Wm31: Brock vs Reigns or Cena vs Reigns?


Pre-Show Stalwart
JR brought up some interesting points in regards to Brock's contract status. Now the right thing to do would be to put someone over Brock this year if he does not plan on re-signing post WM. But what would that mean for Cena?
Do we think the real money match is Brock vs Reigns? Or a Wrestlemania face vs face Cena vs Reigns. Personally I think the option for Cena/Reigns will surface again put Reigns/Lesnar quite likely will not.
But that begs the question, with Reigns beating Lesnar who broke The Undertakers undefeated streak and also beaten Cena twice or by this time three times, is there any point of Cena/Reigns?

What do you think?

Lesnar/Rusev would also be a great shout, though so would Cena/ Rusev. (I guess...)
I would definitely look forward to a high profile face vs face championship match with Cena vs. Reigns. If they REALLY want Reigns to be the next big babyface, let him go over the face of the WWE today. It would be, IMO, the biggest face vs face WM championship match since Cena/HBK in 2007.
For my WM31 card, I like:

Lesnar/Reigns (it's obvious, but sometimes thats the route you go, Reigns wins. If you go any other way, then what was the point of ending the streak, and leaving us without a champ just to job Lesnar to an established talent? You have to use this moment to create a new star.)

Rusev/Ryback (Ryback wins, gets him back on the right trajectory, and if built properly he could have an exciting feud with Reigns over the summer for the title.)

This leaves a few guys out the picture (and we all know that's not gonna fly with these guys…) So, what to do with Cena, Orton, HHH, likely a returning Bryan, not to mention Undertaker, and Sting?

Most of those are kind of up in the air at the moment. Assuming Undertaker doesn't work, then I think you go with HHH/Sting (Sting wins).

No one wants to see Cena/Orton again, so maybe you go with Ambrose/Orton, and Cena/Rollins

This still leaves some big players, but its hard to make a call until I know they are coming back for certain.
Why is it that Reigns, if he is to become the next face of the company, must go over a big name at WM? If Reigns isn't ready for that level at 31 should his move be held off until 32? It seems like a waste of a year. He could easily have his moment at let's say Slam. A large reason the E finds themselves in a pile of shit for nine months a year is this it must happen at WM conditioning.
I would definitely look forward to a high profile face vs face championship match with Cena vs. Reigns. If they REALLY want Reigns to be the next big babyface, let him go over the face of the WWE today. It would be, IMO, the biggest face vs face WM championship match since Cena/HBK in 2007.

You mean since Rock vs. Cena II. But I think both matches are dream matches. But Cena will be around for another 5 years,Lesnar won't. Also if Cena beats Lesnar the special moment is gone because Cena could have ended the streak. If it was up to me i'd have Reigns vs. Lesnar at WM31. I'd have Cena vs. Rusev at EC. Rusev beats Cena , so Cena so desperate for a match with Rusev puts his career on the line. Rusev wins and gets his moment Cena [Kayfabe] retires and returns at SS to face Rusev again and loses and vanishes until RR. Meanwhile Roman Reigns def. Rusev at SSeries ends his streak in a champion vs. champion match. Cena returns and wins the RR (sadly.) He claims he needs to beat Reigns. Reigns continues to do stuff Cena couldn't. At WrestleMania Cena turns heel and "gives in" and wins the belt. It makes sense because at that point Reigns would be the new face of WWE. At WrestleMania 32 Reigns def. Cena in a non-title match main event.
Reigns vs. Lesnar.

I think they'll get a deal done with Lesnar. Lesnar has UFC as leverage unlike 10 years ago when he bolted for the NFL.

Cena vs. Reigns could happen at WrestleMania 32, it could be a poor man's Rock vs. Hogan.
If the idea is to make Reigns "The Man" then he gets a much bigger bump beating Lesnar after he's champ almost a year, survives three high profile title bouts vs Cena and ended Undertaker's WM Streak. If Cena beats Lesnar at the Rumble then Lesnar, though good, is marginalized significantly. Super Cena rides again, but only for a few months before Mania. And do you think WWE is selling WM with no Lesnar at all ? If he isn't Champ then, other than maybe a re match with Taker, what is there for him to do ?

