World War 3 VS Royal Rumble


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How do they stack up to one another?

To most people War Games or Fall Brawl, was WCW's answer to Survivor Series. I don't share this opinion because I believe the NWA were doing War Games before Survivor Series.

World War 3 however is a different story. With the winner getting some kind of shot at the title to face off for the WCW championship. Clearly, WCW had were attempting their own version of Rumble/Mania.

This concept was relatively short lived only going from 1995-1998. My theory is that after 98 WCW could no longer afford to use up valuable front row seats for the additional 3 rings.

World War 3 was never really able to capture what the Royal Rumble could. A 20 man Battle Royal is hard enough to keep up with, when you add 60 man to three rings you're putting a lot of dead space in front of the audience.

With the Royal Rumble you have anticipation between one character's entrance to the next and the action is at least watchable as there isn't usually more than 8 guys in the ring at best. WW3 was cluttered and difficult to follow on camera as well usually having 3 different cameras on split.

When you look at the Royal Rumble or WW3, you also have to look at the match that piggybacks off of it.

95-Randy Savage wins the vacant title with Hogan getting swerved by the Giant and pulled out of the ring after he had already been eliminated. Savage goes onto lose the title to Flair at Starrcade. If Savage had won cleanly then the buildup to the Flair match would have made sense. With Hogan getting shafted it made more sense to me to have Hogan versus Savage at Starrcade.

96-The Giant won by last eliminating Lex Luger to earn a WCW World Heavyweight Championship title shot. Believable ending, but nothing came of the match besides The Giant wanting his title shot and getting kicked out of the NWO as a result. The Giant goes onto wrestle Hogan to a No-Contest at Souled Out.

97-Hall won the match after Kevin Nash, in a Sting disguise, attacked Giant with a baseball bat and eliminated him. Hall goes onto lose the title match to Sting at Uncensored. Nothing really comes from Hall's victory.

98-Nash wins. Nash goes onto beat Goldberg, and end the streak thanks to help from Hall. The following night on Nitro in Atlanta, Nash is slated to give Goldberg a rematch in his own town. WCW makes up some goofy storyline about Goldberg stalking Elizabeth and he's arrested. Instead of Goldberg (WCW) versus Nash (Wolfpack), Hogan (NWO Hollywood) is brought in for a replacement and the Finger Poke of Doom occurs reuniting the NWO who proceeds to beat down Goldberg when he runs down. This match had the most potential as Nash was the leader of the NWO Wolfpack who were popular at the time. If Starrcade managed a clean finish either way then it would have been acceptable. Instead there is a swerve ending to WCW's biggest PPV and the accompanying Nitro that brought about the last time WCW won the Monday Night Wars.

As you can see, WCW never made the magic with WW3 that the Rumble has been known for. It basically pans out to be a huge match that never pushed anyone and only established stars would go onto win WW3 and end up in dead end story lines/matches.

95 should have had a cleaner ending or led to a Savage v. Hogan match at Starrcade.
96-Since WCW was bent on making Piper (boring) Hogan's adversary in late 96 and early 97, he should have at least won WW3 versus the grudge matches they held.
97-Difficult to know what WCW should have done at this time. Given that Sting was going to face Hogan at Starrcade you were really looking for someone to give Sting a feud with after he won the title. If WCW knew they were going to split the NWO up; which was a good idea, I would have had Hogan lose at Starrcade, Hogan get a rematch at NWO Souled Out in some kind of No DQ match where Sting fends off the onslaught of the NWO with his bat and still scores the pin. Savage gets his title match with Sting at Super Brawl to Hogan's dismay and frustration, Hogan actually interferes on Sting's behalf, but is stopped by Nash who ensures that Savage wins. The NWO split up, Savage loses to Hollywood at Slamboree.
98-Hogan spends the better part of the year dodging Goldberg until Goldberg wins out at WW3 and gets a title match with Hogan at Starrcade. Double main event at Starrcade with Sting vs. Warrior and Hogan vs. Goldberg, Goldberg wins and goes onto wrestle either Sting or Warrior who would put him over.
World War 3 had too much stuff going on.

3 rings, 60 wrestlers all in there at the same time... I mean, how can you tell a proper story with that?

The Rumble is the perfect set-up. 30 men is perfect. 90 seconds in-between participants entrance is perfect. You're able to tell stories, create feuds, stir up real drama with the Rumble formula. You can't do that with World War 3.

