Woman reports a stolen snowman


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Play the clip at the top, it hilarious! :lmao:

A woman who dialled 999 to report the theft of a snowman from outside her home has been branded "completely irresponsible" by Kent Police.

The force said the woman, from Chatham, thought the incident required their involvement because she used pound coins for eyes and teaspoons for arms.

During the call the woman said: "It ain't a nice road but you don't expect someone to nick your snowman."

Kent Police said officers had given her advice on real 999 emergencies.

The force said the call was made at the same time as operators fielded thousands of other phone calls about the heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperatures in the county.

During the conversation she said: "There's been a theft from outside my house.

"I haven't been out to check on him for five hours but I went outside for a *** and he's gone."

When she was asked who had gone, the woman replied: "My snowman. I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about, he'd be safe."

She was then asked whether it was an ornament, and answered: "No, a snowman made of snow, I made him myself.

“Start Quote

This call could have cost someone's life”

End Quote Ch Insp Simon Black Kent Police

"It ain't a nice road but at the end of the day, you don't expect someone to nick your snowman, you know what I mean?"

The operator then told her she had rung an emergency line and she should not be calling it to report the theft of a snowman.

Ch Insp Simon Black said: "This call could have cost someone's life if there was a genuine emergency and they couldn't get through.

"It was completely irresponsible.

"We have spoken to her and advised her what is a 999 call, and this clearly was not."
Why am I not surprised that the woman is a christian ...

Un-forking-believeable! These people, or should I say these creatures, they get more ridickulous by the day. Their stupidty is boundless. I could care less they all drowned in their stupidty and believes.
Why am I not surprised that the woman is a christian ...

Un-forking-believeable! These people, or should I say these creatures, they get more ridickulous by the day. Their stupidty is boundless. I could care less they all drowned in their stupidty and believes.

And the insane amount of ignorance in your words shows why I prefer to be around positive Christian people instead of atheists. I find it amusing that atheists are among the first to scream and condemn Christians in the name of "freedom of religion" yet they spew drivel such as this that shows they're more intolerant than the ones they persecute. Epic fail, carry on smartly.
I wouldn't be very happy either if I took some time to make a snowman only to find it gone.

However, I don't know how well you could steal one them. Most folks just knock them over.
Well what if you took the time to make a snowman and named it Boo and then the people that stole it stole it while you wee explaining to your big person friend that the snowman was named Boo and he thought you were trying to scare him so he dove under a bed while clutching a stuffed mouse that is the best friend of a little baby rabbit and it makes her mad so she jumps on his head and says GIMME THAT MOUSE BACK OR HE'S GONNA GET ASCARED OF THE DARK UNDER THERE and so the big person did but he called his friend Santa Claus and said that the girl that made the snowman was on the bad list now because she scared people by going around yelling BOO at people but it was all a mistake because that was the name of the snowman so the little girl wasn't mean at all so then Santa calls her when he needs an extra forward for a rugby match between his elves and the St. Helen's Warriors but the girl's mommy says no because they need to go shopping? WOULDN'T YOU CALL THE POLICE THEN?
Maybe the snowman had to meet Frosty in a hurry? Or he was late for a job interview for the horror movie Jack Frost 2...about a killer snowman. lol
Well what if you took the time to make a snowman and named it Boo and then the people that stole it stole it while you wee explaining to your big person friend that the snowman was named Boo and he thought you were trying to scare him so he dove under a bed while clutching a stuffed mouse that is the best friend of a little baby rabbit and it makes her mad so she jumps on his head and says GIMME THAT MOUSE BACK OR HE'S GONNA GET ASCARED OF THE DARK UNDER THERE and so the big person did but he called his friend Santa Claus and said that the girl that made the snowman was on the bad list now because she scared people by going around yelling BOO at people but it was all a mistake because that was the name of the snowman so the little girl wasn't mean at all so then Santa calls her when he needs an extra forward for a rugby match between his elves and the St. Helen's Warriors but the girl's mommy says no because they need to go shopping? WOULDN'T YOU CALL THE POLICE THEN?

Well when you put it like that....but I still want to know how they stole the snowman in the first place.
They probably put him in a cereal box that my uncle Cecil was living in. I don't have an uncle Cecil so there was likely a lot of room.

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