If they want to give Cena the belt they need to take full advantage of the "Quest For The Record", as he sets out for title #17, breaking Ric Flair's record for recognized World Title Wins. Id even have Flair in his corner helping him against a monster heel champ like Lesnar. I doubt WWE is going there however, and if they do, say at The Royal Rumble, what's the point if Cena drops the belt at Mania just a couple months later ?

If you want Reigns to get the biggest set up, have Lesnar remain an unbeatable heel, he doesn't have to be a total bad ass, he can escape by the skin of his teeth and rely on his manager, but still be bad enough and tough enough that he is almost impossible to beat, ala HHH during the Evolution days or Flair during his Horsemen Heyday. Leave just enough doubt that fans can believe they are could lose, but not make them look weak or seemingly ready for a loss.
Seriously I believe taking the injuries into consideration this is the hardest WM main event to call. We have no idea when Reigns will be back, and how long it's going to take him to get back into fighting shape. I would imagine it will take a little while for him to be the same as he was before. Then the big question remains, does he have enough time to take on Lesnar and make it believable?

Daniel Bryan might also return, but his future is up the air as well. Does he need another surgery? One week it's yes, the next no. If the guy needs the operation, then do it, so he can come back. The longer he stay away gives other people a chance to take over his spot. Unless like Sally suggested a couple of weeks ago, he isn't coming back, and they are just prolonging the inevitable.

I would put Ambrose up for a title shot. The guy is white hot right now, but he just spent 5 months losing to Seth Rollins, so he needs to get going if he wants Lesnar at Mania.

You also have to take into account that Lesnar isn't defending the title on a regular basis, and not even showing up for months on end, it's giving no one else really a chance at getting anything started. There isn't really a lot of time here between now and Mania, and it just seems that they are wasting it. I can see that they will bring someone in at the last minute Rock, Sting anyone because with nothing else to fall back on, that will be their solution.
i think wwe planned brock story in wm30. So they penciled roman as their next face of wwe. His current injury not affect his push. He is back at royal rumble as a surprised entrant and win the match to challenge brock at wm31.
Wwe didnt put him in bryan and ambrose spot. So they stay away roman with bryan and ambrose.
i'd like to see the title being defended among shield members triple threat...
if not then cena vs riegns....
best case senario a five man hell in a cell shield, lesner and one more from authority.
use lesner to put over someone else at mania and further solidify cena's legacy at rumble 16 times champ........
You mean since Rock vs. Cena II.

No, I did mean Cena/HBK 2007. Rock vs. Cena II did nothing for me personally because I had already seen it the year before, and it had a very predictable result. I loved Cena/HBK because it was the first time (in my memory, correct me if I'm wrong) that they've ever faced each other one-on-one, and the result wasn't predictable.

In WWE's eyes, you're right - since Rock/Cena II. But in my eyes, since Cena/HBK 2007. But like I said in my OP, I'll take a Cena vs. Reigns main event and have Reigns go over (though it wouldn't be predictable). Brock vs. Reigns is predictable and could end up being a train wreck. However, from a storyline standpoint, Brock vs. Reigns is the way to go since a Cena win at the RR would devalue ending the streak.

And for God's sake, WWE, DO NOT do a triple threat match between Brock/Cena/Reigns with a champion Cena vs. a rematch clause invoking Lesnar vs. Royal Rumble winner Reigns. That would suck monkey nuts.
Why not just have Cena enter the rumble (at number 1) after losing to Lesner right before, win, and then bam.... Cena vs Lesner round 4. He will once again lose, go on to win Money In the Bank, do the honorable Cena thing to do and announce a match for Summerslam instead of using the briefcase in a smart way like everyone else has, and we get.... you guessed it... Cena vs Brock round number 5, and so on, and so on since it seems the only reason they put the title on Brock was so that he could spend half a year fighting nobody but Cena over, and over again.
Why not just have Cena enter the rumble (at number 1) after losing to Lesner right before, win, and then bam.... Cena vs Lesner round 4. He will once again lose, go on to win Money In the Bank, do the honorable Cena thing to do and announce a match for Summerslam instead of using the briefcase in a smart way like everyone else has, and we get.... you guessed it... Cena vs Brock round number 5, and so on, and so on since it seems the only reason they put the title on Brock was so that he could spend half a year fighting nobody but Cena over, and over again.

