WM X - Falls Count Anywhere


I just watched WrestleMania X and was very confused by something. Randy Savage Vs Crush was a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match but the rules were such that I've never seen before.
It seems that they count anywhere except inside the ring and after you are pinned you have 60 seconds to get back in the ring before you actually lose so there were 3 pinfalls in the match.
Was this the norm for PFCA matches during the time? I've been watching wrestling for 25 years and don't ever recall seeing the rules layed out this way. I'd like to know if any of you can remember another time these were the rules of the match.

BTW, I'm very glad the rules changed because the entire premise of it made no sense.
Wrestlemania X is the most overrated wrestling ppv of all time. I watched it and was bored with every match except the ladder match.

On topic the match rules where idiotic and silly. I don't ever really recall any FCA match before or after this match having those same rules. I'm glad they're changed it. With the quality of the falls count anywhere matches seen in WWE this year there is no need for these outrageous rules return.
To my knowledge, that's the only time those were the rules to a falls count anywhere. I agree it was really convoluted.
Wrestlemania X is the most overrated wrestling ppv of all time. I watched it and was bored with every match except the ladder match.

If you didn't enjoy Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart I don't know what the hell you're looking for in a wrestling match. That was flawless and one of the greatest matches ever.

As for the falls count anywhere, the WM10 match was the first time the WWF did a falls count anywhere. It seems they were experimenting with the gimmick and probably realized it didn't work. That match was a big disappointment considering Savage's mania legacy and I think the strange gimmick is the reason why. Too bad because it would be Savage's last mania.
I enjoyed that match, it was hardly savage's best match, ESP at mania, but it was a good match for an announcer, which savage was at that time. I have no idea why they didn't have a full match and buildup for savage and crush, but that's what they gave us and it was good enough for me. The rules were definitely awkward but straightforward, if you get a pin out of the ring u gotta get back to the ring as well.. made the ending fun and make sense. As for the guy who thought it sucked, you are crazy, Bret and Yoko both had two great matches that night, even bam bam and doink had a good program going on at that time, it wasn't the best Mania of all time, but it was definitely a good one.
it was a falls count anywhere match with a last man standing decider requirement ;P and just an fyi if my memory didn't failed me it wasn't the last time they used those stipulations.

notice the finish, Savage tying Crush up by the ankles, obviously Crush was way too heavy for Savage to lift so it failed but the idea was there, how similar, only 16yrs later and Cena's tying Batista's legs around the turnbuckle post ftw :) ?

as for Mania x, i thought it was ok, it didn't live p to the hype overall, considering it was the 10th one you woulda though it was gonna be huge but Madison Square Gardens is tiny for that purpose and the overall feel was low budget, but still it had 2 awesome matches and a somewhat satisfying ending with Luger being eliminated from the title picture and Bret getting revenge for WrestleMania 9.
i have never seen them used in any other fca match. if it wasnt for randy i would have hit the fast forwerd button. didnt like the match or the silly rules in witch they used. the whole ppv was a let down i only got it for the ladder match and to see lex luger and bret hart. WM9 was much better ppv
Listen, the rules of the Savage VS Crush match state that you pin your opponent then get to the ring and wait 60 seconds and your oppopent cannot get to the ring in that time, then you win. So if you pin him in the ring, he is already in the ring so there is no 60 seconds time limit and you don't win. Making it pointless to pin him in the ring.
I think Brain covered it very well.

You got to realize this was the WWE's very 1st falls count anywhere and they were experimenting with the match, kind of like the ladder match except where this failed the ladder match skyrocketed.

The stipulation made for a less than expected match, if they just had a regular falls count anywhere it probably would have been better but it was their very first attempt at this stipulation. ECW did this stipulation before as well but their matches fared much better than this one.

Anyway's it was a 1 time experiment that didn't pan out so they changed the stip to basic hardcore rules instead. Sometimes experiments don't pan out.

Side Note: Zrise the Bret vs. Owen match was a classic. Was a great back and forth encounter with a surprise ending. You couldn't ask for a better match than that from ANYONE. It was the best opener in WM history by FAR.
I enjoyed that match, it was hardly savage's best match, ESP at mania, but it was a good match for an announcer, which savage was at that time. I have no idea why they didn't have a full match and buildup for savage and crush, but that's what they gave us and it was good enough for me.

What do you mean the match didn't have a buildup? It had a great build. The feud had been going on since September or October the year before. The promo where Crush turned on Savage was great. Both men caused the other to get eliminated in their Survivor Series matches and ended up brawling with each other a few times throughout that ppv. They also brawled backstage throughout the rumble which is why the mania match was falls count anywhere. Great build, bad match.

it was a falls count anywhere match with a last man standing decider requirement ;P and just an fyi if my memory didn't failed me it wasn't the last time they used those stipulations.

That's a good way of looking at it but it still doesn't make it a good match. I don't remember these stipulations ever being used after WM10 but I could be wrong.

i didnt see most of the bret vs owen match i remember thinking about something else while watching it so i cant comment on it. all i rmember seeing was the ending and just thinking "ok on to the next match"

Do yourself a favor and watch it again when you're free of distraction. It's an awesome match. One of my all time favorites. It's overshadowed by the ladder match but I think I enjoyed it more.
What do you mean the match didn't have a buildup? It had a great build. The feud had been going on since September or October the year before. The promo where Crush turned on Savage was great. Both men caused the other to get eliminated in their Survivor Series matches and ended up brawling with each other a few times throughout that ppv. They also brawled backstage throughout the rumble which is why the mania match was falls count anywhere. Great build, bad match.

That's a good way of looking at it but it still doesn't make it a good match. I don't remember these stipulations ever being used after WM10 but I could be wrong.

Do yourself a favor and watch it again when you're free of distraction. It's an awesome match. One of my all time favorites. It's overshadowed by the ladder match but I think I enjoyed it more.

you're right... i completely forgot about the buildup... sad too because it was one match i was looking forward to after it was set up (I was bombed out of my mind last night when I posted so that's probably why I forgot). These two could have had a much better match for sure, esp given that build, but again, I enjoyed it nonetheless even if it was far from great and far from the standard Macho Man match.

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