World Championship Wrestling Video Game


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Seeing as Vince owns the right to WCW nowdays would it be possible for the WWE to bring out a WCW themed wrestling game now or in the future?

I know comments will arise such as why would they waste time on a promotion that no longer exists when they can just add WCW wrestlers to the latest WWE games?! but anyway it was just something I was pondering and mainly because I would like to know if this did ever happen who from the old WCW roster would WWE be able to include and who would they not have rights to or would not agree to it.

Obviously Jeff Jarrett and Sting would not be available right now seeing as they are in TNA? Hogan and Stiener too?

I would love a new wrestling game to be produced based on the old WCW with new technology because I was a huge fan of the promotion and it would definitely interest me. I know a lot of the younger fans that the WWE target with video games would not be so into it but it's not reality just a question so if this idea (nomatter how good or stupid you feel it may be) did ever happen who would you like to see on the roster and what matches. etc would you like included. Keeping in mind I am looking for realistic answers...things that are possible.

If they included a few newer WWE stars as unlockables such as John Cena, CM Punk and Randy Orton it could interest fans of all ages?

Anyway just wanted to know...

How possible it is?...
How likely you feel it is to ever happen?
WOuld you care?
I honestly don't see the point in making a WCW game where you can unlock WWE guys that weren't even around during WCW. It makes sense having WCW legends unlocked in WWE games because they're legends. Also, the fact that they can't have some of the biggest names from WCW in it because they're in TNA or don't have the rights to their names would be a huge reason not to make it

So I feel like it's nearly impossible to happen

I don't think it will ever happen

And I would enjoy it if it was pure WCW with everyone from those days, but they can't do that without Sting, Hogan, Jarrett and some others so I would not really care about it at all. Just have a lot of them be unlockable in WWE 12
I only mentioned the inclusion of current WWE superstars as unlockables so that it could possibly be something younger fans who would not remember WCW would be interested in. I would personally prefer a game based soley on a WCW roster. I am excited about WWE 12 and obviously enjoy WWE video games but would really like a game that puts all it's focus on old school exclusive WCW match types, PPV's and rosters. I think nowdays with new technology which allows players to download new content as in wrestlers, the WWE could afford to release it's main franchise game every other year and a "gimmick" game every other year in between... One off's.. based on things like WCW, Attitude Era, ECW, Golden Age Era. Maybe no as often as I just previously said but skip a year every once in a while seeing as a lot of the time the only big diferences made are roster changes. Anyway that would probably cause money loss so perhaps not a good idea but despite that I would like to see a WCW game because I loved the promotion. A game including Classic WCW PPV Cards to play out, All WCW PPV's, Exclusive WCW gimmick match ups like War Games.

Yeah, no Sting, Hogan, Jarrett but a way around that would be to have create a wrestler parts which allow you to create in WCW Mayhem on Playstation 1 pretty much had Kane in the Create A Wrestler.

I pretty much agree with you in that I can't see it happening but would be fun.
My advice? Get hold of an N64 and a copy of WCW/nWo Revenge. Absolutely the best WCW game ever made. Sure it's not quite as good as WrestleMania 2000 and WWF No Mercy, but it's solid enough. You'll probably be able to pick up a cart fair cheep too, it's one of those games that they always seem to have in retro racks for a couple of quid.
The N64 games have nothing to do with it. They were amazing, I played them non stop along with Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy but I am talking about a new game with new technology. I agree with you in the WCW/nWo Revenge is probably the greatest WCW game ever made. I quite enjoyed WCW Mayhem...not anywhere near as much but it was fun. I would love to play a WCW game which uses the same technology as todays WWE games though.

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