alex Riley head onto the stage. Miz holds his WWE title up in the air.

The Miz:
Edge, let me be the first to welcome you here to Monday Night RAW, my show! After what you did to me two weeks ago after my match with Sgt. Slaughter I’ve a good mind to come down to that ring and teach you a lesson

Why don’t you then. What you are Miz is a scared little boy. You know that at any moment Christian can cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase at any time and beat you for that WWE title.

The Miz:
Don’t you interrupt me! Shouldn’t you be worried that he doesn’t cash it on on you. He has turned on you before, what makes you think he wont do it again.
Listen Edge I don’t have time to deal with you right now, I have a former WWE Champion to face…Because I’m The Miz… and I'm…

Edge interrupts…


Miz glares at Edge before leaving the stage.

Miz and Alex Riley are walking backstage, they walk past a monitor when this appears on it.


The Miz double takes before nervously laughing and walking away.

Alex Riley:
Who do you think it is?

The Miz:
It doesn’t matter who it is, I'm The Miz!

Alex Riley:
Yeah, and You’re Awesome!


WWE Womens Champion Awesome Kong runs the gauntlet.

Justin Roberts:
The following contest is to determine the Number One Contender to the WWE Womens Championship at Backlash.

The first Diva to throw the WWE Womens Champion Awesome Kong over the top rope will be declared the winner. For Awesome Kong to eliminate a diva she must throw her out of the ring with both feet touching the floor or by pinfall.

The first diva in is Melina who slowly makes her way to the ring, she stands toe to toe with Kong before jumping over the top rope and eliminating herself.
Eve is next in and attempts a drop-kick on Kong who doesn’t move a muscle, Kong picks Eve up an tosses her over the top rope.
Gail Kim enters the ring and climbs to the top rope, as Kong walks towards Gail jumps from the top and drop-kicks Kong in her left leg sending her down to one knee. Gail jumps on Kongs back but Kong gets back to her feet and slams Gail back first into the turnbuckle, Gail flops over Kong as throws over the top rope.
Natalya is next to face Kong. Natalya goes to work on Kongs left leg after the damage done to it by Gail Kim. Natalya sends a flurry of kicks Kongs way each one connecting with her leg, Kong is again down to one leg and Natalya flies off the ropes and drop-kicks Kong in the face, sending Kong onto her back for the first time in the match. Natalya attempts to lock in the Sharpshooter but Kong’s power allows her kick Natalya straight out of the ring.
Alicia Fox enters the ring and runs straight into a brick wall as she is flattened by a still Kong. Alicia begs for Kong to be gentle. Kong looks at her and throws her under the bottom rope.
Laycool are next, they surround the ring and with Kongs back facing her Layla is first to enter the ring. Kong spots this and turns to face Layla as Michelle creeps in, Kong has Layla by the throat until McCool kicks Kong in the back of the knee. The pain forces Kong to buckle under the pressure as Laycool double team her. They connect with a double DDT before Layla jumps off the top rope with a flying elbow. Kong is slowly getting back to her feet but looking tired. She has an angered look on her face as she grabs Michelle by the neck and pushes her backwards over the ropes. Layla sees this and decides she has had enough and throws herself over onto Michelle.
Mickie James is the final diva out and she takes advantage of the worn out Kong, Mickie waits in the corner until Kong walks over, Mickie ducks under an attempted chop and kicks ad punches Kong wherever she can, Kong looking and feeling weak starts to lean over the turnbuckle, Mickie tries to push her over but it doesn’t work. Mickie then exits the ring but stays on the turnbuckle, she pushes down on the ropes and pulls Kong at the same time, Kongs weight eventually gets too much for the ropes as they buckle sending Kong tumbling out of the ring an onto the floor.

Justin Roberts:
Here is your winner and new Number One Contender… Mickie James


William Regal’s music hits and he, along wit Wade Barrett and Sheamus make their way to the ring. Regal is given a microphone.

William Regal:
This is exactly why I am out here tonight. Justin Roberts I demand that you introduce me to this crowd.

