Will these guys make the big time??

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I have just sat and watched an episode of WWE superstars (Saturday 30th April 2011). I watched two matches, the first being Tyson Kidd vs Trent Barretta and the second match was David Hart Smith vs Zac Ryder.

Both these matches were really entertaining and full of technical in-ring ability. Tyson Kidd looked positively great (even better if he got rid of that golf divett on his forehead) and showed that old school technical abillity that previous greats like Bret Hart, Jericho, HBK etc possessed. The only problem he has is his size, he doesn't really look the part to be a big time main eventer in the future (saying that it didn't stop rey mysterio).

Trent Barretta showed some really impressive in-ring ability too and put on a great show for the fans. Another wrestler lacking a gimmick and given one could be great. When I look at him I can't help picturing some sort of elvis or honky tonk man type character or jonny cash, something like that lol. Perhaps something like that would go down well with him.

In the other match of the evening Zac Ryder looked really impressive and his gimmick (Woo Woo Woo Kid) apears to draw a lot of heat from the crowd. I really think given the chance he could become a really great charcater and his in-ring ability was impressive too and a really different finisher from what we are used to seeing.

Last but not least, David Hart Smith made an appearance, the first time I've seen this guy in months. He appeared to be sporting some sort of new gimmick as well, almost like a JBL type character but with a bit more of a classic ring attire look. But I like it and so did the fans, the two of them seemed to get a great reaction and generated a lot of interest in their match. Once again, David Hart Smith showed some great in-ring ability and I think given another chance and some work on his mic skills he could really shine.

Personally I think all four of these guys are potentially great and possibly some of the future stars of the WWE, would love to see them pushed and see a bit more of them.

i actually jus got done watching the ryder match , im definately on board. hart smiths impression of hogan was priceless. ive been complaining a lot about when we will see a ryder push n i know a lot of people have but i like wut there doing now, its good tht hes getting to use different signatures and get a feel for things, i think it can only help him in the future. i really home one day we see some of these guys in the main event. plenty of wrestlers have strted with goofy comic relief almost characters and still made it big so if he stays with it i think his popularity will grow.

especiall with ryders youtube vids, its not like wwe is crammin him down our throats but instead, WE are wanting ryder, n i think tht will start to show more and more n help these kids make it, if we want them to make it.
Well I think Trent Baretta is basically in the same vote as Evan bourne which is a great talent without any food on his plate but maybe he could be something in the future.

Zack Ryder is a guy that I think could get over as easy as the miz is as a cocky cool heel or a self centered but funny face. His only downfall is in ring ability which isn't bad at all it just not as spectacular as others.

Tyson Kidd has everything you need to be a pro wrestle but does he have what it takes to be an entertainer. I like everything about kidd but can he get over with everyone else.

DH Smith same as Kidd but I feel like he is one of the most boring personalities one it comes to a live crowd and even this past superstars he tried to be funny but it just liked stupid and seem forced. Also I don't see a point in giving him a manager because he's not intimidating just tall and has the look of someone that would shine on the mic but in reality he doesn't but things could change.
I think we all need to just realize something that Tough Enough showed us. Its not the technical stuff. Its not skill. Its how entertaining you are to the people. And while Zac has shown that in more then one way, the other 3 have not. Not entirely by their fault because creative is the one who decides who rises. Ive seen Recks Tysons and Smiths stuff, great in ring work stuff. But if thats ALL your showing then it will barely amount to anything, or at least in the WWE.
I like all of them except Smith. I guess he has to grow on me. These guys are not gonna make it, and I hate it too because they're so talented. If any of them is gonna get a big push it's be Smith. Just because of his size and there's family history.
I only see a future in the big time for Tyson Kidd.

The others are all meh to me, Especially DH Smith. I find the guy overrated, Even though he wasn't really "Rated" to begin with. The other two are jobbers really, Sure they could be used in Second tier Title contention but the "big Time" I think not.

