Work, what age is appropriate


Master of the Aussie kiss
Nowday's, people are starting to work at a young age. The question I ask you, Fellow WZers is, What age is appropriate to start working long hours. I'm not talking about an odd job, that lasts like 3 hours a week, I'm talking about kids working 30 plus hours a week. I'm not sure what its like in other countries but over here, the main age group for supermarkets are 13 to 16.

I think that 16 at the youngest is a good age to start work. There is no point wanting to grow up to fast. With work, and school that leaves no time for kids to be kids. I feel that people (either parents or even the employers offering them alot of hours because they are cheap for the buisness) Shouldn't be pushing kids to work. Working, is a big responsibility, I'm sure that they could handle it but at that age, they shouldn't be aloud to work longer then say, 10 hours a week. yes, they work so they have money but it still defeats the purpose of being a kid. They don't have the time to chill with friends.

What is your views on this?
I would say 16 is the youngest a person should be able to start work. By that age, most of their exams are done for their GCSE's or the equivilent, and they may have more free time. Plus, they're long shifts and the younger kids wouldn't be able to cope I don't think. It depends on the job but yeah. Anything younger than that and it's too much.

your 2 years away from being an 'adult' and being able to move out on your own and you should be saving money and learning the ropes of the job world while you still have a safety net to fall back on in case you screw something up. Plus at 16 there are child labor laws that make sure children are safe in the work place.

I got my first job at 18 and my first week I worked 60 hours. It wasn't fun and I regret to this day not getting a job before then.
Well I am 15 and I have a job and work about 16 hours guaranteed and if I want to work more I can and I have to say I love it, I have money to get the Ipod I have wanted for about three year and I have earned and that is what I love about a job but I really don't have a weekend as I have school during the week and work on Friday night and on Sundays, but I reckon 15-16 is a good age to start working.
I have worked since age 15 as a lifeguard. Last year I worked above 30 hours a week, this year I asked for less hours and work around 24.

While work can sometimes be strenuous and stressful, it should be the person's decision whether they want to work or not.

The only problem I see is that it can be extremely time-consuming. (Last year, I worked a 10 hour shift, which I later found out was illegal). Oh well, I need the money to fix my car.
I say 16 unless it's some over the Summer job becuase over the Summer there is no school adn it's nice to have money to do what you want with in the summer I wrok on a farm picking berries over the Summer work doesn't start untill mid-late July you can work 3 hours a day 3days a week if I remeber right, granted I'm 13 but still it's a job of sorts for over the Summer I think 14 is a good age for a serious job like wroking at a store or whatever. But 35 hours should be the limit for a 14 year old because that's how much time they spend in school is every week. So Imo 16 year olds can work year round and 14 year olds only during Summer.

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