Roberts looks shocked at being called out by Regal.
Barrett and Sheamus leave the ring and walk towards a petrified Roberts, they pick him up by the scruff of the neck and force his microphone into his face. The crowd are booing the pair.

Justin Roberts:
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome… William Regal.

Barrett and Sheamus throw Roberts back into his chair. They climb back into the ring.

William Regal:
If you would have just done that whilst I was walking down the ramp then we wouldn’t have had to have been so rough. All we want is some equality for us Brits here in this disgusting country you call America.

Barrett and Sheamus clap Regal’s comments as the crowd get even more worked up towards the trio.

William Regal:
Now I'm out here talking about us British not getting our fair share of the spotlight here in the WWE, that’s why these two young, up and coming superstars came to me, they feel the same as I do. They don’t get any respect in that locker room full of Americans.

We are outcasts and we are here to tell you, we are here to tell you at home and we are here to tell the guys in the back that if you don’t show us respect, We are going to take it.

D’Lo Brown interrupts and heads to the ring for his scheduled match against Wade Barrett.

Wade Barrett vs. D’Lo Brown

Before the bell rings Sheamus grabs the leg of D’lo Brown who turns to face the Irishman. Barrett takes advantage of this and hits D’Lo in the back of the head sending him crashing out of the ring, Barrett drags the referee turning his back whilst on the outside Sheamus throws D’lo into the ring steps whilst William Regal exposes the concrete by lifting the padding up. Before they can do anything with that though the referee tells them he will eject them from ringside if they persist.

D’Lo rolls back into the ring. Barrett dominates from here on in. D’lo is tossed into the corner of the ring and Barrett thrusts his shoulders into D’Lo’s mid-section, D’Lo collapses out of the corner. Regal instructs Barrett to finish it.

Barrett picks a weary D’Lo Brown and picks him onto his shoulders and connects with the wadeslam. Barrett falls to his knees and covers D’Lo. 1…2…3

Justin Roberts:
Here is your winner… Wade Barrett.

Regal and Sheamus get back into the ring. Sheamus picks D’Lo up from the heap he was in, puts him over his shoulders and delivers the Celtic Cross over the top rope smashing D’Lo’s back onto the exposed concrete outside the ring.

William Regal:
As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Finlay showed us no respect when he rejected our invitation to join us in our quest for respect therefore Finlay must be made an example of like he was last week here on RAW

Footage of the attack is shown on the titantron

William Regal:
And the same fate will await Finlay when he takes on Sheamus at Backlash.

Let everyone be warned… The Invasion is happening.

Regal, Barrett and Sheamus stand with their arms aloft whilst the crowd show their contempt towards them.

Backstage and Todd Grisham is stood with Skip Sheffield who made his debut two weeks ago on RAW.

Todd Grisham:
Please welcome my guest at this time…Skip Sheffield.
Now Skip you had a great debut performance two….

Triple H walks past, banging into Skip. Todd Grisham leaves Sheffield looking annoyed as he runs after Triple H.

Todd Grisham:
Triple H, can I have a word.

Triple H:
Yes you can, the word is No!

Todd Grisham:
We were all told that Stephanie McMahon had given you the night off and had told you that you would not wrestle at Backlash, what are your thoughts.

Triple H:
First of all Todd, its Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. The woman is my wife! Second of all I am the King of Kings and I don’t take nights off. I'm here to confront that little weasel Drew McIntyre.

Triple H walks away as Skip Sheffield walks back into shot.

Michael Cole:
Welcome back folks, we are just being told that after the confrontation earlier in the night that our General Manager has ordered that Edge have a match tonight against The Miz’s apprentice, A-Ri.

World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alex Riley

“You think you know me” plays, Edge along with Christian makes his way to the ring. Christian has his Money in the Bank briefcase held high. Edge and Christian both have a look of mis-trust after Miz’s words earlier in the night.

Justin Roberts:
This bout is set for one fall. In the ring, being accompanied by Mr. Money in the Bank, Christian, he is the World Heavyweight Champion… The Rated R Superstar… Edge.

And his opponent… Alex Riley.