If we get Cena vs. Brock IV/V/VI (depending on how you look at it) at Wrestlemania as our main event (with no Reigns), I'll be reading the results. I have no desire to watch Cena vs. Brock without Reigns headlining Wrestlemania. Reigns needs to be in that mix to make it worth watching, though like I said before, I hope it isn't a triple threat match.

A Brock vs. Cena match that WWE has conveniently forgot (which would make it VI if it gets that far) was a face Brock vs. a heel Cena several years back. So if it gets that far, it would be this:

I - The aforementioned match
II - Extreme Rules 2012
III - Summerslam 2014
IV - Night of Champions 2014
V - Royal Rumble 2015
VI - Wrestlemania 31

So if it would be IV, take out the aforementioned match and Extreme Rules 2012 (which WWE has NOT forgot about but they're not counting it for some strange reason). If it would be V, add the Extreme Rules 2012 match.
I've never been a Cena hater, I just found him lame and never paid attention to when he was one.... but this is getting f'n ridiculous. When they announced Orton Vs Cena for number 1 contendership i just thought... there's no way, no way they do Lesner vs Cena again... they just can't, they just did it twice (and this taking up now 6 months worth of title matches). They've already done the "come to the dark side Cena" angle, and the "Never give up!" super cena crap... what's left? Those are the only story lines Cena does, and we've just seen them both.
I've never been a Cena hater, I just found him lame and never paid attention to when he was one.... but this is getting f'n ridiculous. When they announced Orton Vs Cena for number 1 contendership i just thought... there's no way, no way they do Lesner vs Cena again... they just can't, they just did it twice (and this taking up now 6 months worth of title matches). They've already done the "come to the dark side Cena" angle, and the "Never give up!" super cena crap... what's left? Those are the only story lines Cena does, and we've just seen them both.

I've never been a Cena hater either. John Cena, the person, is someone I would love to meet. John Cena, the performer, is someone I would pay to see. But I wanna see fresh new storylines instead of rehashes of what we've seen before. So I agree with you totally.
The only way i want to see this is if they throw Orton, and Batista into it and make it a "best of the 02 class" type of deal. Keeps them all out of the Rumble, Lesner should retain, and this be the end of it. No more title matches for any of them. What i personally want to see is Ambrose vs Lesner, i think crazy vs the beast could work, and he could pull it off (cheating to win obviously), but i have my doubts that will happen.
I would say Reigns vs. Lesnar, if I had to pick one. We know Cena will be around to have a Reigns match. We don't know if Lesnar will be. Personally, however, I fear that Reigns won't be ready by WrestleMania 31. I just have a feeling that he won't be ready to give there performances necessary to be Champion at that point, and as such could end up running his momentum. I would hope not, but I just have that feeling.

I would love to have Daniel Bryan beat Lesnar at WrestleMania for the title. Also, I would have Reigns beat Triple H at WrestleMania 31. Still a big moment for Reigns, but doesn't put the company on his back. I would hold off for a year. And if they really wanted Reigns to be the guy, give him the title at WrestleMania 32. Given the chance 32 could be in Dallas, and WrestleaMania could possible break 100,000 in attendance, that could be a bigger moment for Reigns. That's just in my view of a perfect world. And as we know, WWE is anything but a perfect world.
Daniel Bryan, no. Keep him far away from the main event of wrestlemania. I know alot of people support him, but in my opinion.... last years wrestlemania was all about Daniel Bryan, and although it's not technically "his fault" it didn't work out.... why should he get 2 in a row? He had his mania moment, it didn't work out... shit happens. Why would you bank on someone carrying the rest of the year who failed miserably at his first crack?
As for Reigns, in my perfect world, you turn him heel. Put him in a suit, next to the authority, as the next authority chosen "face". Look at how this turned out for the Rock when he joined the Corperation. Guy would pull off the suited up chosen one perfectly. Force him as a face and it's going to backfire. You put Ambrose vs Lesner, Ambrose survives after the fight of his life, wins the title, and then Rollins cashes in. The next night you have a super over face in Ambrose that beat Brock, a super over heel in Rollins that stole the moment, and then you turn Reigns heel after betraying Ambrose. You can even have Rollins taken offense with Regins being the new authority favorite and pulling off a kinda tweener. Ambrose as a face that acts like a heel, Reigns as a heel that is being pushed as the new face, and Rollins as a wild card that is looking out for his own interests. A Shield triple threat with someone for everyone to cheer.
As of this particular moment in time, I have to say that I'm not particularly interested in either match.