The only time World War 3 told a decent story was when members of the nWo just stood in a corner and dominated the whole match like that, before the end when Lex Luger almost eliminated them all. Out of the 4 World War events that took place, that's literally the only time something sticks out from any of those matches, whereas there are literally dozens of memorable Royal Rumble moments. That tells you all you need to know.
For whatever reason, I never compared Fall Brawl/War Games to the Survivor Series. I enjoyed each gimmick but preferred War Games between the two. The environment and importance of the single gimmick match on the card just stood out. War Games was typically very violent and personal between the two sides. Especially in the early days of the event I remember just watching in awe.

As stated, War World 3 was quite the cluster f*c*. It was kind of cool to see so many stars battling it out in a setting far from the norm but it was difficult to follow at times. It didn’t help that the first WW3 match ended in a “Protect Hogan” screw job. The remainder of the events kept making rule changes so there was very little continuity.

When it came to WCW gimmick concepts I remember enjoying the Lethal Lottery. The surprise of the random tag team combinations and the two ring battle royal always interested me as a young fan.
The Lethal Lottery/Battlebowl was always their best concept along with "Spin The Wheel, Make the Deal"... those two Halloween Havoc concepts were great in their day. The battle bowl concept is one I'd love to have seen back at Survivor Series, with wildcard members of teams rather than the traditional "picked teams"

World War 3 was a brave attempt but I don't even think 60 men were the problem, I think the issue was more that WCW couldn't book the 20+ NWO guys interestingly, much less come up with 40 other guys who their TV made you care about enough to invest in having a hope. I am critical of the Rumble at times but they do a good job of building people through it, just the final stip lets it down... WCW couldn't do that, you had several guys in there who basically could say to anyone "fuck what you were told, you're going out now..." thanks to creative control. Had some of those egos been in check and they not been afraid to let someone new "shock the world" then the concept could have worked. But you knew it was gonna be an NWO or ex WWE guy going over... so the WCW guys in there may as well have not been there.
I would like to see world war 3 back and think there is room for both royal rumble and world war 3 maybe space them 6 months apart and make world war 3 around the summer time, I do much prefer the Royal Rumble and is my second favourite wrestling event of the year behind wrestlemania, I do think there different enough to be able to have both and be able to feature all of the roster plus some surprise entrants, Would also love to see other wcw events return like war games, road wild, halloween havoc and starcade I doubt any of them will ever be brought back but they done it with the great american bash so who knows.
Sad thing is WW3 had so much potential, I thought it was a very cool thing back then, I went to WW3 97 & 98 live, they were fun to watch in person and on tv, and WW3 1995 is still one of my favorite events WCW did, just because the battle royal was done pretty good, and had quite a few future legends in it.

But sadly.. In 1995 it ws OK because the belt was on the line, but the following year the winner should of faced the champion at Starrcade. And it didn't help that from 96-98 the event which had 60 wrestlers lacked the biggest names, lacked Ultimate Warrior in 98, Savage was out in 96-98, DDP and Bret were out in 98, Hogan and Piper were out in 96-98 they just lacked the big names.

But what WCW should of done, was have the 3 rings, 60 man, but have each wrestler come out every 60 seconds, the Royal Rumble its self usual last over 60 minutes, so there is no reason WW3 couldn't of lasted between 62 and 70 minutes or more. It could of been great. Just enter the match and get thrown out of any ring, but imagine 60 men and a top guy draws #1 that is drama. Instead all 60 at one time, not a bright idea.
Hated hated HATED World War 3. Too confusing to follow the action on camera, and the convoluted rules made it worse: when the final 20 are standing they all go to the middle ring? Poor booking by WCW.

Add to that the fact that Hulk Hogan lost the first WW3 match despite being pulled UNDER the ropes by the Giant - the referees saw he was outside the ring so decided to award the match and title to Savage - and it just makes things worse.

One of my least favourite wrestling concepts
The World War 3 matches have for the most part been critically panned over the years, but as a fan, I absolutely loved those matches back in the day. Battle Royals have always been my favorite gimmick match in wrestling, so having a three ring, 60 man Battle Royal was like the ultimate Battle Royal for me.

I definitely get everyone's drawbacks to them. Having so many guys at one time can be hard to follow and the three different camera angles also made it kind of difficult to follow all the action. And the bookings for the conclusions and aftermaths weren't the best, but that isn't the match concept's fault on that front. The matches were still cool to watch and something completely brand new and interesting.

Were they as good as the Rumble? No. The Royal Rumble is still the greatest gimmick match in the history of pro wrestling, and nothing will probably ever top it. But I thought WCW had a pretty good concept for their own version of the Rumble.