Edge and Riley lock up in the middle of the ring, Riley sneakily kicks Edge in the mid-section then forces him into the corner of the ring. Riley climbs onto the second rope and pounds at Edge’s head.

Edge manages to force Riley off of him, he charges towards him attempting the spear but Riley jumps over Edge’s head and as Edge turns around Riley hits a standing drop-kick.

Riley picks Edge up from the matt, he sets him up for a DDT but Edge reverses and connects with the Edge-cution. Edge covers but Riley kicks out at 2. Edge take control throwing Riley into the corner, racing towards him and forcing his shoulder into Riley’s mid-section. Edge irish-whips Riley and hits a clothesline, Riley jumps straight back up and walks into another clothesline.

Riley crawls over to the corner of the ring, using the ropes to get back to his feet. Edge is opposite him, setting him up, Riley turns around as Edge charges at him and Edge connects with the SPEAR! Edge covers Riley 1…2…3

Justin Roberts:
Here is your winner, The World Heavyweight Champion, The Rated R Superstar... Edge

Edge’s hand is raised in victory, Christian gets into the ring carrying the World Heavyweight Championship. Edge and Christian share an awkward stare before Christian hands Edge the title before slapping his Money In the Bank briefcase and raising Edge’s hand in victory.

Backstage and Triple H barges into the General Manager’s office.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
What the hell are you doing here, I gave you the night off

Triple H:
Where is he?

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Who? Where is who?

Triple H:
Don’t play stupid with me, where is McIntyre?

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
He isn’t here, what’s your problem with him anyway.

Triple H:
Just forget it!

Triple H storms out of the office, Stephanie looks a little bewildered.

The Miz is sat in his dressing room taping up his arms and tightening his ring boots, the television behind him starts to flicker and a message appears on screen:


Miz picks up his belt and hurries out of the room

Justin Roberts:
Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome in the ring… Matt Striker.

Matt Striker:
For the last two weeks there has been some animosity between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, I have spoken with the GM and she has granted me ring time to talk with these two men, so please welcome… CM Punk.

CM Punk receives a hostile ovation as he slowly makes his way into the ring.

Matt Striker:
Thanks for joining us Punk, lets next introduce… Daniel Bryan

Bryan gets a pop from the crowd, he enters the ring and stands nose to nose with Punk, Striker tries to get in the middle to separate them.

Matt Striker:
Okay first off, Punk, why did you attack Daniel Bryan after he had lost a submission match with William Regal two weeks ago here on Monday night RAW?

CM Punk:
No Comment.

Matt Stiker:
Erm… okay, why did you run through the crowd rather than face Daniel Bryan like a man when Daniel ran to the ring last week?

CM Punk:
No Comment:

Daniel Bryan interrupts:

Daniel Bryan:
Ill tell you why, its because you’re a coward.

Matt Striker:
Do you have anything to say in response to that Punk?

CM Punk looks at Bryan, before looking at Striker. Punk drops the microphone and exits the ring to a chorus of boos. He heads back up the ramp.

Daniel Bryan:
It’s a good job you aren’t speaking because come Backlash there wont be any time for talking when I get my hands on you in this ring.


Drew McIntyre vs. Goldust

Justin Roberts:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Ayr, Scotland… Drew McIntyre.

And his opponent, from Hollywood, California… Goldust.

Drew McIntyre races towards Goldust and hits a clothesline, he shouts at the crowd who vent their anger at the chosen one. Goldust gets back to his feet and meets McIntyre’s fist into his hand sending Goldust back down again. McIntyre uses the break in action to again rile up the crow.

McIntyre stomps a mud-hole into Goldust’s chest, Goldust rolls out of the ring to get a break. McIntyre follows him out and attempts to swing Dust into the ring post but Dust reverses it and sends McIntyre crashing shoulder first into it instead. McIntyre riles in pain as he rolls back into the ring. Goldust follows him and covers but McIntyre kicks out at 2.

McIntyre gets back to his feet, shakes off his shoulder bash and delivers a standing drop-kick to Goldust, as McIntyre walks towards Goldust “Time to Play the Game” music hits and Triple H walks out on the stage and fixes his eyes onto McIntyre.

