Will Vince pull a Bischoff


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So we all know that the Monday Night Wars 2 are in full swing. With TNA only having a live show once every two weeks it got me thinking. Would Vince pull a Bischoff like back in the days on Nitro when Bischoff would give away the RAW results so that people wouldn't watch RAW because they didn't need to? As of now i don't see him doing that because all that would be showing is that he acknowledges them as a threat,but if TNA starts getting its ratings up it is a possibility. Thoughts?
Definitely not. When WCW first started doing that, it did give them a slight edge. But, as many know, it backfired on them big time, namely when they announced Mick Foley winning the world title on RAW. If Vince McMahon started doing that, knowing full well that that bit of history helped propel his company to the top and helped him win the first war, then I'd deem him a true idiot. He pulled some stupid moves lately, yes, but he's not an idiot. So, no, he probably won't do that.
No offence I think WWE doesnt care for TNA as an entity and isnt worried especially with the crummy 1.0 that the company pulled in from Monday.

The reason the WWE isnt acknowledging tna is because they dont want to make the company seem as a bigger presence and thats what bischoff did when he kept pulling stupid stunts like reading spoilers out over the broadcast he basically made people switch over, why would vince pull out such a dumb ass move that would basically lead people to switching channels and watching the other show?

I know i wouldnt and Vince wouldnt pull such a stupid move because he would lose more then he would gain
You might hate Vince but he is one hell of a businessman. All the times TNA has mentioned wwe have u seen any segments where wwe mentions TNA. why would you give them free advertising. that would be pretty stupid. WWE and Vince dont give a crap about TNA. They scored a 1.0 on a live monday show that was hyped and advertised up the ying yang. Is that real competition. WCW tried it once and it ended them. I have a feeling if vince did it. For example saying. AJ styles has just lost the TNA Championship to The Pope. the audience would be like who the hell are those guys.
I don't think Vince will do that, for one reason, he would be promoting that there is another wrestling show, a fact that many people I know don't really know about.

Back then, most people that wanted to be spoiled looked to the internet to read a forum or wrestling page and find out. A day where so many people use the internet, you will find out easily. And I assume most people that watch TNA are more internet using people, as I think they are more smark like.

Then again, why would WWE want to do something that helped turn the tide for the competition when WCW did it?
You're all right about Vince not wanting to advertise the competition. But if by some miracle TNA did become competition of the caliber that WCW was? He still wouldn't do it. I know most of you are saying because it would backfire, but the real reason is something that Vince McMahon has already addressed. It's low. It's in poor taste. Vince may be egotistical, arrogant, and sometimes ruthless, but he's already stated his distaste for tactics like that. Remember he also prides himself as a an legitimate businessman. And I think he would find it beneath him.

Stephanie McMahon, on the hand... yeah, she might do it.
Will never happen. Vince doesn't only want people to think TNA isn't a threat, he REALLY believes it. He knows they are not on his level, so why bother? Even if TNA becomes competition in the near future, I think Vince learned an important lesson from Bischoff/WCW. If you trash the competition too much, people will be turned off. Especially if the competition is turning out a good product. I think Vince understands this time around that two big time promotions only makes the industry better.
No, Vince would never do it. It would mean the WWE publicly acknowledging TNA, which would only help TNA. But, playing devil's advocate here, were he to publish the results of TNA matches on RAW, to taunt them, it wouldn't have the same effect as when Bitch-off tried it. TNA isn't in the same position WCW was, far less WWE fans would give a damn if they heard Samoa Joe beat AJ Styles, compared to WCW fans caring that Mick Foley wins the title against the Rock.

Vince won't do it, but if he did, its a completely different situation than when WCW did it.
Nope, it's not going to happen because there's nothing in it for the WWE. No one in the WWE has even acknowledged the existence of TNA on television and there's no reason why they should. That just equels free promotion and greater notariety for TNA.

This perceived second coming of the Monday Night Wars is really just wishful thinking at this point. When the show that you're directly competing against outdraws you by more than 3.5 to 1 every show, I fail to grasp how it can be considered a contest.

I'm not saying that TNA can't put on a quality show at all, nor am I suggesting that ratings is the end all and be all of anything. Fans can debate as to which company is better and why until we're blue in the face, but those are just opinions. Ratings are a tangible and measurable means of measuring success that can't be debated. Raw averages 5.3 million viewers in the United States each week as opposed to around 1.4-1.5 million in the for TNA. Until TNA is able to significantly increase those numbers, Vince McMahon isn't openly going to acknowledge TNA in any way, shape or form because he doesn't need to.
Eric Bischoff was trying to get fans from WWE by sabotaging their broadcasts. Stealing all the best talent wasn't good enough, so he had to resort to cheap tactics.

Vince McMahon HAS the majority of the fans already, has an infinite budget to work with compared to Carter, so shitting on the little leagues to get people to keep watching isn't likely to happen, and sure as hell wouldn't really do anything to help their promotion either.

TNA is in fact STILL acting like WCW 2. They're taking loads of WWE rejects and guys who were WWE stars but didn't want to work the WWE schedule, but still using terrible booking ideas, and getting nowhere.

They brought Jeff Hardy and RVD in this week with, from what i understand, absolutely no build up at all, and RVD got the shit beaten out of him by Sting in about 20 seconds. What was the point in that? You don't have a guy debut and make him a Legend's bitch immediately, the new guy should be giving the Legend a run for his money at least.

Anyone had an update on Jeff's legal status lately? They hired him for 100 dates over 12 months. Is that so that if he gets convicted they can film all of them at once, and then have all of them in the space of 3 months?

Like Jack said above me, ratings, that's U.S. ratings mind you, are the only thing that matters, and since TNA are barely gaining 1/3 of the number of people RAW regularly draws, even with Hogan and the geriatric club, Ken "Please don't let anyone else i wrestle die prematurely" Anderson, Jeff "Prisoner #897523" Hardy, Mr "Am I Even Going To Be Featured On The Whole Fuckin' Show", or the Brit Guys Vince didn't want.

So yeah, i'm pretty sure if you asked Vince this question, he'd need someone to remind him who TNA are. He probably watches their video packages that introduce the show and says "WHO TOOK RIC OUT AND PUT WARRIOR IN?" And then when he asks why, he's reminded that they just joined TNA, and then simply writes himslef a little note that reads something like, "Don't re-hire Jeff, unless we need someone to bury for a year straight (PS or when we finally get bored of paying Matt)"

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