Will you order Backlash?


S.O.S. (Used to be z99zazn)
Looking at the card for Backlash so far, which, no doubt, will have a few matches added to it, do you think it is a card that people should want to shell money out for? I mean, look at the card so far:

Jeff vs Matt Hardy. I quit match. Could be quite interesting, and surely will end the fued between the two. The match could end up pretty entertaining, and I'd like to see it.

ECW Championship match between Jack Swagger and Christian. This match interests me more than any other match on the card. I'm a big mark on both men, and I think the match should be pretty good. Hopefully they give it at least 20 minutes to make it sort of compelling.

WHC Match between Cena and Edge. Last Man Standing. I feel like they make too many of these matches. These should be along the lines of HIAC, by not being used much, keeping them special. This fued just doesn't interest me. It may be because they added Big Show to the fued awhile back, or maybe because it has been made to be a comedy fued, but it just really has no appeal to me.

Legacy vs Triple H, Batista, and Shane with the stipulation of whichever team wins, either Trips keeps the title or Randy Orton gains it. I love Orton. He's my favorite wrestler in the WWE right now. But I think creative really fucked this fued up. I thought it had potential to be one of the best fueds in recent memory. There was so much personal animosity between Trips and Orton, and then they fucked it up by Orton delivering that promo on Raw before WM and then the biggest letdown IMO in Wrestlemania history. I was hoping that after that match, they would at least give them a shot at Backlash to steal the show and have a great match. But apperantly not. Guaranteed there will be a turn in this match and its really predictable.

So my question to you is will you order this PPV? I really don't think I'm gonna be able to spend $45 dollars on this card. It just doesn't interest me much besides the Swagger and Christian match. Thoughts?
Absolutely not, this PPV looks like they stole it from TNA, it's complete shit
First off the Six man tag shouldn't have the title on the line, that's just dumb, and if you are going to put the belt on the line then at least make it an elimination match, Second LMS has been done to death, Edge/Cena in a singles match would be just as good if not better, Third, the Hardyz suck, their matches are boring and uninspiring, and that's with the help of weapons, not to mention the outcome of the I quit match is predictable as fuck, and Fourth why the fuck are their 2 interpromotional matches, maybe they should've waited till after Backlash to do the draft if they wanted to split people who were currently feuding up, the only match that really looks like it'll be worth half a shit is the Christian/Swagger ECW title match, hopefully they leave it as just a regualer singles match and don't gimmick the fuck out of it
I think the interpromotional matches are accepted because it's post draft and things don't truly kick off until after PPV - much like last year's draft and GBA.

As a person who can't get PPVs unless by naughty means, it doesn't affect me. But if I was going to order, it's a stern no. Because a. All the stories and feuds have been messed up big time and Backlash is the outcome of it b. There's only 4 confirmed matches! Where the hell are the others going to come from?
Im not going to buy it truthfully, apart from the ECW title match their is nothing on the card that i want to see, the whole evolution vs legacy situation burns me up because i wanted to see Ortan take the belt at Mania, not on a technicality and if tista takes the belt god help us!, so naa, Ill probably watch it at a friends house or something
What I find the worst about this PPV is the fact that 3 out of 4 posts in this thread are saying that the best match will be the ECW Championship match. I love Christian and Jack Swagger, and maybe those two having the best match for one of the two big titles on a PPV will be acceptable, but for the ECW title match being the best part of a card, that really doesn't look too good for a PPV's chances.
The fact that there are FIVE more belts that haven't been mentioned for this PPV shows me how bad this is going to be. Good thing I'm not buying it. But Edge and Cena will be alright, Matt and Jeff's match should be OK, the HHH v/s Orton six man tag's going to suck something fierce. And the ECW title match with Christian and Swagger could steal the show.

There are Tag Team titles, IC title, US title AND the Women's and Diva's titles not even being mentioned on this card. Fuck all.
Living in the UK, I don't have to pay. We get most PPVs free on sky tv...occassionally maybe have to pay 15 pound. 50 dollars is a lot for each PPV though!! I'll watch Backlash for sure but the card needs filling up and soon. Personally I'm looking forward to the 6 man tag....
Well to me at this point, I could care less about even watching the PPV. The card just flat out sucks. Has a bunch of matches that are worthy of being on Raw. Who cares about Cena Edge LMS. Its the PPV's versions of Raw's cage matches we get all the time, just been done to death.

Plus we wont see any blood whats so ever.

I'd rather just watch the Lockdown ppv, and skip Backlash

And I'm still too pissed about wasting $60 on the shitty WM25. As bad as WM25 why would Backlash be any better?
I'm going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch it.

I'm shocked at the lack of good things...I think the card is infinitely better then WM25 already. Sure they'll announce some matches this upcomin week with no build but those will hopefully still be wrestled well.