McIntyre is shocked to see Triple H and cannot take his eyes off The Game.
Back in the ring and Goldust is slowly getting back to his feet, he walks towards McIntyre who has his back to him and Goldust rolls him up as the referee counts 1…2…3

McIntyre is furious as he jumps back to his feet. He looks towards the stage and Triple H has disappeared, McIntyre exits the ring and races up the ramp. Goldust back in the ring has his hand rasied.

Justin Roberts:
Here is your winner… Goldust.

Goldust is handed a microphone.

Cody, whats going on with you man. I'm your brother. We need to sort this out like men so please come to the ring.

Cody’s music hits and he cautiously makes his way to the ring.

Cody Rhodes:
Ill tell you what’s going on with me. Its you, you’re an embarrassment. I mean look at the state of you, dressed in a one-piece, painted gold. When we were kids I used to look up to you, you were my big brother. You were my hero and now look at you, you’ve sold out… you’re a freak!!

Cody slaps Goldust around the face. Goldust does not react.

Cody Rhodes:
Come on Dustin, fight back, show me some signs of a man behind that make-up!

Cody slaps Goldust again.

I'm not going to fight you Cody!

Goldust lays down the microphone and leaves the ring.

Cody Rhodes:


Backstage, Drew McIntyre barges into Stephanie’s office.

Drew McIntyre:
What the hell was all that about, what’s was Triple H doing out there, I thought we agreed he would have the night off.

Triple H is stood listening outside the door, which is slightly open. He is shocked to discover that it was McIntyre’s idea to give him the night off.

Triple H barges into the office to confront him with a sledgehammer in hand.

When Drew sees this he smiles then starts to chuckle.

Triple H readies himself to use the hammer before being knocked to the floor by Skip Sheffield who attacks him from behind.

McIntyre’s chuckle turns into a full blown laugh as he watches Triple H squirm on the floor. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley orders both Drew and Skip out of her office.


The Miz’ open Challenge
WWE Champion The Miz vs. ???

Justin Roberts:
The following contest I an open challenge match to any former WWE Champion currently not on the WWE roster, introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio the WWE Champion… The Miz.

Miz is about to talk through the microphone when the power to the mic goes out, the lights then go out in the arena, leaving a message on the titantron


Smoke erupts from the stage, a countdown starts. 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…
Fireworks erupt from the stage then everything goes silent.
the crowd go wild as a man at the top of the stage stands with his back to the crowd and his arm spread out wide. He turns around but the crowd are stunned to silence.

The man they thought they were getting was not to be as Alex Riley heads down to the ring dressed in Chris Jericho’s trunks and boots along with his signature music.

In the ring The Miz is laughing, Alex Riley enters and Miz orders the referee to ring the bell.

Alex Riley dressed as Chris Jericho lays down in the centre of the ring as The Miz covers him, the referee is apprehensive to count the fall but Miz threatens him to do so and he complies.

The Miz celebrates as Alex Riley removes the Jericho gear. Miz retakes the microphone.

The Miz:
What? Expecting somebody else?

Miz and A-Ri laugh while the crowd direct abuse at them.

The Miz:
Let me show you the real Chris Jericho

On the titantron Chris Jericho is laid on top of a broken table in the backstage area. He has blood trickling from his forehead and his suit has been ripped.

The Miz:
I found out about Jericho’s return tonight. Being the WWE champ has its perks, I spoke to a guy in the production truck and he told me the savior, the ayatollah of rock n rolla was making a heroic comeback tonight to challenge me, The Miz!

So me and my trusty companion took it upon ourselves to welcome him back before the match. Because I’m The Miz… and I’m… AWESOME!!

Monday Night RAW ends with the image of Chris Jericho a bloody mess.

updated BACKLASH card
(c)Ted and Brett DiBiase vs Edge + Christian

(c)John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre

Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk

(c)Awesome Kong vs Mickie James

Sheamus vs Finlay

Good show again. Good to see E & C back again but... I would have loved to see Edge defend the World Heavyweight title at Backlash. And now, after 3 weeks, I think you should have declared the WWE championship match. The tension between Triple H and Drew McIntyre is undoubtedly awesome. The Y2J return thing was good. So keep it up and good luck for the next show.
Well that was a twist, nice idea I must say. The whole Jericho thing gave some surprise, and would have made people mark out. Then to have Alex dress up as Jericho kind of stuffed it for me. I would have liked you to have Jericho walk out, then be attacked by Alex. He then throws Jericho into the ring, and Miz gains the cheap win. That is how it should have happened, rather than Alex just laying down in the ring.

