Working at a pawn shop...


I Am The One Who Knocks
Has made me realize four things.

1. It's a sad existence that we live in, when someone has to pawn off their mothers wedding ring to pay bills. I mean seriously cant they drop the prices on the bills. Its not like they are hurting for cash.

2. Its called a shower. Please take one.

3. That someone really needs to do something about the job situation.

4. What the FUCK am I doing with my life. Im at a point where the only job I can get is at a pawn shop?

I guess I should be considered lucky as their are millions without jobs and people would kill to have my job.
Sad but true story when I was 10 my mom pawned my TV to get the electricty turned on. I got the TV back in a few months, but at the time it was a blow to my fragile ego...
But luckily two years later my mother was able to marry a man with some money :)

and no my mother isn't a gold digger

and Monkey it's better than McDonalds
Hey, see if you can get me a deal on a PS3.

And I need a lawnmower, a trombone, and a fishing pole. Can you help me out?
This topic on the radio this morning was what is the wierdest thing you have pawned for money.

this idiot said he pawned a ps3 for 50 dollars, becouse he needed petrol money for work.... Hmm sure it was that reason.
I guy I went to school with went to Uni and tried to buy friends by having Xbox360, flatscreen loads of games etc. Needless to say, it didn't work and he ended up selling the 360 and about ten games for £60/$40. Unbelievable.

As for the job, you could certainly do much worse. I've got two excellent jobs now, but in the past I have had to work in a factory and in McDonald's and they were both immensely sole destroying.

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