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A porn star who became famous for partying with Charlie Sheen has been hospitalized after cops were called to investigate an alleged suicide attempt.

Kacey Jordan was one of five adult actresses who attended a wild bash at the Two and a Half Men star's Los Angeles home in January. Sheen was subsequently taken to hospital to receive treatment for a hernia.

Jordan, who reportedly underwent an abortion in February, has now hit headlines again after police were called to the Peninsula Hotel in Chicago, Illinois by staff.

The actress is said to have updated her page with worrying messages suggesting she was trying to take her own life, and cops allegedly found her surrounded by pill bottles, broken glass and alcohol, according to

Jordan is alleged to have been hospitalized for psychiatric tests after attempting to slash her arms with a corkscrew while talking to police officers.

And she appears to blame Sheen for her demise, writing on Twitter, "Those 16 hours I was with charlie sheen... messed me up... I can't get that image out of my head... I think I keep trying to feel his pain."

She later updated her blog with a new post from her treatment room: "I'm soooo bored in this hospital bed! I wanna have someone save me..."
The comedy is endless.
I see nobody else is interested in what withdrawal from the drug known as Charlie Sheen is like.
He did say that if you tried it, it would make your face melt off..
That's why Sheen will never die! When he has sex with a porn star, he transfers all of his problems into her, thus living his winning life style forever.
"I was banging 7 gram rocks, that's how I roll" is the funniest line I've heard in a long time.

Oh and that remix was awesome.

I wish Sheen would just hurry up and OD already. I want to see the biopic starring his brother Emilio while he still has hair.
Everyone remembers Emilio, shut your vagrant mouths!


According to a close Sheen associate, the actor was upset to hear about Jordan’s tweets and actions. “Charlie hopes Kacey gets the help she needs,” he said, indicating Sheen has reached out to Jordan.
This Charlie sounds like a good guy.

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