Kidd does have the potential, Sure the size isn't there but when has the stopped wrestlers. Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit etc. All little guys who have been given the push by WWE, Not on their size but on their in ring ability. Kidd has the potential for this simply because he is innovative and when he is in those ropes wheather he is face or heel he performs extremely well.

So yeah, Kidd I can see in the "Big Time". The others I cannot.
Zack Ryder: I don't see it. His gimmick stinks, he's annoying, and he's never been impressive in the ring. Decent in there, but nothing to talk about. That's exactly how I feel about Ryder; decent, nothing to talk about. If Ryder weren't his own biggest fan, no one would talk about him. So I suppose I have to give him some credit there, even though he bugs the shit out of me.

DH Smith: I see no reason to believe he has a solid future in the WWE, outside of his name. If he weren't Davey's son, would he be where he is? Not a chance. He has shown zero charisma, and a lackluster set of in-ring skills. I think he's right where he should be.

Tyson Kidd: Has the tools, and can cut a decent promo when given the opportunity. But, he's small. About 5'-10", under 200 lbs. Could make some noise for the U.S. or I.C. title, if given the chance. Not sure it's going to happen, though.

Trent Barreta: I've been singing his praises for about a year now, and I'm not stopping. Given the opportunity, he can be a main eventer. Yes, I'm serious. Right now? Obviously not, but he just turned 24, he has plenty of time.

In my opinion, Barreta's far and away the most talented of these four, and he's the youngest as well. Also, he isn't a small guy. He's 6'-1", 230 lbs. He needs to add another 20 or so pounds over the next couple of years, and find himself a gimmick. In terms of skill, he's already there. Just needs a look and an opportunity.
I was watching superstars a few days ago and was actually quite impressed with the Tyson Kidd vs Trent Barreta Match, it went about 15 Minutes and dispite losing, Barreta carried most of the match and did it well. He seems to be the only person on the roster who does the rope flip to the outside.

But Does he really have a good future in WWE? When they released his Tag Partner Caylen Croft I was thinking that they might give him a push as a singles wrestler, but obviously that's not the case, he just Jobs in Decent Matches on Superstars, which in my opinion he deserves a win here and there.

So Does this 24-Year old former Dudebuster deserve a push, or will he be taken out when WWE goes through their next round of mass firing?
Baretta in my opinion defenately has a future, if given a chance, and if WWE fire him during there Spring cleaning (which somehow hasn't happened yet) I think he'd be quite a good adition to TNA and the X-Div
As much as I like this guy's talent, I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon. He's pretty much at the bottom of the heap, as far as his place on the roster is concerned. Of course, if creative decided to actually give him some form of a gimmick and a chance to get over, that could change pretty quickly. He's still on Smackdown, right? If so, it's the better place for him, as getting over on Raw is damn-near impossible. I'd like to say that I'm cautiously optimistic about Barreta: I won't get my hopes up or expect too much anytime soon, but if something happens to perhaps signal a push, I'll pay close attention to how much he can make out of it.
I fucking love Trent Barreta. Anyone who's read my Smackdown reviews probably knows that as I even look forward to the one minute squashes he has on the show. He's got a lot of talent in the ring and he's shown that when given the chance both as a singles wrestler and especially when he was teaming with Caylen Croft as the Dudebusters for a short period of time. He could probably play the happy-go-lucky high-flying babyface similar to the Evan Bourne character, but I don't see the WWE doing anything serious with him at all for awhile. He's still quite young though so I wouldn't be surprised at all to see him rise up to the midcard over the next few years, right now he's kind of just paying his dues as a jobber. We'll see down the line, I'm not sure about any kind of star possibility, but he did cut a pretty awesome heel promo on Superstars once about a year or so ago, so who knows, maybe he'll develop into something more than just the exciting curtain-jerker he is right now. We'll just have to wait and see.
I think we all need to just realize something that Tough Enough showed us. Its not the technical stuff. Its not skill. Its how entertaining you are to the people. And while Zac has shown that in more then one way, the other 3 have not. Not entirely by their fault because creative is the one who decides who rises. Ive seen Recks Tysons and Smiths stuff, great in ring work stuff. But if thats ALL your showing then it will barely amount to anything, or at least in the WWE.

