WM17 Rock-Austin vs WM20 HHH-HBK-Benoit


Pre-Show Stalwart
2 of the greatest matches of all time and my 2 all time favorite WrestleMania main events and i know alot of you on here feel the same way

My question is which of these epic matches was better?(and if this has been done im sorry i couldn't find it)

WM17 Rock vs Stone Cold
This match was amazing from the word go! These to legends took it to eachother like i've never seen anyone do since and the end with Stone Cold signing with "the devil" and going heel was a perfect ending to a perfect match! I remember never being so excited to see what was gonna happen the next night on RAW

WM20 HHH vs HBK vs Chris Benoit
So we all know what happened to Benoit but before the tragedy he was one of my favorite wrestlers to see in a match, add my all time favorite wrestler in HBK, and add the "Cerebral Assassin" HHH and that is the make for a great match! But what we got was a classic that i didn't even expect to see! By far the best triple threat of all time in my eyes and with Benoit winning his first title and "latino heat" coming out to share the moment and close the show? How could that not bring a tear to any wrestling fan's eyes?

So which match to you is better? I literally thought about this all night last night (and watched both matches on dvd) and i have to go with

Rock vs Austin Because how the match made me feel! i was on the edge of my seat literally the entire match and i didn't even care who won!

But it was a close decision that took me forever to come up with. How about you guys? do you also love both of these matches? tell me why you do or do not love them. and tell me which match you believe to be better
i'm going to have to go with WM20... the rock austin match was great but for one thing has since been done over and over and the mcmahon turn was surprising but back then there were so many turns it didn't have the impact it wanted. WM20 was just amazing, the 20th anniversary of the biggest show and chris benoit managed to win his first WWE title after winning the rumble. Now, ignoring the benoit tragedy, this was an amazing moment since benoit was a guy who busted his ass for years and was always under appreciated. Hell, even after winning the rumble they still didn't have enough confidence in him to give him a 1 on 1 match they had to throw shawn in for the first triple threat in mania history (personally i hate triple threats so this upset me). Despite having shawn and hbk in the match benoit still went over, won the title, and had one of the best mania closings of all time with him and eddie in the ring (two guys with similar stories, going over on the grandest stage, and at the 20th anniversary in what was probably unscripted, or at least felt that way). So yea, all things said that was my favorite of the two and one of my favs of all time though it pales in comparison to Melina vs Alicia Fox.
Honestly I don't think any match up will ever be bigger than The Rock vs. Austin and here's why: They are 2 of the biggest faces of all-time, wrestling each other as faces, at the height of their popularity. The only match that even compares to this IMO was Hogan vs. Warrior at WM6, they were the 2 big faces at the time who were also facing themselves on the big stage with the crowd on the edge of their seats. The only difference is that Austin and Rock were both bigger that Warrior ever was, and those 2 were much better in the ring than Hogan and Warrior ever were.

Therefore, Rock and Austin was bigger and more exciting to watch for me, because you had NO idea who was going to win and how it was going to happen. As for HBK/HHH/Benoit, I loved this main event and WM20 is actually my favorite one so I do hold this high up there with my favorite WM main events ever but I think the best formula for an iconic match is to put 2 huge faces (at the height of their popularity) in the ring in the main event.
I gotta go with HHH vs Benoit vs HBK....nothing against rock vs austin II but it was a little boring at first and it only picked up later....on the other hand hhh benoit hbk was exciting the whole match long! And the ending was better IMO and also the post match celebration made it the biggest WM main event of alla time
I want to go with WrestleMania XX. While I enjoyed The Rock vs. Austin, looking back on it, the WWF did a HUGE disservice to Austin by TRYING (in vain) to turn him heel. It was completely unexpected but completely unnecessary to say the least, especially with Austin joining up with Vince McMahon. Usually in this type of situation, the fans will know if they want to cheer or boo, especially in a heel turn, and I know that Austin was saying in the weeks leading up to it that he'd do anything to get the title back, but it wasn't like he hadn't been screwed out of the title by McMahon in the first place. It made no sense, and the proceeding months that led to the whole ill-fated Invasion angle really made no sense either. The match was okay, far from their classic previous encounters, and dare I say, wasn't even THE best match on the card (that goes to The Undertaker vs. HHH I---yep, the one we WEREN'T supposed to remember LOL).

Now, the Mania match at XX featuring HHH, Shawn Michaels & of all people, Chris Benoit SHOULD be the stuff that newcomers watch when they feel like stepping into a WWE ring. However, the sad part about is that Chris happened to apart of one of the most sickening & tragic eposides in professional wrestling history, so therefore, as McMahon would have it, he's never to be featured on WWE TV again, however you can't take away from the match and the story that was told in that ring.

I won't get all into what happened, just wanna say that that match was incredible! Beonit DESERVED the title and it showed how to build up for a title change and how to get a wrestler ready to take the title. Albeit he was a transitional champion (and so was Randy Orton when he finally won his 1st title from Chris), Benoit was tremendous in this match as was HHH & Michaels. IMO, this is like top 5 all-time Mania matches.
I think the WM20 match was better. I recognize that Austin vs. Rock was a huge match and had great hype, but this match never did for me what it did for most others. I thought the match was solid, but not great. Also the Austin heel turn fell a little flat for me. I didn’t like the hype going in for the WM20 match. I didn’t see the reason for having a triple threat match. I would have preferred a singles. However, the match was very well done and the participants did a good job of changing my mind. I always thought it was a big statement for Benoit. HBK and HHH have reputations for holding others (guys like Benoit) back. For him to go into MSG at WM20 and come out victorious against those two was kind of a symbolic win for all those who felt they were held back at some point in time. Eddie Guerrero being the other champion and embracing Benoit after the match made it even more special. It’s really a shame that moment has been erased from history.
I won't get all into what happened, just wanna say that that match was incredible! Beonit DESERVED the title and it showed how to build up for a title change and how to get a wrestler ready to take the title. Albeit he was a transitional champion

Chris Benoit was not a transitional champion. He held the belt for 4 months. How is that a transitional champion?

Anyway, I'd have to say that the triple threat at WM20 was a better match simply because Austin/Rock 2 wasn't a great match. Austin turned heel unnecessarily. That entire year was shit IMO. Austin/Rock 1 at WM 15 was a MUCH better match.

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