Women's Title and WWE

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I seriously don't get it, Mickie is the Women's champ, and as she stated in the interview about the Bull Riding Contest, she shouldn't be in a dumb contest like this, she should be defending her title. yet, Melina and Trish are basically the only divas working on Raw right now, isn't it supposed to be the champs before anybody else? If they wanted to do something like a mixed tag team match at SNME it should've involved Mickie. They could've made it like this

Carlito and Trish Stratus vs. Nitro and melina vs Mickie James and Kenny (if they would've been able to pull kenny out of SS for a bit, or actually since Kenny would've been very unlikely even find somebody else to tag with

Point is, WWE is being a lil dumb at the moment, the head of the divas right now on raw isn't even gettin the spotlight she deserves, whereas lesser divas (at the moment) Trish and Melina are getting all the attention.

If only the WWE would go back to like 2 or 3 yrs ago when the Women's divsion was one of the biggest parts on Raw.
they might push melina towards the women's belt once trish is gone from wwe in like september I read that she didn't renew her contract for august and plus she's getting married and stuff in september and shes like 30 she wants to get into acting so maybe when she's gone melina might go after mickie personally i think that would be a good match
Melina is just like Trish. Now, I haven't really paid any attention to a Melina match. The thing last night did not count. She is just being pushed because people like to fap to that stupid entrance. Splits are severely overrated.
The Masked Vato said:
Melina is just like Trish. Now, I haven't really paid any attention to a Melina match. The thing last night did not count. She is just being pushed because people like to fap to that stupid entrance. Splits are severely overrated.

I agree. I think the Womens Title should go to a more talented and experianced wrestler like Victoria or Lita. I still can't believe there wasn't a Womens Title Defense yesterday, it would have been better than that mixed tag match.

Flames Out
They should have substituted the bull riding for a Womans Title Defence and maybe another match
The women's division has dwindled to nothing. If Trish does leave after September, then the division will definitely suffer unless they push Victoria and/or Lita in a rivalry with Mickie. Mickie doesn't get the TV time that other women's champions in the past got and that is unfortunate. Overall, she looks good in the ring, although she did have a couple of slip-ups at Wrestlemania against Trish--particularly when she went for the Stratisfaction and fell.
antman said:
The women's division has dwindled to nothing. If Trish does leave after September, then the division will definitely suffer unless they push Victoria and/or Lita in a rivalry with Mickie. Mickie doesn't get the TV time that other women's champions in the past got and that is unfortunate. Overall, she looks good in the ring, although she did have a couple of slip-ups at Wrestlemania against Trish--particularly when she went for the Stratisfaction and fell.


You are a ****** for saying Mickie screwed up when Trish is the one who fell and refused to take the Stratus-faction. Watch your tapes dumbass, but I guess that would require you to get your head out of your ass.

As for the people who tout Lita's wrestling ability, Lita has become a hazard to herself and her opponent with her sloppiness in the ring as illustrated by the erratic dives she tried to pull off against Trish in late 2004 and at New Years Revolution. Lita is clearly a has-been with very little technical ability and a careless style in the ring. That explains why the dunce endured the neck injury. She is quite frankly along the lines of Jack Evans in terms of lacking ring sense.

As for the morons who are upbraiding Melina and her "lack of talent", I would love to see any of you fools attempt to perform Melina's extremely flexible entrance. She was touted for her in ring work in OVW and she clearly has immense charisma, strength, and athleticis. However, she is limited by her manager gimmick and the lack of time she is allotted in her matches. The WWE has not let her use some of her submission finishers that she utilized while she was in the Indys. If you actually give the girl time, she could develop into a pretty solid wrestler, especially if she is pitted against Mickie because the motivation will bring the best out in her.
I personally want to see Mickie vs Lita for the womens title i think it whould be a great solid match. Plus Jillian needs to be moved to Raw as she is a great in ring worker and does an amazing 450. So the wwe need to draf Jillian to Raw and Candice or Maria to Smackdown. Then the womens title should be better as they whould habve Trish, Victoria, Mickie James, Jillian, Beth and Melina.
Dude, Paul, the 450 is illegal and Lita isn't that good, she just has a few good moves and nothing more, Trish or Mickie is good hands for the title.
It may be illegal to do the 450 but it does not mean she does not do a good one. If the wwe allowed Jillian to actually wrestle and not cat fight she whould make a great womens champion. And Lita can wrestle she is one of the best women wreslters in wrestling history.

Dude, it not that serious! Why do you deem necessary to call me a dumb@$$? Does it make you feel better to bash other people?! I saw the tape and it is apparent that the Stratusfaction did not happen as planned. It looked to me like Mickie slipped. If it was Trish's fault, then fine. It is not that serious. There is no need to bash me because I didn't see it the way you see it.
ok the womans division is fine now, and will be getting better. mickie the womans champ needs to start wrestling or give the belt to melina or trish
Mickie James should of defended the title at SNME instead of that Bull Riding shit. Currently the women's division seems dead, the only divas i've seen on RAW are Melina and Trish. They need to push the other divas (that know how to wrestle).
Micky is a great in ring performer and kinda cute(but then I do tend to be attracted to physcos)! Her fued with Trish re-ignitied my intrest in the Womens division.However she needs some one on one action(get your mind out of the gutter)!A champion who never defends is pointless. Trish is Ok in ring and not really too bad on the mic. Victoria is very talented and should be pushed.Lita will hopefully come into the title picture soon. Melina is OK in ring and is already over. Would be a good choice for champ in a few months but not yet.:wwf:
you lot will probably put me down for this but there are many divas on raw who could do well if they got more matches look at torrie wilson she has improved a great deal since her days on smackdown but i do agree they need to stop concentratiing on looks and concentrate on in ring ability y couldnt they have brought jazz to raw instead of ecw
TorrieW lover said:
you lot will probably put me down for this but there are many divas on raw who could do well if they got more matches look at torrie wilson she has improved a great deal since her days on smackdown but i do agree they need to stop concentratiing on looks and concentrate on in ring ability y couldnt they have brought jazz to raw instead of ecw

Nope, I'm not gonna put you down because of this because you are right. Some of the divas are just naturally great wrestlers, others need practice and with that practice they may eventually become some of the WWE's top divas (i.e Jillian Hall, Melina, and a few others)
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