Will we even see serena wrestle?


Dark Match Jobber
I just wondering as to why they havent had serena wrestle a single match on smakcdown. she has a good gimmick as the anti-diva and has good cred as a wrestler but they are only using her as a valet for the SES. I hope SES starts a feud with the hart dynasty so we can see natalya vs serena. that could one to watch but we have to wait. i hope the wwe does not waste her talent like they did with other divas in the past. what do u guys think?
Definitely, but they're too stupid to even bother booking her in a match very soon. If the SES and Hart Dynasty face off someday (and NOT at a house show), they should use her for a mixed tag-team match, like Tamina did with the Usos. If not, then I stand by what I said in my first sentence.
Yes she will wrestle, she is too much of an in ring talent to waste on being a valet for ever. Once the SES breaks up she will definitely start wrestling or she could even start while the SES is still intact and have them help her secure the Womens Championship.
Of course we'll eventually see her wrestle, as she does have a wrestling background, ie, she's not just some Hollywood swimsuit model that WWE went out and found for eye candy purposes only.

But WWE is typically very slow to let their divas debut in terms of participating in actual matches. How long has Nattie been around and she's only now beginning to compete, and even now, she's usually only in mixed tag matches and stuff like that. She's not been in contention for any of the women's belts and probably won't be for some time.

Melina as well, with MNM, was around for quite a while before she began to compete. This is typical WWE style. Be patient, let it develop, and she'll be in the ring as an active wrestler soon enough.
How long has Nattie been around and she's only now beginning to compete, and even now, she's usually only in mixed tag matches and stuff like that. She's not been in contention for any of the women's belts and probably won't be for some time.

FYI habs, Natalya Neidhart was involved in the first match for the Diva's Championship and competed in multiple matches with Victoria as her BFF. She did have her fair share of competition before meeting up with Tyson Kidd.

However, the WWE seems to have a thing about building up their best female stars outside of the wrestling ring before throwing them into the deep end. In fact, most of them have been subjected to this nature. Melina was the manager of MNM for quite some time before competing. Now, she is one of the most over girls on the roster and could very well be the face of the RAW division. Tiffany was the ECW General Manager for a while, Jilian was a manager talent for JBL's Cabinet, Mickie James tagged along with Trish Stratus for a while... I could go all day. It's just an induction for her... but considering she is one of the gooden's, she will be kept in her SES role for a while until they need her caliber of talent in the division.

No need to rush perfection. Serena will become a wrestler soon enough. There is a reason why she wrestled for SHIMMER/ROH and holds the record for the most amount of Women's Title reigns in OVW. She's got excellent skills in the ring and can play her character well. The WWE are just using her in talents they feel need a little bit of refining. No need to get your panties in a knot for her being a manager.
Serena has one of the most visible roles a WWE diva has ever had. She's on TV every week and has a defined part to play. I sometimes wonder what the other women in the company think as they sit around waiting for a chance for some air time. Many of them have been plying their trade for a long time, only to have this rookie come in and be handed a plum part.

L'il Fuzzhead is terrific and has a good career as a wrestler in front of her. For now, though, she's got to be thrilled with her job.
Serena has a lot of in-ring talent. She has the perfect gimmick, and she needs to start wrestling. I guess she will, once she's done with SEC.
serena can wrestle but will the WWE use her in a match? highly unlikely anytime soon the reason i say this is because Serena loves to wrestle however the divas division is in no shape for a diva who wants to wrestle and not do any of this lets have fun squirting each other and making the ring into a beach type thing like we saw last nite on raw
Of course we will. She's could become a valuable asset to the women's division, especially in a feud with LayCool, or anybody really if she is moved to RAW (Nattie, Tamina and Serena could do wonders in feuds).

However I do not see it happening before the break-up of the Straight Edge Society, or a break away from the faction. It wouldn't make sense for her to get into the ring before that, because she serves greatly as a valet right now, and the other female wrestlers are already working programs on Smackdown.
I don't think that WWE will waste Serena's talent. When WWE went over and did there tour of Australia, she actually worked several matches.

She is very good in the ring, and if you haven't seen any of her matches then I suggest that you go on Youtube and watch some.

I think she will be wrestling on T.V. in no time.
I don't know if we will see her wrestle, but I love Serena. I would like to see her wrestle because I have never seen her in the ring, but I would not want the WWE to make her lose all the time like Jillian Hall. If she would be losing her matches she might as well be kept as a valet. BTW she is a beautiful woman.
When they get rid of some of the eye candy with little in-ring ability to take a bump.
Nattie and Tamina are in a similar situation, they have the ability to work a good match but not the look of bikini models.
How many other Divas can work a reasonable match?
Less than half the roster IMHO

I guess not since she has been future endeavored, they waited until after SD to release the news
I think it's a shame that they released her, she was pretty decent in the ring and had something going for her in the S.E.S, it's a shame they release some pretty good talent. They've now released two good women in a year Serena and Mickie.

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