Will there ever be another Good ol' Jim Ross in the WWE in the near future??


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
Was just reading through some comments by fans talking about Evolution's return and one thing that was mentioned made me think....Did the current Announce Team do justice to Evolution's return?

I know the crowd in Alabama was below par, but the Announce team has no energy either to sell such moments with their announcing.

Good ol' JR used to make fans feel as though they were part of what was going on numerous times, and whilst typing this, I can remember quite a few. He also mentioned on Stone Cold's podcast that he wanted to announce in Taker's final match, sadly, for whatever reason, he had no part to play at WM30, which was a travesty....

So, I ask; Is there another Good ol' Jim Ross anywhere that could help sell matches better than the current announce team??

Is there anybody that can rely on cliche and repeat themselves over and over again in the same way Jim Ross did? Err, yeah! We're already there with the current announce team, buddy!

Jim Ross is grossly overrated. I mean I am right in guessing most of us judge his career based on his WWE run, right? Yeah, thought so. When he was good he was great, but that amounted for about 10% of what J.R. did.

He's also never coming back to call a match. Michael Cole is the voice of the WWE. Has been for years now.
Jim Ross was great when it was the attitude era..Maybe the greatest..But i loved HEEL Jerry Lawler at the commentary more than any other commentator..As a heel KING just made us hate the heels to a greater extend..His pairing with JR was what made attitude era commentary EPIC..
Just make Jerry Lawler that HEEL commentator again but what will JBL do then..
Another choice i have is Zeb Colter..He has got that voice and style that resembles JR..Zeb can do good at commentary..
Or transfer William regal to the Raw commentary section..
Well but will there be another JR , i doubt there will not be...
There is a general consensus among wrestling fans that Jim Ross is the greatest wrestling announcer, period. When it comes to expressing pure emotion, nobody can do it better than JR- from the "Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! " from WM 14 to the "Chris Benoit's 18 year honesty has culminated into winning the world's heavyweight championship at Wrestlemania 20!!!! " , JR has that unconquerable ring to his voice.

However, there have been plenty of good wrestling announcers. I've been watching WCW ppvs from 1996 and even though the trio of Bobby Heenan, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes sucked at Superbrawl VI, they are pretty good in every other ppv. I especially love the resonance and unique accent of Dusty Rhodes. Tony is great. Bobby adds a different colour. It was even better at Starrcade with the inclusion of Mike Tenay.

Will the WWE or Wrestling in general ever have announcers so great as JR, Dusty Rhodes , Bobby Heenan, or Tony Schiavone? I don't think so. Why? Because you can't replicate them. Even if you mean somebody who could be similar to JR, I doubt anybody could possess the same pharynx as JR and the same level of emotional delivery as exemplified by JR. If anything, we should look forward to a miracle. Somebody really talented should join the WWE. Perhaps somebody passionate about the Wrestling business. I have been finding the current commentary team tolerable lately. Michael Cole is no longer a heel douche, JBL is good. I just can't endure the sight/sound of Jerry Lawler because he never has anything new to say nor adds any colour mostly. IMO, they should have a "wrestling guru" commentator on his spot instead- someone like William Regal, Mike Tenay, or Matt Striker.
I still feel that Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon were the best. Vince would get so wrapped up in the match, calling moves, doing great commentary, and Jesse didn't play a heel like your Heenan, Lawler or JBL. When he called out a ref for a slow count, it's usually because it was, or when he would question why was the good guy allowed to pull the hair of the villain, but not vice-versa. They could really talk off of each other too, and it elicited a kind of magic. Michael Cole is just a hardheaded play by play guy who gets paid thousands by the fed, and deserves it, considering he's really knowledgeable (almost to a fucking crazy autistic degree) on the sport and the business. Jerry Lawler just shits on him for being so damn callous all of the time, and Bradshaw is now getting paid to look like he hates his fucking job, which he probably does. (Although he and Hunter saved NXT. Which nobody is bringing up, or giving anyone credit for.)

Vince and Jesse were a smart mans commentary team, and it shows in their work, and it will show in the books of history, I'm assuming.

JR just wants to sell you BBQ sauce. I'm a mark for BBQ though so he's got me there.
I agree with you. They seemed to show no reaction whatsoever when they came out. Lawler did the most but it still fell flat. I hate to say it, but even Vince McMahon could have called it better. Jim Ross would have pounced on it as soon as the music hit. I think back to Ric Flair's return in 2001 the night after Survivor Series. He mentioned the music and did what he was supposed to do, express incredulity until Flair came out and it was undeniable that it was him.
You could tell JR was losing some of his passion for the business around 2004-2005. His match calling became lacklustre and repetitive and he rarely showed emotion other than an incredible match or at Wrestlemania. It really made me start hating watching WWE because it just reminded me how little people care anymore when there's no competition. I think Cole is pretty damn good and let's not forget he has been doing this for about 15 years. It's not just JR either. King and Cole used to show much more emotion as well. It's just the product now I guess.
The problem he had was that he started to sound like Vince... in his later tenure JR sounded like Vince in 96... and it was not him or what he was good at... we use the BAH GOD thing as a joke, that was how Vince sounded...

Cole has built a solid reputation now but he will never have the experience or "everyman" quality JR had... the best guy they actually had was Coach, an the rumors he might be back in some form can only be good as he had the best of the "old school" commentator, modern sports caster and wrestling character that he could call on. I'd love to see him show up for some PPV's etc.

In terms of who they have commentating at present, Regal will end up the top guy in the end. You can see his trajectory beginning to show, he will do another year or so in NXT till the first full crop is called up and then he will move up to one of the big two and over time become more PBP than Colour... he has the voice, experience and most importantly the respect of his peers and the fans.

What made Solie and later Ross so good was that the boys loved them calling their matches and wouldn't want others to do so. I can see in time Regal being in that bracket.
I think that energy and emotion play into the success of announcing as much as what the anouncers are actually saying. This is why Ill always luv king (as a heel) and jr (as the face) announcing. It just felt like they were surprised on returns and generally cared about the outcome. it felt like the two didnt get along very well because they both wanted the heel or face to win. They were funny but they also made the matches, promos, and returns feel real. They helped with the suspension of disbelief. I feel like king is a natural heel as well. We all have our own favorites but imo the best of all time were king as a heel and good old jr.
Short Answer - No
Long Answer - Hell No.

Seriously though, there will never be another Jim Ross. He's the best announcer ever by far.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
No but there are potential better announcers there. Having seen her work here in Canada before joining wwe, I think Renee Young could be a fantastic commentator if they ever get past the gender thing. Considering her talent at her young age, she could easily have a long career there.

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