Not a fan of all the different colours, as they are all light, and just don't mix. Either use some different colours or maybe just drop them and use bolds. It's just a personal thing so you don't have to listen, but hey.

Overall all it was an OK show, the match writing could have been longer. The promos could of had more depth, giving it a better feel. Filling up the show more, more detail is always good. I would give it a 6/10, it wasn't anything amazing, but it was a fun read I must say. Keep going and I hope to see some improvement next time I read, which will only make the show even better. It's good to finally have something to work against in a bit of friendly competition.
Thanks for the comments Icon and Prophet.

Yeah i see now that all the colours are a little distracting so will be working on that for the next couple of shows.

The match writing will get more detailed once i get into the swing of things, for me personally its all about the storylines and i tend to just highlight what needs highlighting in the matches but will work on detailed matches for the future.

In regards to the WWE title i think you can see where i am going with this match for Backlash so waited until 3rd/4th week to announce it so i could have Jericho back.

What with Edge just coming to RAW i felt the need to push the World title on the back burner for the time being whilst he settles in with Christian and wanted to create some tension what with Edge as the champ and Christian holding MITB.

Thanks again for the comments and i shall work on incorporating your ides/suggestions into future shows.

Todd Grisham:
Hello and welcome to WWE Superstars my name is Todd Grisham, we are kicking things off with the WWE Champions Apprentice... Alex Riley.

Alex Riley vs. Val Venis

The veteran Val Venis takes an early control of the match as the bell sounds. He gets Riley into an armbar but Riley manages to get to the ropes to break the submission.

Venis climbs to the top rope and attempts a jumping dropkick. Riley moves out of the way at the last minute, he rolls Venis up and holds on to the ropes for leverage which the referee does not see. 1...2...3

Here is your winner... Alex Riley.


Todd Grisham:
We have a Superstars Exclusive announcement, next Monday Night on RAW Goldust and Cody Rhodes will come face to face once again. What will Goldust say after being called a coward by his own flesh and blood and wil Cody force his brother to accept his Backlash challenge? Find out on RAW


Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella

Zack Ryder has Curt Hawkins at ringside and Santino has Kozlov with him.
Ryder controls the opening of the match, he tosses Santino in to the corner and thrusts his shoulder into the Italian's mid-section, he then throws him to the mat and tries a cover, Santino kicks out at 2.

Ryder walks towards where Kozlov is standing and gets in his face, Kozlov stands on the ring apron and the ref rushes over to where Kozlov is to calm him down.

With the referee's back turned Hawkins slides into the ring and picks Santino up, the referee turns around and catches Hawkins and disqualifies Ryder.

Ryder looks shocked and pissed at Hawkins. Kozlov drags Santino out of the ring leaving Hawkins and Ryder staring at each other. Hawkins walks towards Ryder and extends his hand to shake. Ryder ignores it and walks past his partner, out of the ring and up the ramp.

Winner via Disqualification... Santino Marella.

Todd Grisham:
With only 1 week left until Backlash lets run down the card.

It's the battle of the Irish as Sheamus, backed up with his Invasion Buddies Regal and Barrett taking on the strong Irishman Finlay


The Intercontinental Championship is on the line when The Chosen One meets the Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison

Former 7time Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian face the young up-starts The DiBiase Brothers, after so long being apart can the era of awesomeness rule once again?

We dont know much about the animosity between these two but it has certainly been getting heated over on RAW, which of these will prevail when they finally meet in the ring?

And finally the Womens title is on the line when newcomer AwesomeKong takes on the feisty Mickie James.

Also on Monday Night RAW, find out the identity of the man who will face The Miz for the WWE title at Backlash.


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