Will Sting return as the crow?


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when sting comes back (as we all know he's not actually gone) will he come back as the crow sting, the silent, dark sting; in order to take down fortune?

With that said, what would be your reactions if he did?

i for one would love it, as i believe it was the greatest wrestling gimmick of all time.
i think if he goes to wwe for a quick run, he would be crow and come out randomly from crowds.

and also i have a question. how do u make threads?
I would not like Sting to take down Fortune because Sting is old and he will retire soon. A young and up-and coming superstar needs to do it.
Someone like The Pope would be a great choice.

and @Wwetv21, I suggest you do not make a thread. You will get infracted for spamming because your new and have no idea how the adults in these forums work. They are harsh and they infracted and banned all my other accounts for not typing long paragraphs.
Yeah I think Sting May be done. But if someone could take that role that he did in WCW, I could see Pope or Samoa Joe picking it up.
yo fiight tnx for the heads up i guess and ur right a younger talent needs to take down fortune and i think aj styles fits perfectly because immortals takin down the house he built.
Weather he comes back to TNA or WWE...the whole "Crow" gimmick is played out. It was cool when the movie came out, it was cool in WCW in '96...it was ok when he came into TNA.

Look if you are a wrestler who is over with fans, the fans know who you are with out without makeup and a dark character. Look at LOD, they didn't need to hide behind the gimmick, everyone knows who they were.

Sting was great when he was himself in the MEM. IF he does go to WWE, they WILL NOT fully use the "Crow" gimmick to its potential. Its just doesn't fit into the 'real world" aspect of what they try to do...with the exception of Kane and Undertaker. At best, use it to come back and "retire" the character and just be himself, or use it to get him over and slowly fade it out.
didn't they try it? when Hogan/Bischoff first came out, he'd hang up there in the rafters for a bit?

honestly it's not as mysterious. i mean, the Impact Zone is so small, it's not a big "ooooo" moment. if Sting returns, the guy should give a final run with his old vintage Sting face paint. that's when he was at his peak overall (ring work, popularity, etc.), even though he's going to be remembered for the Crow. have Sting go back to "his roots"
in the late 90s, when Sting came back to WCW as the Crow, it was a great gimmick, it was a few short years after the unfortunate death of Brandon Lee. it worked then really well. now its more then a decade later and I really dont think it will work again. why? Because as of late, everyone wants to Criticize TNA for copying off of WCW and WWE. although that hasn't stopped TNA's creative from recycling old storylines, but now I think it would just piss off fans more then anything.

I think having AJ Styles taking down the Immortals would be a great idea, Everyone expects it to be Pope or Joe, so thats too obvious, why not AJ? as a previous poster stated, this is the house that AJ built. you would think that eventually, he would get sick of being put on the back burner while Jeff Hardy gets all the limelight, with his Diva looking world championship belt, why not have AJ secretly get the old belt back, stash it someplace safe, and join with Pope, Joe, and Anderson to help Dixie try and reclaim the company that she was screwed out of by Immortal?
Sting will make a return to TNA in the near distant future. As to what guise he uses is anyones guess. The Crow gimmick worked really well in WCW but its a bit dated now. But if he does use it then Im sure it will have the desired affect and I cant wait to see him back in the TNA arena soon
What do you mean return as the crow? He's been in "crow" makeup for years now, ever since debuting it back in WCW in the first place. You say that like we've been staring at the blond-haired crewcut Stinger the last few years and not the guy in the trench coat with black and white face paint on.

Do I think they'll re-enact that story? No. They have no need to. Stinger (and Nash) can both return as a deterrent/retaliation to the Immortal storyline, just as they left it as such.
I too believe Sting was better with his colorful face paint! I think the Black and White worked only cause of the war with the NWO! He should debut in WWE with the colorful face paint and make a 2 year run! Fight guys like Shawn Michaels, Undertake, HHH, CENA, Randy ORTON, ECT.... maybe it could work with NO face paint, but the colorful ENERGETIC STING would be the best choice! But then again WWE is not creative anymore, dont give fans what they want to see, so they would probably blow it!
Let me start out by saying that his character as the dark, twisted, yet calm, cool and collected silent type is one of the best roles in wrestling. However, his time is done. If he returns and takes them out, you'd officially be telling TNA fans, "Our younger talent isn't good enough. We needed the guy who's already done this before."

It needs to be someone different. A loner type, much like Sting was. Someone who was good, and maybe a silent type. Maybe not. But someone different, for sure.
I think Sting will come back as exactly as he left, wearing the Crow make-up and face paint, carrying his bat and talking. He wont do the silent crow again.

I hope I am wrong and we see him pop in for a 1-off run in WWE, but i cannot see this happening.
What do you mean return as the crow? He's been in "crow" makeup for years now, ever since debuting it back in WCW in the first place. You say that like we've been staring at the blond-haired crewcut Stinger the last few years and not the guy in the trench coat with black and white face paint on.


I completely agree with IDR, here. This thread makes no sense. Sting has been in his "crow" makeup and outfit for AGES! He has no reason to return to his old look from before that. He left as the crow, so he will obviously return as the crow because he has no reason not to! I don't think he will side with Immortal though, they tried having him as a heel in the Main Event Mafia and he still got cheered. Why try that again when it failed?

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