I don't like this 'blame it on creative' idea that has spread through the IWC. Creative have to put on 3 shows a week, a PPV once a month and keep feuds and characters interesting all year. And they do to quite a bit of success. Oh, and most importantly, they are successful and their job gets much easier if everyone involved is working hard to making great television. This isn't going to happen if they are actively working to keep some guys down. And from the WWE towers, I don't suppose they even have much interaction with wrestlers on a personal basis, so I don't know where the idea of them working to keep some up or down really comes from, other than working with who works hard and tries to bring success.

The biggest names in the company have worked with creative to garner success; the guys who have some how made a career out of it have had to work with creative. Look at Mark Henry - he has the ability of my mother on the mic and in the ring and yet he's made his career last longer than any other Nation of Domination member. You think that creative just decided he was going to be worthy of a Taker Wrestlemania match over 'better' or 'more deserving' wrestlers?

Zac Ryder was seemingly given a gimmick and is working hard, presumably with creative and producers to make a name for himself with it. People expect him to become a rising star. There may not be time for him currently on television when Cena or Orton actually have fan bases who DRAW but my guess is you'll see him more here and there as his stock rises. DH Smith and Tyson Kidd were allowed to run with an amazing gimmick (last to train in the dungeon - something that holds a lot of weight with wrestling fans even today) and... fell off the planet. They were given a big push - tag title belts and involvement in Bret's run up to Wrestlemania 26 - and look what they did with it. Nothing.
Í think Barreta has had a few of the best TV matches of the last 12 months, especially with Hawkins, and again with Tyson this week. He deserves a push.

I thought when they split DHS and Tyson that both would get a push but they've been buried for months now. Both showed what they could do this week. Another reason to bring back the European Title.

I've been somewhat bemused by the love for Zack Ryder here and elsewhere over the last few weeks. He sure is entertaining and can work a good match. He needs something to get above the mid card pack though - maybe a diva interest ?

Overall, all four of these guys could have a great future if they keep working hard and put on quality matches like they did this week.
i think you can set your watch to Zac Ryder's push, it'll be the moment santino gets stale... really, that's about all I can see him being used for (not saying that's all he's good for, just that that is all i can see them using him for). DH Smith I'd love to see succeed because I've been a huge Hart fan since I was a kid and knowing he's davey's kid makes me want to see the best for him. Having said that though, if he werent davey's kid and me wishing I saw some glimpses of the bulldog in him I wouldn't even remember the guys name. He has no personality and really nothing going for him. What makes it worse is that Kidd DOES have something goign for him. He may be small but he has a look going for him along with a unique style that could get him over. Why they never played the whole davey is a blood relative and kidd was just a student angle is beyond me, could've got personal and gave these two a feud that people could emotionally get behind. Finally, Trent Beretta... to quote Trish on Tough Enough... Who? Ok that's not entirely fair since I don't always catch smackdown but either way, the guy has the look but i haven't really seen or heard anything from him. If anything he reminds of Kizarny, a talented guy who may get let go way too soon.
I don't think any of them will ever get a push.

I agree that they all have the tools as a great mat-based wrestlers, but like TallOne said, it's about how you entertain the fans.

You need to be able to wrestle AND cut a good quality promo. Look at Randy Orton. He can wrestle and cut a great promo.

Once these guys are able to do that, they will keep wrestling on Superstars. Why? Because Superstars isn't for cutting good lengthy promos, it's more of a wrestling show.
Both these matches were really entertaining and full of technical in-ring ability. Tyson Kidd looked positively great (even better if he got rid of that golf divett on his forehead) and showed that old school technical abillity that previous greats like Bret Hart, Jericho, HBK etc possessed. The only problem he has is his size, he doesn't really look the part to be a big time main eventer in the future (saying that it didn't stop rey mysterio).