Right now, Reigns isn't ready for Lesnar and WW intending to hot shot Reigns to the title won't change that. He still has some progress that needs to be made both as a presence, in initiating a connection with the audience and on the mic.

As for Cena vs. Reigns, aside from Reigns having the above issues in regards to being ready, it has the problem of John Cena being in yet another WWE Championship match. I get why Cena has his spot, we all know that and I can appreciate that, but that doesn't mean that I'm any less burned out on Cena in the title picture.

Roman Reigns may be destined for a huge match at WrestleMania no matter what, but I don't see a ton of money in him at this point. I think that could change when or if Reigns is able to progress further, but I think there are several on the roster who're stronger from an overall standpoint.
I don't think Reigns is ready for a one on one match.

I'd do Reigns/Rock vs HHH/Rollins. Give Reigns the rub from Rock and have them go over with Reigns getting the pin.
I don't want to see Reigns, Lesnar, Orton, or Cena in the title match. Reigns isn't ready. I'm already over Lesnar being champion. I think its just a waste of time pushing Reigns this hard vs Lesnar, assuming Lesnar is okay with putting him over. Orton is one of my favorites but he and Cena have done enough for a little bit with the title IMO.

Fresh faces, please. WWE's tunnel-vision with the title plans are just exhausting.

For the record, those aren't complaints because regardless I'm still going to watch, it's just my criticism as a viewer. I've noticed a common theme of complaints and arguments about someone complaining about complaints. Pretty redundant.
.... is there any point of Cena/Reigns?

There are times I'd love to be a fly on the wall at WWE management meetings. Not just the people who book the matches, but the folks who oversee the corporation. I would really like to know what they think of the manner their #1 employee is perceived. Are they surprised to see him booed at live events.....or is this exactly what they expected? Are they taken aback by the idea that many of the factors fans dislike Cena for are the exact things the fans loved about Hulk Hogan? Is it just the passage of time and expansion of social media that brings out the negative in so many areas today, which comes as no surprise to people who make their living dealing with it?

I don't know the answer to all this but while Cena has tons and tons of fans, we still read remarks like the above quote which question whether John Cena should even be in a match for a world championship.

I say....yes, every time. Whether against Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns or anyone else they can toss in there, I think Cena is #1 in WWE for many, many reasons and.....depending what they want to do with his character (that long-awaited, long-dreaded face turn?) he would be suitable for any title match, any time.

If there are fans who "hate" that he's been champion so many times, let 'em hate. The excitement he generates, the manner in which he conducts himself and the quality performance he always brings between the ropes makes him the champion, even when he doesn't hold the title.

Cena vs. Reigns? Sure. Whether Cena is heel or face at the time, WWE could sell it....and Cena would make it an event to remember. It's what he does.
Yeah Lesnar vs Reighs doesn't a whole lot for and Cena vs either one does a whole lot less

how about Dolph Zigger vs a returning Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett now that could be an epic match or even Ziggler vs Sheamus

or a triple threat match Rollins vs Reighs vs Ambrose No DQ would be great
How about Rollins cashes in on Cena at Royal Rumble...have Reigns and Ambrose be the final two eliminated at the same time...thus a triple threat match for the title at Mania amongst Shield members.

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