World War III or Battle Bowl in TNA?

the king of viper 3:16

Ok lets just say the panda corporation put more money in tna and moved out of the impact zone. What would you wanna see 1. world war 3 type battle royal or 2. a battle bowl type event? Personally I would take both now hear me out. you could have the ww3 event to determine #1 contender for the whc @ BFG. Then you can have a battle-bowl type event where the winner gets to pick what remaining title and he invoke that right whenever he wants he would like to challenge for and if it were to be the tag team belts then he gets to pick who his partner is if this does happen conceivably we could see RVD win the ww3 event or we can see someone like crimson win the battlebowl event and either go for the tag belts tv or x division. This is just wishful thinking of course but i would love to hear your thoughts
Not to knock your ideas, but TNA should do none of these options. Rehashing the old WCW gimmick matches are not going to give TNA a new look and feel. Most of the fans that watch TNA probably hardly remember the 80's in WCW when these matches mattered and were pivotal to the storyline. This is an idea that is cool to relive for the "old school" factor, but I don't see it advancing the product or exciting the fan base enough to merit actually putting into action. It's bad enough they have enough of the bad stigma of being a carbon copy of WCW I don't think they should continue to add to it.
The battle bowl if i remeber rightly was a 1 time thing in the early 90's and we never saw another so if it didnt really work then and WCW couldnt get it to work TNA should defo stay away. World war 3 was to crammed in i felt and it means TNA need 60 guys so god knows who they would hire.

The Best Concept is a Battle Royal like wwe at the Royal Rumble. Maybe mix it up a little Add pins and submissions or allow weaponslike a hardcore rumble

But for any of that to happen tna need to get bigger untill they get bigger its just not going to pull people in and be more wasted money for them
Can someone, anyone please tell me the name of the song that was used to promote World War 3 '95? It was a classical music piece that was used in the Time Life "World at War" commercials......
The battle bowl if i remeber rightly was a 1 time thing in the early 90's and we never saw another so if it didnt really work then and WCW couldnt get it to work TNA should defo stay away. World war 3 was to crammed in i felt and it means TNA need 60 guys so god knows who they would hire.

The Best Concept is a Battle Royal like wwe at the Royal Rumble. Maybe mix it up a little Add pins and submissions or allow weaponslike a hardcore rumble

But for any of that to happen tna need to get bigger untill they get bigger its just not going to pull people in and be more wasted money for them

Battle bowl was actually used 2 year in a row 1991 and 1992 Starrcade.

The would be best to just bring back there 6 sided Ring. BUt if they were to use a WCW type match maybe a Fall brawl type would work.
Here we go, Does it really matter anymore in regards to TNA what they do? Their product sucks, they have strayed so far from the concept that worked that it has become a train wreck and not the kind that you shouldnt watch but do, It has become the kind you shouldnt watch and you dont. The only way to save it is to go back to square one and stick to the original concept. Do the original shaped ring. But in my expert opinion it is far too late. WW3 was a great concept but WCW (southern accent) ran it into the ground the wrong way. Is anybody besides me NOT surprised that somthing Jeff Jarrett touched is not a complete and utter failure? He tries to hard to hold on to somthing thats failing then has no BALLS to say "hey Dixie this crap aint working lets go back to the original concept" Jeff Jarrett is an average wrestler and a below average owner. Eric B, is far beyond his relm, hmmm can anybody say endless checkbook needed. TNA is a failed endevour and it needs to be destroyed and started again.... or just destroyed. Its not from lack of talent its from the ownership, the booking and everything but the talent. I think Vince should just swoop in buy the danm thing and keep his talent that he wants and Scrap the rest of that peice of crap company. Thats just my opinion and its all true cause its Facts.
Thats just my opinion and its all true cause its Facts.

Are you really that Naive to believe this crap that just rolled out of your mouth? So, TNA is a failure because it manages to get over a Million viewers a week? It's a failure because they make money on the House Show circuit? It's a failure because they make Millions of dollars a year on merch and like? All of you guys crack me up. You love to talk about how TNA sucks and Vince should buy it and raid the talent and Blah, Blah, Blah. Until you have successfully run a million dollar corporation and score above a 1.0 rating o0n television, you can't say crap. There are hundreds of shows every week that don't even break a 1.0 and it's considered a success, so you obviously have no clue as to what is a failure in television.:icon_rolleyes:Now, wait for it, wait for it, that's NOT an opinion, it's a fact and it's based off of the crap you just spewed above. If you don't like TNA, don't watch it and quit derailing TNA threads. Go back to your WWE section and bask in the greatness that is "Sports Entertainment".

Now that I got that off of my chest, back on topic. I agree with the thought that TNA has been hit with a snag. They need to try to break away from the "WCW Copy" stigma. The last thing they need to do is pull out old WCW concepts, especially ones like the Battle Bowl which didn't work out well for WCW in the first place. TNA needs new concepts and new ideas or it will fail.
The last thing TNA needs to do right now is 'innovate' by copying something that's already been done. The past year has been a non-stop stream of not-so-subtle throwbacks to the past; a Four Horsemen clone, an "ECW Originals" clone, a Bash at the Beach 1996 clone, an nWo clone, and just now we are finally starting to see TNA rely on what they already have, instead of trying to reach back to the past.

I don't want to see WCW; I saw that in the 90's. I'd like to see TNA be TNA.
Thats just my opinion and its all true cause its Facts.
Seriously, if you want to bash TNA, wait a few minutes. Someone will assuredly create a thread for that. Other threads are reserved for quick potshots while generally sticking to the topic. Also, say it like that, and you sound like a douche.
Hey freak boy Get your mommas teet out of your mouth long enough to make sense, TNA as it stands now is a failure. Their storylines suck and there promos blow. The latest Undertaker I mean Sting promo much like you should have been a swallow. I have been to a live TNA show and loved it but if you would have read my entire original post and not just pick and chose what you read you mental midget you would have read that I liked the original concept but they have strayed so far that it is a failure. There are more important ways to fail than just moniterially. If you want to battle with words with me do your self a favor and dont. And I dont watch TNA as often as I would like because the product is a "wait for it.................FAILURE. WWe has been and always will be a bonified winner because it entertains the masses and with a few bumps in the road their storylines and bookings are very well thought out and planned. ECW was not a huge money maker but it was wait for it.................A WINNER because of the fans because of the booking because of talent because of Paul Heyman because of the passion. TNA first tried to be the next EC f#@$N W but failed then SLEAZY E took over and tried to be WCW wait for it but.........FAILED Now they are trying to shadow the WWE and are wait for it............. FAILING. I will stop now because you are a fellow former wrestler or so it says and if you were truly injured while doing it I respect that even though it seems you are misguided in your wait for it ...........FACTS.But if you keep pokn the pit Bull I will Maul your CANDY ASS ANd thats the FACTS as said by REALITY.

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