Very true I got the chance to actually watch this weeks superstars at a friends house. You can deffinatly tell who trained Tyson, he is really no slouch in the ring. I really felt that the bodyguard angle was going to pop him into the upper mid-card. But it all fell through, I hope the absolute terrible thin that happened to him at the RR was just paying dues or he got some cash for it. Because Tyson has a good look going for him, and has amazing ring skills.

Trent Barretta showed some really impressive in-ring ability too and put on a great show for the fans. Another wrestler lacking a gimmick and given one could be great. When I look at him I can't help picturing some sort of elvis or honky tonk man type character or jonny cash, something like that lol. Perhaps something like that would go down well with him.

I'm a bit Bias on both Trent and Zack, I like them both. So don't mind me if I gush a bit. But Vince needs to hang on to trent, he's not the greatist on the mic in Fcw. But he does have very good in ring skills for only being 24. He has a very bright future if they work with him. I could see him as sort of a mat wrestler, mixed in with maybe a high flying finisher in the future.

In the other match of the evening Zac Ryder looked really impressive and his gimmick (Woo Woo Woo Kid) apears to draw a lot of heat from the crowd. I really think given the chance he could become a really great charcater and his in-ring ability was impressive too and a really different finisher from what we are used to seeing.

WWWYKI Bro, Since I watched the first youtube video I have been hooked. This kid can be a fucking goldmine for vince if you use him right. You have us the IWC who are in love with the dude for trying his ass off. And people legit showing up week after week with signs with him on it. But you still have the heel haters. It's a win win for merch, and he can talk to?! WTF, how isn't this dude on my tv every monday night?

Last but not least, David Hart Smith made an appearance, the first time I've seen this guy in months. He appeared to be sporting some sort of new gimmick as well, almost like a JBL type character but with a bit more of a classic ring attire look. But I like it and so did the fans, the two of them seemed to get a great reaction and generated a lot of interest in their match. Once again, David Hart Smith showed some great in-ring ability and I think given another chance and some work on his mic skills he could really shine.

I don't like him, and I haven't since he started. Good in the ring, and that's really about it.
All four of them are young guys with a lot of athletic ability. Tyson Kidd is 30, DH Smith & Zack Ryder are both 25 & Trent Barreta is only 24 so they've all potentially got their entire careers ahead of them.

If they actually gave Tyson Kidd a legit personality, he could go far in WWE. Ryder has the skills, the personality and the in-ring ability to be a star in the WWE and Barreta has similar potential to these two. One thing hurting Ryder & Barreta, at least to some degree, is the fact that they're so young. When Randy Orton was their same age, he started being heavily pushed and look where he is now. He's only 31 years old but he's already done it all in WWE. He's a 7 time World Champion, former tag champ, former IC champ, Royal Rumble winner. I think WWE wants to avoid pushing such young guys so soon because, in some ways, it may have been a mistake with Randy Orton.

When it comes to DH Smith, the man has the personality of wallpaper plaster. He's just plain, 100% flat out dry. It's a shame because he has a good natural, athletic look about him and he's not some big, clumsy, cloddy power guy. He has a lot of good overall ability inside the ring but personality is something you just can't teach. You either have it or you don't and Smith has shown ZERO.

It won't be too long before the WWE does some spring cleaning and I'd say that at least one of these four wrestlers will be released.
Undoubtedly, all these guys are capable performers, although I do not see any of them progressing past the lower mid-card at any point (with the exception of Ryder). The guys just don't have the look required for the big time.

What is badly needed is the resurrection of the Cruserweight title, giving these guys an opportunity to shine and build up some kind of rapport with the fans while still challenging for titles and gaining some ppv time.
I am hoping that all the people you posted about make it to the big time or at least get more time in good matches on the major shows. The last time i saw trent barreta, he was jobbing to jack swagger. I wanted to see him and swagger have a long match like they had before on superstars a couple months back. Tyson kidd is a great competitor, he combines technical styles and highflying styles for a great combination. DH Smith confuses me, i thought he would rise because of his lineage and skill but WWE has not been showing him at all.
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