Will We Ever See A European World Champion?


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As the thread title says. Do you think we will ever see a European world champion in the WWE? The person to come closest on numerous occasions was Davey Boy Smith. Sadly he never did get a world a title run. The only currently active European wrestlers on the roster who might stand a chance of winning a world championship in the WWE is Regal or Kozlov, but i think it might be far too late in Regal's career for him to see a world title run. Nor would it really be a good business decision. As of now there are really no up coming European wrestlers that I'm aware of that show a glimmer of hope to someday make it to the main event scene.

So do you think Kozlov will be the first European world champion in the WWE? If not do you think we will ever see one?

Your thoughts?

*Edit* It has come to my attention that both Sammartino and Andre were European. The case can be made for Kane as well i guess. So the new question i ask is Will We See Another European World Champion?
I hope we dont see another belt the intercontinental title has just a little kudos left and be honest do we really care about the US title and why not have only one set of tag title belts there isnt enough decent tag team out there to compete for one set let alone 2. If they brought in this europen title how many superstars are there who would be eligable? the answer is not many so no they shouldnt bring it in if they want a european champ they should start wwe europe and have a seperate brand
I think so. What about Sheamus o Shaunessy, the Irish guy who's in FCW at the moment. I believe that they've got big plans for him, and view him as a future main eventer. I just hope Kozlov doesn't get the belt put on him. I'm sick of monster heels who no one gives a shit about getting shoved in our faces. His gimmicks shit, he's got no charisma, useless finisher, and about 4 moves. Wait, Batista, Great Khali. Oh fuck they ARE gonna put the belt on him
FIRST, the european title was used for two reasons, the first was to expand the WWE brand in the overseas market. it was a marketing decision to give the european fans their own champion who would defend the belt primarily on overseas tours. the second was to appease the british bulldog, who was promised a world title run during his recent contract negotiations. the belt was intended to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be.

SECONDLY, this thread is NOT about the now-defunct European Championship... this thread is about a foreign wrestler, born and raised in EUROPE specifically, and his/her chance at becoming a world champion.

THIRD, if we include women in the discussion, and we assume the Divas Championship to be a "world" title, then Marysse would count, she's French.

FOURTH, i think Regal would have been a great champion (and probably had his best shot) back before he was suspended for his wellness violation. if you remember, he was the GM of Raw and just won the King of the Ring tournament. he wielded uncontrollable power, and abused it to new heights. he was Jericho-level over with hatred response from the crowd. putting the belt on him would have been the ultimate step, and we'll never know what could have been if that were to happen.
Marysse is French-Canadian, so even if we assume the Divas' Title as world championship (not), she wouldn't count either.

I don't think the WWE care so much if they are european, even if they want to appeal the european market, the champion has to be stonrg in the american market also. Look at the latin market, Eddie and Rey, they didn't make a big deal that they were mexican-american, don't get me wrong, they used the low rider and stuff, but what I mean is that they didn't sreamed "Oh an Latino Champion". Both were appealing to the american market, and the latin market was already getting bigger. I dont think they even make such a big deal that Andre was French. The only one I can remember that get his country outline as Champion was Brett Hart.

Without the over analyzing, I would like to see how far can Sheamuss go.
Do you think we will ever see a European world champion in the WWE? The person to come closest on numerous occasions was Davey Boy Smith. Sadly he never did get a world a title run. The only currently active European wrestlers on the roster who might stand a chance of winning a world championship in the WWE is Regal or Kozlov, but i think it might be far too late in Regal's career for him to see a world title run. Nor would it really be a good business decision. As of now there are really no up coming European wrestlers that I'm aware of that show a glimmer of hope to someday make it to the main event scene.

Please pay attention to the initial posts in these threads. Macho is not asking about the defunct European Championship. They are asking if we'll ever see a European World Champion (i.e. Someone from Europe winning the WHC or WWE titles).

Now, the only way I can answer this is with another question... can anyone truly predict the future? Just like JETER123 stated, you're just asing a generic question that could basically have any answer. But, IMO the correct answer is that ANYONE can win a world championship in the WWE... they need only the talent and tools to make it. Now, if the person with these tools and talent happens to hail from Europe, then you have your answer. But these "pie in the sky" thread topics get on my nerves. Ask your buddies at your local Dungeons and Dragons home game... not here.

Sorry if I sound like a dick... I just want to be honest.
Okay, so we've established two huge legends from Europe that had title runs, Sammartino and Andre; while Sammartino's was considerably long (underexaggeration), Andre's title run was only a day, so, ehh.

Just to clear up, this thread has nothing to do with the defunct European championship, I don't know what the hell some of you people are talking about. I gotta go with Phoenix (love the Punt'd pic, btdub) that Kane doesn't really count; nothing screams castillian like Glen Jacobs.

I think the question right now can be modified as to is there any Europeans right now who might one day win a major title, and no ECW and Women's titles (WWE has two, are you f*cking kidding me?) don't count. Im also assuming that we are keeping this within the WWE so let's go.