Once I got the WWE Network, the only things from WCW I've gone back to watch were the World War 3 Battle Royals and the Battlebowl matches in the early 90's. I always loved that WCW wasn't afraid to try weird, different concepts for matches, something that WWE for the large part didn't do much of when I was a kid. WCW stood out for that. Some of their gimmick matches weren't so great, but there's a number of them that were very cool and WWE should bring back, even though they won't.
There a couple of main differences between the Royal Rumble and World War 3, which makes the Rumble superior:

1. The countdown - in WW3 all of the guys come out at the beginning at once, and the rest of the match is just one long battle royal. Battle royal's are not exactly the most exciting match until the finish. The concept of the countdown in the Rumble is what fans love... always wondering who's going to come out next, and it always leaves the door open for a surprise entrant.

2. Three rings is too many - when the WWE does a battle royal, like the Andre Memorial one at WrestleMania last year, it's always just a mess until you got down to the final six or final four. It's very hard to follow along with all of the action because there is so much going on, but usually it's just random guys kicking and punching. It's not that exciting. Multiply that by three, and it's next to impossible to follow along all of the action... in three rings, with three different screens.

I applaud WCW's creativity, because I think it was a cool concept to have a three ring battle royal. And I am a fan of the event as well.. I still did find them pretty entertaining. My favourites were 1995 with Savage winning, and 1997 with the Nash/Sting swerve. I think the 1997 ending was one of their more creative finishes. But with all of that said, from an entertainment standpoint, it can't come close to the Royal Rumble. The Royal Rumble always delivers on the entertainment side, sometimes even more than WrestleMania. You know you won't be disappointed.
The other side of that is how the WCW clearly had a bloated roster. The fact that they can field a card prior to the WW3 battle royal and still come up with 60 wrestlers proves this. Granted, many of them appeared from deals with New Japan, and were Luchadores. However, you still had guys like Road Block and countless no name guys that were regulars on Saturday Night.
The reason they are remembered poorly is because of the lack of importance winning it carried.

The Royal Rumble wouldn't mean much if the prize changed to fit whatever the storyline is. It already gets tainted when the winner somehow loses his shot.

1995 would have been special if it had ended with a Savage/Hogan conflict that saw Savage winning, even if it was controversial, to setup a match. Instead, Savage won the title and then Hogan, despite getting screwed, just moved on. I agree completely that it should have led to Hogan v Savage for the title.

Luger/Giant/Hall wins were meaningless because of how the "title shot" was treated after.

The only one that was well done was Nash winning in 98. With the title shot being at Starrcade instead of a nebulus future date, there was an immediacy to the match that lent itself to hype. You were talking about who was going to be "Next" for Goldberg. The 98 ppv and the build up to Nash/Goldberg was well done and I think the hate on that program comes from fans that weren't watching at the time. Nash/Goldberg was well done and had a Clash of the Titans type feel to it.

Of course after that they scrapped it all together.
He never won WW3.

Haha yeah you are right. Forgot. They built him up big for the win in 96 I believe but ultimately didn't pull the trigger on it. It was a waste. They wasted WW3 for 96 and 97.

Should have had Luger win 96 and then Sting come down from the rafters to win in 97 to get his shot at Hogan at Starrcade.
Haha yeah you are right. Forgot. They built him up big for the win in 96 I believe but ultimately didn't pull the trigger on it. It was a waste. They wasted WW3 for 96 and 97.

Should have had Luger win 96 and then Sting come down from the rafters to win in 97 to get his shot at Hogan at Starrcade.

Giant winning was good booking, it lead to him joining WCW again. '97 was pointless though.
I watched the 95 WW3 on the WWE network last night. It was definitely a cluster and you could tell WCW didn't really have it organized, or it wasn't really possible to organize it. So much of the action took place outside of the ring and I have to believe it was largely due to the amount of action going on. Luger and Savage had some good spots.
Also, it seems ironical that we are talking about how WW3 never led to any real concrete pushes and that a win in WW3 didn't really mean anything of significance. It seems like the Royal Rumble in the last two years have gone down that road as well, because the fans keep making the WWE adjust fire.

In 97, I would have just 59 wrestlers come out to the ring and have the NWO survive the onslaught completely in tact with no members getting eliminated. Thus making it look like a farce and that Hogan would have had no opponent. As the entire NWO celebrates in the one ring, Sting drops from the rafters and eliminates the entire faction.
World War 3 was a huge clusterfuck and probably the worst concept for a match ever. It was hard to keep up with all the action in the 3 rings until the final 10 guys were left and they all went into the middle ring to finish off the match. They had 3 cameras on each ring at the same time, I didn't know which one to watch and which ring to keep up with.

However, at least Big Show, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Randy Savage can all say they've won WCW's version of the Royal Rumble. Shame, some of them never won an actual Royal Rumble match.

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