Only match I dont care about is HHH/orton...hate HHH and only interest is who'll turn.

Cena/Edge should be good as they deliver and Cena was good in the LMS against Umaga.

Card looks worth watching, I'll enjoy it while mowing down some delicious wings in a great atmosphere.

I'd probably order it at home in all honesty...but gf has off so taking the oppurtunity to make it a semi "night out".
Not even going to bother ordering it. There's only 4 matches on the books officially that I've seen
1) Edge vs Cena: I'll be honest I don't like Cena. I took a couple years off watching wrestling and came back and had to figure out who the hell this douche bag was, and why I should give a fuck. Still haven't. I've been a fan of Edge since The Brood. Hope he takes it, heels ftw.
2) Matt vs Jeff "I Quit" match. Going to be a good match no doubt, but seems to me with how stupid the WWE is that Jeff is going to win it because Matt won the last two matches. I'm pushing for Matt because he's kicking ass as a heel.
3) 6-man Tag for the WWE Championship: I was done with the Orton vs HHH thing before it began; didn't watch the last match draft night, don't care, really really don't.
4) Christian vs Swagger for the ECW Championship: Going to steal the show imo, only match I'm kicking myself for not being able to see.
ill be Front row.... not pumped to see cena-edge#25 haha but was front row at summer slam 06 and the crowd was on fire.... dought it this time

Chistian Swagger should be solid.... should of be on mania and bourne should of been in mitb... but vince knows all hahaha

Legancy Evolution or whatver u wanna call them could be interesting. Hopefully they do something here

Hardys should be good but i cant stand I quit matches they can be lame (besides rock and foley)..
in england its free so we dont have to pay for it,so no matter what the matches are i will be watchin it
I wont be watching it or ordering it as i work on Sunday's but with what transpired at Lockdown im just curious if Vince will try to re-hire someone just to try to 1 up TNA.I doubt he will as he doesn't seem too bothered by anything TNA does.I just wonder what the case will be in WWE over the next few weeks.Some feuds will no doubt end at Backlash but others will be just starting you can almost bet.

The diva titles may be added.I could see the Colon's being challenged by some team too but who knows.They gotta add more matches before Sunday and like i said with what happened on Lockdown i could see Vince trying to out-do them in some way or another even if it means giving someone more money to get them in their company.
I get every PPV, I split the costs of all of them, usually only about $7-10 tops.

I'm going to want to watch anything big with Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton. Granted I'll likely be disappointed by at least one of them, maybe both, I'm still going to want to tune in and watch it.
If I didn't buy Wrestlemania, why would I buy this? To see Randy Orton after being heavily pushed for months screwed over by Triple H and the McMahons AGAIN? I don't know why they don't see Orton as the top guy in the company.
Well, here is not that expensive so I will watch it.

Cena-Edge version 300 will be good I guess and Hopefully Edge will get his God damn Title back.

Hardy VS Hardy probably will be crazy stuff so it will fun.

Christian VS Swagger will be OK I guess, if Christian wins, who is left? Koslov? sorry for Captain Charisma since he is good but I am falling sleep already.

And HHH VS Orton Version 200 is not that interesting, Wow they added other 4 guys to make this look like treat. Thing is that Orton, does not matter how good he becomes or how popular he is, he always ends up being HHH's b*tch. He was in 2004, he was last year and this year is no different so, why bother? If he gets the belt, which probably won't happen, probably he will pin Shane and eventually will drop it again to HHH.

HHH always has all the answers to everything Orton does and this feud has not being different, unless Orton beat him cleanly on Monday and even if he does, you can smell this a mile away and it stinks.
I hate Backlash normally, its always a rerun of mania with a little tweak here and there, and this years mania was pretty lousy so I think i'll save my money for a UFC card.

Unless they give Goldust a match haha
In a word no. i'm not even gonna watch it. the only reason i watch wwe is legacy. and the mcmahons are burying them. surprise surprise. and batista back in all his roid rage glory is not gonna get me on bored either. sigh. wwe is getting worse by the moment. at least after this maybe sd will be watchable as jericho will likely be the focal point. i cant believe im gonna say this but i'm much more likely to order sacrifice than any wwe ppv til summerslam.
in england its free so we dont have to pay for it,so no matter what the matches are i will be watchin it

see this is why we can't have nice things. :(

as for the original question, no I won't be ordering Backlash. I'll be doing as I always do and go to a blast area.
I will not be ordering Backlash either, and after WM 25 I will never order another WWE PPV again. It is all hype and it never fully delivers. I'd go see it live if it were in my city, but they haven't captured the magic on television for a PPV in a long time minus a few matches here and there. Its just not worth the money any more.

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