DJ Gabriel is from England, he's not the biggest guy in the world, but he's got a hell of a phsyique and a decent amount of charisma. Besides that you have Sheamus from Ireland, Drew McIntyre from Scotland and Lawrence Knight, also from England all still in FCW waiting for a call up. Of the three, I think Sheamus is got the best chance, but it's still a little early to tell for any of those prospects.

As far as guys already well established within the WWE, I just don't see anyone who can really compete with the level of talent that's already taken the top spots. I really like Regal, but when you have Edge on both shows, Orton as the top heel, and Jericho rounding out the top, there just isn't any room for him. I like Regal better with the Intercontinental match-ups anyway which give some credence and dignity back to a great title that was kind of misused the past couple of years.

Finlay's on ECW right now, playing second fiddle to a newly returned Christian who in his own right should be anywhere but ECW playing along FCW call-ups. I think it's amazing that Finlay's career has had such an amazing resurgence in WWE in the first place, and as a face no less. Who would've thunkit that all you needed to do to get an Irishman over was to give him a shillelagh and a leprechaun?

In all unfortunate truth, I know we're all thinking the same thing. Koslov's the closest thing to a potential champ. Why? Because WWE consistently ignores the fact that they haven't been able to successfuly push a big, slow ESOL wrestler since Yokozuna. We were stupid back then, didn't know the difference between Japan, Polynesia, or Samoa. Had no internet to wikipedia him and see his "born in California" on the sidebar. Who knows? Maybe that would've changed how Yokozuna got over, but the truth is WWE doesn't buy that we don't automatically buy into big guys anymore.

That's how Great Khali won a title, Vinnie Mac thought we were booing him because he was a big, scary monster, but we booed him because we legitimately did not want to watch him stagger through a pathetic attempt at a wrestling match. In fact I'm not sure to this day anything Khali's done could actually be classified as a "wrestling match", but I digress.

Koslov is walking the same line. Granted I do think people are a touch too hard on him, probably because he has every resemblance to Khali's push a few years back; in comparison, at least to a few of the turds they've left steaming in the ring, most notably Khali, Koslov can at least, at times be competent in the ring (not good, just not particularly bad), and everybody knows they have to give Mark Henry a monster push once every two years just to see if we've changed our minds about him. So in Koslov's first, undeserved inexplicable monster push and with a little more potential than Khali, I'm willing to cut Koslov some slack under the condition that he A) not win a world title anytime soon and B) expand his skill set.

Koslov isn't the best wrestler, but unlike Khali or Henry or Big Daddy V, he is an actual bonafide athlete with sambo and kickboxing titles and at least has some foreseeable room for improvement, whereas Henry, V, Khali, and likely others we've yet to see (there's this other terrible big guy in FCW named Black Pain, now Sweet Papi Sanchez, who botches moves like you've never seen before) have absolutely none. If Koslov improves, and of course some major accident happens to keep Triple H, Edge, Orton, Cena, Jericho, and the Hardyz out of the scene for a timeframe or two, I wouldn't put a legitimate shot at the belt past Koslov somewhere a year or two down the line.
Come On Guys, Stop Talking About The European Title, The Question Is Not That, The Question Is... If We Will Have An European-born Guy, Being The World Champion In Wwe..........

I Personally Think That Is Not Impossible, But Will Not Be Easy Because If You Think In European Guys Today In Wwe, Non Of Them Has Right Now The Level To Be World Champion, I Mean Finlay Is Not The Guy To Be World Heavyweight Champion, Not Paul Burchill, Not Kozlov Yet, The Only One Who Has The Experience And Is Lightly Close To Maybe Have A Decent World Title Run In The Coming Years Is William Regal, Yes Is The Only One, He's A Veteran, Is A Great Technician And A Good Heel, Who If The Company Goes Through Some Lack Of Heel Talent (which Is Not The Case Right Now) He Could Become Champ At Least For A Couple Of Months But As You Know Heels Right Now Is Wwe's Strong Side, So An European-born World Champion? Mhhhhhhh That's Doubtful........
the only 2 i can think of is finley nd d.h. smith. i think wwe can use d.h. smith rite ndif finley turns heel again nd goes back to smackdwn i can see him havin a short tittle run
WWE doesn’t have scouting networks outside of North America, which is a major reason why there is a lack of overseas talent. That been said professional wrestling overseas isn’t as big, amateur wrestling is in Eastern Europe, and professional wrestling is in Japan and Mexico but outside of these territories there isn’t any organisations big enough for WWE to spend time looking at potential talents. This is in part due to WWE's own popularity, wrestling organisations have tried to do similar things in Europe to try to gain popularity but none have been able to succeed, as most wrestling fans can watch WWE anywhere in the world on their TV's.

In addition there is a lack of places outside of North America for people to learn how to wrestle to a decent standard that they would be considered by WWE even for a development contract. For a European wrestler to have any chance of even getting a WWE contract, they would have to go over to the USA and train there, and be good enough to stand out. So it is unlikely in the foreseeable future unless, WWE decides to invest in some development schemes abroad.
There are so many technically sound wrestlers from England that i'm sure one will become Champion in the future. I'm just not sure if he's in the WWE right now.

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