Working Out

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Okay. I am a 20 year old washed up former baseball player.

I quit playing a few years back, back kept working out up until around my 19th birthday.

I have maybe, maybe worked out about 12 times in the past year. Since the age of 3 and I started playing baseball, I am the most out of shape I have ever been. I am lucky enough to of for the most part, kept my weight in check, keep my shape, and not lose, too much of my tone (besides my stomach where the abs are completely MIA)

College life, living off of fast food, working full time, school full time, has flipped my world upside down. I have finally created my schedule so I can work out.

I've got 4, 2 hour slots per week I can work out. But it has been so long for me, I am not for sure the best way to get back into the routine. I don't want to over do it.

Ya'll think focusing on stamina and endurance 4 days a week for an hour, then the other day, a specific body part gets an hour? (like biceps/triceps 1 day, legs 1 day, chest 1 day, back and abs 1 day?) or do a 15 mins of each part section 4 days?

My goals are

A) to get my endurance back up. Last mile and a half I did took 13 mins and 30 seconds. Sickening.

B) Strength back up. I am 5'9", 150-155 pounds, at my strongest, I was 170 pounds of muscle and could bench around 200-215. I seriously doubt I could bench 150 without straining. I want to get back to the 165-170 region.

C) Regain my tone. I don't want to be a freak or a body builder. I don't want to get huge. I want to tone up though.

Firstly count calrories. If you don't know how I'd be willing to teach you. People don't seem to understand counting calories is science, it works.

Secondly pick a goal. You can't lean and bulk at the same time. Pick one.

I'd do a 4 day split personally. If you're looking to get lean then do a whole body circuit training style. The theory is that the muscles you work out burn bodyfat for a time after you've done your work out. If every muscle is hit then every muscle will be burning bodyfat. With that said you can't do a full body work out 2 days in a row because your body has to recover.
I am looking to turn the fat I do have into muscle, and then tone/build that up.

My current diet is horrible. Wendys and McDonalds makes up about 1/3 of it. The other portion are TV dinners, which contain around 300-400 calories for 7-10oz worth of food. I've been drinking a lot of pop lately, but am looking to cut back on that and go back to my water only diet.

When I was at my best shape, it was Nov 2006. My diet was only water, and probably 4 meals a day, each one medium sized.

But I don't know crap about calorie counting.

And yes, I know the whole running and getting my endurance back up to bar is really going to make it hard to gain/build the tone I am looking for. But I am a fairly patient person and I am not exactly looking for mass as much as I am tone, strength, and endurance.
well... firstly let me correct one thing : you can't turn fat into muscle. You have to loose bodyfat and gain muscle. Counting calories is easy. Check out to keep track. Just write down everything you eat and make sure you have the nutritional information. Eatting more often is best. 6 meals a day is best. Get atleast 1 gram of protein for pound at the weight you want to be at. Make atleast 30% of your diet healthy fats like egg yolks and peanut butter. The rest should be carbs. Thats ideally though. You don't have to get to that point right away, just keep it all in mind and work towards it gradually.
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