Women in the NBA

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
This is from si.com

On Tuesday in the conference room outside his NBA office in Manhattan, I asked the commissioner whether we'll see a woman playing in his league someday.

"Sure," he said matter-of-factly. "I think that's well within the range of probability."

Stern went on to say that he could see it happening in the next 10 years. Personally I think that it won't happen, and if it did happen it would only last for a few games. If you look at the WNBA their best player is probably Candace Parker. As good as she is, if she were to play in an NBA game she would get absolutely crushed.

I'm not trying to make this into a thing where I think women are inferior to men, but there is not one woman basketball player that I believe could compete with an NBA player when it comes to speed, strength, or athletic ability. I'm not saying a woman wouldn't be able to score at all or do anything to contribute, but for the most part they would be a liability on both ends of the court and they would not be able to compete at that level.

So what do you think? Could there really be a woman playing in the NBA in 10 years or is David Stern talking out of his ass.
Talking out of his ass. Seriously, there is no way this is happening. Women are just physically inferior to men and there is no way they'd be able to compete with them. Seriously, there are more dunks in an average NBA game than there are in the history of the WNBA. Not being sexist or anything here, just real. A women playing in the NBA wouldn't be good enough to play, and she'd just be a sideshow attraction to gain publicity. I just can't see it happening though and I don't understand the reasoning behind Stern's statement. What is he trying to accomplish with this?
I was thinking about making this thread, but covering more sports (Hayley Wickenheiser in hockey), but to focus on the NBA, I hate to say, it is a bit of a stretch. The taller women in the WNBA are short in comparison to most men in the NBA, so hey first off would need a much more vertical leap to be defensive or a forward.

This topic might cause some to look at the people saying it won't happen as being sexist, but physically, looking at it from a biological aspect, the men in the NBA are incredible in shape, and a man's muscle growth ability trumps a woman's. I feel that in Basketball, where fitness is a must, it would never happen.
Man, I've tried watching the WNBA, and it's just so boring. They can't jump at all, they're slow, their shots are horrendous looking, etc. I have not once seen a female basketball player who I thought could cut it in the NBA, not one.

Shit, one of today's best WNBA players is Seimone Augustus, and I've seen her play a thousand times. She's from my hometown, we're the same age basically, and she's always had a tone of hype around her since she was in middle school. I've seen her play against guys, and while, yes, she looks could against them, those aren't NBA caliber players. Hell, those guys wouldn't be able to make it in And1, let alone the NBA. And yet, she still got handle by a few of them. In the NBA they would massacre her, and it's the same for every other female player on the planet. You think there's one woman on this Earth who, if they played against the Orlando Magic for example, that wouldn't get their shot blocked by Dwight Howard every time they drove? I certainly don't.
I heard about this when it was said, and I just wondered what conversation even brought this up, I mean is Stern serious? 10 year? I don't think it'll ever be possible. Discounting the general height disadvantage, leaping disadvantage, speed disadvantage, men are still about 5 times stronger than women. If you ever saw the second Malice in the Palace(this was between the Shock and the Sparks)Rick Mahorn tried to seperate some of the women. He looked like he tapped Lisa Leslie and she went flying, then another girl came up and punched him twice to no effect. And Lisa Leslie is one of the bigger girls in the game. Girls would just be a liability in the NBA game, they could never defend post ups and could never take charges without risk of serious injury.
A few weeks ago, a woman whose name I don't remember became the 7th woman to dunk in a college game. Think about that. In probably 40 years of women's college basketball, 7 times has a ball been dunked. How many women in either pro or college ball are over 6'9? I'm not sure, but I would guess not that many. That's the problem at the end of the day: the physical stature. Women are, on average, smaller and not as strong as men. That's the reason this wouldn't work: they would be physically overmatched. There's nothing that can be done about that, which is what's going to stop it.
No. Absolutely not. Not now. Not ever.

Women are physically inferior to men. They are slower, weaker, less durable, smaller, and, to put it simply, not as athletic. Once we get over the obvious height issue, you have to take into account the fact that women can't jump like men. A 6'7 Lisa Leslie, who is a post player, is going to have Greg Oden block her shot every single time she tries to post up and shoot. Candice Parker can't defend a guard like Aaron Brooks, or even an Andre Miller. Women's shots don't fall nearly as often as mens, so they'd be a liability to their team in that area. Women in the NBA wouldn't ever be able to out-rebound a man, out-run a man, or out-muscle a man. Could you imagine Shaquille O'Neal posting up on a women? It'd be like me posting up on a kindergartener. Not to mention the enormous risk of injury.

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